Sacred Heart Hospital - You Just Thought You Were In Charge (Tag CMO)

Posted Sept. 22, 2022, 5:36 p.m. by Major General Charles Tenkiller (Vice-Commander, Colonial Customs and Defense Agency) (James Sinclair)

Posted by Lieutenant Sharah Fayth (Chief Star Fleet Medical Officer) in Sacred Heart Hospital - You Just Thought You Were In Charge (Tag CMO)

Posted by Major General Charles Tenkiller (Vice-Commander, Colonial Customs and Defense Agency) in Sacred Heart Hospital - You Just Thought You Were In Charge (Tag CMO)

Posted by Lieutenant Sharah Fayth (Chief Star Fleet Medical Officer) in Sacred Heart Hospital - You Just Thought You Were In Charge (Tag CMO)
Posted by… suppressed (15) by the Post Ghost! 👻
The tall, good looking man strode towards the wing as if he owned the place. Without a word or a look, he began walking towards the secure hall that had one General Calvin Harris inside it. The security officer at the door stepped in front of him and said “I’m sorry sir, b-“

“Sir?” the figure replied. “I am not a ‘sir’. I am a Doctor. I didn’t go to four years of University, another four years of Medical School at Harvard, and four years of residency to be called ‘sir’. You will call me Doctor, and then you will move out if my way so I can get to my patient.” The security guard paused forba moment and then tookna deep breath. “Doctor, then… who are you and who are you here to see?” “I am Dr. Alexander Hayes. The General is my patient as of right now.” and he shoved a PaDD into the guards chest. “So move.” The guard gritted his teeth and looked at the PaDD. The order was official. The guard stepped aside and Hayes brushed past him and through the door.

“I want to see the Charge Nurse, all pending orders, and a full treatment history. Right now, people! Move!” he barked as he came near the room where Harris lay sleeping. The nurse looked up confusedly and one said “Excuse me? Who the hel-” and once again the PaDD traveled to a chest. “Alexander Hayes, M.D. The General is under my xare as of now so do what rhe hell I say, got it?” Nurse Crockett reached down and rapped an icon on her desk display.

=/\= Lieutenant Fayth to the Security Ward ASAP. =/\=

Incoming Doctor(?)

Absolutely no one moved to do his bidding, in fact they looked either bored with his show of bravado or ready to pummel him with who knows what drugs to subdue the man.

Where or how Fayth got there so fast would be a mystery. Surely someone of her shirt stature couldn’t move that fast, but she did. Or maybe the increased sudden tension from this location of the hospital warned her. She appeared standing about five feet away from the man by the nurses’ station. A glance at Crockett and quietly whispered for only the Nurse to hear, “Nurse Crockett call whoever is in charge of the CCDA at the moment, Tenkiller most likely, and inform we have an unauthorized entry to the ward.” She turned to the man who was oozing overconfidence and condescension. “I am Dr Fayth, Chief of Staff and Chief Medical Officer. How can I assist you?”

“Alexander Hayes. Doctor Hayes. I am here to see to my patient General Harris, and prepare him for transport to…” and he gave the surroundings a condescending glance, “… somewhere more appropriate to a man of his station.” He thrust a PaDD at her and said “You will see everything is in order.”

Calm, she would be calm and not roll her eyes at the childish attempt to belittle the work they did and their facility. This man had probably gone into medicine for the money. She would be calm and not allow panic to take over the medical staff or her patients. The situation was already volatile enough given the circumstances and security. And the d@mn guard at the door to the wing let someone ELSE in again.

Crockett left the desk for a smaller office to make the call. =^=Yes this is Nurse Crockett. We have an unauthorized person in the security ward at Sacred Heart. Dr Fayth is requesting Gen Tenkiller’s presence.=^=

Fayth, SFCMO

It was less than thirty seconds later when there was a blinding flas of transporter energy and Major General Charles Tenkiller- dressed in his duty uniform with the addition of a phaser on his hip- and four very well armed CCDA agents appeared smack dab in the middle of the wing. Tenkiller looked around and saw no direct threat, but said in a voice that not only caught the attention of everyone in the room but also left little room for discussion “Everyone. Right now. Stop what you are doing and put down anything in your hands.” He looked around the room and saw Sharah and he walked over to her. “Doctor. We got a call of unauthorized access. Are you and your staff okay?” Hayes spoke up and said “This is prepos-” and Tenkiller raised his hand and extended his index finger up without looking away from Fayth. Hayes seemed struck by hammer he was so shocked but he recovered enough to stammer. “Wha- WHO do you thin-” and Tenkiller’s head whipped around and he said (very loudly and firmly) ” Shut. Your. Damn. Mouth. Now. And as for who I think I am, I think I’m the guy with stars on his collar and a boot ready to shove up your ass if I hear another sound from you.” He slowly turned back to Fayth and said “Lemme guess… this the one? Walk me through it.”

