The Leaf and Petal

Posted May 11, 2023, 8:23 a.m. by Civilian Geoff (Owner, Leaf and Petal Flower Shoppe) (Brian Richards)

Posted by Captain Eela Dasca (Lt. Governor) in The Leaf and Petal

Posted by Civilian Geoff (Owner, Leaf and Petal Flower Shoppe) in The Leaf and Petal

Posted by Civilian Geoff (Owner, Leaf and Petal Flower Shoppe) in The Leaf and Petal
In the cozy, sunlit interior of the Leaf and Petal, Geoff stood tall amidst a colorful array of exotic plants, flowers, and seeds from across the galaxy. Her leaves rustled gently, their hues shifting subtly as she communicated with her customers, expressing her enthusiasm for the botanical wonders that filled her shop. Tabris had worked with Sharah back during their time on a Ark Angel, and continued throughout the years to perfect a series of subroutines that allowed a standard Starfleet Universal Translator to ‘translate’ Geoff’s shimmering and subtle motions, along with subsonic sounds so that she could communicate properly. The technology wasn’t perfect, and it’s not like someone could have a conversation with Geoff in the traditional sense, but it was almost a pictographical way of communicating. While Geoff couldn’t sense the world around her visually, she was connected to the world at large and was able to convey her thoughts, ideas, and emotions in a way that folks could comprehend.

A young humanoid couple entered the shop, marveling at the vibrant display of flora that surrounded them. Sensing their curiosity, Geoff’s leaves shimmered in a welcoming shade of green, inviting them to explore the Leaf and Petal’s unique offerings. As they approached a rare, bioluminescent flower, Geoff’s leaves changed to a soft blue, indicating that the plant was a gentle, nocturnal species that emitted a soothing glow at night.

Intrigued, the couple asked Geoff about the flower’s origins. Geoff’s leaves rustled and fluttered, shifting through various shades of blue and green as she conveyed the story of how she had discovered the plant on a distant, moonlit planet during one of her adventures with Tabris. Truth be told, this was a bit of an exaggeration as Geoff was in Tabris’s quarters at the time and never went on away missions. No matter though as the couple watched the translator intently, captivated by Geoff’s unique method of communication and the enchanting tale she shared.

As they continued to explore the shop, they noticed an intriguing plant with delicate, spiraling tendrils that seemed to dance in the air. Geoff’s leaves shifted into a vibrant, swirling pattern of colors as she explained that this particular plant had the unique ability to respond to musical vibrations, causing its tendrils to move gracefully in sync with the melodies.

Before leaving the Leaf and Petal, the couple thanked Geoff for her guidance and purchased the bioluminescent flower and the music-responsive plant. Geoff’s leaves shimmered with gratitude and delight, as she wished them well with their new botanical treasures.

Throughout the day, various customers wandered into the Leaf and Petal, drawn by the enticing array of plants and the charm of the sentient Ficus Carica that owned the shop. With each interaction, Geoff’s leaves changed colors, textures, and movements, reflecting her emotions and the information she conveyed.

In the quiet moments before closing, Geoff’s leaves shimmered with a deep sense of contentment and gratitude. The Leaf and Petal was not just a shop, but a living testament to her resilience and adaptability in a universe filled with wonder and mystery, a place where she could truly call home.

– Geoff –

The warm, inviting atmosphere of the Leaf and Petal drew in a diverse array of customers, each with their own interests and preferences. On a busy afternoon, a fussy humanoid customer, Mr. Tarnik, entered the shop. He was well-known for his particular tastes and meticulous nature.

As Mr. Tarnik walked through the aisles, Geoff’s leaves shimmered in various shades of green, indicating her willingness to help him find the perfect plant for his needs. He approached Geoff with a list of very specific requirements for the plant he sought: it had to be low maintenance, have air-purifying qualities, and possess an aesthetic that matched his home’s decor.

Geoff’s leaves rustled as she considered Mr. Tarnik’s preferences. She gently swayed her branches, leading him towards a beautiful, low-maintenance plant with air-purifying properties. Its lush, green leaves formed an elegant pattern, perfectly suited to Mr. Tarnik’s refined taste. As Geoff’s leaves shifted to a rich emerald hue, the translator device Mr. Tarnik was wearing provided a visual cue, showcasing the plant’s ability to thrive in low-light conditions and purify the air.

Mr. Tarnik examined the plant, raising an eyebrow in skepticism. He pressed Geoff for more options, insisting that he needed a plant that would truly stand out. Geoff’s leaves fluttered and changed to a warm shade of orange, signaling her understanding of his request. She guided him to another section of the shop, where a rare, exotic plant with vibrant, multicolored leaves caught his eye.

As Mr. Tarnik marveled at the plant’s stunning appearance, Geoff’s leaves shifted into a mesmerizing array of colors. The translator device conveyed information about the plant’s origin, describing a distant planet with a unique ecosystem that supported the growth of such vivid foliage. Geoff’s leaves also communicated the plant’s moderate care requirements, which included ample sunlight and careful watering.

Mr. Tarnik hesitated, unsure if the plant would be too much trouble to maintain. Sensing his concern, Geoff’s leaves turned a calming shade of blue as she assured him that the plant’s beauty was worth the extra care. The visual cues from the translator device painted a picture of a thriving, colorful plant that would become the centerpiece of Mr. Tarnik’s living space.

After a moment of contemplation, Mr. Tarnik decided to give the exotic plant a chance. He thanked Geoff for her patience and assistance, purchasing the plant along with a detailed care guide that Geoff had provided. As he left the Leaf and Petal, Geoff’s leaves glowed with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, knowing that she had helped even the fussiest of customers find the perfect plant to enrich their life.


Despite the busyness of her schedule, a place like the Leaf and Petal was going to draw the attention of one citizen of Oed who was keeping her fingers on the pulse of various areas, including new shops. That this one was a plant shop was an excellent bonus.

A Ferengi dressed in dark clothes stepped in with an air of seriousness and took a quick look around, scoping out who was and wasn’t in the shop. he didn’t even stay long enough to exchange pleasantries before he left.

A moment later, the door opened again and a Haliian woman stepped in. Her long dark hair hung in loose waves, streaked lightly with silver. Wearing a long colour blocked dress in blue, pink, purple and black, she moved with ease. Her hazel eyes gazed about curiously, her empathic mind absorbing the sense of life in the shop.

~Eela Dasca, Lt. Gov.

Geoff watched as the Ferengi quickly scanned the shop and left without uttering a word. She rustled her leaves with curiosity but didn’t have much time to ponder as the door opened again. This time, a Haliian woman entered the Leaf and Petal, her long dark hair streaked with silver and her hazel eyes brimming with curiosity.

The woman moved with grace and ease, her gaze taking in the vibrant array of plants and flowers that filled the shop. Geoff could sense the woman’s empathic abilities, a subtle current of energy that resonated with the sense of life in the shop.

Geoff’s leaves shimmered in a welcoming shade of green, greeting the woman. She radiated warmth and intrigue, her empathic mind absorbing the serene energy of the shop. Geoff’s leaves rustled gently as she conveyed her welcoming message through the translator device.

Despite her inability to communicate verbally, Geoff’s intentions were clearly understood through her leaf movements and the translator device. She stood ready to guide the Haliian woman, eager to share her botanical knowledge and help her explore the diverse flora she had on offer. Or to offer a quick pictorial chat about life, botany, philosophy, or whatever was on the Lt. Governor’s mind.


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