Three Isn't A Crowd If You Don't Want It To Be

Posted Dec. 2, 2022, 2:35 p.m. by Civilian Yavia Crockett (Nurse - Sacred Heart Hospital) (Jennifer Ward)

Posted by Major General Charles Tenkiller (Vice-Commander, Colonial Customs and Defense Agency) in Three Isn’t A Crowd If You Don’t Want It To Be

Posted by Lieutenant Sharah Fayth (Chief Star Fleet Medical Officer) in Three Isn’t A Crowd If You Don’t Want It To Be

Posted by Civilian Yavia Crockett (Nurse - Sacred Heart Hospital) in Three Isn’t A Crowd If You Don’t Want It To Be
Posted by… suppressed (24) by the Post Ghost! 👻
Defense Agency) in Three Isn’t A Crowd If You Don’t Want It To Be
Posted by… suppressed (13) by the Post Ghost! 👻

Tenkiller chewed and laughed and said “I doubt you would ever belong to anybody, but I like the sound of it.” and he took a drink and looked at her, deeply and openly. “You do realize that we are gonna be looked at like we’re all three crazy… right?” and he chuckled. “But I wouldn’t have it any other way. Now, eat up and then let’s go find our wayward third before she has second thoughts and tries to scamper off.”


Yavia shrugged, “We belong to those we wish to give ourselves to. It is a deeply personal and beautiful thing.” She bit into another fritter and almost choked as she started to laugh. She covered her mouth with one hand and then lifted her glass to sip and wash down the fritter. “TK I am crazy and everyone knows it. I will ruin both of your reputations.”

Tenkillwr looked at her and said “You aren’t crazy… you are you. And I wouldn’t change a thing about that. Reputation be damned.”

“Of course I am, and I like that way.” Yavia waggled her brows and laughed, a rich and playful sound. “Besides if I wasn’t just a bit crazy I wouldn’t have brought my bat and then you never would have asked me out.”

She ate for a minute. “She is missing out, this is really good. If she scampers off she shouldn’t get anymore.” Sharah wasn’t there but Yavia’s tone was still teasing. “I’ll take her share home with me. We’ll use it as a bribe.” V finished off the last of her plate and set aside.


He smiled at her and said “Uh-uh. Equal shares all around in all things. That’ll be the rule.” He turned and yelled out to the tree line “Time’s up! Come and get some of this or we come and get you!”


Sharah could stay where she was all day. It was easier, simpler. Plants expressed very basic and primal emotions. There was none of the other chaos of more complex beings. The feelings came across as music. Sharah was still aware of the noise and the storms, but it was like being in a deep cave. So she was unaware of Yavia’s occasional mental touches, and certainly unaware of Tenkiller yelling an ultimatum at her. Sunk this deep she could feel, she could be sad or uncertain and no one asked her what was wrong or told her how she should feel, she could, for a brief time, just exsist.


Tenkiller watched for a few long moments and then looked at V. “So? You wanna go, or should I?”


Yavia laughed, “Oh no! You get to go. You issued the ultimatum and issued the order. I am sure there will be many things I will be more than willing to protect you from, but you get to deal with this one.”


“Throwing me to the wolves already, huh? I thought we had a connection.” Tenkiller said with a grin. He quickly leaned in, stole a kiss and most inappropriate caress, and then was on his feet and heading towards the woods.

Yavia hummed a little as he kissed her and then watched him leave. As soon as he was out of sight she grabbed the container of paw-paws and ate a few more. Next time they did this was was bringing a bag so she could sneak some home. Those things were amazing. Yavia might have a new addiction. She chuckled softly to herself and refilled her glass.

He stopped just inside the treeline. He looked around and didn’t see Sharah. A quick glance at the ground and he walked forwards and off to the left a bit. Soon, he found his quarry.

He watched her for some time, seeing the light dance across her face and closed eyes. The steadiness of her breathing as her chest rose and fell. The slight smile on her lips. He walked forward slowly, silently, until he was right in front of her. He knelt down and mirrored her hands, digging his fingers deep into the soil and closing his eyes. He took a deep breath and then simply tried to feel Sharah through the ground.


