[Attack at City Center] USS Thresher: Lounge

Posted Nov. 18, 2022, 9:04 p.m. by Civilian Molly Holloway (CEO - Holloway Industries) (Joana Ribeiro)

Posted by Jerome Davis in [Attack at City Center] USS Thresher: Lounge

Posted by Civilian Molly Holloway (CEO - Holloway Industries) in [Attack at City Center] USS Thresher: Sickbay

Posted by Jerome Davis in [Attack at City Center] USS Thresher: Sickbay
Posted by… suppressed (11) by the Post Ghost! 👻
When Molly’s eyes adjusted to her surroundings, she found herself standing on the Thresher’s Sickbay. Ryan’s arms still supporting her.

“Where’s Newton?”


“Where to? We need to get her!” Molly’s tone was almost panicked.

“No, Molly.” Ryan said, more quietly than Molly was used to hear. “You don’t get it. She’s gone. Forever.”

“Then why are we here?”

“You need to have your hand fixed.”

“Hand? What–” Molly never finished her sentence, as when she looked at her hands she was not expecting what she saw. Her right hand was covered in dark crimson blood, her knuckles held open wounds, and her fingers… And then she felt it. The sharp pain when she tried to move them. Broken. Somehow, her hand was broken in multiple places and she couldn’t move it.

With a gasp, she hugged her wrist, trying her best to keep a neutral expression.

“What happened?” The words left her lips hastily under a shaky breath.

Molly Holloway, CEO Holloway Heavy Industries (and Ryan York, with permission)

Before Ryan could respond, a grim-faced SFI Nurse gave Molly a Hypo before gently taking her bloodied and broken hand, carefully placing it in the stabilizing field… the Thresher’s CMO hurried over, taking a sharp breath as he looked past Molly to Ryan. “What in god’s name did she do Ryan?!” The older doctor growled at York before his eyes snapped back down at the X-Ray. “Nearly half the bones in her hand are either broken or shattered!”

The more things happened around her, the less Molly seemed to understand. Now that the adrenaline was finally subsiding, she felt incredibly tired and emotionally drained. Her mind, however, was still very much in overdrive, replaying the events of what had happened just a few minutes before, trying to remember. And yet, it all came back empty.

It didn’t take long for the pain to subside, as the contents of the hypo made their way through her bloodstream. Uncharacteristically apathetic, Molly allowed both nurse and doctor to inspect her hand.

Pausing, he looked up at Molly, a rather sad look on his age lined face. “Captain Holloway, I am Captain Aaron Wilkes, Chief Medical Officer of the Thresher. I’m going to do everything I can to patch you up and get you home, but I need to speak with Colonel York for a moment.” With that, Wilkes & York stepped a few feet away and spoke in hushed tones… Wilkes clearly agitated.

Molly nodded. Her mind still on the planet with Newton.

“I…” Wilkes gasped as he shook his head slightly. “… I don’t know if we can fix this here Colonel. I…” He paused as he looked at the PaDD in his hand. “… I just don’t know! The amount of damage is extensive… like she…” Suddenly, his eyes flew open… color draining, he looked first at Molly with an obvious shiver and then to York. “I have other DNA in her wounds. Ryan… did she do… that?!” Wilkes raised a trembling hand to the blood stained sheet-covered body on a nearby Bio-Bed.

The words were spoken loud enough that they had been impossible for Molly to miss. Glancing in the direction of the biobed the doctor had indicated she saw it for the first time. Was that Newton? Was that why Ryan had told her that she was gone forever? Was she… dead?

York looked to Molly then back at Wilkes. “Yes… things got…” He sighed. “… out of hand. Understand, that monster has basically been hunting her family for years. Newton had a Black Order on her… she was never to leave that room alive. She… she just wasn’t supposed to go like that.” Ryan ran a hand through his hair, his eyes tired. “Aaron, I need you to patch her up so we can go. Our mission is complete.... but she can’t go back like this.”

