To Fashion Enlightenment (Tag Hyrushi, Holloway)

Posted Feb. 1, 2022, 2:37 a.m. by Civilian Lucas Elliot Holloway (Business Owner) (Jerome Davis)

Posted by Civilian Lucas Elliot Holloway (Business Owner) in To Fashion Enlightenment (Tag Hyrushi, Holloway)

Posted by Civilian Karina Enger (Director of Education) in To Fashion Enlightenment (Tag Hyrushi, Holloway)

Posted by Civilian Lucas Elliot Holloway (Business Owner) in To Fashion Enlightenment (Tag Hyrushi, Holloway)
Posted by… suppressed (3) by the Post Ghost! 👻

“No. We will not be pursuing that line, Director. While the Academy is a highly-regarded institute of higher learning, we will not be giving them any kind of say over how this colony addresses education… nor will we be providing them a platform for their propagating own agenda.” The Governor’s tone held a slightly sharper edge to it than normal, but his face remained passive as he read the last of the report and set the PaDD aside. Looking up, he said “Now that is not to say that we will not welcome Academy faculty as guests or asking them to lecture. That is fine. BUt under no circumstances are we going to dedicate or reserve any kind of infrastructure for their permanent use. Star Fleet has a large enough presence here… I will not expand on that in the foreseeable future. Is that going to be an issue, Director?” Kenzo opened his mind and read Enger’s emotions as he spoke. He wasn’t trying to shut her down… but more Fleet presence was the last thing the colony needed.

Hyrushi, Governor

Hyrushi would find reading Karina’s emotions a unique experience. Not only was Cairn telepathy extremely efficient and their thought processes unique, it caused empathic reading to be unique as well. Karina didn’t’ really still physically, she was relaxed, but her mind was alert, but her emotions were tranquil. She was neither offended nor disappoint. She’d obviously touched on a sore spot. She’d missed something. This was his school, his idea, his goal. She was simple the hired help. He had said he wanted an educational institution that rivaled all the rest. Star Fleet was a huge draw for high school graduates. So in her preliminary draft she had explored that road to make sure she covered every possibility she could come up with. Dropping that part of the plan would not hinder the development of the university Hyrushi wanted. Karina choose her words very carefully. She knew he was half Betazoid and Betzoids more than anyone were able to communicate with the Cairn telepathically, but it required training, practice, and exposure to it. Karina had learned not to rely on such, but it did mean that using verbal expression required careful word choice.

She spoke slowly, and he would get the correct impression it was because she desired to clearly express herself and not out rudeness or condensation. “It is not an issue. I wish to be clear, any part of this proposal can be removed with out it damaging the whole, things can be added that I missed that you wish to see. You gave me a very broad stroke for what you wanted, and I only wished to be thorough. I can assure you, Governor, that anyone trying to push their agenda on any level of the school here will go the way of the past school board. I will not allow anyone or anything to compromise the quality and integrity and well being of the students in my care. Any guest instructors or lecturers will be given curriculum in which to teach and be required to sign a contract that they will adhere to the rules and expectations of our university. However, this leads me to two questions because I do not wish for misunderstandings on my part.” Karina absolutely was not being argumentative or offended. She understood that sometimes she didn’t grasp nuances of verbal speech, and so she wanted to ensure she grasped the extent of his position.

Hyrushi nodded. His own feelings were nonplussed. “Always. Questions are welcome.”

“First, I intend to implement a very…vigorous apprenticeship program with in the primary and secondary schools. There will be parents and students who wish to seek such opportunities within the Star Fleet presence here. Star Fleet is easily by-passed if you object. The curriculum for such positions will be pre-determined by the school and will be the same whether fleet, public, or private establishments.”

“Parents and students who wish to connect with the current Star Fleet presence on OED V are more than welcome to. Encourage that, even. Indeed, they are a large draw for young talent. I do not wish to stifle anyone’s opportunities to participate in their organization. But my experience in their involvement in educational activities outside of their own interests leaves much to be desired.”