The music changed, but it was a slow subtle change. Sharah didn’t catch it at first. Something else had been added into the melody, a new series of notes. It didn’t so much change the original melody but was added to the melody making it richer, fuller, like it was supposed to be there. Like a wing of the orchestra waiting for the correct moment to join the rest. It felt familiar, but Sharah couldn’t place it. It was harder to recognize things, here in this deeper sense, because there was no logical formulated thought, just feeling and instinct. She heart stretched out, her mind a little behind, seeking the source of the new notes, her fingers flexing in the soil.


Charles remained still, feeling the texture of the soil, the whisper of the wind in the leaves echoing through him. It had far too long that he had not been in the natural order. His people valued their place in nature, nutured it and cared for it in ways many thought to be outdated. But he knew… no matter the planet, he was first and foremost a creature of nature.

He felt an odd sensation… like he was being watched from a distance. But it wasn’t a threat… more like an inquiry. He focused his thoughts on Sharah… her looks, her touch when they were all piled together, the flashes of smiles he had captured in his mind. He thought about how she made him feel. How she and V made him feel whole. And he leaned slowly forward, the draw of her on him like a inevitability of connection.


Her attention seemed to draw those particular notes out of the whole. They seemed to ping against her own melody like they recognized her. It drew her forward, more curious than she had been a moment before. The more she tried to recognize it, the more elusive it was. She breathed in and out, once and twice, and settled. Recognition would come if she let it have the time it needed. She moved closer letting her melody ping and harmonize around the other. It was familiar but the memory of it slipped out and around, but it made her smile, physically leaning forward as she sought to place it. Then in a moment she realized the feeling was that moment of wholeness…it was Tenkiller, then she quite literally bumped into him. It threw her up out of that deep meditative state with a loud gasp, her hands flew up throwing dirt and soil up like confetti.


Charles smiled even as dirt and bits cascaded down on him and he opened his eyes and looked at her. He didn’t speak. He simply leaned forward and let his lips brush her cheek as he took her hand in his and gently pulled her to her feet as he rose with her. He looked at her, and reached up and brushed the dirt from her hair and face with a gentleness reserved for those who one was intimately close to. He then shook his head, his ponytail bouncing back and forth as he shook the dirt free. He smiled again, and wordlessly led her out of the trees and back into the clearing.

Sharah was disoriented. It happened sometimes when she came out of such a state very suddenly. All she could do was just blinked at him. He kissed her cheek and then pulled her to her feet. The caress, and there was no other word for it, was incredibly intimate. What the crap was going on?! Weren’t he and Yavia dating? What?!?!?! He didn’t say anything either. Sharah wondered if she was caught it some weird conglomeration of other people’s thoughts and dreams taking shape in weird ways in her head. Then they started moving and things settled and she was quite certain she was fully awake.

“Look what I found.” he said to V as he kept Sharah’s hand in his and led her to the blanket. He leaned down and kissed V softly and then he looked at Sharah. “Eat. We have a lot of time ahead of us, we three.” and he smiled.


Nope, she was quite sure he and Yavia were…something. That kiss was told it all. Why was he holding her hand?! Yavia didn’t seem to care though. She just looked at Sharah, grinned and popped another…whatever she was eating. She sat for a lack of any idea of what else to do. She had a fritter halfway to her mouth and she paused. What? She shook her head silently. This was just getting weird. “The lunch invitation is lovely, but whatever else you two have planned together, I’m not going to intrude.” Yes Sharah was purposely misunderstanding. She wasn’t that oblivious, but what exactly they had in mind she had no idea. Yavia was suddenly and significantly unable to be read.

Tenkiller looked at V and grinned. He then looked at Sharah and simply “Its impossible for you to be intruding. Utterly.” and he grinned and sat, picking up his plate.

Yavia looked up, not even hiding she was stealing more of the paw-paws. She grinned and leaned up into the kiss. Then she looked over at the raven haired woman, “Sharah did you get lost?” It was meant as a joke but when Sharah nodded she brushed her mind reassuringly. “That’s okay, Skip here apparently is an expert tracker, you can’t get lost.”


Yeah, forget the food. Sharah put it down. “That’s reassuring, but sometimes the lost don’t need to be found.” The feeling was quite clear to Yavia that Sharah wanted her to stop whatever it was she was doing, and that Sharah was suddenly very very freaked out.


