Worrisome Complications

Posted May 23, 2023, 5:35 p.m. by Civilian Jason Reilly (Deputy Director - Colonial Intelligence) (James Sinclair)

Posted by Lieutenant Hannah Lori Asimina (Asst. Chief Medical Officer) in Worrisome Complications

Posted by Civilian Jason Reilly (Deputy Director - Colonial Intelligence) in Worrisome Complications

Posted by Lieutenant Hannah Lori Asimina (Asst. Chief Medical Officer) in Worrisome Complications
Posted by… suppressed (40) by the Post Ghost! 👻
The nurse let her sit up a little, but not nearly all the way. Hannah tried calling Venice, Justin, and Kevin Consulting. The receptionist refused to put her through to Jason. His secretary said he was in a meeting and to call back later. Hannah convinced her to take a message, but the woman only took her name.

Jason had given her his direct comm, but she didn’t want him to think it was an emergency and interupt whatever he was doing. She didn’t feel she had much of a choice though. So she sent a recorded message in sign. Jason…I’m in the infirmary. My blood pressure spiked really high and they are keeping me for a few hours. Hannah wasn’t sure what else to say. She would really wanted him there, but he was working. This was just a precaution. I will be late and didn’t want you to worry. … Your secretary said you were in a meeting, but when you’re done…

“Lieutenant you have to lay back now, just try to relax.”

Hannah glanced at the screen with a sigh and sent the message.


Sacred Heart Hospital security was not a joke… at least, not anymore. After the attack on two of the most visible members of the colony and the subsequent ‘reshuffling’ of responsibility, Sacred Heart was now the most welcoming and inviting hospital… with a deployable tactical squads and representatives of at least three local and Federation law enforcement agencies and two military organizations.

It was into this setting that a single figure strode with a look of determined concern on his face. He didn’t stop to talk or to tell anyone who he was. He simply held walked to the various checkpoints between the entrance and the Star Fleet Medical wing and the lights went green before anyone could ask him his business.

Until he got to the Star Fleet wing itself. Two gold uniformed Security officers sat at the desk as Jason approached. “Hello, sir. How ca-“ “My fiancé is in there. Lieutenant Asimina, Assistant Chief Medical Officer. She called me and told me to come.” The security officer coxked an eyebrow and said “Sir, Lt. Asimina isn’t engaged to anyo-” and Reilly slammed his palm down on the reader in front of the guard. A second later, the computer said =/\= Commander Reilly. Authorized. =/\= and Reilly said “Room?” The guard cleared his throat and said “Observation room six, Commander.” Reilly nodded and walked in, and a few minutes later walked into Hannah’s room.

He smiled and took her hand, sitting down on the bed next to her. “You know ow you could just say you didn’t want to go to dinner. This is a bit excessive to back out of a date.”


Hannah looked asleep. Mika had left just a moment before. The monitors showed a normal heart rate but still high blood pressure, but it was in actuality lower than it had been. “I just wanted spicy pizza and milkshakes.” Hannah opened her eyes and squeezed his hand. “That was fast. Said you were in a meeting.” She adjusted a little but didn’t try to sit up.


“Yeah… thats gonna be a thing when I get back. Apparently the receptionist is still operating under the impression that she works for a bunch of spies or something.” and he grinned at Hannah before switching to sign. If something is happening with you, always call me directly… ok? Don’t ever think you can’t. If I can’t answer, I’ll call you back as soon as I can. Deal?


Hannah nodded. I know…I, she shrugged her shoulders, I didn’t want you to worry and think it was an emergency. They are just being cautious.

Cautious or not… I love you. I want to know what is happening. Ok? Jason signed back.

O-K. Hannah squeezed his hand. I love you too.

The nurse came in with an imager. “How are you feeling, Hannah?” She looked at Jason and gave him a warm smile. “Hello. I’m Nurse Medea.” She grinned at Hannah, “So this is your beau then?”

Jason gave her his signature charming smile and said “No, ma’am. I’m the talent scout for ‘The Galaxy’s Next Top Model’. It’s a toss up between Hannah and you.” and he winked.

Medea blushed but gave him a serious glare before grinning, “Oh you’re a charmer. We’ll have to watch out for you.”

“Yes this is Jason,” she smiled at Jason. “I feel okay, Medea. Ready to get out of here and back to work.” The nurse gave her a look that said she didn’t quite believe her. “I’m not dizzy anymorr, but I’m not going to try and get up.”