Wilkes looked to Molly and nodded slowly. Glancing back at Ryan the CMO said flatly. “If I can put her under, we can work faster. Is that acceptable?” Ryan nodded slowly with a sigh. “Not really a choice.” Walking back to Molly, Ryan spoke softly. “Molly… the Doc is gonna need to sedate you for a bit. You really messed up your hand Babe. It’ll be faster and less stressful for you to be under while they work. Is…” He smiled slightly. “… is that OK?”

York & Wilkes, SFI

“What!?” Molly’s tone was harsher than she had intended for it to be. “Can’t it just be regenerated?” For a moment, Holloway thought of her uncle and at the prosthetic bones he had to have inserted. “It’s just a broken hand… nothing more… I just…” She just needed to get up and check who was that under that sheet, but she didn’t say it. “I have to go back. There’s still much to be done on planet… on the place Newton was at… Who knows how much we can find about the Syndicate to bring them down once and for all? I can have someone at Sacred Heart look at it… If you just give me something for the pain…”

Wilkes’ voice was flat and factual, not really cold but with absolutely no wiggle room. “Captain… with all due respects, there’s no way in hell you’re going anywhere in the next couple of hours. I have work to do on that hand. Colonel York was nice enough to ask…” He looked Molly dead in the eye. “… I, however, do not have such luxury. You will stay in this Sickbay until I am confident that the repairs to your hand are sufficient to prevent what happened to be directly linked back to this ship or her crew.” He was cold in his tone but much more clear than many doctors Molly had known.

For a moment, Molly looked hurt. So that was the issue. They didn’t want the possibility to her being traced back to them. And who would even connect the dots anyway? Who would examine her hand and match to, supposedly, Newton? The questions kept piling up, but she didn’t say anything else.

There was a pleading air on her face. “And why is no one telling me what happened?”

Molly Holloway, CEO Holloway Heavy Industries

“Molly… Red…” York began. “… you, uh, kinda lost it down there Babe.” His voice was soft, his eyes filled with pain. “… I… I should have never let you in that room. This…” Ryan’s voice cracked. “… this is all my fault. It happened… you moved… so fast…” Ryan looked down, took a breath, and when he looked back at Molly… he had tears in his eyes. “By the time we were… we were able to pull you off Newton, she was dead.” York took another deep breath then added. “I put you… skilled as you are… in a situation that resulted in the death of our target. That’s on me. I’m… I’m so sorry Molly.”

York/Wilkes, SFI

Sorry? Why was he sorry? Shouldn’t he be happy that she was gone? Still, slowly the gears turned in Molly’s mind and she started putting the pieces together. The terrified stares of the Section 31 operatives… her hand… the blood on her and her clothes… did she… with her own bare hands…? Was that even possible…?

Horrified, Molly found herself staring at her broken fingers in disbelief. It couldn’t be. She wasn’t capable of such a thing. She just wasn’t… was she?

For the first time in her life, Molly felt terrified, not of others, but of herself. Was this who she was? Was this why Intel had wanted her to begin with? For her destructive potential? Was this the weapon that her uncle claimed Intel had turned her in?

Her breathing was coming in short, ragged breaths as what she had been told dawned on her, and she tried her best to calm herself down.

“It’s not your fault Ryan…” Molly shook her head, her eyes never meeting his, ashamed. “I… I should have been more transparent from the beginning… but I had no intention of letting her leave. I just… I was not planning on it happening the way you’re saying it did… I don’t know… I don’t know what came over me… I don’t remember… it’s as if I was not there. I’m…” Her voice trembled. “I’m the one that should be sorry. Just… Fix my hand and… am I going to be arrested? I don’t want anyone else to be in danger…”

Molly Holloway, CEO Holloway Heavy Industries

York looked almost as though Molly had slapped him. Looking her in the eyes for a moment, he shook his head slowly and sighed. “You won’t be arrested… hell, when we’re done here… only the people in that room, Wilkes… and Bridgett, his nurse… will be the only people in the universe, outside the Director of Section 31, will even know you were there. Criminally, you’re in the clear. After an autopsy, which will be classified at the highest level, Newton will be reduced to base elements and buried in space. You responded how any of us would… to a woman that hunted your family for years.”