“True.” Charles said. “And sometimes they dont realize they are lost and it falls to…” and he looked at V, “… those who care for them to find them and lead them back.” He looked at Sharah and said “And sometimes it takes more than one artist to make a complete work.”


Sharah turned a glare on Yavia. She’d had to ‘talk’ to her during her last session with Korczak, and Yavia just hadn’t let it go until she found out what had prompted that random comment. ‘Did you TELL him about that? Because I swear he sounds like my shrink!

Yavia’s response was immediate and calming, ‘No, he just genuinely cares about you.‘ Yavia reached across the blanket to set a hand on her arm. ‘So do I.‘ Sharah leaned back slightly. Yavia glanced at Tenkiller, that very brief contact told her enough. Sharah was on crumbling ground and didn’t trust anything. Yavia wanted to help but pushing wasn’t going to make it better.

Great, just great, this was going to have to go into that d@mn journal. ‘He doesn’t even know me.‘ Now Sharah was uncomfortable and irritated. The exchange took less than half a minute. Sharah took another bite, savored it, it really was good and then turned her obsidian gaze on Tenkiller. “Major General Charles Tenkiller…self-proclaimed to know nothing about art and having even less appreciation for it. Using an artistic metaphor. I’m starting to think you weren’t totally honest.” Her tone was contemplative and teasing, but it was forced. It was also a desperate attempt to alter the conversation.


Charles gave her a contemplative look and slowly chewed his food. Then he shrugged and said “I’m friends with a well-known art broker and spend time in galleries. I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I pick up a thing or two.” and he smiled and winked at her. He took a drink and then began preparing another bite, stabbing a combination of things with his fork. Looking at his plate, he said “Ya know Sharah… I ain’t an empath or telepath… but I know somethin’ happened here today.” His eyes locked on hers as he raised his fork to his mouth, pausing just before he put it in his mouth. “How are ya feelin’?” and the fork made its delivery.


She really wished people would stop asking her that. She did alright if she didn’t think about it too much. It was a shame to ruin what, for her, was a pleasant afternoon. Sharah could almost laugh, humans were more intuitive and emoathic than they gave themselves credit for. Sharah’s black gaze stayed on his. There was pain there and hesitation and a wish that he hadn’t asked her that. There was a quiet rush of air as she sighed. She was pulling a piece of the fry bread into smaller bite sized pieces. “Like I’ve been backed to the edge of a crumbling cliff. I can jump or I can wait for it to give way under me. Either way I fall.” She turned her attention back to her plate and the fry bread.


Charles set his plate to the side and reached out and took her free hand. He motioned V over to be next to them. “You aren’t gonna fall, Sharah… we aren’t gonna let ya. You are important… to me… to V… to both of us. And we are gonna make sure you get through this, okay? We got you. And we ain’t about to let ya go. You aren’t alone… not anymore.”


His words were ironic because they were the reason she felt backed onto a cliff. She wouldn’t say that to either of then though. That wasn’t their intention and she didn’t want them to feel bad. She also appreciated the sentiment. They didn’t have her, she simply couldn’t let them. She knew he meant it, she could clearly feel that. Someones else had said the same. They had meant it too and they left. It all came back to that. They left, everyone of them, in the end. She couldn’t do it again. She hated Korczak in the moment and all gis talk a out what she needed and what she deserved and what was okay. She needed connection that was permanent, other than a bo said tree. She would rather be alone than make another fleeting connection. She pulled her hand back but there was no real effort to break the contact. Because even if she didn’t trust it she wanted it. The feel of his presence more than his words tugged at her, making her lean forward closer to him, to resume that inevitable connection.

Yavia set the lid back on the container, and moved to Sharah’s other side. One didn’t need to be an empath to read Sharah’s body language. The taut shoulders, stiff spine, the hands jerking away from the contact, and the way she leaned back and away. Sharah felt trapped. So instead, Yavia sat next to Tenkiller, in front of Sharah, giving her more space. Sharah was in pain, and there was nothing Yavia could do about it. Deltan gifts could block physical pain, but this was emotional.

Yavia reached out, setting a very gentle touch on Sharah’s shoulder, wrapping her in the equivalent of an empathic fuzzy blanket. To her Sharah felt like she had a dam around her, but it was cracked and broken and everything was leaking out. Sharah was trying desperately to stop it from crumbling. ‘It’s okay, Sharah, really. It won’t hurt your or anyone else if you let someone else take over for awhile so you can fall apart.

