Main Sim - Alien Ship - Engineering

Posted Jan. 9, 2021, 7:06 a.m. by Lieutenant Tiastri Ezial (Chief Engineer) (Melissa Aragon)

Posted by Captain John Tiberius Glen (Captain) in Main Sim - Alien Ship - Engineering

With the core back up and running online it seems things were as set here as they could be. They could probably go check in with the Captain back on the bridge.

Pushing her shoulder back against his chest, Tia smiled. “They certainly are.” As the computer registered all was well back in the core, Tia smiled and nodded to the engineer. “I think we have you off to a good start on recovery. We need to check in with our Captain and see what else your Captain wishes of us. Let us know if anything more serious happens.” She nodded and glanced at Kord. “We really need to check in and see what’s next on the agenda.” Being the ranking officer, she left it to him to decide which of them would chat up the CO and see what was next.

=/\= Kord, I’d like to take a look around this ship for myself, with the First’s permission. I can start by coming to the engine room where you and Tia can brief me on the repairs you have made. Expect me shortly =/\=

A short while later John Glen appeared in Engineering.

Kord greeted Glen at the entrance to Engineering.

“With as much damage as she had when we got here, I think we did well in our attempted repairs. Everything seems up to spec at the moment.” Kord reported.

John was surprised at Kord’s description of ‘up to spec’ concerning the system repairs. “Does this ship even have a specification? I mean… from what I’ve seen, it was jury-rigged even before the improvised and makeshift additions. Just between us, I don’t know if these people need a medal for bravery or for stupidity. Whatever, you and Tia managed to do could only enhance and upgrade it. At Warp Factor one they will take eight days to get back home from here. Do you think they will make it without further repairs? I’ve agreed to shadow them back, but I’d rather do something else, and I certainly don’t want any accidents.”


“The other thing is that their mission out here was to search for three sleeper ships, sent out in three directions that correspond to the three systems that we located that they had visited. It would be good if we could find those missing ships for them, but difficult to do that if we are limping along at Warp one,” added Glen.

-Glen, CO

Tia had come up behind Kord as the two were talking and heard the Captain’s query. “Sir, you are right. This ship’s been limping along for a long time. If you want to help them, perhaps I can remain about with a couple engineers and help keep them afloat till they get home. That would leave the Merrimack free to move at a slightly faster pace,” she smiled knowing that even Warp One on the Merri was probably a bit better. “Then you guys can see to the other ships and we’ll get them home without floundering again. With luck.” She laughed with her eyes knowing to burst into a laugh here was probably rude.


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