The First Day Of Forever

Posted March 22, 2023, 5:13 p.m. by Civilian Jason Reilly (Assistant Director - Colonial Intelligence) (James Sinclair)

Posted by Lieutenant Hannah Lori Asimina (Asst. Chief Medical Officer) in The First Day Of Forever

Posted by Civilian Jason Reilly (Assistant Director - Colonial Intelligence) in The First Day Of Forever

Posted by Lieutenant Hannah Lori Asimina (Asst. Chief Medical Officer) in The First Day Of Forever
Posted by… suppressed (37) by the Post Ghost! 👻

Hannah kissed him, long enough to make the other people in the pizzeria smile over their happiness. “Let’s go home.”


He was silent a minute and then said “What about the pizza?” and grinned at her.

“We take it with us. I might wake up at 2 am and have to have it. They will be closed by then.” Hannah ate another slice while they waited for the box and check.

It was only about twenty minutes later when the door to their apartment opened and the two of them walked in. Jason looked at Hannah and signed I’m going to put the pizza in the chiller.


Okay Hannah happily slurped the last of the peach milkshake from the cup. Then followed him into the kitchen to throw the cup away. It was still barely early afternoon after having to wait for the infusion unit and lunch. Hannah grabbed a glass and filled it with water and drank. “Do you still want to cook chicken parm tonight? We could order the ingredients or pull them from the replicator.”


Jason turned and walked towards her. He stood in front of her and put his hands on the counter on either side of her, ‘trapping’ her in front of him. “Do you remember that night when we both were actually scheduled off at the same time? You got us that amazing hotel room.” He leaned in and whispered so close to her ear that his lips brushed her ear and her implants had no trouble picking up the words. “Our first night together.” and he nibbled on her ear.


Unlike most people who would move back, Hannah moved into him as his arms ‘trapped’ her, and her stomach did all kinds of gymnastics as he leaned in really close. His whisper tickled her ear and was chased all the way down her spine. He could see her pulse racing in her neck and she made a very soft sound in the back of her throat. “Yeah,” her hands slid up his arms and over his shoulders, “there was that great view on the balcony of the three moons. You said I should have gems the same colors so I’d remember.” She kissed his neck, moving slowly to the spot behind his ear. “I don’t remember what they looked like. I was too busy staring at you. I think we stayed out there all night.”


Jason kissed her neck between words. “One blue… one yellow… one purple.” He moved his kiss to her lips and reached down, put his hands on her back-side, and lifted her up so she was sitting on the counter. “And we did stay out there. Made use of the lounge chairs.” He kissed her again. “I think that was the first time I told you that I loved you.”


“It was,” Hannah kissed him, just a brief a contact. “It was so unexpected I didn’t say anything, until I laughed. You rolled me on my back and loomed over me and gave me this very stern expression,” Hannah attempted to copy his look and sound serious, “and told me I had better be laughing because you had made me the happiest woman in the galaxy. I kissed you, told you you had and that I loved you with all my heart.” Hannah rested her forehead against his. “Do you remember, I taught you ‘I love you’ in Catawban sign?” She crossed her fists at the wrists and made a small beating motion off center, over her heart and then repeated the motion over his heart.


“I remember. You are the one that started me learning sign.” and then he signed I didn’t know it at the time, but I WAS learning it for you. He smiled and said “I still cannot believe that after all those years… I was walking through the Saracen and saw your reciever fall out of your pocket and when I tapped you on the shoulder… it was you. I was… stunned.” He smiled and signed We are home. You can take them off if you want.


Why did you learn? Hannah grinned. “I was surprised you didn’t know because you knew what I signed to Fitzpatrick. Why is it people always learn swear words in new languages first?” Such a seemingly simple offer made her feel all sorts of things - mostly accepted and comfortable, she was home. She reached up with both hand and rotated them till these was a soft click and everything went silent. She looked around for a minute for where to put them. She switched them into her pocket and took the small PaDD Ok’jiv had handed her and tossed it in the counter. Then her eyes turned back to him. I was so shocked all I could do was fidget about how I never drop them. After all that time you were there. I thought I might be dreaming.


I’ll tell you why later. he signed with a smile. For now… I saw you standing there and I honestly forgot everything. I could barely understand when you asked ‘How are you?’. Jason smiled warmly at her. And I really didn’t mean to shock you when I replied ‘I’m still in love with you.’ It was the only thought in my head.