The nurse grunted, “Quite right. Now, I’m going to take some renal and cardiac scans for Dr Aveli.”


Jason held her hand as the scans were taken and when the nurse left he looked at Hannah. Spicy pizza and milkshakes? We can totally do that when they let you out of here.


Hannah watched as Medea took the scans. These scans she wasn’t too worried about. Hannah had no previous heart or kidney disease or damage. If she had just developed them, she would have known because she would have been suddenly extremely ill. Madea wouldn’t let her peek at the results though.

That sounds great. She turned her head to look at the display and concern crossed her face. We may be awhile though…


Then a while we will be. he signed and then leaned in and kissed her. He pulled back, keeping his face so close to hers that their noses almost touched. He stared into her eyes and said “So I did a thing today… I hope you don’t get mad.”


His closeness seemed to make her relax more. She grinned after he kissed her. “Oh?” She spoke quietly, like she did when she had her implants off. “Mad? You didn’t hide my climbing gear did you?”


He smiled and shook his head. He leaned back and signed I contacted the university about hiring a nanny. I figured with both of our jobs, we would need the in-home help.


Hannah adjusted slightly so she could look at him more fully. She didn’t look mad, but she obviously had not considered a nanny at all. She had glanced at information about the colony’s early education system and of course Star Fleet provided day care as well, but a nanny had never crossed her mind. Hannah thought about it for a moment. It made sense, they both had very demanding jobs and were always on call. There was a pang though, not wanting to trust someone else with their baby. A nanny was a reasonable consideration. Hannah was surprised though to recognize jealousy over the idea of someone else caring for her child. Rocking it, playing games, feeding, singing to it. And then there was relief to realize she did have some maternal feelings about the pregnancy.

Isn’t that why all our parents are coming to stay? Hannah nodded though, We can talk about it. It would probably help. I…you’ll check them first?


Jason smiled and said Of course. I wanted us to have time to not only find the right fit, but time to do a COMPLETE background check. and he laughed.


Hannah was stopped from replying by the arrival of Ok’jiv. The old Klingon woman stood in the doorway and gave Hannah a good long stare. “What have you been doing? Dr Aveli tells me your blood pressure spiked, but is not coming down as quickly as it should with medication.” She moved into the room and tapped through the computer, “Hmm but it was a very low dose. Hannah, I will not tolerate you being a doctor that is a bad patient. You must tell us if you are not feeling well or off.” She glared daggers at Hannah.

“I did. I told Lt Mika as soon as it happened,” Hannah was not phased by the woman’s lecture or the glare, she just grinned at her.

Ok’jiv wasn’t having it. “Don’t you grin at me. I might be old and a midwife but I can still scare you into compliance.” And she gave Hannah a very sharp toothed feral smirk. Hannah only grinned bigger. Ok’jiv grunted in disapproval. “Aveli asked me to come do a scan. Check to make sure the placenta and baby are getting adequate blood flow and oxygen. You just lay there and breathe deeply.” She looked at Jason, “If she does anything other than relax you have my permission to make sure she does.” The fierce woman pulled out a scanner and turned the screen toward herself. She covered Hannah with a blanket before pulling the two sides of the gown open, making a circle over Hannah’s just rounding belly and started the scan.


“Noted, Madam. I will ensure she does nothing but relax… and maybe smile a lot.” Jason said and he leaned in and kissed her gently. “You know, the more you relax, the more your BP will come down and the sooner you can get your spicy pizza and milkshake.”


Hannah did smile, even as the biobed told everyone in the room Jason’s effect on her as her heart rate rose for a moment after he kissed her. Ok’jiv raised a brow and grinned. She had a way of making everyone comply, even Jason. Of course Jason was charming enough to even make the formidable old woman sigh happily. “Really? I must have missed the day they covered that in medical school,” Hannah grinned teasing him. More seriously she signed, I’m trying.

“Spicy pizza and milkshakes? You human women eat weird things,” Ok’jiv remarked as she worked.

“That was not my idea. It was his, but it’s so good.” Hannah laughed and was told to be still. “Human women crave strange things, Ok’jiv, when we are pregnant. Do Klingons have something similar.”

The midwife chuckled, “As far as appetite, no. Expectant Klingon mother’s become emotionally volatile. It can be quite dangerous to be around them. On Q’onoS I spent more time caring for injured fathers than I did the mothers.” She looked at Jason, “Be glad human women just become…weepy.”


