Earth - An Unexpected Meeting

Posted June 23, 2021, 11:03 a.m. by Civilian Ragna Idun McKenzie (Future Citizen) (Jennifer Ward)

Posted by Civilian Seamus McKenzie (Future Citizen) in Earth - An Unexpected Meeting


Taking a breath and exhaling, he watched the car turn quickly around and speed away. “Oh, sorry… I forgot to introduce you. Where ever are my manners, I wonder?” and he smiled, bloody teeth adding another level of maliciousness to his look.

Seamus McKenzie

Cuyler grinned, “Right where they should be, can’t say I missed much by not being introduced.” Helka laughed, placed one hand on his cheek and turned his face to hers and inspected the damage. Standing up she kissed his cheek and walked over to the rain barrel, grabbing a cup and dumping the contents. She scooped water out of the barrel and brought it to him. “Rinse your mouth, and then give me that shirt. It’s got their blue blood all over it.”

Seamus stripped the shirt off and handed it to her wordlessly. He swished the water in his mouth and spit, cascading bloodied water onto the ground.

Oddvar and Devlin came from behind the house as soon as the car was out of sight. “Seamus if it’s alright with you, Devlin and I are going to go hunt dinner, and find a place to pitch the tents.” He still had a bottle of the whisky and passed it to Seamus.

Seamus nodded. “Red deer to the east, rabbits all over. No stags, though. I am Game Warden, after all.” and he winked and then took a big mouthful of whiskey and winced. Swallowing, he stuck a finger in his lower lip and ran it around, pulling out the bloody digit. “Second one had a hell of punch, he did. Really hurt…” and he took another drink, holding it in his mouth to numb the cuts.

Helka took the shirt and moved through the garden grabbing sprigs of different things. Oddvar chuckled, “That would be why I asked lad. Don’t need to go offended my nephew first time I set foot in his home.” He chuckled again and then passing the large double headed axe back to Cuyler he jerked a thumb at Devlin, “Come on Devlin, get that gear out of yer pack and let’s go.”

Ada came out of the house placing her and Kirsten’s packs off to the side and glanced around at the group and then made a bee line straight for Helka. She glanced from Helka to Seamus. “Jeg beklager klanmor, Marshall. Hvis jeg ikke kjente Ragna bedre, vil jeg si at hun får et panikkanfall. Det er alt Kirsten kan gjøre for å holde henne i sengen. Hvis hun ikke har skadet seg, er det av Friggas egen velsignelse. (I’m sorry clan mother, Marshall. If I didn’t know Ragna better, I’d say she’s having a panic attack. It’s all Kirsten can do to keep her in the bed. If she hasn’t injured herself, it’s by Frigga’s own blessing.)”

The Edmans

“Jeg skal gå. Hvis mennene kommer tilbake med hjort, trenger vi et spytt for å steke dem på. Hvis dere alle vil sørge for det, vil jeg se til Ragna.” (I’ll go. If the men come back with deer, we’ll need a spit to roast them on. If you all will see to that, I will see to Ragna.) Seamus said and stood up. Swallowing the whiskey and then rinsing his mouth with water one last time, he picked up his sword and walked into the house.

Kirsten walked outside as soon Seamus walked in. She was afraid Ragna had torn more muscles arguing and fighting with her like she had. She understood Ragna’s need to stand beside him, but at the same time Ragna needed to be still. That was a hard enough concept for her under normal circumstances. Devlin grabbed a bow and quiver from his pack and stopped, kissing Kirsten till she was muddle headed and then laughed, “Tell your sister to stop ogling Seamus or Ragna might really go off the deep end.”

Helka walked over and hugged Tara when she came out. That whole scenario couldn’t have been easy on her either. Then Helka had them all put to work setting up a spit and fire outside and sending the girls to go pitch tents just inside the tree line.

He looked at Ragna and said “Wife, ease yourself. I’m here, they’re gone, and I want you to rest. I need you healthy.” He sat on the edge of the bed next to her and said “How are we supposed to be frisky with you wincing in pain all the time?” and he smiled at her.

Tara stood up and shook her head, smiling. “On that note, I’ll go see what I can do to help the others get settled.” and she walked outside.


Ragna went still as the massive frame of her husband sword in hand filled the door way. She had that strange sense time warping again, and they were in the house, but it was different, instead of windows there were small openings where the roof met the walls to let the smoke out, the pattern of the hand made bricks was different, there was no pump at the sink, and instead of dressers there were pegs mounted across the walls. Bonfires could be seen lit outside the door before Faolan closed it. Ragna blinked and it was gone. The sight of Seamus standing there didn’t stop the adrenaline and fight response, as evident by the grip she had on her sword and her rapid breathing, dilated eyes, and increased pulse rate. But her eyes, behind the frustration and anger, were chased by fear.

She waited till Tara left and then she yelling at him. Well as close to yelling as her body would allow, which meant she had to settle for soft sterness. “Hvordan skal jeg hvile når noen gale prøver å drepe oss? Og kanskje det å være frisk ville hjelpe meg til å glemme hvordan det føltes for den mannen å ha hendene over meg! Og siden du ikke kan forstå norsk, kan jeg fortelle deg hvor sint jeg er på deg for å trekke et stunt sånn! (How am I supposed to rest when every time we turn around some crazy is trying to kill us? And maybe being frisky would help me forget what it felt like for that man to have his hands all over me! And since you can’t understand Norwegian I can tell you how mad I am at you for pulling a stunt like that!)” She pushed against his chest, the effect lost as she used the cuff of her sleeve to wipe the blood away from his mouth. “Og nå er du såret, og jeg kan ikke gjøre noe med det. (And now you’re hurt and I can’t do anything about it.)”

Ragna McKenzie
The Edmans

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