The USS Genesis, commissioned on May 5th 1998, is first and foremost a ship with a very long tradition in high-quality writing and roleplaying. Under the command of Luke Hung since 2019, the USS Genesis focuses on interactive stories rather than rank or titles. If you want your character to gain a life of its own and see your imagination become a kind of reality, join the best ship in STF! I'm proud to announce that the USS GENESIS WON THE BEST SHIP - AWARD IN THE STF AWARDS June 2018

Captain Luke Hung

Commanding Officer

A huge thank you to this excellent crew! I've been on this ship for twelve years and I've always been impressed by what every player contributes to the tapestry that is this ship. The whole has always been greater than the sum. I can be reached via my contact information.

Captain Hjortur Ingi

Executive Officer

I'm very honoured to be your new First Officer. I look forward to spending time with all of you. The Genesis is a great ship with a great history and I can hardly wait for what may come. If you need anything don't hesitate to contact me either through my Contact info or on Discord.

Kate O'Neill ~~~ GameMasters (GMT) Notes and Sim Info

Resource Guide to the Main Sim

The crew of the USS Genesis has arrived on Beltran to finalize the details of its joining the Federation. King Artemis has requested the entire command staff to attend a celebration. Due to the large amounts of Kelbonite deposits, transporters were useless and the crew was required to bring down a shuttle and the Captain's yacht to reach the surface. On the way to the Beltran surface, the Genesis crew passed a large, heavily armed orbital platform. The voyage from the Exophere to the Mesophere of the planet was filled with extreme turbulence making the ride down feel like a combat drop vs an arrival. Reaching Beltran, the crew was met by Lt. Zack Dean, head of the small Federation security contingent, stationed there during the application process. A discussion arose about the number of orbital platforms around the planet. Lt. Dean claimed there was upwards of fifty of the platforms surrounding Beltran. The crew of the Genesis could only confirm that there was one. It is important to note that Beltran possesses an advanced form of holographic shielding which the Federation wants access to. Beltran will not give full access to the technology for the shielding until they become full members of the Federation. The USS Genesis is the fourth starship to participate in the negotiation of Beltran joining the Federation.
Resource Guide to the Main Sim

Important Information - for more Info, check out the Genesis Website
  • Secondary Characters will now be rostered with a more generous posting limit. Please contact the Captain.
  • Ship Specs: USS Genesis NCC 85101-B Manhattan Class Large Science Explorer Vessel | Auxiliary Spacecrafts on board | The Ark and the Jericho Armadillo shuttles | The Galilee and the Jordan Liberty Class runabouts
  • Going on LOA? You have to declare LOA: Click on "Profile" in the top menu and then on "Edit my profile/Declare an LOA". Your Status on the roster below should always say "OK"
  • AWOL Rules: Command Staff (CO, XO, GM) - 3 days | DH's and Bridge Officers (COS, CSO, CMO, CE, CNS, Tactical, Ops, Helm) | 5 days Junior Officers - 7 days
  • Applying for a position: Email the CO if you are interested in joining! | Please enclose your character's profile.

Rank Character Position Species Age Height Weight User Status
Captain Calvin Marius Captain Human 39 6'2" 213 Luke Hung AWOL (7)
Lieutenant Commander Magnús Pétursson First Officer Human 44 1,85 M - 6'1" 92 kg - 203 lbs Hjortur Ingi AWOL (9*)
Lieutenant Commander Dagen Thor CE Trill (joined) 42 5’10” 180 lbs Gene Gibbs AWOL (5)
Lieutenant Commander Thomas McGregor COS Human 29 6'5" 100 kg Brandon Irvine OK (0)
Lieutenant Surra Almikaz CSO Multi (Risian, Vulcan, Human) 35 5'5" 139 lbs Mika Jackson iLOA (103)
Lieutenant Tom Jarvis Internal Security Human (Mutation) 41 5'7" (170cm) 160 lbs (77.22 kg) David Bennett OK (0)
Lieutenant Junior Grade Ashley Logan CMO Trill 27 5'6 157 Christopher Logan OK (0)
Lieutenant Junior Grade Vanessa Slade CNS Human 29 5'4" 125 lbs. Kate O'Neill AWOL (7)
Lieutenant Junior Grade Reia Shandy C Intelligence -Comm Officer Human/Orion 32 5'5" Catt Bennett AWOL (10)
Gamemaster Wookius Mentorius GMM Oh where is my Hairbrush? Gene Gibbs
Gamemaster GM Kate GMT Kate O'Neill AWOL (14)

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