I…I… Hannah stared past his shoulder. What would she have done? There had been a couple of days where she’d been sad, but she had mourned Daniel years ago. She had been…angry and bitter. He’d made promises he never intended to keep, and she’d known it all along. What would she have done when Jason appeared so unexpectedly into all of that? When he was saying he still loved her, and she was questioning all her life choices? I didn’t know what to make of that. You were the one good thing in all those years, but I’d lost you, too. And there you when everything was such a mess. I didn’t know what to say or do. Just that I missed you. Not the enthusiastic welcome you deserved.


Jason smiled and said You were in shock. So was I. Thats why I blurted that out. Hannah… I honestly expected you to walk away right there. But when you said you missed me… I knew what you meant. I didn’t know everything that was happening, but I knew something was wrong. He moved in close to her and started to sloooooowly undo clothing buttons and such. “That why I said if you wanted to talk, you could come to my quarters for dinner.”


Hannah nodded softly. You always seemed to know what I was feeling and thinking. Hannah watched him slip the buttons of her sweater free, so she missed some of what he was saying. She looked up and only caught ‘quarters for dinner.’ Sorry, I wasn’t watching. Hannah flushed, she had been, just something different.

Jason chuckled and signed I said I had asked you to my quarters for dinner to talk if you wanted to. He opened the sweater and slid his arms around her for a moment, his skin on her skin.

Hannah sighed as his arms settled around her. His skun pleasantly warm against hers. She leaned into him, breathing in every detail of the moment. Finally, she moved back, but only enough he could see her sign.

It seemed so s-u-r-r-e-a-l sitting across the table from you again. I didn’t know what to say. Everything had been covered up, lied about. You asked me what really happened, and…well it was you. I told you everything.


Jason nodded. He unwrapped her from his embrace and signed I felt so bad. I knew you loved him. And oddly, I wasn’t j-e-a-l-o-u-s. E-n-v-i-o-u-s yes. But I just wanted then… and now… for you to be happy and where you want to be. And I told you that. Do you remember what you said?


Hannah gripped his hands a moment and then began to sign. I said the last time I was happy was with you. It wasn’t fair you were there. I had asked for a transfer but not heard yet.


He unbuttoned his shirt and pressed himself against her for a long moment before leaning back.

I asked you where, and you said Oed V. I had never heard of it. I asked if that was what you really wanted. You said you had to go, you couldn’t stay on that ship. He leaned in and kissed her. I asked if you would stay with me that night. Just to be with you.


Hannah’s hands slid slowly from around him, tracing along his ribs to his abs as she kissed him. Her voice was exceptionally soft when she spoke. “I couldn’t stay there, with the pity, the lies, stagnant.” Her fingers traced his face, his jaw, his lips, before she smiled and signed, Best decision I ever made. Besides you weren’t staying on Saracen. Your assignments took you everywhere. You were just their for a briefing. Slidding her palms over his shoulder she slowly pushed his shirt off his shoulders and off his arms. I stayed. I couldn’t imagine anything else. You were there, and I couldn’t let you go again. Hannah looked upwards and blinked as her eyes watered. Then she leaned in and kissed him.


He kissed her back, and then smiled and said And we spent the night together… and thats when this- and he pressed his hand to her stomach, - was made. He stepped back away from her and said And that next morning you got a response. Your transfer had been approved and you had to leave that very day. It wasn’t fair. But I knew that you were what I wanted… where I needed to be. So you left… we promised that this time it wouldn’t be the end. And three months later I got here. It took resigning, but we made it. He smiled at her and then stepped back in and kissed her. And I’m not leaving you again.


Hannah didn’t hesitate as he set his hand over her stomach, but she didn’t lean in right away either. She let the story, the new truth, sink in. This was Jason’s baby. She let the wish that it was true go, because from now on she had to live that truth. They would both change it if they could, and this was how they were going to do that. The fact she never wanted anything to do with Daniel’s work, with his other lives, didn’t matter. He had made it so she was. This baby was. It took several long deep breaths for Hannah to let go of that anger. It didn’t matter anymore. What mattered was the man standing in front of her and their baby, their family. She put her hand over his and kissed him softly.

You coming here is everything. That we…the three of us, will be here together. Hannah set her hands in her lap and stares at them a moment before staring into his eyes. I know you promised, and I know you meant it. But…I have a hard time trusting promises, but I’m trying.


Jason smiled. Well, historically I have a hard time keeping them… so we both have a lot of new things to try. But I think with you, keeping my promises will be a lot more fun.