Yavia’s words hit target more exactly than the outragous woman could know. They didn’t know her, not really. They didn’t know what she was. That light mental touch was the straw. It was a level of acceptance that should be so common for her to be overlooked, but it was foreign and strange. Leave me alone....‘ She sounded forlorn and lost and like she was already sobbing. It was a broken plea rather than a demand. Despite tightly closed eyes, tears started in earnest.

Yavia slid her hand over Sharah’s arm, until she was lightly holding her hand. She glanced between TK and Sharah, and tugged the woman’s hand softly.



Charles moved closer to her and put an arm lightly around her. “Get it out, Sharah… just let it go. We got ya. Just let it go.” he whispered.

His arm was solid ground in a world that was quickly collapsing around her, and it was incredibly easy to lean on. Her breath shuttered through her. It was a mark of her distress that Tenkiller clearly heard her, in his head. Sharah was always so very careful. ‘I don’t want to.‘ She didn’t want to feel it. She did want to feel or hear everyone else around her anymore. If she couldn’t feel, her chaos didn’t amplify the chaos around her. She wanted it over all of it, to cease

He reached out and took V’s hand and pulled her closer as well, nestling Sharah between the two of them. “If’n ya don’t let it out, its just gonna get worse. So just let it go…” and he pulled her close and V closer to her on the other side so Sharah was sandwiched between them, “… you’re with us now.”


Sharah was stiff, holding herself rigid between them. She didn’t have the energy to refuse. The back of her mind protested that maybe she didn’t want to refuse, but needed to allow herself to accept. The fear and grief and loneliness raged, out of her control, like a demon controlled storm, and it battered all three of them. Yavia reached up and brushed the hair off Sharah’s face then trailing her hand up and down the woman’s spine soothingly.

Tenkiller pulled her in closer, wrapping Sharah in a human sandwhich. There was a pause, a long breath of stillness before it erupted. Great wracking sobs that shook her entire frame. Yavia pressed unto her, causing Sharah to crumple onto Tenkiller’s chest, her face buried in his shoulder.

Sharah didn’t want to do this, but now that it had started, it would have to rage until the storm blew itself out. She kissed Sharah’s temple, and Yavia slipped both arms around her waist, one hand resting against her side the other on TK’s thigh, connecting them all together.


Tenkiller held both of them close and slowly, very slowly, leaned back until they were all laid back on the blanket. The sun’s rays settled around them, and Tenkiller looked at Vover the sobbing Sharah. He nodded to and smiled a knowing smile… one that said he understood and was okay with the venting of everything. He slid one hand down and placed it on V’s hand, and simply let Sharah do what she needed to do.


Yavia’s hand turned up to hold onto his, which tucked Sharah into a hug, encompassed by both of them. Sharah curled on her side, arms wrapped around herself, sobbing into his chest. Yavia turned on her side, her other hand slowly combing through Sharah’s hair, the curls wrapping and twirling like silk ribbons around her fingers. Sharah seemed to welcome the sensation though, her shoulders slumping some, even if her sobs didn’t stop. Yavia didn’t speak to her, she didn’t try to calm her, just be a supportive presence.

There was no telling how long Sharah cried, the sun had moved changing the shadows. Sharah’s emotions confused Yavia. There was grief, but it was slight along with heart ache. But it was the fear that confused her. Yavia couldn’t tell what caused it, but it’s sudden intenseness jerked her up, heart racing. She looked around but nothing was amiss, until she glanced at Sharah and realized it was coming from her. She hugged Sharah tighter, now was not the time to ask, and resumed finger combing her hair. She just let Sharah vent whatever she was feeling. The intense sobs eased eventually. The tears continued but no longer so violent.

Sharah’s head hurt. Crying never made her feel better, just exhausted. There was a gentle yet determined sense of safety and acceptance that soothed the raw edges. It lulled her letting her drift in a tiny shelter in the storms. The tears hadn’t quite stopped, but the sobbing had. Her hand moved, finding it’s way between theirs, her fingers curling around one of their palms and holding on. V looked across Sharah at TK and smiled slightly with a nod.