“Many might respond the same way, Ryan…” Molly sighed. The hurt was clear in her expression. “… but somehow I doubt that many would attain the same results.” She felt sick and disgusted, wanting to leave her own body behind, and the fact that that was an impossibility made it worse. All she could do was finding a way to live with it.

Gently, Ryan took Molly’s other hand. “You’re not a monster, Red. You’re not.” His tone was soft, careful. “I’m sorry that you went through this, but what’s done is done. Let it be Babe.”

York, SFI

For the first time since they had arrived on the Thresher, Molly’s gaze met Ryan’s. She knew that he was trying his best to comfort her, but she wondered if that would ever be possible. Silently, she squeezed his hand with her left hand. There was nothing left for her to say.

“Alright…” Molly finally said getting up from her seat. “Let’s get this over with. Doctor Wilkes, what biobed do you want me on?”

Molly Holloway, CEO Holloway Heavy Industries

Wilkes sighed in relief as he motioned to the Bio-Bed farthest across the room from the sheet covered body and out of clear view. “If you’ll lie down over here Captain, we will get started. Nurse Phillips, if you will prepare the sedative… three hours should do it.” The nurse from earlier nodded and prepped the hypo as Molly and Ryan walked to the Bio Bed. “Look Red…” Ryan smiled, softly kissing her forehead. “… lets start by getting your hand patched up and we’ll go from there, OK?” York was very careful as he helped Molly onto the Bio bed and then moved out of the way as the surgical system was connected to the bed and Phillips carefully placed Molly’s hand through its sanitizing field. The inside of the field was noticeably cooler than the room around it but not painfully so. The nurse gently ensured Molly was comfortable and flat then smiled down at her. “This will be over in a snap Captain.” The woman’s noticeable Chicago accent closer to her uncle’s than most.

Following the Thresher’s medical crew to the indicated biobed, Molly gave Ryan a faint smile as he helped her onto it. He had always been caring, in some ways more so than Cal, which for Molly, even after all the years they had known each other, still came as a surprise.

Without a word, Holloway nodded at the nurse’s words of encouragement.

Looked down at Molly, Ryan squeezed her good hand. “See ya soon Red.” As the last word left his lips, Phillips administered the hypo and the Sickbay faded softly around Molly until everything went peacefully black.


Molly wanted to smile at Ryan, to let him know that she had heard him. She tried to squeeze his hand in return, only for her hand to fall limply by her side. It took but a few seconds, and Molly’s world had faded to black.

Three hours later

The steady beeping of the biobed’s monitors came first. Annoyingly relentless like that of an alarm clock.

With a deep breath, Molly’s consciousness returned to her body. Slowly, she tried to sit up to turn off the noise. It was an alarm, wasn’t it? It was only when she felt something prevented her from sitting up that she opened her eyes and the Thresher’s sickbay materialized around her. The events of the past few hours rushed back to her mind — the Thresher, Newton, her hand…

With a quick glance around the room, Molly tried to find a familiar face that could tell her how the surgery had gone and exactly how much of her hand Wilkes had managed to fix.

Molly Holloway, CEO Holloway Heavy Industries

York glanced up from the quiet conversation he was having with someone on a PaDD and smiled. Immediately setting the device aside, York stood and walked the two paces to Molly’s bedside.

Patting Molly’s right forearm, Ryan beamed. “Welcome back Red. Glad to see you come out so smoothly hun.” The Intel Commander went to open his mouth to continue but was cut off by Captain Wilkes.

There was only time for a quick smile on Molly’s part before the Thresher’s CMO intervened.

