Desperation PRISM - A Night on the Bar

Posted Oct. 25, 2018, 6:54 a.m. by Civilian Vashki (Visitor) (Tony Findora)

Posted by Civilian Kanok (Black Sparrow XO) in Desperation PRISM - A Night on the Bar

Posted by Civilian Isaria zh’Thavos (Head of Education and Culture) in Desperation PRISM - A Night on the Bar

Posted by Civilian Isaria zh’Thavos (Head of Education and Culture) in Desperation PRISM - A Night on the Bar
Posted by… suppressed (17) by the Post Ghost! 👻
OOC: This is open to everyone!
- Trinity


Siryn Venor.

A woman of many names, many talents.. many vendettas. Were these grudges held against the African enigma, or were they of her own creation? That was a truth you would never get from the poisonous tongue of a being who prided herself on her cryptic tongue and riddling ways. Many found her vague phrases to be a source of insanity, for lack of better term. Although, while Siryn would pledge insanity, in court, she was perhaps as sane as it got, viewing the world as a stage, where she had no intentions of being the leading woman. After all, the real magic happens behind the scenes of ever hit theatrical production. And there, dear friends, is where Siyrn wished to be. After all, what better way to rise to the top, then to find your way through the back roads, or perhaps trailblazer your own? These simple, albeit cohesive thoughts worked to create the puzzle of her existence. A puzzle, with missing pieces.

A thin frame wrapped in the rudimentary elegance of a small, black dress, was the attire of the woman without desire to be noticed. Dark skin, kissed by the African sun, added a level of mystery to her features, as fierce, unnaturally amber eyes denoted visual impairment, or what had once been. Yet, even in their debatably authenticity, they seemed to survey the bar with greater care than of those who could see without assistance.

Ah.. the club. It was a flurry of emotions produced by the humanoid hearts of those who decided to pass through it; of hatred to the man who stole his handsome date from him; of amusement for the woman whose legs became mush at the sight of another shot of whiskey; of sadness for the observation of the clock, whose lonesome hands, long replaced by digital numbers, inched towards the night’s conclusion. It was a crockpot of personality, held together by the toxic bottles of alcohol, peering down from their decorative perched upon a wall lit up in the brilliance of pale, neon lights. For many, it was a source of fun. For some, it was home. Home, where the chaos was as thick as the rancid stench of careless content. The club .. ah.

Passing through the metallic threshold, Siryn found herself bombarded by the noise of the rush heightening from its previous seclusion, by the thick walls holding the club together. The heat of the night could be felt against her skin, as people danced along to the beat of contemporary music, their bodies merging together to form a single entity, whose mind was driven by the alcohol tainting their tongues. It was a place of minimal interest for the lady whose mind was set on a single, ulterior motive.

Winding her way through the people, she crossed the club, slipping into an adjacent chamber, where the walls blocked out the intensity of the music whose sound was nearly as irksome as the pestilential people who found themselves dancing along to it.

In a whiff of irritation, Siryn noticed the door separating the bar from the outside world, recognizing her troubles had been of little use, for another entrance had been available to her, right beneath her very nose. So much for trusting the locals, or whatever the nutjobs of this colony call themselves. Oeds? Oedians? I like that. Oedians, that is what I shall call them, now. A nearly complacent grin wove its way to her features, chasing the solemn expression of trained lips away, with the amusement of a newfound nickname.

Slipping to the bar, she lowered herself onto a stool, shrugging the jacket from her shoulders, until it had found a place leaning over the stout back of the leather-based seat. A chilled breeze brushed against her, reminding her of the differences within Oed’s weather, and that of her home in Uganda. “Miungu kubwa, ni baridi!” [Great Gods, it is cold!] Siryn muttered, assuming her soft words would fall upon deaf ears, but she was sadly mistaken.

“Kwa ujumla ni baridi hapa, ndiyo.” [It is generally chilly here, yes.] A charming young man managed to steal her attention, surprising her with his use of Swahili, a language better of extinct, in this region of space. Her dumbfound was apparently amusing, judging by the humorous glimmer dancing within his eyes.

“You speak Swahili?” Siryn asked, as if she had to confirm with him, despite recently hearing him use a phrase of the language. Maybe it was just a source of pride, or individuality, in which she found herself unexpectant of anyone knowing an inkling of the foreign tongue.. her tongue.

