Mission Start - Life & Death

Posted March 15, 2023, 10:26 p.m. by Lieutenant Commander Mathys Ducote (Chief Engineer) (Janice B.)

Posted by Lieutenant Junior Grade Cassidy Abrams (Chief of Security) in Mission Start - Life & Death

Posted by Captain Johann Dvorak (CO) in Mission Start - Life & Death

Posted by Lieutenant Steven Leon Marsh (Chief Science Officer) in Mission Start - Life & Death
Posted by… suppressed (12) by the Post Ghost! 👻


“We’re responding to a distress call,” the Captain explained briefly. “We basically just watched two people get murdered on the viewscreen, with the implication that other people on the Iota-Gamma Outpost are in immediate danger. From something the person we were briefly communicating with only described as ‘it’.”

It was a succinct, fact-based summary, without actually describing any of the violence in detail.

“So we’re actually not in trouble yet, but we’re about to be. Unless you came up here to tell me we have some other problem.”

– Johann Dvorak, CO

“I was actually coming up because I thought a face to face might be a nice change of routine. Maybe I should’ve stayed in engineering.” Mathys said, not liking what he was hearing.

Death was never pretty no matter how it happened. He was grateful that the CO didn’t get into grisly details as he let his thoughts wander. People didn’t call pirates ‘it’. That small, minor detail stuck out to him.

Seems like a bad day to be up here, yeah… Johann thought.

“Does anyone know anything about Iota-Gamma Outpost?” NE Helpful asked in a tight voice from her station, her eyes wide in shock, her knuckles white and tight as she gripped the railing near her station on the bridge, “Apart from the fact they are ten and three in Ancient Greek, of course.”

– GM Tribble
OOC: Calculations from a handy little online calculator I discovered online. Cruising/Maximum Sustainable and Maximum for 12 hours warp speeds from Discover specs.

Johann did not actually know that the Ancient Greeks used letters as numerals. He’d have to look that up in the computer later.

“It’s in the Copenhagen Expanse,” Vora said, straightening and adopting a neutral expression. She stepped forward to the console and ran query in the database. Was she okay? Not really. But having something else to focus on certainly helped.

~Vora Zorell, Sciences

The initial query by the Tenraith scientist returned with a response that probably would have confused one with eidecit memory such as her, particularly if she had heard of it before. =/\= My records indicate there is no such soutpost by that name. =/\= the response came.

What? Johann thought.

Cassidy frowned. “Never heard of it,” she said, though she was glad Vora was at least somewhat functional enough to work. Or at least it appeared. Her mind thogh was more on what happened when they got there. Someone was going to have to investigate and she knew she’d need the right team.

Abrams, COS

P’Mala, feeling comfortable with Vora’s state, was now concerned about the cat that slipped out of the Bridge and was now on Deck 1 somewhere. It seemed like a lifetime ago.

“Y’all, I think when I walked onto the Bridge earlier, a little black cat snuck in between my legs,” P’Mala announced unprompted. “Should someone try and locate the feline? I could do it.”

-Ensign P’Mala Dawes

The Captain turned to look at P’Mala, largely because he had never heard a Vulcan say “Y’all” before. The uniqueness of it attracted a great deal of his scrutiny in that moment. This person must have a fascinating personal history, he thought. Though he also considered her interactions with Vora earlier, and knew that it was best if she didn’t hover around her right now.

“If you’ve got the time for that, that’d be great. We’re probably about to get a little busy here.”

– Johann Dvorak, CO

Abrams looked to the doctor. “Our records pointed to it being likely Barbara Wheeler from Engineering. She just boarded recently from Black Rock. Her cat’s name is Dart.”

She went back to keping na eye on the sensors. Whatever was going on at the Outpost required their attention, yes, but also caution.

~Abrams, COS

The ship sped up as per the captain’s orders and system confirmed for the helm that they were going to reach their destination in 2.4 hours.

– GM


“Yessir, Wheeler.” P’Mala said, secretly thrilled to be given a task by the bridge crew. “I’ll– I’ll be available by comm.”

Before she left the deck, she gave one last peering look at Vora Zorell as if to see if the Tenraith was alright.

Silently, she slipped off of the bridge in search of the feline that seemingly belonged to Ensign Wheeler–hopefully to unite the two.

-Ensign P’Mala Dawes


Mathys couldn’t help but glance toward Vora’s still distant behavior. He silently hoped she would be fine. Before he could comment on the cat, he spotted Dawes exit. He sighed, but continued to monitor the speed and ship’s condition.

-CE, Mathys Ducote

Stephen stepped out of the turbo and moved to the science station behind his officer “You okay?” New traveled fast and while the woman was entirely capable of manning the bridge, Stephen knew medical had been called and was briefed on the upcoming mission.

Stephen Marsh CSO

Vora turned her gaze on him and took a deep breath. “Yes, and no. Well enough for the moment, but I might need you to take over,” Vora said softly.

“We’re off to a pretty gruesome scene at Iota-Gamma Outpost, in fact…” Vora had the computer run a check on the Outpost to see what else they could come up with. Surely there was more than had been revealed?

~Vora Zorell, Sciences

He glanced to the screen. “No I don’t think I need to. You’re doing great.” Marsh probably was the more experienced scientist. That is why he was the chief, but you weren’t a good chief if you took the learning opportunities from your juniors.


Johann nodded with approval at Steven’s statement. That was good leadership.

He was still thinking about what the computer said. “So if this outpost doesn’t exist according to the computer, what exactly are we racing towards? Is this…” He trailed off as he considered the possible answers to this question, and found a few of them disturbing.

“Go to Yellow Alert. Raise the shields.”

– Johann Dvorak, CO

“Aye, Sir,” Abrams said, raising the shields which automatically triggered the shift in alert status and would call all on duty staff to their posts.

“There’s ‘not existing’ in terms of not supposed to, and also, ‘not existing according to official records’,” Cass said. “Both have very suspicious possible outcomes.”

Abrams, COS

“I’m gonna to be honest. Both of those terms sound like trouble to me.” Mathys said, his discomfort slipping through his calm voice.

-CE, Mathys Ducote

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