“Ah, Captain Holloway…” He smiled much more warmly than before. “… I’m pleased to report that structurally, your hand is as good as new!” He paused before adding. “Neurologically, on the other hand… no pun intended Captain…” Wilkes smirked. “… you did a hell-of-a-lotta nerve damage, which took more time to repair than the broken bones. You may have the odd cold spot or numbness in certain parts of your hand, weather changes and the like might give you hell. It should… and I stress should… be minimal but if it starts to really bother you, follow up with Fleet Intel Medical Command the next time your through Sol.” He shrugged slightly, considering his next words.

Molly’s smile faded. Somehow numbness in certain part of the hand didn’t seem like a ‘minimal’ thing, even more so when it was her main hand. Still, as long as it could be fixed… she’d have to stop by Medical HQ the next time she traveled back home for her training requals.

“You really did a number on yourself Captain, please…” Wilkes smiled the same exhausted smile so many Chief Medical Officers had given their CO’s for generations. “… no more pummeling people. Also, Ryan informed me of your rather… strenuous training regimen.”

With a sigh, Molly gave Ryan a scolding glare.

“My advice, since you have quite throughly proven your prowess…” Wilkes raised a single eyebrow. “… lay off the speed bag and weights for at least a month. Your hand should work perfectly, that doesn’t mean you should take stupid risks.”

“Well, Doctor…” Molly said flatly, somewhat annoyed by the whole ordeal. “It seems that ‘stupid risks’ is my middle name. I can’t really promise you that, but I’ll try my best.”

The CMO turned to York. “My understanding is, with the threat neutralized, we should be breaking orbit within the hour. If there’s anything else you need to address, you should do so quickly.” The Doctor turned back to Molly, deactivating the restraining field and offering his hand. “It’s been a pleasure working with you Captain, I wish you the best. Any issues, I’m sure you know how to get in touch with Ryan and he’ll put you in touch with me.”

For the first time after the small surgery, Molly smiled at Wilkes. “Will do, Doctor. Thank you.” Her hand felt incredibly stiff but still, she took the Thresher’s CMO’s hand and shook it, even if quite nimbly.

Smiling a warm smile, the CMO said simply “Take Care Captain” Then he turned and walked to his office.

She gave the man a brief nod and opened and closed her hand, before turning back to face Ryan.

“Well Red, that’s it.” He motioned to the door. “Shall we?”

York/Wilkes, SFI

“Already?” With the Thresher’s CMO gone, there was now a hint of sadness in Molly’s gaze as she looked at Ryan. She sighed. Holloway knew that it was in Ryan and his crew’s best interests to leave as soon as they could. But still, to Molly it was always hard to see him leave the moment they would finally be able to enjoy some downtime together. “Can’t we just go for a coffee or something?” The words sounded ridiculous when they left her lips. Down on OED, and even more so after the protests, Molly was a public figure. Being out and about with Ryan was more of a liability to the man. “Even if just here in the mess hall? I don’t even know if I’ll get to see you again… At least give me that courtesy…”

Molly Holloway, CEO Holloway Heavy Industries

Ryan looked down at Molly and appeared to be about to turn down her request before sighing. “Look Red, I don’t have a ton of time and I do have a few people to talk to before I leave…” A deeper sigh. “… however…” He began to smile. “… I haven’t had a hell of a lot of time to just sit for a few and enjoy your company. Sure…” York motioned to the left as they exited. “… 15 minutes in the Lounge never killed anyone.” With that, they sat off down the corridor.

“That’s the spirit.” Molly said with a smile as she followed Ryan out of the Thresher’s sickbay, being careful to put her coat on in order to hide her still bloodstained clothes.

A lift and a bit more walking found the pair striding into the beautiful sweeping views of OED from the Thresher’s wide forward view port. “Come on… coffee’s not too bad. I never let them serve the replicator stuff.” Ryan pulled out Molly’s chair before moving to his across from her. After punching in their order of the terminal, York leaned back and asked. “So, babe… what have you been up to?”