“I know many languages,” The man offered her a smile, his pearled, white teeth catching the faint shine of their dimly lit surroundings. The bar, itself, was rather simplistic in design. The floors were a hardwood, their deep, rusted brown resembling what Terrans might recognize as a type of cherrywood. The walls, adorned with words of monochromatic art, were painted a sleek, accented brown, offsetting the white of the ceiling; adding to the modish feel of the modern bar. Unlike the club, the scent of alcohol was replaced with the calm smell of nothingness, beyond the faint hint of vanilla, havingly likely drifted from someone’s plate. “French.. Gaelic.. Vulcan.”

Leaning over the counter, as he spoke, Siryn brushed him away with the flick of a tattooed wrist. “Whiskey, on the rocks.” She quickly changed the subject, dodging the advancements of her male counterpart. Siryn had never been much a woman who found pleasure in the pungency of alcohol, but she did like the flavor, thus, why she went with the ice. It may have robbed some of them flavour, but it did eliminate a portion of that kick, which is what she had been looking for.

Whilst the man tended to her request, Siryn allowed her gaze to sweep the room with great caution. She would not allow her mind to be distracted from her intentions of this lonesome evening, where she appeared nothing more than a winsome tourist. Tapping her fingers against the base of the counter, she awaited someone to approach her, or to walk through that door, with a smile that begged her attention.

Siryn Venor
The Enigmatic Tourist

The door slowly opened, and a shimmer of black appeared through the crack. As the door opened, more of the black dress was revealed, and more of the person who wore it. Judging by the lack of noise coming from the club, she had made quite an impression, and for good reason. Through the dress was long, there was a long cut along the side, revealing long green legs. The top of the dress was more conservative, teaching up and surrounding her neck, but the diamond cut into the chest still allowed some sultriness to show through. The woman swayed with purpose, every movement calculated to draw attention to her. She sat close to Siryn, but not too close, letting to woman make the first move if she wished.

Shari Binns

‘A woman with power. Perhaps the wife of some important official? Maybe even the head of one of these departments that runs this colony? No.. she seems a bit too.. posh? Yes, posh. Oh, would you look at her saunter, not to mention, that dress. This is a woman with money, or maybe a woman who knows how to get someone to do her bidding?’ The longer she glanced towards Shari, her vision trailing here and there, which made her seem as if she were merely offering a respectful glance of acknowledgement, Siryn began to understand more of this. ‘A business woman, that must be it! The expression, the eyes, the attire.. oh, how you have business written all over you, sweetheart. But the good kind? Ha! Was there any?’

Across the club floor on a raised platform on a long Sofa sat a thin man. Elderly yet with the fire of youth in his eyes still. A Midnight blue suit and dark waistcoat that practically sparkled as the lights danced across him. This wasn’t his Twilight but he enjoyed visiting the competition and seeing those that visited. Although he had some company that delighted in listening to his tales and joining him in his drinking games he currently sat silent. Someone had intrigued him. A Young woman, he focused all his senses on her, carefully monitoring the handsome young man. He hadn’t had a handsome young man in a while, maybe that would be a good way to end an evening. He was careful so not to raise suspicions. But then the other interesting thing arrived. Shari the Orion ‘business’ woman. He could smell her from all the way across the room. He withdrew himself but continued looking. In all his years burrowing into the heart of Oed, he’d managed to avoid unnecessary attention, make the newcomers feel welcome. That’s the polite thing to do. He just stared across the room with a smile, maybe there was another more entertaining end to this evening.

Johann Karlson
- Interstellar Man of Ogling -

Although her attention did drift towards to ogling man, which remained only for the faintest of seconds for the lack of interest, she was far more focused on this Orion beauty, whom had found her way into the bar, on this oh-so-lovely evening. Turning her back to the man, she crossed mocha tinged ankles, brushing strands of tightly curled hair from her dark face. For a moment, her gaze narrowed further than it had prior, beyond the air of casualness. “You look quite well-put, this evening.” Her voice was heavily accented, but English poored through it. “To what occasion do you owe your attire? If I am so bold as to ask.” A faint smirk painted its way across the canvas of her lips.


The Orion gave a sultry smile, “I had some business to attend to here,” Out behind the building, some men were unconscious and being pulled into a vehicle, “and thought that I would dress for the occasion.” There was a moment as she adjusted a bracelet on her wrist, letting the gemstones sparkle, “After all, one does not come into a place like this if they are not expecting some sort of attention, so why not revel in it?”

