Away Team

Posted Jan. 22, 2019, 8:12 p.m. by 2nd Lieutenant Kate Hawkins (Marine XO) (Steve Johnson)

Posted by Gamemaster Deus Ex Machina (Gamemaster) in Away Team

Haygen stepped forward turning and yelled “Demo!!!!!!!!!” a young marine came running, “Alright you ugly bastard, you get to blow somthing up.” Turning and looking to him “I want a door, not a pile of ruble, a door. Don’t try and hit the ship in orbit with debris.... just make a door. Can you do that Marine?”


“Say 3 by 3 - 2 meters deep, standard metamorphic rock.” The marine tapped the wall for a moment. He reached in his back and pulled out a daisy chain of linked disks. He splayed it about the wall, three meters high and down the sides about two and a half meters apart. He then paused and added a few more disks at a couple of points. “And a little more just in case rock on this planet is harder than typical.”

He smiled and Haygen “Fifteen seconds?” He questioned picked up what had to be a detonator and pressed a button before he received confirmation. “Fire in the hole!!!” Yelling , he bolted about 10 meters down the wall and turned his face away from the explosives.

Talkrit tilted his head as he looked at them. “What does it mean, fire in the hole? There is no hole, there is no fire.”


Sara rushed clear and motioned the team to do the same. To Talkrit she said “It means he’s about to use a giant ball of fire to put a hole in the wall. Now get down!”

-Lt Cmdr Sara Kiernan, XO

Talkrit followed more slowly, but he reached the ‘safe’ distance in a timely manner. “I still don’t understand, that certainly isn’t enough gunpowder to cause an explosion of any value… definitely not enough for us to move this far away.” As he spoke an impressive sounding explosion occurred where they just vacated. The daisy chain must have been directed charges as there was a surprisingly small amount of debris and ‘fire’ on this side of the wall.

the hole was approximately 3 by 3 meters and opened into a hallway leading in two directions.


Haygen smiled as explosion went off, “Breach teams, secure the hallway” Haygen then turned to the Commander and the Marine XO “Commander why don’t your teams take up the rear?”


Two teams of four took up positions on either side of the breech as they peered into the smoke and rock dust. Talkrit, the lone Nelay, looked on amazed, “This is.... hmmm…” At a loss for words.

“Haygen.” Sara said with all her authority. She stared at him with steely eyes. “This is not your mission. That is not your call. Everyone! We are no longer two units. We are one team. This is my command. Marines coordinate and divide in halves. Starfleet take center. Haygen, Hawkins, and I will be on point. Understood? Form up. Breach on my order.” She finished issuing orders. She turned to Haygen. “I don’t care who you are, when you are under my command, you do not give me orders. You are subordinate to both myself and Lt Hawkins. From here out you call me sir or Commander.” Sara leaned in. “And if you’re intimidated by being outranked by women, get used to it sergeant.” She stalked off.

The marines looked up from the sides of the breech as the Star-Fleet officers interspersed with them. They glanced among themselves for a moment, it didn’t make too much of a difference to them. The Orion resistance was minimal at this point the greatest danger was delay.

Talkrit tapped Sara on the shoulder… pointing at one of the marines hand phasers… “Can I borrow one of those?” He suspected that his musket was far over matched.

Kate just looked over at Haygen and shrugged. Fleeters, would could you do. No matter how much you tried to keep them out of trouble, they loved jumping head first into it. As she followed the XO, she quickly checked her rifle.

In position, she looked back to the unit. “3. 2. 1. Breach!”

-Lt Cmdr Sara Kiernan, XO

Jumping through the hole Kate scanned the corridor towards the right, ready to fire at anything in her direction, leaving Haygen and the XO to clear the other corridor.

2nd Lt Hawkins - Marine XO

The corridor was clear at least at first. A team of two took up the rear position being certain that no one would loop in behind them. The rest followed the three ‘leaders’ in the van guard. Past the first few meters there was two Orions by a doorway the were in a prone position and opened fire the moment the officers started to turn the corner.


Kate ducked back around the corner right as she saw shot come towards them.

“2 hostiles, looks like they are low. I’ll provide cover fire, aim low. On my mark.”

Kate readied her rifle. “On three. One… two… three…”

On the count she came around the corner and opened fire. She tried to aim for the Orions, but that wasn’t the point. She was just the distraction while the others took out the Orions.

2nd Lt Hawkins - Marine XO

The marines and officers listened for a moment to the count down. Several lined up high and a few low so several of them could fire around the corner.

The Orion’s positions weren’t the best, middle of the hall, nor did they seem to want to fall back or go into the room that they were clearly guarding. The first few federation shots were off, but the beams grew closer and the Orion’s will broke as the ran before the organized fire.

The first one who ran made it to the corner, but the second green skinned alien only made a few steps before he was phasered down, either dead or unconscious. After that the corridor seemed clear.

Deus Ex Machina

Sara smiled at Hawkins. She withdrew her tricorder. “Let’s see what we can do for information on this place.” She set her tricorder to the broadest possible setting. Her inner scientist couldn’t help but default to the tricorder.

-Lt Cmdr Sara Kiernan, XO

Inside the walls, the scanner was able to get a clear map until they reached the maximum range of the tricorders. However that seemed sufficient as all the key rooms were nearest to the entrance. As you went further away the ‘castle’ turned into what it actually was… which was a series of mines.

In addition to the chamber only a few yards away there were two other spaces that seemed to be designed for storage. There were a number of rooms that were housing, a room of vehicles, a chamber a level above that was converted into a landing pad, and well as a dining hall.

Haygen watched as the Commander attempted to clear, If you need a warp corp fixed you call an engineer, same thing applied to ground combat, let the professionals handle the work they know best. Turning the to the Marine Officer “Lieutenant, The Commander there is not trained to our level in building clearing, My Marines need to be on point looking for traps and engaging the enemy, We don’t need some Fleet Officer getting hurt.”


Sara turned to Haygen with a look in her eyes that could kill. “Listen to me Haygen. I want my officers surrounded by Marines in case we get hit from behind. Or did that possibility not occur to your brilliant Marine mind? As for me, if I couldn’t handle myself, I wouldn’t be XO of a ship. And one last thing; you ever talk about me like I’m not here again, and I will make sure your career stops at sergeant if you don’t fall backwards. Got it?”

-Lt Cmdr Sara Kiernan, XO

Talkrit raised his musket slightly, “I know this is all very important to you now, but I’d just like to get my gems if you’d please.”

Talkrit, Nelay Marine

Kate nodded. “Would you be able to point to where the gems are stored on a map of this fortress?” she asked Talkrit.

She also looked over at the XO, and the map that was on her tricorder, “Ex, my team can watch our backs. That looks like a landing pad of some sort there. Maybe we should have Haygan send a two man ahead and secure the landing pad, stop them from sending and backup down.”

2nd Lt Hawkins - Marine XO

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