I’m not leaving either. Hannah leaned toward him smiling. I think life will be more fun together. She put her arms around him, her skin against his, and kissed him while slowly sliding off the counter. Slowly she ended the kiss and leaned back slightly so she could see his eyes. “Do you still want me to move in now?”


Yes. he replied without hesitation. I have wanted you here since we had a ‘here’. He smiled and then said Why? Change your mind about waiting?


That was the thing, Hannah had never really wanted to wait. It just seemed that given everything else, she should choose caution. She didn’t trust her own judgment. That struggle was clear on her face. She wanted to stay with him. I want to change my mind. If I am staying only to the end of the week or coming ‘home’, here when I get back, I need a few things. It’s just…how much am I bringing?


Jason shrugged and said As much as you want. Any of it… all of it. It doesn’t matter to me as long as you are here. He leaned in and kissed her, then her neck and then her ear. Do you want to go get things now or do you want to stay here for a little bit first? he asked and then kissed her again.


A soft sigh expressed the pleasant warm shocks that spread from where he kissed her and across her skin and down her back. The way Hannah slipped her arms around him, holding close, and kissed him was all the answer he needed. Though she did murmur, “Stay here,” just to be clear.


Jason grinned and took her hand. There were other ways to convey what they were both thinking, and it didn’t involve standard signs.

A few hours later…

As they dressed and got ready to go Jason looked at Hannah, there is his- no, their- bedroom and he smiled. He tapped her on the shoulder. I love you, Hannah. he signed and smiled and went to finish getting dressed.


Hannah pulled her sweater up over her shoulders as she looked over her shoulder at him. Slipping the buttons into place she turned fully smiling at him. I love you too, J-a-s-o-n. She reached out and brushed her fingers in his hair and kissed him.

Roughly 30 minutes later they walked through the door of one of the smaller fleet Barracks. Hannah walked up to the desk and placed her palm on the scanner. “Welcome back, Lt. How was your first few days at the hospital?”

“Long, Vicki, very long.” Hannah smiled brightly though, “I love it. Can you check my guest in? Jason Reilly.” Hannah had no idea what ‘identity’ would come up. Reserve Officer, VP of a logistics company, or Colonial Intelligence.


Jason walked forward and handed her his ID. She placed it in the scanner and said “Commander Reilly, welcome. Are you new to the colony, sir?” Jason smiled and said “Yes, but I’m retired… mostly.” and he chuckled. He looked at Hannah and said “Lead the way, Lieutenant.” and gestured forward.


The Lt nodded, “Isn’t that the truth. My grandfather retired 15 years ago, but if Star Fleet needs him, he still has to jump. Well, welcome to Oed, Cmdr.”

Hannah grinned, “Of course, Cmdr.” She led him down toward the lifts and to the second floor. Her quarters were half way down the corridor. She pressed the control and walked in. They were standard single quarters. There were pictures here and there of Hannah and her parents, with Alexis, various friends, a few of her climbing, with her lacrose team at the Academy. There were books, nick-knacks and such. There was a knocked over photo frame, Hannah and Colter, on the small corner table and a football on the floor behind it. Her console was beeping with messages. The view was very bland. “I should check those.” Hannah sat down and most of them she transfered to a PaDD. The other was from Alexis. Whatever Alexis said made Hannah smile. She closed out the console and stood. “This shouldn’t take me long. I don’t really have much, and a lot....” Hannah scanned the room, “I won’t keep.”

Hannah walked into the bedroom and grabbed a climbing bag out of the closet. It was large and had plenty of room. She started putting clothes into it.


“You point. I pack. And if it needs to go, I’ll toss it in the recycler. Deal?” and he moved to the bathroom. “I’ll start in here. Why don’t you take care of the… historical… items? That way you can concentrate on what you want to keep and what you want to not.”


Hannah nodded, “Yeah, that’s fine.” She opened the closet and stared at a large crate. She slid it out and opened it, then she went through her quarters and gathered a handful of items and carried them back. She sat there carefully packing them when she got up suddenly, and sat at the computer. She pulled out a PaDD and worked for a few minutes. Then she took the PaDD and replicated a small box. She returned to the crate. The PaDD was put in the small box and she took a few items from the crate and put them in the box. The box went back into the closet and she closed and sealed the tote. Then she paged Ops.

Jason watched from the corner of his eye, but didn’t ask.