York, SFI

The view was stunning, and Molly took a moment to stop and take it in before walking to the table.

“Of course you don’t.” Molly said with a laugh. “You know… for as much as I prefer non replicated food, I used to live off of replicated coffee, so it really wouldn’t bother me. I’m here more for the company.” She smiled.

“You poor Fleeters and your terrible, no good, very bad ‘coffee’!” Ryan chided with a laugh as he air quoted the last word. “Enough about the coffee Red… how’s things been?”

“It’s been busy, really…” Holloway started to answer. “Learning the inner workings of my uncle’s company had a steep learning curve. Plus Intel keeps me busy with their own things… flying me back to Earth every couple of months… as you know.” She was referring to their brief meeting at the Blue Note in San Francisco prior to her moving to the Colony. “I miss starship life though…” She sighed, looking out of the windows. “You don’t really know what you have until you lose it…”

“I feel that.” York said with a nod. “Ya only get so long in The Black and when it’s gone… it’s like a part of you doesn’t come back down with you. It’s always out there…” The former Marine motioned out the window.

For someone that had gone through a major emotional event, Molly seemed unexpectedly unfazed.

“What about you? Besides Nicole…” There was a smirk on her lips, even though her insides felt differently. “… what have you been up to?”

Molly Holloway, CEO Holloway Heavy Industries

There was an unmistakable pause before Ryan chuckled. “Besides Nicole… not a whole hell-of-a lot!” He huffed. “At least what I’m cleared to tell you. I mean, since that bitch took the pot shot at your Uncle, we’ve been all over the goddamn quadrant tryin’ ta’ hunt her down. Never in a million years thought she’d take a shot here… I’ve never been so dead wrong about something in my life!” York sighed and looked away, clearly thinking on his next words. “Thankfully, we won’t have that problem anymore. Don’t change the fact that my frack up coulda lost you Calvin, Lucas, or both… I’m really, deeply sorry Molly.” He took a sip and a deep breath. “I shoulda pulled you in after New York… you always were a bloodhound for this s***.”

“You were doing your job, Ryan, and I honestly couldn’t think of anyone better to do it than you.” Molly smiled. “There’s nothing to apologize.” She paused before continuing. “I didn’t even know about New York until the Dresden returned… so even if you had reached me, I’d likely wouldn’t have been able to help. It might just have made it worse.”

“Anyway, that’s behind us and we think that with what happened to Newton and the message we sent her followers, they are likely out of your hair for good. “

York smirked slightly. “As far as their concerned, you blew up Newton and the only thing they got back was a charred right hand. Not exactly pretty, but it got our point across!” There was a cocky snort that escaped the man. “Aside from that, you’re not cleared to know what else I’ve been up to my dear.”

York, SFI

Molly raised an eyebrow. “I what!?” She said in disbelief before shaking her head. “Well… if that’s what Section 31 thinks we should go with, then who am I to disagree…” She took another sip of her coffee. “I hope they scatter like cockroaches…” Molly finally continued. “Because I swear… it doesn’t matter what you are cleared to tell me or not… if I ever catch any of them, they’ll have a fate similar to what happened to Newton.” Holloway shook her head again, as if a thought was on her mind, but she drank her coffee peacefully instead of continuing. Flashes of the events earlier that day coming back to her mind.

“Thank you for showing up, though.” Molly smiled after a moment of silence. “Oh, by the way, I had to tell Calvin that you were on planet. He didn’t care about knowing anything you were doing… he just wanted to know if you were here. Claiming that somehow you always show up when he can’t protect me.” Molly scoffed and rolled her eyes. “As if I needed protection.” She chuckled before taking another sip of her coffee. “Although I must say… given your appearance on the Dresden and now here… If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’ve been keeping tabs on me.” She said with a wink.

Molly Holloway, CEO Holloway Heavy Industries

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