Jason chuckled. “No offense to your experience, m’lady; but if you think human women only become ‘weepy’, you have never dealt with a pregnant human being told that no, they can’t have whatever food it is they are craving. Like spaghetti and meatballs at three in the morning on a planet with no meat.” and he fake shuddered and then chuckled.


Hannah chuckled and her brows went up and she asked him, “Have you?”

Ok’jiv grunted, conceding his point, but she was scowling at the screen, her ridges becoming deeper, and she moved the scanner back and forth. Hannah pushed up on her elbows, “Ok’jiv, what’s wrong?” Hannah’s hand tightened around Jason’s.

“You relax,” she gave Jason a pointed look as if to remind him of his job. “Nothing is wrong, your baby is being more uncooperative than you. Keeps rolling so I can’t get a good image of the heart. Lay down and deep breaths. You relax so will your baby.” Hannah looked annoyed, but she laid back down and took a deep breath. “You should be able to feel the baby move in the next week, maybe less. Do you want to know the gender?”


At that question, everything became very real to Jason. He had a moment of sheer panic… followed immediately by a moment of sheer joy. He looked at Hannah. Well? I would kind of like it to be a surprise, but it’s entirely up to you


Hannah grinned and looked at Ok’jiv, “We’ll keep it a surprise.” Truly Hannah would rather be surprised. When they finally got the genetic analysis back from Alexis, they were going to know everything about the baby anyway. The pregnancy was a complete surprise, so finding out the gender when it was born would be a pleasant one. Ok’jiv made a note in the file not to reveal the gender and then turned the screen around. “Here is the placenta and the umbilical cord.” They were highlighted by red and blue lines that showed the flow of blood into and out of the womb. “And then here’s the heart,” she moved the scanner around and made a few adjustments on the screen and then they could see all four chambers, the valves and the movement of blood as the heart pumped. “See, everything is fine.”

Ok’jiv left shortly after that and Dr Aveli returned. He stood by the foot of the bed. “The meds dropped your blood pressure, but we’re going to have you wear a monitor to make sure it stays that way. Your baby is doing just fine, the heart rate dropped a little, but it’s still in the normal range.” He smiled, “Everything looks good and healthy so far.”

Hannah nodded and blew out a breath. “Thank you, Adaril. How long do I need to stay? When can I go back to work?”

“We’re going to keep you until your BP normalizes. And I’m taking you off duty for the next two days, just to make sure everything stays normal. The meds brought your BP down, we’re just being extra cautious. Everything with the baby looks just fine, the fetal heart rate dropped a little but it’s still within a good range.” Adaril said.


Jason nodded and said “I’ll make sure she takes it easy, Doc. No problem there.” and he looked at Hannah. You are gonna have to behanve when we are home, now. Got it? and he laughed.


She grinned at him. I’ll try, but then you have to stop walking around without a shirt on, she winked at him. Two days though? Hannah sighed and admitted to herself she would make her patient take longer. I promise to behave.

The nurse came back a bit later and fitted a monitor to her arm. “Alright Hannah, be careful getting up or down, so you don’t get dizzy and fall. If you have a sudden headache or vomiting, prolonged dizziness or lightheadedness, you fall, chest pains, numbing in the legs comm us or emergency services, do not try to bring yourself in. Do you need us to call you a car? We don’t want you walking home.”

“I have that handled.” Jason said.

The nurse stepped out the door and returned with a chair. “I don’t need to be wheeled out,” Hannah protested. The nurse just glared at her, “SOP. Get in the chair.” She helped Hannah sit up and then after a moment stand, supporting her in case Hannah got dizzy. The nurse guided the chair through the hospital to the exit. “Do you want help getting in the vehicle?”

Hannah glanced at Jason and shook her head at Medea, “I have help.” The woman looked at Jason, “She’s all yours then. Be careful Hannah.”


“Much appreciated. Thank you, Nurse.” he said and he wheeled her out the front of the OB/GYN clinic doors and to a waiting slider. He helped her in and then returned the chair to the doors and trotted back to the car, sliding in next to Hannah. He kissed her cheek and said “I’ll work from home the next two days. CIA finished the comm suite this morning, so everything is good to go.”