They lay silently for… who knows how much longer… and when it seemed right, Charles gave Sharah a firm and all-encompassing hug. He squeezed V’s hand at the same time, and looked past Sharah to V. He smiled at her and then said “Listen… why don’t we all pack this up and go someplace a little less… ‘exposed’? We can keep going, but let’s do it somewhere more private than a park. C’mon… we can all go back to my place. And I got plenty of room if this carries over for a while.”


Yavia nodded in agreement, and was the first to extract herself and sit up. She reached for glasses, drinks, containers and quickly sorting them. Years of being a personal care nurse made her quick. Yavia left TK to keep an eye on Sharah.

Pack up and go someplace. Sharah gave herself a mental shake. Right, they had plans. What was she thinking? Yes she was completely aware he meant the three of them should leave together; yes she was also completely aware that she was allowing herself to twist the words to something that made sense because she was completely confused by what was going on. She didn’t feel threatened. Nor did she feel uncomfortable, which made it more confusing. She was slow to respond though because once she did, she’d have to leave. She’d have to go back to her apartment. She hated them, she hated being there with the emptiness. But she needed to figure out what to do about that because every time she went out of her way to avoid them, weird things happened. Korczak was going to have her committed for observation for it, she kept doing reckless things.

Unfortunately for Sharah she was an open book at the moment to both her companions. Yavia finished with the containers and coolers and then took both of Sharah’s hands and pulled her up, but didn’t let go of her. Instead she kept an arm around her, hugging her lightly, and then steering her to follow Tenkiller with her. Sharah was far too tired, wrung out, and confused to really argue.


Tenkiller grabbed the basket and, with it on one arm and Sharah wrapped in the other, he led them out of the trees, onto the path, and to a parking area where a ground car was. He pressed his hand to the door and it slid open. “C’mon, let’s get you somewhere you can relax a bit.” He ushered her into the back of the car, put his hand on the small of V’s back and gently guided her in. He put the basket in the trunk and then went around and climbed in. He pressed a few controls and the car began to move.

With Sharah between both of them, the walk stumbled a bit. Sharah was short, and it was more noticeable with her between the two of them. Not wanting to rush her they shortened their stride and found a rhythm that worked for them. Sharah slipped into the car as both their arms slipped from around her. Yavia usually sat up next to TK but today she slipped into the back. She paused as he put a hand to her back and she looked up at him. There was concern there for Sharah, but clearly intense affection for him. Her fingertips feathered across his cheek before she slipped into the back seat and put an arm back around Sharah.

It took about fifteen minutes to get to their destination: a low, bungalow looking structure in a quiet and well-appointed neighborhood with tons of trees, flowers, and plants. The car slowed and turned onto a driveway that dropped down and around the building. To say that the place was ‘secluded’ was an understatement. From the residential road above, only part of the roof could be seen. The front of the house faced a short, terraced yard that had plentiful trees and ground cover, with a small, winding path of stairs that went up to the road to allow visitors to walk to the front door. The car pulled around behind the structure, and it was then apparent it was a split-level dwelling. Large windows seemed to make almost every exterior wall, and the grounds behind the house were lush and seemed to go on forever. Trees stood tall and their limbs provided shade over a good portion of the property, but there was a large, on yard with well maintained grass in the back.

Riding in a ground car was still a novelty to Sharah, she didn’t really notice though. She was more grateful to not have to walk, to just be still. She rode most of the way with Yavia insistently keeping her arm around her, to the point it was almost comical. Yavia did to it to try and make her laugh a bit. When they turned down the drive, Yavia was…impressed. She nudged Sharah a little and pointed out the window. Sharah fell in love - with the grounds. It reminded her of…her parents’ home. Oh they didn’t have a house like that, not by far. It was a farm, a large one. Her father took immaculate care of it. It butted up against the Jalaran Rain forest and there were trees and meadows everywhere, and of course the fields. Sharah itched to go get lost, to go listen to the music. The grounds didn’t surprise her though, after literally and figuratively bumping into Tenkiller earlier, in fact it actually made her smile.

The back door was made of a stone-looking material and the frames around the windows were dark red wood under the faux-slate stone roof. The doors to the vehicle opened and Tenkiller said “C’mon in, y’all. Lets get settled.” and he led them up the three broad, wide steps and the door swung open inwards.