Hannah walked back into the room, The large crate are Daniel’s things that didn’t get taken with the rest. I’ll have them forwarded. She took the small box and set it on the bed. These are also, but…One day the baby might want to know…I didn’t know if we should keep a few things. I can send them to Alexis to hold onto for me. She’ll never give it a second thought or look.

Whatever you want, we will do. And I’m sure you can trust her to keep it safe. Jason said.

What was left was a few books, her photos, souvaniers and PaDDS that she wanted to keep. Things that were hers.


Jason got busy and packed what was left in the bag and called and got one more smaller crate for the other, larger things. When Ops came, he gave them the box and the bag and the transporter coordinates for the apartment building. He looked at Hannah. You ready to go? Is that everything?


Hannah carefully picked up the crate of Daniel’s things. “This was supposed to be shipped to Earth from the Saracen. It isn’t mine, it belonged to a crew mate. It got mixed up in my things.” The chief nodded, “No problem Lt. We’ll get it sorted.” Hannah turned to Jason and looked around. I think so. I left a couple uniforms, so when I’m on call and I have to stay here overnight. I’m ready to go.


Jason looked around and then turned to her and said Not a lot of space for a crib… and he shrugged. Guess it’ll just be me and the kid those nights. I’m good with that. and he smiled.


Hannah paused and looked around. She hadn’t even thought about that. She hadn’t let herself make any plans past each day. No…I suppose it’s not. I guess I should have requested bigger quarters.... Hannah smiled a little at him. It will be awhile before I will have to do that. I’ll have leave after the birth, and I suppose there is childcare if we need it… She walked to the door and it slud open. Ready?


He grinned and said “I was born ready. Let’s do this.” He slung the bag over one shoulder and offered her his other arm. So when are talking to the families? I’m supposed to call mine this week. he signed as they walked down the hall.


Hannah grinned, rolling her eyes in amusement. Of course he was ready. She slipped her hand onto his arm. She shrugged, but she was far from indifferent. In the lift she let go of his arm. I suppose sooner is better. Though she was worried over her parents’ reaction. She knew Jason would be there, that he was the father. She’d put off telling them because of her own shock and Daniel. There was no reason now. I’m not supposed to call them for a couple weeks, but I can call them sooner. I really shouldn’t put it off. She slipped her hand back onto his arm as they left. Hannah was suddenly very tired.


Jason could almost feel her slump, but it was her body language that spoke more than anything. As they headed to the waiting slider, he said I have to work tomorrow, but I will be home at five. How about after dinner tomorrow night? I’ll call mine first. If you feel like saying hello, you can- but no pressure. And if you are up to calling yours, you can after. For now, let’s just go home, eat, and get some sleep. It has been a big day, after all.


Hannah ducked into the slider and settled into the seat. “My shift should be done by then, and I’ll say ‘hi’ if you want. I’m sure your parents will be curious. I will send mine a message tonight, so they know I’m calling.” She laid jer head back against the seat and closed her eyes. The idea of food sounds horrible. I probably need to take that hypo.


“I’ll start carrying it with me when we go out.” he said aloud. He took her hand and held it and let the ride go by in silence.

When they walked into the lobby of their building, the guard said “Ms. Asimina, your crate arrived. We can bring it up whenever you like.”

Hannah gave him a warm thankful smile, “Whenever you have time, please.” Hannah had one of those personalities that just pulled people in, that people just liked her. The guard couldn’t help but smile in return. “We’ll bring it up right away.”

Jason led her to the lift and soon they were inside their home and he was leading her to the couch. “Sit. I’ll get the hypo.” and he took her bag to the second floor and set it down, got her hypo, and brought it to her. “Here, hun.”


Hannah sat without a word. She could very easily get the hypo herself; they both knew that, but (Hannah took a breath) it felt really good to have Jason take care of her some. She turned, arms and head resting on the back of the couch and watched him climb the stairs and then come back. “Thank you.” Hannah reached for it and sat up, she checked the dial, though these that were sent home had their dosages locked in. She pressed it to her neck and she felt the pressure as the medicine was forced through the dermal layer, into deeper tissue and her blood stream. She set the hypo in her lap and with the other hand, rubbed at her neck, helping move the medicine. She slid her hand into his. She opened her mouth to say something, but looked up as the chime rang. “My crate? Good I need something out of it.”


Jason opened the door and two of the building facility crew came in carrying the crate. Jason directed to set it down in the living area and thanked them.

He looked at Hannah and said “Meds helping?”


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