Tenkiller, VC-CCDA

Fayth nodded turning a hard stare at the man. By the four gods, the man made her want to laugh when this was certainly serious. She’d really like to see him put a boot up the man’s ass and she’d refuse to have it surgically removed too. “He is. Crockett called me down for an unauthorized entry. A little coded system we put in place. When I got here he was attempting to order the staff to give him full medical history, treatment, and access to General Harris. He also claims he’s going to remove him from Sacred Heart. All of which you know, General Tenkiller, was not going to happen just because some stranger says so. He has this PaDD…” she held it up where Hayes had shoved it at her. “It all looks official,” she shrugged, “But such things can be forged.”

“Sure can, Doc. Good lookin’ out.” Tenkiller said. He took the PaDD and began to review it. Hayes puffed up again to speak but Tenkiller, not looking up from the PaDD said “Stars. Collar. Boot. Ass. Think before you speak son, or you are gonna have a really bad day.” Hayes opened his mouth to speak but something somewhere deep inside him told him doing so was not the smart move, and he closed it.

Fayth looked at Crockett, “I heard him at the door, the guard ‘attempted’ to stop him and then let him in. He demanded all Harris’ records, he was aggressive and beligerant. I paged Dr Fayth immediately.”

“Good thinkin’. Whose on the door?” Crockett nodded a nd blushed slightly but said “HHI Security. I’m sorry, General… I don’t know his name.” Tenkiller smiled while reading and said “No problem there sunshine, he ain’t gonna be around long enough for that ta matter.” and he snapped his fingers and pointed at the door. One of the CCDA agents, a large Tellerite, moved to the door and opened it. “You’re relieved. Don’t like it, take it up with General Tenkiller.” The guard’s eyes widened and he said “Uh… no, that’s ok.” He looked through the door and saw Tenkiller and then just turned around and left, reaching for his communicator as he did so.

Sharah bit her tongue to hold back a curse. She and Tenkiller were going to have a very long conversation about the lack of security at the door. She was looking at Tenkiller but her words were for the fuming doctor. “If General Harris prefers a private physician he is welcome to do so, but security procedures will be followed, and I will not tolerate such unprofessional behavior in this hospital or around any of the patients. He is very lucky he wasn’t brazen enough to touch the bioscanner on the door.”

Fayth, SFCMO

“General Harris doesn’t have a private doctor.” Tenkiller said and then finally looked up and handed the PaDD back to Sharah. He looked at her and said “From right now forward, CCDA is the agency in charge of security for this wing and SHH as a whole. Doc, tell your facility’s Security Head to coordinate with CCDA immediately.” He looked past her at the staff and said “If you see anyone… and I mean ANYONE… walk through that door that doesn’t belong here, you shoot ‘em. If anyone tries to talk to you about this wing and what you do, you find the nearest CCDA agent and tell them to call me directly.” He then turned and looked at Hayes. “Now then…” and he cracked his knuckles and stepped forward slowly.

Fayth stepped toward a medical only access door to the wing where the head of security was already waiting. He had come straight to the wing when he’d heard Fayth paged. He had no delusions that he was in charge here over CCDA. Given the circumstances and how many times the ward had been breached, he was happy to let CCDA handle it. He had been doing this work for far too long to have an ego about it. They spoke quietly and then he stepped back into the access corridor for the time being.

“Your orders are real, but the notifications were never sent so even though the order is genuine, its not valid. Second… you done screwed up, boy.” Hayes blubbering in rage “B-B-B-B-B Boy?!?! I am a DOCTOR! A medical professional! And you will address me as such!”

Tenkiller kept moving forward slowly until he was close enough to poke his index finger into the man’s chest. “No. SHE-” and he pointed at Fayth with just other hand, “- is a doctor. No. They-” and he pointed at the staff, “- are medical professionals. You? You are an arrogant, pompous, self-centered, egotistical blowhard. Oh! You are also fired.” and he looked at the CCDA guards still nearby. “Get this jerk outta my face and out of my friend’s hospital.” He looked back at Hayes and said “Next time you set foot on this wing, you’re gonna be a patient. Get outta here.” and the agents moved him to and through the door.