She kissed the curve of his shoulder. “I would tell you, you don’t have to do that, but I’m not going to win that one.” Hannah laid her head back on the seat and closed her eyes. To say she wasn’t concerned would be a lie, but stressing over it wasn’t going to make things better. Occasional fluctuations in vitals was normal during pregnancy, but it had taken her BP longer than it should have to respond to the medication. As much as she didn’t like it, she knew the two days off were necessary…

“Maybe we should just get the pizza and take it home.”


“That is why the gods created delivery, love.” he said with a grin and the car began to move them back to their building.

Hannah blinked at the endearment a d then smiled. “That sounds lazy and a great idea.”

As they entered their apartment, the comms were beeping. Jason looked at Hannah and signed Incoming comm. I’ll get it, you go get some water and relax on the couch, ok? He kissed her cheek and then went to the comm terminal in the living area. Looking at it, he scowled. “Secure comm. That should have been shunted to the-” and he stopped when he saw it was for Hannah from the USS Ogawa. He glanced back and then took a seat and activated the terminal.


When the screen flashed Hannah’s friend, Alexis, appeared and, her eyes widened slightly. She would have to get used to that. Hannah didn’t live alone anymore. She didn’t give him time to speak, “Is Hannah home? I need to speak with both of you.”

Hannah and Alexis

He looked at Alexis and his eyes narrowed. “What’s wrong?” he asked. “She just got back from the hospital. Her BP spiked and they couldn’t control it for a while. She was told to rest and take it easy. So if this is gonna mess with that…”

Hannah had gotten water at Jason’s suggestion and then had laid down on the couch. She was trying not to think about the monitor on her arm and everything it was recording.

Alexis gave him a worried look and glanced off screen. Sharing a look with Solomon. Most likely the problem was because of the fetal issues. “This will mess with that, but you both need to know. I started the genetic analysis Hannah asked me to do.” Hannah had been very thorough and added Jason to her medical file, so Alexis had no hesitation in speaking with him. “Her blood pressure is most likely a symptom of what I found.” Be her friend first. She was sick and this would make it worse. “Do you want to get her?”


Reilly looked at her for a moment and then said “Baby isn’t going to make it… are they?” he asked quietly. A career spent gauging people’s intents, motivations, and anticipating their next move gave Reilly an uncanny ability to read people… and Alexis had no poker face at all. Another figure, Kane, moved behind Alexis and just said “Naw. It’s not. Go get your girl.” Reilly just stood and left the screen.

Reilly went to Hannah and put on his best relaxed face and signed Hey. Alexis is on the comms for you. She finished her testing, and wants to talk to you.

Reilly / Kane

Alexis studied Hannah as she appeared, the monitor on her arm, the slight circles under her eyes, and the worry clear on her expression. Hannah sat, resting back against his arm. She smiled, “Hey Alexis,” her eyes flicked up and just past her friend, “Hello Kane.”

“Hannah, how are you feeling? Jason said you were in the hospital all day.”

Hannah didn’t see a reason to down play it, “I’m okay now. I was lightheaded and having palpitations. They gave me something to bring it down. I still don’t feel great, but I will.”

Alexis gave her a long look. “Hannah…it’s not going to get better.” Alexis pulled the PaDD into her lap. “I got the fe…the baby’s genetic profile today. It’s not a write error or transmission discrepancy. There is extensive…”

Hannah cut her off, “Alexis just tell me.” She knew Alexis was trying to be careful and compassionate, and that told her how bad it was. She just wanted to know.

“The paternal genetic contribution has over 30% cellular degradation. We suspect it is because of his age and the extensive amount of time in cryostasis. He was the only one to survive his ship, the rest of the pods lost power. The massive power fluctuations would have contributed.” Alexis took a breath. “I am so sorry, Hannah, the genetic code isn’t complete enough. The…your baby won’t survive.”

Hannah didn’t say anything, just stared at the screen trying to make the words make sense.

Hannah and Alexis

Kane set a hand on Alexis’s shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Take a bit. We’ll be here if you have any questions. Just ping us when you’re ready.” and he muted the comms on their end and the screen filled with the spinning Star Fleet icon.

Jason k with next to Hannah and took her hand in his and turned her so she faced him. Hannah… I’m so sorry. I mean… I… and dinally he just shook his head and pulled her close to him.


Hannah looked at him, her devastation and shock was obvious. Her other arm wrapped around her stomach protectively. She pressed her face into his neck and her whole body shuddered. She felt like her heart was cracking, pieces chipping and falling away, but she didn’t cry. She was in shock. She had no doubt that what Alexis said was true. She wouldn’t say it if she wasn’t sure. She leaned into him, her arms finding their way around his waist and holding on tightly for long quiet minutes. The baby was going to die, and her body was going to try and save it, and do unknown damage to herself. She was never going to hold it or watch it grow. It was incomprehensible for her right then.