Shari Binns

‘Mm.’ Siryn thiught to herself, eyes narrowing in what could have easily been played off as contemplation or perhaps even common scrutiny of the woman across from her. Either or, it was fairly harmless, or so it begged to seem. “What an interesting choice of venue, for business, don’t you think?” She inquired, tilting her head slightly to one side. Her words remained without knowledge behind them, after all, she was a complete stranger to this colony. Thus, it would be difficult for anyone to truly figure out what she was saying behind that mundane query.

“Mm.. I do suppose you have a point there. Though, the question begs to differ,” She offered a smile. “Negative or positive attention? Or does it matter?” She wanted to keep the conversation light, for long enough to gain a basic understanding of who this woman was. After all, she wasn’t really here for basic conversation. In fact, she wanted to get to know this place better. Oed, that was. And such could not truly be done if merely sitting around with idle chatter.


It was at that point that a rather burly Klingon wearing leather gear entered the bar without a word. His arms were bare of any clothing, his heft muscles quite apparent. His pants ended at the top of his boots. He was a Klingon at heart. That much was certain.

Only a nod of acknowledgment was offered by the African woman, who had grown fancy of studying those who entered the bar.

Things had settled for him. He had a small residence and spending money, to say the least. No work yet. Conrad was on a job for one of the government folks. With Kanok’s integration into the dealings with Archanon, he had had little time do much of anything.

So here he was. He needed a break. He went up to the bar and waited for the bartender.

-Kanok, Black Sparrow XO

A smile rose on Johanns’ face, another Klingon, what an interesting year. Not one of those barbarians he kept in his attic. He leaned over to one of his entourage and whispered a few lines. The small man made his way to the bar, indicating the two women and the Klingon, handing something to the man and politely smiling. The Barkeep handed him a full flask then walked away. Shortly afterwards Three drink were produced, one for the African mystery woman, one for Mrs Binns and a third for the Klingon entry, the three most interesting people in the room. A gift from a stranger.

Johann Karlson

There was no denial in the surprise that washed over her features, in that brief moment of consideration. Raising her glass, she rose an eyebrow high upon her forehead, muttering a soft notion of gratitude towards the barkeep, brief confusion crossing through her mind. For a second, she tore her gaze from the classy businesswoman, curiously beholding the room, and those who dwelled within it.

A Klingon man, though she had met many, he still offered that striking air of authority. Perhaps it rested within the take of his rank, should he bear any of particular notability.
A diminutive barkeep, perhaps acting on his own good graces or the request of another- quaint and amicable, but nothing more than an employee. Or, so she could assume.
A striking Orion, and her suspicious tongue, foretelling past interactions that did not quite ring ‘pure,’ but then again, did any?
And lastly, the mad perched upon his seat, his eyes apparently wise, or perhaps articulate. Nonetheless experienced. She wondered of this man, for even the most boring in appearance were often those with such intriguing stories.

For several moments, Siryn’s gaze held the man’s appearance, considering him carefully, subtly, irrationally. It seemed her watching was almost of an anxious habit, as if everyone in the room were out for her throat, and she needed to be aware of any possible attackers. This underlying skittishness almost worked in her favor, making her seem harmless and confused, in this environment which she could not begin to understand. It was a game easily played, with her silver tongue and bouncing eyes.

She pondered who had offered the drinks to them, an expression of a gift, which she could not return. Why did it matter to her? A long story, to put it mildly. Yet still, especially in her ignorance, she wondered. Turning from the man, she rested her gaze back upon the Klingon, wondering more of him, but she could give no more than a considerate smile. Should he remain about, he would have to be someone she struck up conversation with.

She returned to Shari, beholding the Orion Beauty with large, attentive eyes. Siryn glanced at the drink beneath her fingertips, bringing it to her mouth, as if to sip at it. When, in reality, she was subtly making sure the drink was authentic, a little apprehension she had from a previous event she had experienced, after a rather bad separation of her and a.. partner. Setting it down, she rested her hands, clasped, in her lap.


The Klingon slowly put his head down and eyed the drink. He hadn’t asked for a drink yet. Truth be told, he hadn’t really asked for anything just yet. That is, if the barkeep would actually understand him. He brought a PADD to be safe.

But the drink perplexed him. Did someone buy it for him? He turned on his stool and held the drink in his hand, looking about to see who the potential gifter was. He, then slowly, and deliberately poured the drink on the ground and set the glass on the counter for the barkeep. He then turned back in his seat as he looked over what they had, his PADD out.