Yavia shooed Sharah out the car first, toward TK and the door, then she slipped out and got a real good look at the entrance and let out a soft surprised sound. When Sharah seemed to hesitate, she slipped and arm back around her and urged her forward.

Inside was stunning. Huge open spaces surrounded by windows. The few walls in the place were transparent. A large sitting room with a walk-around fireplace flowed into a smaller den area. Opposite from that direction from the door was a massive kitchen and dining area, as well as a full bar. Past that was a flight of stairs that led to the lower level of the house… probably the sleeping areas.

“Make yourselves ta home. I’m gonna put this stuff away and I’ll be right there.” Tenkiller said pointing at the living room with his chin as he headed to the kitchen.


To say the ladies were stunned was a little mild. Sharah didn’t say a word, but Yavia chuckled leading Sharah toward the living room and sat them on one of the couches. “Well this certainly explains why he walks around the hospital like he’s king of the castle.” Sharah just shook her head. It was beautiful though. The architecture seemed to fit him, she just never imagined him in a place this big. Then she thought about the massive amounts of food he had made. He was used to large families. She wondered if his family would come visit him here. There was certainly enough room for them all.


A few minutes later, he came and sat down near them on the large couch the ladies had chosen to sit on. He pulled Sharah’s legs towards him and started to slip off her shoes. He looked at V and smiled, then at Sharah and said “Back at the park. We told ya you ain’t alone. We meant that, Sharah.” As the second shoe came off, he started rubbing her foot, his fingers holding her foot while his thumb massaged various pressure points. He looked at V and motioned for her to let Sharah stretch out, feet to him and reclining on her.

This was so incredibly awkward, but with very little effort Sharah was stretched out between them. Yavia had one arm draped around her, the other was playing with Sharah’s curls. Sharah didn’t know what to make of this at all, and it was starting to freak her out. She didn’t bother to open her eyes. “I know you did,” she could feel the sincerity. They meant it now. Sharah sighed wondering when she’d become so cynical…maybe she always had been. Right now she had a more pressing problem. Sharah was extremely ticklish and the man had a hold of her feet.

“Now, then… let’s discuss some house rules” Tenkiller said with a grin at V. “First rule, the room past the den is off limits. The rest of the rules we can make up as we go.” and he chuckled.


His house his rules, it didn’t matter to Sharah. She could feel the look he was giving Yavia, even with her eyes closed. She could feel Yavia’s attraction and response.
She really didn’t need to be here for this. It wasn’t like she would be living here. She felt the wicked teasing before Yavia spoke. Yavia’s brows rose and she mock whispered to Sharah, who was reclined against her, “He has secrets! What do you suppose they are? Maybe it’s a love cave.”

“If that’s what it is I doubt it would be off limits to you, Yavia.” The woman was outrageous and her comments almost tugged a smiled from Sharah. She opened her eyes and looked at him. The easy and unbending acceptance mixed with Yavia’s naturally flirtatious nature was intoxicating making her feel like she had a buzz. So without thinking she decided to tease him. “No, I think it’s a ballet studio. He dances around in a pink leotard and lavender tutu.”

Yavia laughed, “Do you suppose he told us to tease us and make us want to find out?” Her blue eyes danced at him from behind Sharah.

“Well if he did, it would serve him right to just ignore it.” The last was said through slightly gritted teeth and an obvious attempt to keep her leg still. She didn’t think he meant to tickle her foot but if he didn’t quite she was going to kick him out of pure reflex.


Tenkiller chuckled at the two women’s comments and he shook his head. “Everyone is entitled to things are simply their’s, ladies. Privacy is important sometimes.” and (fortunately for Sharah) his hands moved from feet to her ankles and calves, slowly rubbing away tension and apprehension. “That’ll be important to keep in mind going forward too, I think. Sometimes, each of us will need a break. The other two will need ta respect that. But that want has to be tempered by a promise from all of us not to withdraw from the other two. Make sense?”


Yavia grinned at him. “Oh absolutely. I would never, but I will tease you incessantly.” Sharah felt suddenly on edge, like a bow ready to snap. Yavia hugged her and continued finger combing her hair.