Her voice was hard to understand around the knot in her throat. “Jason…” she shuddered again as she began to cry.


Jason held her for a long time in silence. When he finally spoke, it was just loud enough so her implants would pick it up. “I’m sorry, Hannah.” he said softly, even though- if he was being honest- a part him wasn’t. That part was angry. Angry that, yet again, Daniel had failed her. She didn’t need this, and he resolved there and then to make sure that she never had to deal with half a partner ever again.


Hannah shook her head, her face rubbing against his shoulder. “Not your fault.” Anger, at Daniel, bubbled and churned her gut. Her earlier realization in Mika’s office returning and bringing with it the panic and disbelief, and her baby was going to die, and she could get very sick before it was over. How could he do this? Leave her alone with this? The monitor on her arm began to flash as her vitals started to creep up slightly.

She wasn’t alone though, she had Jason. Truthfully she didn’t want Daniel (even at his best) or anyone else other than Jason. And then she realized something. Jason wouldn’t have to pretend anymore. He wasn’t going to have to raise another man’s baby. Oh hell, they were going to have to tell his parents, her parents. There was no pending grandchild.

“I…don’t know what to do.” It was overwhelming and all Hannah wanted was to be numb. To go back 8 years and never meet Daniel. She despised herself for feeling so desperate and unable to think clearly.


Jason held her close, slightly rocking her. “Listen. Let’s handle this together, okay. First, talk to Alexis and Kane.” Kane?!?!?!? The thought of that guy being not only involved in this, but actually helpful was still shocking to him. “Then let’s address the medical end of it. Our priority is you, now. Your health. After we get that handled, we’ll deal with the rest. I’ll talk our families. Let them know what is happening. Don’t stress about that, okay. I’ve got you, Hannah. You aren’t alone.”


Okay, she laid against him for a bit longer before sitting up slightly and wiping her face. She reached over to the console to ping Alexis but hesitated. She wasn’t sure what to ask. There wasn’t anything Alexis could do from there. It was just too crushing. She pressed the comm and waited for Alexis to reappear. She had finally been able to feel excitement over it, like everything was going to be okay, just for the proverbial rug to be pulled out from under her, again. That was the pattern of her life with Daniel. She set a hand over her heart where her chest began to hurt.

The screen flashed back to Alexis as she sat back down at the desk. Hannah took a breath, “Are you sure?”

“I am. We can have Dr Fayth take another sample if you want. A full anatomy scan with neurological monitoring would be less invasive.” Alexis knew she hadn’t had one yet, otherwise Hannah would already know. “I am so sorry, Hannah.”

“How…how long?”

Alexis could, with almost exact precision make the estimate, but, “I wouldn’t hazard an estimate without the scan..”

“Alexis! Tell me. I know you’ve already calculated it.”

Alexis sighed. “Given typical human fetal development and the DNA that’s damaged and missing, a week at most before the strain on your body becomes constant. 2 to 3 weeks most before it becomes dangerous. A month, maximum, probably less, before the baby’s heart and brain are no longer able to function and keep up with the growth development.”

A month? No, less, Alexis was being generous. Hannah’s hand tightened around Jason’s and her breath caught.


Jason looked at the screen and said “So to be crystal clear, here: the baby has zero chance at survivability, and the longer Hannah has it, the more dangerous it is for her. Is that the absolute baseline?”

It was Kane who spoke up. =/\= Yeah. You need to terminate the pregnancy as soon as possible. It will only get worse, and keeping it will only jeopardize your life, Hannah. =/\=

Jason / Kane

Hannah began to breath rapidly and rub her chest. It ached and she could feel her heart begin to pound as Kane’s words sank in. Terminate, she had to terminate the pregnancy. She was going to have to make the choice, and it went against everything. Stress lines around her eyes and mouth appeared and her complexion became clamy and flushed. She vaguely heard Alexis speak, =/\=Jason. Go into her med kit, find Lorazepam and dial the hypo for 1.5 mls. Quickly before she starts to hyperventilate. Hannah, lean back in the chair, count your respirations, inhale and exhale.=/\=

Jason didn’t say anything, he just left and fetched the hypo, dialed in the medication, and came back to Hannah.