He did, however feel some need to glance over his shoulder at those nearby. There was woman seated with a rather attractive Orion. Or was that the pheromones? He shook his head as though he were shaking the feeling away as he looked back to the bar.

-Kanok, Black Sparrow XO

OOC: Bump, for anyone in this!

Kanok set down the menu padd and picked up the glass. Moving toward the two dames, he set it down between them and glanced at each one, no words spoken. Despite some attraction to each woman, Kanok maintained his composure. He wanted answers.

-Kanok, Black Sparrow XO

Johann smiled wickedly. The reactions of people receiving drinks from strangers told you a lot about said person. The Klingon gave quite the odd reaction. His little nudge had pushed him in an interesting way, to the women had garnered the attention from both of them. He wondered what it was about the two women that interested him so, Pheremones had no effect on him but beauty always made him look but rarely twice. No it was the aura the two gave, they were different from the others. And a Klingon, well they were a rare sight most days on Oed, these days however, they seemed to be more common than ever.

Johann Karlson

Shari gave a slight shrug, “It depends on who you are asking. Attention can be a blessing or a curse, you just need to know how to manipulate it.” She gestured to the room, “Take the occupants of this room as an example, many of them do not wish to draw our attention to them, even though they are listening in to two beautiful woman talking to each other.” She gave a predatory smile, “And once someone has gained my attention, then they might have some trouble getting rid of it for quite some time.”

Shari Binns

Neither of the two women seemed to acknowledge him. Perhaps they hadn’t been the ones to supply him with the strange beverage. His eyes shifted between the two ladies as he stood in front of them, his presence being made quite apparent before he moved over to one side of them. He gave the bartender his PADD indicating that Bloodwine was his choice tonight. Nothing else would do. To most, it could seem strange that a Klingon could be so quiet. Kanok didn’t really care…mostly.


Siryn surveyed the room and its occupants, upon Shari’s remark to them, her gaze landing on each of them, if only for a split second. It was peculiar, the one she had yet the learn the name of, how he seemed the watch the two women, as if awaiting some confession from either of them. Quirking an eyebrow, she nodded to him, as if both acknowledging him and asking if all was well. Watching him from the corner of her eye, she glanced over at Karlson; the estranged man, she merely knew him has.

“The attention of an Orion is pure and never to be trifled with.” She smirked, glancing over at the gorgeous Orion woman beside her. “Amusing, truly, how men, specifically, can watch anyone for hours, without saying a word. But a woman, you put her in front of another, she will either watch without a hint of hesitation, or her curiosity will break her.”

Siryn considered Shari for several moments, “A bit off topic, but I truly don’t know much of Oed, here. What would you describe its people as?”


Shari tilted her head a bit, “Now that is an interesting question. The people of OED range from corrupt businessmen to honourable Star-Fleet officers, and sometimes even the other way around. It’s different from living on a purely federation planet, as corporations hold much of the power here, preventing the ‘ideal’ held by Star-Fleet to fully be realized.”

Shari Binns

“I see..” Siryn mulled over her words. “You added in ‘Federation Planet,’” The tourist rose her head in slight curiosity. “Does that entail this colony accepts more than Federation species?” She was rather subtle with her need for information, at least regarding what it was for. A tourist was always an inquisitive person, especially in a place they had never been before.


OOC: Bump!
This is also still open to new people! The more, the merrier. :)

Kanok had decided to down the bloodwine and call it a night. He had important things to take care of in the morning. Things just felt quite different without Conrad around. And with him having taken the Black Sparrow on a run, this could be awhile. Then again, maybe another drink would do him well. After all, the Black Sparrow was gone for the time being. Why not enjoy it? He sat back down and ordered another bloodwine.


It was at this point that the bar really started to have quite the diversity. It was one thing to have at least one Orion woman around, let alone the wife of a head of government. But to have two Orions?…

A green skinned woman entered the bar with her long black hair cascading off of her shoulders to her back. She wore a modest dress that somehow neatly hugged her curves. She was a mere five and a half feet tall, but held onto much dignity in her walk. She wasn’t striking in the sense of causing an ere of dominance about her, but there was an underlying attitude that spoke of her being a strong leader.

She went up to the bar and ordered a mild drink and glanced about the bar, looking pointedly at anyone who had taken notice of her.


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