Privacy It was something they wouldn’t get with her around. Not that she would tell their secrets, but it was still a violation of privacy. And as much as Sharah would like to say she didn’t understand what they were talking about, she couldn’t. A curse As soothing as their presence was it was time to go. Sharah pulled her feet away and sat up.

Yavia reached for her, just her fingertips against the back of Sharah’s hand and her cheek. Using her instead ability to infuse calm and security. To stop the head long flight building.

“Quite.” She turned grabbing Yavia’s hands by the wrist gently. “Don’t.” She sighed and moved to swing her feet to the floor. “It makes quite a lot of sense. But you two have made some significant decisions for all three of us assuming I will just go along. You don’t know what you have decided to bring into your life.” She picked her shoes up and stood.


Yavia’s hand snaked out a d wrapped around Sharah’s hand. ‘*Sharah don’t. Stay. Whatever it is that you are afraid of…you can stay here, you don’t have to deal with it alone. We want you to stay, and I think you do to.”


Tenkiller sighed and said “Except we do. We know all about you, Sharah. And we aren’t scared of you. And we don’t expect you to just go along. We expect you to buck and snarl and protest and complain incessantly until you realize that this-” and he gestured to the three of them, “- would be good for you. And it would be good for both of us, too. This isn’t just about you, but you are part of it. A big part of it. V knows it. I know it. And somewhere inside all those built up defenses and walls you know it, too.” He took V’s hand in one of his and Sharah’s in the other.

Sharah wasn’t sure what was more frightening to her. That they actually did know (really know and not the misconceptions people thought they knew) and weren’t afraid, or that they knew things about her that she shared with very few people. She opened her mouth to tell them to stop touching her. But she got hit suddenly by a rise in the noise. It happened, it didn’t mean that anything around her was wrong, but it swamped her and she struggled to tread water. It happened, Sharah was far to used to it, but this was worse because her mental state was in no way stable, and she had far too few defenses anyway.

Yavia felt her sway, felt the resignation and the pain. She saw the way Sharah’s breath changed and her eyes pinched against it. She snaked her other arm around Sharah’s waist and pulled her back onto the couch between them.

When the circle was complete, Tenkiller closed his eyes and smiled. There was that feeling of completion, of being whole. “My people have a saying. ‘We are a tribe; we must assist each other to bear our burdens.’ Right now Sharah, you have burdens. And we care for you. So it is only right that we do whatever we can to help you bear those burdens.” He opened his eyes and looked at her. “Protest all you want. Be angry at us if you must. Yell. Cry. Refuse. The one thing you shouldn’t do is leave. Because if there is any one place that you are safe to be you… it is right here. With V and me. As strange as it may be, you are part of us… of this… and you know that’s the truth.”


Sharah absolutely did not know that. She knew that they believed it was true. His words slowly sank in as the waves settled. She could protest and refuse but she was staying anyway. They had decided. That didn’t sound very reassuring. Hadn’t Korczak just warned her not to do something wreckless? Lunch with a friend hadn’t seemed wreckless. He was going to have a field day with this. Then she began to laugh - hysterically. Korczak was never going to know. She was stuck here. Before either could ask what was wrong, Sharah already knew their question. “Did you really just tell me I’m a hostage? That I can hate it but I’m staying but it’s okay because you care?” No that was not what he had said....exactly…but it was one way to interpret their words and actions.

She jerked her hands away, wrapping her arms around pulled up knees and dropped her face into the circle of her own arms. She went utterly still. If she didn’t breathe, if her heart didn’t beat, if she didn’t move, maybe she could stop from falling apart any more than she was.

Yavia looked at him, their hands still joined. The effect of Sharah’s pain and confusion reflected on her face. They had maybe pushed Sharah a little too far. She scooted closer and put her arms around her again anyway, pulling TK into the embrace with her. “Sharah, it’s really clear you haven’t had enough people who really care about you in your life. It’s hard for you to know what to do with it.” She kissed the top of Sharah’s head. “You aren’t a hostage. But right now we can’t let you go off alone. You aren’t safe on your own right now. You aren’t taking care of yourself, you can’t. You’ll hurt yourself.”