Tenkiller, VC-CCDA

When Tenkiller turned back around Fayth was back at the counter. “Now General, I have no objections to you putting more guards in the wing or them being armed to the teeth, but most of the medical staff have strong objections to carrying firearms.” She held up a hand to forestall the obvious objections. “Medical personnel openly carrying weapons makes the patients and their visitors nervous. However,” and she nodded behind him. Nurse Shrine was standing outside Harris’ door and pulled a hypo out that had a wicked little cocktail in it. Ilena, standing outside Holloway’s door had a hypo and a hand held defibrillation unit, Fayth had a hypo and a laser scalpel - no one wanted to give Fayth a phaser, she couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn. Sharah blinked though as Crockett pulled out a metal baseball bat from behind the desk. Crockett shrugged, “What?”

Fayth, SFCMO

Tenkiller grinned and said “Hey, I never said shoot ‘em with anything specific.” He then turned to Crockett and gave her a large smile. “And that is the kind of thinking that gets you asked to dinner.” and he winked at her.

Crockett grinned, “Then I’ll have to think like that more often.” Her eyes landed in Fayth and her cheeks flushing pink. They had all heard Tenkiller ask Fayth to dinner a few days ago. The doctor has turned him down though. So Crockett figured there was no issue there. Fayth covered her amusement with a cough. Good for Crockett if she wanted to take that on.

Turning back to the assembled staff he said “Ok. Now that we are all on the same page, let’s try to keep the riff-raff out so you all can work. This is Agent Vorchak.” he said and pointed at a wholly massive human woman. “She is going to be the Agent-In-Charge of your security detail here. If any of you ever have an issue, problem, or even think there is a possibility of a problem… you tell her and she makes it all better. Think of her like a doctor for people trying stupid $#!t. Vorchak, lock this place down and make sure Doctor Fayth and her staff aren’t bothered by anybody. And I don’t give a single damn if the Governor himself tries to come in. You put a boot on his throat and make damn sure the only people through these doors are supposed to be here.” Vorchak snapped to attention and said “Aye, Sir!” and turned and starts talking to the other CCDA agents and developing a security plan that would actually work.

Tenkiller smiled slightly and moved to stand next to Fayth. “So the one with the bat… tell me about her.” and he grinned mischievously.

Tenkiller, VC-CCDA

Sharah shook her head with a laugh. “Okay sure, over coffee. First I want to know who that guy was and who sent for him and gave him ‘papers’ that they thought would get him in. Especially since Harris doesn’t have a private doc. Then we talk about Crockett.”

As the jerk in the lab cost was being unceremoniously drug down the hall, General Hudson rounded the corner with striking young doctor around Hudson’s age with medium brown hair sporting a distinctive rogue strip of ghost white hair, about 1 1/2 inches across, just behind the hairline and to the right of her part. The woman’s hair was pulled into a thick braid and the lab coat she was wearing sported the two boxed pips of a Rear Admiral. Walking up to Tenkiller and Fayth, Devri smiled… nodding back to the shouting doctor being shown the door. “Another happy customer Boss?” The CDF General chuckled.

The young woman offered her hand first to Fayth and then Tenkiller. “Dr. Rebecca Loveland, Head of Instruction for Starfleet Medical School…” She said in a charming tone. “… Dev’ here tells me you have one of my favorite pains in the ass in your fine establishment.” She smiled a wickedly amused smile.

Tenkiller crossed his arms on his chest as the hand was extended and he gave Vorchak a look that would melt steel. “Fu<%ing really?” and the woman rolled her eyes and said “Holy crap, General. I’m on it.” and she made a bee-line for the security door.

A rear admiral. Could her day get any worse? Fayth shook the hand out of habit than anything. Of course Fayth would know the name. She’d done some research at SF medical through the Academy in the last few years. And already Agent Vorchak had dropped the ball. Who let this person in?

“I’ve known Raven for…” Loveland sighed and shook her head. “… longer than I care to acknowledge. I was on my way out to visit Dev’ and Sam when all this mess happened. I wanted to give everyone a chance to do the good work the fine folks here at Sacred Heart are known for before barging in like some jackass.” She nodded back toward where the former doctor had just left. “That said…” She handed Fayth a PaDD. “… I do actually have a request form to assist in General Harris’ recovery wherever I may be needed.” Her tone was warm and she looked genuinely happy to see all the security. “I have no intention of getting in your way Chief, I just know Cal and would be more than happy to make sure that stubborn ass does everything he’s supposed to.” She then added with a smile. “And I’m not here as Admiral Loveland, I’m simply here as a visiting medical professional wanting to help an old friend get better.”

Dr. Rebecca Loveland, SFM

OOC: And HOLY CRAP! It has been nearly 10 YEARS since I’ve wrote Becca!! I missed her so!!!

