Side Sim Deck 4, Holodeck- A Test of Steel and Blood.

Posted Oct. 6, 2020, 7:27 p.m. by Ensign Ashlyn Trenton (Security Officer) (Brian Armstrong)

Posted by Lieutenant Commander Avik (XO) in Side Sim Deck 4, Holodeck- A Test of Steel and Blood.

Posted by Ensign Ashlyn Trenton (Security Officer) in Side Sim Deck 4, Holodeck- A Test of Steel and Blood.

Posted by Lieutenant Commander Avik (XO) in Side Sim Deck 4, Holodeck- A Test of Steel and Blood.
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Trenton was paused for a long moment trying to piece together her role in this simulation. Captain of a sailing ship, well this should be interesting. “How are the provision stores, are the sailors well-rested, where is the map?” Ashlyn took two steps toward the wheel and stumbled. She looked down at herself and glowered with disdain for her outfit. “This is why I prefer minimalism. This is too much restrictive clothing and is very uncomfortable.” Trenton started shedding clothing on her way to the wheel, leaving herself with some modest covering, but significantly less than she was wearing. “So, I can land navigate pretty well, and I can do spacial coordination pretty easily, but nautical navigation is new to me. Any suggestions Avik? Greiss?”

  • Ensign Ashlyn Trenton
    Security, USS Europa

“I quite like the clothing. Very… Frilly.” Greiss said, making a small flourish. “As for navigation, I say we eyeball the position on the map and guess our way across the waves.” He walked toward the bow, looking out at the murky waters at the point where the stormy skies met the sea. “If this holodeck simulation wasn’t designed by some stick in the mud, we should be able to wing it just fine.”

~Ensign Winston Greiss, Engineer.

The man nodded then he answered her immediately. He paused to assist the Captain upright once more, but didn’t bat an eye or mention her clumsiness. Or the fact she began to strip away her clothing while on deck.

“Of course. As you know, we restocked back in Mountainridge town and heading back home to Argos. The supplies are dwindling, but we’ve done better than expected. We still have plenty of hardtack and lemons to fight off scurvy if we make it to our next port, Port Stellris.”

Meanwhile, Avik listened to the radically different reactions to the outfits. Her own appeared to favor function over elegance. A simple cotton shirt with a belt, breeches, and low heel boots. Her ears caught Trenton stumble then the sound of ripping cloth.

As if on cue with Greiss’ comment, the program kicked in. Avik turned to the side and part of the rigging glowed. Information poured out when she focused on it. It reminded her of a virtual game where players could interact with certain items when the time came.

“Clever…” Avik said softly.

“I think Greiss is right. I’m currently looking at the rigging, and it’s glowing. I think the programmer decided that when an object become important, it would light up. Is there anything near you that might help?”

On the side of the wheel was a table and on it was a flat lodestone shard with pointed ends within a water bowl. It twitched toward north and south. To Trenton, it glowed to indicate its importance. Once she picked it up, it indicated the direction she needed to man the ship in.

–XO, Avik, Lt. Cmdr

Trenton looked confused for a moment then blinked in understanding. “Okay, I get it now. Deploy the sails, let’s get moving and hope I don’t run us into the ground.” Ashlyn looked around for a moment then started giving orders to the crew in general. “You, man the rigging. You, get in the crows nest. You five get the anchor up. You, bring me a table and map or charts.”

  • Ensign Ashlyn Trenton
    Security, USS Europa

“Yes sir,” Avik stated as she fell into character.

As the boatswain, her main duty was to the ship’s function. This included seeing it got repaired to following the Captain’s orders. Her figure rushed across the deck and pulled at the rigging. She untied the firm knot as instructed as shouted for the other men to pull another set.

Soon, the sails unfurled and flapped free. It strained against the wind which gradually pushed the ship forward. The masts creaked in protests, but they held firm as it skirted along the sea. Men scattered to their duties. Some pulled on ropes, others headed down below, and a few assisted in the kitchens.

In the far distance behind the ship, a small darken shape stood out in the background. It turned into the wind and began to follow them.

–XO, Avik, Lt. Cmdr

Ashlyn narrowed her eyes at the oncoming ship, “Hoist the colors, let’s see if they are friendly or if we need to deal with them now before we end up in treacherous waters.” There wasn’t much else to do at this point, if they didn’t respond to the challenge Ahslyn was already planning the next move. She wasn’t ready to have some random other ship start following her without warning.

  • Ensign Ashlyn Trenton
    Security, USS Europa

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