Main Sim - Alstair Prime - Landing Party Luncheon

Posted June 1, 2021, 4:13 a.m. by Lieutenant Tiastri Ezial (Chief Engineer) (Melissa Aragon)

Posted by Lieutenant Tiastri Ezial (Chief Engineer) in Main Sim - Alstair Prime - Landing Party Luncheon

Posted by Captain John Tiberius Glen (Captain) in Main Sim - Alstair Prime - Landing Party Luncheon

Another advisor who introduced herself as She’shall spoke then to Ezial, =/\= I am curious Ezial was it? =/\= She asked for confirmation.

Tia had taken the offered schematics and moved to the far side of the room to lay them on the floor, the better to view without moving the platters of food. As she crouched down over the drawings, she shook her head. Some of the markings weren’t enough to tell her what was in each section. She sussed out engineering, and the control center, equivalent to the bridge on the Merrimack. Glancing around to see if anyone of their guests had stuck nearby to help her, she also glanced to see where the rest of her own crew was. Seeing Kord and the Captain eating made her smile. She’d have to ask Kord about the faire next time they had dinner together. Her smile at the profile of her lover was one that was softer than intended. Though unless someone was looking directly at her, it wasn’t an attention drawing smile.

Tia CE

Once given she continued. =/\= Your ships are so larger, how do you adapt construction techniques across what sounds like so many different races in your Federation? Do you all accept a standardized format among members? Or is there some other plan at work? =/\= She inquired.

Glen thought that was a good question. He hadn’t considered it himself before. Of course, the Vulcans, and other races within the Federation, did operate their own navies within the auspices of Starfleet, but it was more and more common now for Starfleet to operate multiracial ships like the Merri, and the same dimensions and sizes couldn’t possibly suit everyone equally. He remembered now how some of his previous officers had complained about the temperature setting of the ship, particularly the Andorians, and he wondered now if he should have done more to make them more comfortable, Glen listened to find out how Tiastri would answer this question from an engineering aspect.

Tia, hearing her name, glanced up. She had been only half listening to the conversation but was glad she’d caught enough not to let a monosyllabic huh? be her response. “We have sets of ships depending on the various species. Each planet is able to construct vessels that best suit their race. An Earth ship may not work for a race without individual digits. And other species that are capable of telepathy may not have the communication needs we have.” She thought a moment before continuing. “When it comes to individual Fleet Ships from our own planet. The ships are all similar but we can adapt some individual rooms to be hotter or colder for various races that serve on her. Mechanical issues are dealt with by those who are capable and have the digits and appendages capable of doing so. Other races that require more advanced controls or differences in environments merely serve on ships suited to their kind. Is that what you were asking after?” She hadn’t been exactly clear on the question but hoped her answer had sufficed.

=/\= I see, so you build ships for specific purposes then? Hmm…something I suppose we must consider too in our future ship building efforts. Right now we only have three types in service. One being the FTL ship you rescued, another being an inter-system sublight craft for scientific and engineering specific experiments and patrols, and a third for mining and cargo delivery within the system. We had a fourth which was a sleeper ship for extra-system travel but as you found our three efforts until now all went missing. Hopefully your rescue of this ship if it is indeed one of ours can shed light on what happened..=/\= She said.

Tia smiled. “Building ships for specific purposes is sometimes more efficient. An exploration vessel gives more attention to energy for long distances and sustainability. Science vessels, maybe not to long range, but high end equipment to study various phenomena in the galaxy. As to your sleeper ship, as you call it, I am sure we can lend a hand, if you wish, in learning what worked and didn’t work.” As an engineer, Tia was always willing to help others in their exploration endeavors. As a Star Fleet officer, she was always interested in learning about other cultures. That included their tech. Let the Captain and Kord worry about diplomatic issues, she wanted to know what else the Merrimack might be up against as they explored space.

While Kord listened, he visually examined the architecture.

Architecture around then was mostly a silver-white tone. The stone structure made up of fine granite and concrete like setups. The place was obviously quite old and seemed to reflect an air of enduring longevity likely reflecting some of the values of the Alstair culture and long lives of themselves.

Hal stuck his head in the door of the room. He’d been busy with coordinating the shuttle landing. And after that, he walked around the area a bit. But now he smelled food. And his first duty, after all, was to see to the safety of the Captain.

“Lieutenant!” Glen said to Hal, “I trust that the shuttle is secure? I expect it will have caused a little attention and wonder, it being so far advanced of their own craft?”

For Hal when he had secured the shuttle there was an air of curiosity about it’s presence, but the Alstair near to the landing pad did not seem like the sort to go poking where they were not welcome or belonging.

“Yes, Sir,” Hal reported. “All secure. The locals did seem understandably curious about it. I’m sure that they have areas of technology that may surpass our own.”

Not their food technology, thought Glen, as he tried to eat another chunk of meat of the large roasted bird. “Yes, I’m sure they have areas of expertise that we can learn from them,” he replied.

Another of the Alstaire advisors spoke up, this one a few chairs down from where Kord sat across the table. Evidently she had heard enough through the UT to gleam what had been said. =/\= I am unsure how advanced your detection methods of ion storms, asteroids and comets are Captain among your Federation, but due to such being a frequent problem in our system and about we have detected what we consider high level means of detecting, shielding from storms, and diverting such asteroids and comets which could be problematic..=/\= She said

Glen replied =/\= That’s quite true, our detection methods leave a lot to be desired. Ionic storms are rare but starships are frequently buffeted by these disturbances and are subjected to tremendous hull pressures and stress. Disturbances can intensify to the point where navigation becomes dangerous, or that our transporter use is all but impossible. At the highest levels ionic storm damage has even destroyed spacecraft. So, we would be keen to learn of your detection , shielding and diverting techniques. Is that correct Lieutenant? =/\= Glen threw the question open to his CE.