OOC: Oh wow, that’s awhile.

“You still don’t belong here. And General Harris has a doctor. And that is a Fleet request. This is a CCDA matter. But I’ll be happy to tell General Harris… not Raven… that you came by.” Tenkiller growled.

Fayth took a long slow deep breath and forced a smile she did not feel after reading the PaDD. The woman felt pleasant enough and friendly, but that alone would not allow Fayth to give her access. The safety of her patients came before the brass or anyone else who thought they had a right to push their way into being involved. “The previous man had all the right paperwork too. So Dr. Loveland, not a rear admiral, I would genuinely appreciate the help, but at the risk of my career, I am going to ask you to leave the security ward. You have not been cleared or authorized.” She looked at Hudson, “No matter who vouches for you. We have strict protocols in place. Everyone abides by then. You can contact General Harris or his emergency contact to have you added to his list, and then go through the appropriate security checks. Then I can put you in touch with his doctor.” Then she looked at Tenkiller. She was not pleased that less than 60 seconds after he ordered Agent Vorchak to put a boot to the throat of anyone not authorized, a CCDA ‘friend’ was allowed in anyway. The measures only worked if everyone abided by them.

Fayth, SFCMO

Loveland gave another genuine smile, turning first to Devri then back to Fayth. “With everything that’s happened Chief, I completely understand. To be honest, I figured as much. I had just asked Dev to escort me over so I could personally deliver my request and to also personally thank you for all you have done for Cal.” She paused, a sad expression on her face. “Sam, Devri, and I have been friends since high school… hell, we’re more like sisters than friends. They… they kinda put me back together after I lost my brother, Dev & I looked after Sam when Bryan went MIA, and… and we all looked after Calvin when Ali’s mom died.” A soft smile returned to the doctor. “I’m lucky to have such a great extended family… but we’ve all…” She sighed. “… have seen a lot of hurt. I’m just really thankful we have such a great team looking after the General…” Loveland smirked. “… General… god I’ll never get use to that!”

It was a sucker punch below the belt, the sorrow and heartache. Fayth had to wonder if the Admiral had read up on her and done that on purpose. Sharah lived with the tumultuous emotions of more than thousands every day. The heartache of one would not sway her from doing what was right by her patients. She truly felt for the woman, but she had meant to use her status and position to sway the staff. Otherwise she would have left the pups and announcement of her title at home or at least for in private. It was quite possible Sharah would be in trouble later. This was a CCDA matter though and Fleet has no jurisdiction here.

“Please do get used to it, Admiral. Because that is what he is.” Tenkiller said.

Turning toward the exit, Loveland said politely. “Take all the time you need for clearances and whatnot. I’m in no rush…” She smiled at Fayth once more. “And if it ends up you don’t need me, my feelings won’t be hurt in the slightest! All my info is in my request along with a copy of my Fleet Security validation.” She waved as they headed off back out of the ward. “It really was great to meet you. Have a wonderful day.” As they headed off, Tenkiller & Fayth would just hear Hudson grumble. “Goddamn frackin’ ray of sunshine!” And Loveland giggle “Stuff it Starbuck!”


“A pleasure, Dr Loveland. You will be informed as soon as a decision is made.” She was glad that decision did not fall solely on her. Sharah would expedite the request. She wasn’t idiotic enough to delay it, but she could not guarantee the outcome. She felt ill from the overload, but there was nothing she could do about that now. She had rounds, security checks to process, and coffee with Tenkiller. “Can Vorchak run this security check on Loveland?”

Tenkiller watched them turn to leave and then looked at Vorchak. “They show up again without me specifically authorizing it, arrest ‘em.” He made sure to say it loud enough his voice would be heard by the two good natured intruders and then he looked at Fayth.

“Does anyone send you requests before just waltzing in here?”

Tenkiller, VC-CCDA

Fayth looked up swallowing back the grimace in her face the roil of emotions caused. “Molly Holloway does. Already submitted all the information for Harris and Lucas Holloway’s families. Oh and Colonial Intelligence. Followed the protocol to an exact T.”

Fayth, SFCMO

“I would expect nothing less from her, thats for sure.” Tenkiller said and then put a hand on Fayth’s shoulder and steered her to a quiet corner.

“Listen,” Tenkiller began, “… I’m not gonna try to make your life harder. But at some point, Star Fleet- and that means you making the Admiral there grasp this- have gotta realize that there is a line between medical care and authority in this place. Neither of these patients are Star Fleet personnel. This isn’t a Star Fleet facility. Y’all don’t have the final say in what happens here. You are Harris and Lucas’s doctor. And I know you care about the care they receive. But all of this bullshit of people coming and going and saying they have this permission and that request is over. You give me a list of the people allowed to be here. I’ll make sure they are the only ones here. No more joint security, no more ‘But I have a signature that says I can’ blah blah blah blah. No more. From right now on, if someone comes to that door and they aren’t on your list, they get cuffed and sent to the Oed PD for trespassing. You make yiur people toe the line, I’ll make sure mine do. That work for you?”