Tenkiller looked at V, a resigned expression on his face. “I think maybe she should go, V.” He nodded at her, telling her to trust him. “Sharah, if you want to go… you always can. And you can always come back, if you want. But neither of us will ever force you to do either if you don’t want to.” He was sincere and, perhaps most importantly, he trusted Sharah to make the right choice. Not for him, or V, or even just herself. But for all of them. “Do what you need to do, Sharah. Whatever it is, we’ll help however we can.” and he let go of her hand and slid down the couch to give her some space.


Yavia nodded and slid back as well. Sharah’s anguish hurt. Not that it was injuring Yavia in any way, but somewhere in the last months, Yavia had become very attached, with her whole heart, to this woman, TK too, and her anguish made Yavia’s heart ache. It had been awhile since Yavia had allowed such a thing to happen. And now she had both…both?…yes both of them - almost. Yavia had the benefit of being able to turn of that sense though, to allow herself space from it. Also, if she chose, to keep herself to herself. To not let her feelings influence Sharah’s.


It hurt, devastatingly so, what was worse was knowing she had hurt them. That wasn’t what she wanted, but she wasn’t sure she was capable of giving them what they were asking. Korczak told her she needed this. To give herself the grace to accept it.

In her minds eye she could see the monster in the storm, laughing at her, whipped to a frenzy, just waiting. Waiting for her to run away, back into the storms, rather than stay where she had some shelter, at least a little bit of solid ground.

She was still a long time. Things had felt simpler and resolved in that cave, but nownthey weren’t. That wasn’tYavia and Tenkiller’s doing though. Tenkiller was right. She was part of whatever this was. They could all feel it. But she didn’t know what to do with it. He said it was only right, as if it was their responsibility, one they wanted, to…to what? Care for her, support her, do for her what she could not? Hw told her to do what she needed, but she didn’t know what that was. They trusted her and wanted her to trust herself too. She didn’t think she could. Was Yavia right too? Like a patient who had to be cared for and watched because they couldn’t? Sharah was self aware enough to know that she was not taking care of herself at all. That it was a slow silent type of self-harm. Did she want to stay? Did she want what they were holding out to her. She did, but more importantly she needed to. It wasn’t fair to stay just because she had no where else to go. Did that matter if they wanted her to stay anyway? She genuinely wanted to stay, for them, on many levels. But what about Hope? “I…can’t leave Hope.” It was clear she wasn’t talking about the emotion, but something or someone more tangible.

Yavia had no idea who Hope was. She looked up at TK. Did that mean she would stay? “We can take you to get, Hope.”


When V looked at him, he shrugged. He had no clue who or what Hope was, but he simply said “Sure. Thats not a problem. But who or what is Hope? I just want to make sure we are getting the right one.” and he chuckled softly.


“And where is Hope?” If it meant Sharah would stay Yavia woukd steal the Centurion to go get Hope.

Oh she said that out loud. The only part of her they could see was the top of her head and her ears, which had very quickly turned pink to red. Hope was everything to her. And maybe it was perfectly fitting that it was hope and trust they wanted her to have.

Yavia watched the tips of her ears turn pink and then red. “Sharah?”


“I never go anywhere without her. She’s in my apartment.” Hope was her constant companion. They could hear her take a long slow breath attempting humor despite the seriousness and uncertainty. “You can’t miss her, she’s my cherry blossom tree.” She peeked up at them trying to guage their reactions.


Tenkiller looked at V and smiled. “Tree, huh? Well, sorry… thats a deal breaker. As you can tell…” and he gestured out the windows, “… I hate plants.” and he chuckled. He looked at V and said “Why don’t we all go and pick up Hope? And maybe pack a bag for a few nights? Sharah and V and Tenkiller and Hope… all under one roof. We’ll call it a sleepover. How does that sound to everyone? We can go get Hope and get Sharah some things, swing by V’s and let her grab whatever she might need for a long weekend, and then we can come back here and get sleeping arrangements hammered out.”


Yavia nodded, looking confused and mouthed, “Tree?” at him. How were they going to move a tree? How did Sharah even get a tree inside her apartment? Yavia loved being outside in nature. She’d told TK that their first date. She didn’t know much about taking care of plants though. She just liked them. They would just have to figure out how to move this tree. “Yeah, we can do that. I mean I don’t know about sleeping arrangements. Last time I had a sleep over, we didn’t sleep.” She winked at both if them, earning her a small snicker out of Sharah.


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