Tia nodded and smiled. “Most assuredly, Captain. If we can shield the ships from the devastating harmonics they cause, it would add to the safety of those aboard. And being able to deflect or divert them from places like shuttles and runabouts on the surface, or even satellite ships in a fleet formation would be of such tremendous help I can’t even voice it.” The idea of not having to worry about wiped computers, lost shuttles, or deaths due to the storms was something she couldn’t imagine anyone not wanting.

The Alstaire female from before spoke up again to Tia’s words after a moment. =/\= I’m afraid our shielding methods mostly involve securing bulkheads and building bunkers underground on planets, moons, or asteroids. Detecting such storms, or rogue asteroids and comets is though a strong scientific and engineering endeavor we strive to push forward on. Given the trouble such things have had to our world and species in the past.=/\= She said.

Hal found that he was quite famished. He looked for a seat at the table as he eyed the alien foods.

“Are feasts of this nature part of your regular diplomatic gatherings?” Kord inquired.

There was a series of nods from various people, before the Tri-Council replied. =/\= Yes, we believe in celebrating new experiences, whether mundane or more lively like this one. Do you not share in such revelry of life and new meetings or events?=/\= They inquired.

“It varies from culture to culture.” Kord replied, “Some would see it as a reason to celebrate for days, some would accept it as a momentary novelty to be briefly acknowledged then move on.”

Glen added, “You need to appreciate the large scope and scale of the United Federation of Planets. We come in all colors. There are different customs and traditions found on every planet. The Federation does not even dictate how planets govern themselves. They simply ask for stable institutions guaranteeing democracy, along with the rule of law, sentient rights, and respect for and protection of minorities.”

“There are things that are common,” Hal said. “Invariably, almost every sentient race has a dish that’s chicken mushroom fettuccine alfredo. Mmm like this one.”

“Swedish meatballs too.” Kord said taking a bite of something similar to that dish as well.

Kord, XO

The Tri-Council members nodded a bit at Glen’s words, =/\= I suppose we still are grappling with the reality that our scientist’s theories of not being alone in the galaxy are true. Not to mention how diverse your Federation seems. =/\= one said.

Another soft gong sounded a bit later as dishes were cleared away one by one by serving attendants. =/\= Captain, would you and your crew while we wait for more information on the possible Sleeper ship you could have detected, care for a tour of the local grounds around us? While I am sure our scientific, medical, and engineering fields are nowhere near to the scope you might expect, we would be honored to provide such a tour if you desired it to inquire more on each of our cultural and scientific endeavors together so we may be better informed on each other.=/\=

Glen showed his approval. =/\= Knowledge is about learning new things every day. We may be more advanced in our scientific, medical and engineering knowledge, but we would never profess to know ‘everything’. A scientist on Earth once announced that there was nothing new to discover in Physics anymore, only more precise measurements, and he was almost immediately proved quite wrong. Other scientists believed that science would one day be able to explain ‘everything’ and we are still waiting for that day to arrive. So no, I’m quite sure we would learn much from a tour of your endeavours. Until only about thirty years ago, we didn’t even know that silicon-based intelligent life forms existed, but I recently received news that one now serves on the Federation Council itself! =/\=

-Glen, CO

=/\= In short, yes we would like a tour to learn more about your cultural and scientific endeavours =/\= Glen added.

-Glen, CO

The timing was perfect. Kord had just finished.

“It is impossible to know everything. The universe is too vast. Even now with our advanced propulsion systems and being able to travel magnitudes faster than light, the universe has had enough time to expand to the point where, for our races, there are distant vistas, world, and possibly life that we will never discover.”

  • Kord, XO

OOC: Sorry just was putting Tia’s snipped stuff back in for now, I’ll trim it back out once she replies to the above!

There was the usual pause before the First (the FTL ship Captain!) replied, =/\= To believe one knows everything is foolish if you ask me. My people strive to learn, discover, and experience much that our long lives have to offer. Though we consider change at a careful measured approach so not to proceed foolishly on some matters. My own ship’s construction and approval for launch on our test run alone took 60 years from the time the first metal beam was laid till we left this system.=/\= She said.

GM CockRoach

=/\= That’s interesting that you are able to manage change in that way. Preparing people and organizations for change is a very difficult thing to do, but the nature of discovery and invention is that it they are usually quite unexpected; take our visit, for example. How can you manage the effect that our visit will have on your society. Whether you decide to join the United Federation of Planets or not, the fact remains that you now know that it exists. The clock cannot be turned back. We have a saying on Earth, that the ‘Genie is out of the bottle’, which I’m afraid won’t make any sense to you. =/\=

-Glen, CO

Tia had been listening and the reference to the genie was appropriate. The fact they now knew about one another meant both groups would be touched in some way. Like one of her engineers had once commented on, there was no way to go somewhere, see or do something or talk to someone that you didn’t leave a piece of yourself behind. She couldn’t recall, now, the reference of such an idea. It had something to do with the mystery holo programs the woman enjoyed. But it was lost on Tia save for that one bit of info. Now she just wanted to know how much more they could pick up one before leaving.


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