Tenkiller, VC-CCDA

She was beyond irritated. Look General, I’m irritated as much as you. That doesn’t really cover it. But none of the fleet people have come in here until now. I don’t know her deal and I don’t care. Unless she is authorized she doesn’t get in. Your people do their job, until now. I don’t know what Hudson was thinking. Or you pulling that stunt days ago that started this crap circus. No one thinks this is a fleet matter. There are no fleet security here, unless they are asked or visiting a patient, and certainly none in this ward. I know my position and I know what I can and can not do. I don’t know who that jack…person was, but he’s not fleet and we didn’t let him in, your security detail DID. I don’t approve anyone. I get a list and I send it to CCDA and HHI to approve because those are the agencies involved. The list is given out only to the medical personnel who have been approved to be in this ward. We know our place and no one ets us forget it.

Fayth didn’t say any of that though. She swallowed it and her irritation. “Perfectly understood General. I promise no one assigned to serve in OED is confused on those points. I can’t speak for that self important pushy useless piece of brass. Just to clarify, Eraras is Harris’s doctor and he’s civilian. I’m just the acting chief of staff until the governor hires someone.” She took a deep breath as she pulled a PaDD out of her pocket and gave it to him. “This list is posted at the desk for all medical and security personnel. It has never been a secret. I am immensely grateful for your quick response. And for the record, I am a medical professional not security. I am not going to start acting like it. Unless it interferes with their medical well being no one is going to argue with you.”

Fayth, SFCMO

Tenkiller gave her a smile, but it wasn’t his typical one. This 9ne held a sense of understanding… and pity. “Doc, you absolutely are security. You are the CMO of this asylum until the Governor finds a civilian to take over their share. And as such… the buck stops with you. You’re in charge of all of it. Whether you like it or not. Just like me till Harris is cleared for duty. We may not like it.. but there we are. And right now, I just wanna make sure you can do your job without having to run onto this ward every thirty seconds.”

Tenkiller, VC-CCDA

Sharah glared at him, but there was a humor to it. “I know I’m in charge and when the crap gets thrown I’m the target. That’s not what I meant and you know it. So you want to be in charge of security for that ward, by all means do. Because someone has to handle it. We, the hospital, are doing our best, but the truth is we are not trained to handle situations like this. Absolutely NO more HHI security. I don’t trust them, they don’t do their job and something feels off about them. Or maybe I’m tired.” She nodded to the wall, “The head of SHH security is waiting for you. He’s retired from OED police SAR teams. When you get your personnel decided, we’ll get them keyed to the biometrics. Also I am inclined to limit the amount of time in addition to numbers for visitors. Now while you do that I have patients to see. Then coffee and I’ll tell you about the nurse with the baseball bat.”

Fayth, SFCMO

Charles grinned and said “Deal. You go do your doctor bit, I’ll do my bit for God and Country. When you’re done, you can tell me all about the future Ex-Mrs. Tenkiller.” and he laughed and winked. “I’ll have coffee here when you get back, Doc. And hey…” and his face grew serious, “… Im on your side. Remember that.”

Tenkiller, VC-CCDA

Sharah headed back toward the nurses’ desk. Might as well start with Holloway and stopped and looked back at him and laughed. “I know, that’s what worries me.” Entering Holloway’s room Fayth couldn’t help but think that someone was going to have their hands full with Tenkiller, and apparently Crockett was more than interested in finding out.

It took her two and a half hours before she was done with her rounds.

Fayth, SFCMO

The meeting with the SHH security head was productive… after a fashion. Tenkiller did his utmost to try and let the man lead and not step on his toes, but finally he had to just lay it all out and tell him how itt would be: CCDA was the sole security authority for the wing with Harris and Holloway. There would be no discussion. There would be no cooperation. CCDA was in charge on that ward, end of story.

The SHH security head left in a huff about forty-five minutes before Sharah returned. True to his word, there was coffee from Quill and Parchment and a wholly massive amount of baked goods being devoured by her staff at the nurse’s station. On the table in the meeting room where he was the coffee and some scones. He looked up from the PaDD he was typing on when Fayth arrived and he smiled. “Heya, Doc. Buy ya a cup of coffee?”

Tenkiller, VC-CCDA

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