“The second question has to do with transfer credits. Each individual college or university provides course overview, grading criteria, and grade to any institution a student wishes to have them sent. Do you want to…” how to word it? “Should we discourage Star Fleet Cadets or personnel from seeking courses here to transfer to the Academy? In such cases the Academy can only accept or reject the course work, they have no say in what is taught. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure the course will be accepted at their home institution.”

Enger, ED

“Oh, absolutely they should be encouraged to come here. And the Academy is a fine institution. I see no problem in accepting their credits… as long as the courtesy is returned. And to that, I know that their standards are quite high in what hey do and do not accept. I have no issue with you using them as a bar… but if you do, please ensure that we exceed their standards. Not just meet it.” He looked at for a long moment and then smiled slightly.

“And no, the school and education system is not ‘mine’. It belongs to the colony. I merely wish to ensure it remains the colony’s and no one else is able to take credit for it.”

Hyrushi, Governor.

Karina smiled, slightly embarrassed. She was impressed by his ability to pick up her thoughts and interpret them, but event the thought was conveyed incorrectly or perhaps misinterpreted. “It is as you say, but you are…I am not sure I know how to correctly convey the thought. You are the most prominent person on the colony. When those that are not part of the colony wish to come here…wish to…create relationship with Oed you are the face…the personage they speak to you. You are the colony…no, you represent the colony. So in that way it is your school until the next governor and then it becomes their school. You represent every person and establishment here.” Karina paused, there was a term she had heard used for such things, but she did not remember what it was. “I am sorry; I do not believe I am expressing the idea correctly.” She held her hands palm up a rueful smile at the corner of her lips. She understood what he was saying, but she was afraid her attempt to clarify her thought was only making it more convoluted.

“Not at all. You are quite understandable. Please… go on.” Hyrushi said.

“My plan for the current school building is to turn it into a continuing education center. Offer courses for current businesses and establishments to provide learning opportunities for their employees. Provide enrichment classes for citizens to take simply for enjoyment. The current building is in the middle of the dome and easily accessible to the city center and the current surrounding population. My only other immediate concern is making sure we’ve allocated enough space as the terraforming moves forward.”

Enger, ED

“I do not foresee space being an issue. Once we are able to move past the dome confines, space will be the least of our concerns. Now then…” Hyrushi pause and leaned back, steepling his fingers together. “I was wondering what your thought would be on using our prestigious education programs and academics as an incentive for people to register as residents and stay here permanently. I am thinking that we make education free for all residents… at any level. Non-residents would be paying a premium to offset the cost. But form what you have planned, I can see many off-world students clamoring for a place regardless of price. What do you think?”

Hyrushi, Governor

Karina thought about it. Her initial response was a resounding agreement. “How will the school be financed? It is one thing to say we will do this, but I have seen it before. The system quickly breaks down and materials, technology, even the building fall into waste because those first years before outside enrollment takes off, there is not enough to keep the school going. I believe that if the pieces are in place it will create a extremely beneficial cycle for the colony to make all education free for residents. But when making such an offer we must have the means to follow through. We have to very astute business people offering to help finance. That should include not just immediate needs, but future needs as well.” Karina sat back and contemplated the man across from her. “Everyone, no matter their species, or their family’s station should have access to free education. And such an opportunity for children and adults will create a great sense of community, freedom, and loyalty among the citizens, and that will repay the expense to the colony many times over, and in turn continue to build that relationship. But that begs the question, who is a citizen? There are people who live and work on Oed but do not consider themselves citizens. So what defines the criteria?”

Enger, ED

Hyrushi smiled slightly and shook his head. “no no… not citizens. Citizens would be of the Federation… not the colony. Resident is the correct terminology. And a resident is anyone who is either born here and holds a permanent residence here; or someone who moves here and maintains an exclusive permanent residence on OED for 3 years. Residency can also be petitioned for early by those considered refugees or who seek amnesty.”