Hannah leaned back, more sitting up, rather than hunched over. It didn’t help. =/\=Alexis? What do I need to do?=/\=

He lressed the hypo to her next and there was the tell-tale Pop Hiss of the medicine being delivered.

She waited while Jason gave her the hypo. =/\=She needs to lay down, reclined and elevate her feet. If she hasn’t relaxed in 10 minutes call medical. I will get in touch with Dr Fayth. I am sure she will be in touch quickly.=/\=

Alexis and Hannah

Jason nodded and helped Hannah up and to the couch. He elevated her feet, put a blanket on her, and propped up her head a little. He then grabbed a PaDD and moved the call to it so Hannah could talk to Alexis.


Hannah didn’t know if she needed Jason to help her or not, but she leaned on him anyway. She laid back letting him fuss over her without protest. When he brought the PaDD, Hannah really didn’t want it. She adored Alexis, but she just wasn’t up to whatever analysis she might give her, or by the book treatment. Hannah knew the options. The Lorazepam was starting to work, she thought, or hoped. She was having trouble focusing. Maybe she was in shock?

Alexis didn’t know what else to say to her that wouldn’t sound overly clinical. =/\=Hannah, let me call Dr Fayth. Let me do that for you.” It sounded bad even to her to tell Hannah to relax. “You let the medicine work. You can call me any time, either of you.=/\=

Alexis not being clinical somehow made everything much more real and solid. She knew Alexis cared, and expressed that in her own unique way, so going out of her way to be compassionate was focusing. Hannah looked at the screen, Bye, Alexis.

Hannah stared up at the ceiling, one hand on her stomach, the other holding Jason’s. It seemed slow, but after a couple of minutes the monitor on her arm showed both her pulse and BP (though that was still high end of normal) had dropped.

Then she said the most unimportant thing possible, but her mind couldn’t seem to think of anything else to say, but she had an overwhelming need to say something. “I don’t want pizza.”

Alexis and Hannah

Jason smiled and shook his head. “I would imagine not.” he said softly, squeezing her hand. “So what do you want then, hmm? Anything I can get you, I will.”


“I…I don’t want anything.” For a moment she just focused on the rhythm of her breaths lifting and lowering her hand and the feel of his hand around hers. Her breathing was slowing and her eyes beginning to unfocus some, side effects of the hypo. It didn’t stop the tear from slipping from the corner of her eye and tracking over her temple and into her hair. Her hand moved low over the very small bump. She wanted to wake up and find this was just a nightmare. Her head moved back and forth in a negative motion on the pillow. “I…don’t know, Jason. I want Alexis to be wrong, but I know she’s not.” Her eyes found his. It took effort to keep her voice from breaking, “I want it over, but I don’t know how I’ll give my consent.”


Jason bodily moved her to the side and then slid onto the couch next to her, putting his arm under the pillow supporting her head and laying on his side to look at her.

“Ok… I know this not at all how either of us saw this going. And after all we’ve done to make it work… this is just… it’s just awful. But, that being said, there are a few positives. One, it changes nothing between you and I. We are together. That is written in stone no matter what. Two, we don’t have to keep the pretense up of paternity. And that means three… you are done with Daniel forever. He has no link, no claim, no nothing with you. This is no longer about him and you… it’s just you. You… we… did everything we could. Sometimes that simply isn’t enough. Sometimes the Universe has other ideas. For now, we just have to deal with it as best we can, and do the right thing for you.”


It didn’t really matter what Jason was saying. It was simply the sound of his voice and the warmth of his body seeping into her that helped. She heard him, but the words just didn’t settle and process fully yet. It was so hard to wrap her head around doing the best thing for herself instead of her baby. It felt wrong, down to the deepest core of herself. There was no hope for her baby though, so there was only herself to care for. That knowledge didn’t absolve her of the terrible guilt and heartache.

She turned into him, breathing in his scent, her arm slipped around him. They didn’t have to pretend, and Jason didn’t have to raise a kid that wasn’t his, that he’d never thought about wanting. “Don’t tell my parents it’s Daniel’s.” She had said she would change it if she could…and now it was changed. She grew quiet after that, calmer, dozing, as the medication forced her to relax.

“Never. No one but us will know that. Promise.” he said softly.

The comms chimed, a call from Dr Fayth.


Jason picked up the PaDD and answered the call. “Doctor, how are you?” he asked.


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