Hyrushi, Governor

Verbal speech was so…complex. Karina nodded, processing the subtle difference in the terminology. “Ah, residents are all citizens of the Federation, but not all Federation citizens are residents of the colony. A significant distinction.” She tapped a finger against her knee, “We will need some way to identify those individuals that meet the ‘resident’ criteria. Either someone from the administrative office to run the checks, or an ID card of some sort.”

Enger, ED

“The Central Database has all of that information. And when anyone applies, it will let us know if they are a resident or not. Should be straightforward. Are there any other issues you can foresee?”

Hyrushi, Governor

“Not at the moment, Governor. There will be as we move forward, I am sure. I will start with the early education center. It is currently the most lacking. I will speak with DaiMon Hoka and send him over to work out the details with you and financial. If you hear from Holloway Heavy about their numbers and candidates for lateral entry teaching, let me know please. And what kind of budget they are offering. Once I know that, I will know what equipment we can get. Other than that I have nothing else.”

Enger, ED

“Well…” A friendly voice suddenly interjected. “… that would depend on the amount of money you’re looking for Director Enger.” When the pair turned to see the newcomer, they would see Lucas Holloway and Dominque Bruner walking over to them, both smiling.

“Good evening Karina… Governor Hyrushi…” Lucas nodded in greeting. “How are you both this evening?”

Holloway, Chair of HHI

Hyrushi rose and inclined his head towards the man. “Mr. Holloway, I’m so glad you meet with us. Please… you and Ms. Bruner be seated, won’t you? Ms. Enger and I were discussing educational opportunities and expansion plans which, per our earlier conversation Sir, you will most critical in.” and he took his seat.

Hyrushi, Governor

Lucas nodded politely, as did Bruner, both finding seats.

“Ms. Bruner.” Karina laughed but nodded politely to them both. “Mr. Holloway,, I am in the business of education. We are always looking for funds to make sure our programs are competitive, engaging, and able to prepare our students. However, I am also in the business of education and no funds or equipment are considered a sure thing. You made grand sweeping hints of promises beside the rooftop pool. I can make very effective use of however little or great the budget I am given.”

Enger, ED

“I think we can definitely help with that!” Alexis smiled as she elbowed Lucas. When she did, Lucas turned and smiled… reaching into his pocket and pulling out a non-descript white envelope.

Karina liked Alexis she had a contagious air about her and she found herself grinning in response. When offered Karina took the envelope without opening. That would be rude would it not?

“That’s to get you started Director.” He began. “Consider this our first contribution to the educational endeavors here on OED.” He had a huge smile as he sat down, motioning to the envelope in Enger’s hand. “I feel rather confident that 45 million is more than enough to get you well on your way of having top flight educational opportunities here on OED. Holloway Heavy Industries, the Holloway Family Trust, and the Mary Holloway Foundation are happy to do our part to bring the Dome forward.”

Alexis & Lucas

That was a starter amount? Maybe Karina was too cynical, but she wondered what the cost was going to be for accepting the money. But the governor had already decided this was the direction they were going and that working with Lucas Holloway would not present any dangers to the children or school. She turned to Hyrushi, “Governor do you think your assistant or someone from finance could take this and deposit it into the educational account? I don’t really want to walk around with it.”

Turning to Holloway and Alexis, “That brings me to some fine point details, Mr. Holloway, about your laterally entry teachers. Who will be paying their sallary, HHI or The Educational System?”

Enger, ED

Lucas smiled warmly as he chuckled slightly. “HHI will be picking up salaries on any HHI personnel supporting the initial education efforts. As new Educational Staff come on board, we’ll transition our people out. HHI has no problem supporting the schools as so long as timely hiring efforts are undertaken.” He winked. “Nothing against your profession, Director, but I make substantially more money building ships and have no interest in starting an Education division!”

Holloway, HHI


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