Main sim - Bridge

Posted Nov. 23, 2018, 12:16 a.m. by Gamemaster Newtons law (GM) (Philip Graham)

Posted by Captain Rujo Kiwa (Captain) in Main sim - Bridge

Posted by Lieutenant Junior Grade Jalel Davis (Chief Tactical Officer) in Main sim - Bridge

Posted by Lieutenant Junior Grade Peter Cross (Security Officer) in Main sim - Bridge
Posted by… suppressed (4) by the Post Ghost! 👻
The communications console lit up, it was a hail from the station requesting the Captain.


Cross noted the incoming communication on his station and informed the XO.”Commander, we have an incoming hail addressed specifically to the Captain.”

Cross Sec

There was a moment as Amze looked around before replying, “Well, as the Captain is mostly likely down with a stomach bug, I guess that I can take it.” Inwardly she was cheering, as her plans of taking command usually never went this well, or lasted for this long.

Amze Ezma (XO)

“Aye sir. Where would you like to me route it?” Cross asked, prepared to send the call where ever the XO wished.

Cross Sec

Thinking for a moment, Amze replied with a, “Here is fine, anything that they can tell me, they can tell you.” Mostly she did not want anyone to take the chair while she was away.

Amze Ezma (XO)

=/\=Bridge, come in?=/\= he repeated starting to wonder if the ship still had a bridge…


=^=Bridge here. What can we do for you, Doctor?=^= Came the response from the Security station on the bridge.

Cross sec

=/\=What’s going on up there? Did someone let the counsellor drive again?=/\= came Harry’s voice over the comm system.


Cross snorted and laughed,=^=No, but not sure what happened. We’re looking into it, Doctor. Were there any reported casualties due to it?=^= His grin widened as he recalled reading a Fleet article about the aforementioned Counselor Troi who had crashed the Enterprise into a planet. It had become a Fleet joke very quickly.

Cross Sec

Jalel chuckled at the Doctor’s comment and resumed to standing by at Tactical. Then a grave thought emerged and it became evident on his face. “Commander with your permission, may I check on the status of my wife and child SIr?”

Davis, CTO

The view screen blinked on, “WELCOME WELCOME WELCOM!!!!! We are so excited that you have chosen to take your shore leave here with us. We have so much to do. We have EVERYTHING you can imagine!!!!. Well where are my manners my name is Bo bo!!!!”


Cross looked up at the screen to see who it was they were speaking with. He studied the speaker carefully wanting to know his race, he certainly didn’t seem Ferengi. By his mannerisms he had to be human or a race equivalent.

Cross Sec

Smiling, the XO stood up, “Why thank you Bo bo, we are quite happy to be here.” She tried to peek around the person on the screen, to see what was behind him, “But before we can get started, I only think that it would be prudent that you give us a few hints of what is in store, building hype and all of that.”

Amze Ezma (XO)

Pierce looked over. She didn’t say anything, but she mimed an explosion with her hands, raising her eyebrows.


Pilar observed Bo bo....looking for any sign of those little colorful helium filled floating balls. Her anxiety was so high that she didn’t even catch the conversation that was going on around her. All she knew is that she was out of there…the second she spotted one.


Jalel began concocting of ways to protect the ship.

Davis, CTO

While she was waiting for a reply, Amze was mentally thinking of ways that she could turn this situation to her favour. Perhaps she could convince the Captain that all of the explosions were harmless, or perhaps leave him in a room with some clowns. Shuddering, she remembered the one time that she went to the circus as a child, and was scarred for life by those monsters.

Amze Ezma (XO)

Bo bo jumped up and down lifting one foot and then the other, “OH of COURSE OF COURSE COMMANDER!!!!!!!!!!!, There are wonders and delights beyond your dreams!!!!!. We have space hoopers, and rare species exibits!!, actors who defy gravity, the best restaurants and of course bars. We have the best of holosuits and the best live entertainment around” Bo Bo Paused and smiled reaching behind him, he produced what would commonly be on earth as balloons “And of course every visitor gets a complimentary Helium Floaty!!!!!!”


Pierce shook her head a little. “Is there any chance any of us will survive?” Then she covered her mouth as she realized she had said that out loud.


Rujo had been having the most wonderful dream, he was a wild tribble trainer and he had them all jumping through rings of fire and forming shapes like lions and other things, and he had a whip and a chair and a lion tamer hat that had bright pink neon writing on it that read “Tribble Tamer” … well it actually read “Lion Tamer” on it, but the word “Lion” was crossed out and Tribble was written on it in bright neon crayon. It was a most marvelous dream!

He snored, and the snore actually woke him up, “ok then, I guess its time for us to all become tribble tamers … I mean go and see the circus. Bo Bo, we accept your offer. Commander Ezma, I want you to go down first. Take an away team with you … buy enough tickets for the entire crew. Now, Bo Bo, does your circus include the opportunities for us to take part in the show? I want to tame wild and dangerous … tribbles.”

  • CO

Bo Bo’s Eyes lit up and he hopped from one foot to another “OH YOU’VE HEARD OF THE TRIBBLE ROOM!!!! Of course of course Captain, Our famous tribble room is ready and waiting for you,” Pausing he smiled even broader “Just for you I will have a tribble sent over to your ship, one for EVERY crew member aboard!!!! I’ll even attach a floating sphere to each one!!!! Oh the fun you will have Captain, your entire crew!!!”

Amze rolled her eyes at the captain’s request, “Yes sir, I shall be sure to do that.” And her plan was going so well…

Amze Ezma (XO)


Cross actually paled at hearing that Tribbles were going to be sent over to the ship.
“Uh sir! We cannot accept unknown alien life forms without them being scanned.” He said nervously his voice almost cracking in his nervousness.

Cross Sec

“But … Ensign Cross, they aren’t unknown alien life forms,” Rujo replied, “they are tribbles and are very well known! They are very well known! Why, when I was a Cadet on the Columbia, in the Academy, a number of Tribbles came on board the ship, we were able to round them up and send them to petting zoos around the Federation. We will make sure they are not given grain to eat and that no one attaches a bomb to them.”

=/\= Boo Boo, please send the tribbles aboard, one for each member of the crew. Commander Ezma is going to be purchasing the tickets for the show for us, she’ll also personally be in attendance at the transporter room to ensure the tribbles arrive safely and without access to grain. Thank you for your most generous and thoughtful gift, Boo Boo. =/\=

Rujo tapped a button on the side of his chair … that was the button that brought Sadi the Cleaning and Tea Lady to the bridge. Sadi appeared on the bridge shortly after the button was pressed.

“Who wants a tea or a coffee and bikkie? or perhaps you have a console that needs cleaning …” she said.

“Wrong button, sorry Sadi,” Rujo apologised, and then pressed the next button … that was the one that opened a channel to all on the ship, cutting into all communications on board, private and otherwise … =/\= Attention all hands. This is your Captain, Rujo Kiwa. Everyone, we are going to be visiting the circus. Boo Boo is our most generous host and Commander Ezma is collecting the tickets for us. Also, I have secured a tribble for each member of the crew. Unless you are a Klingon or have at least one ancestor who is/was a Klingon, you are going to be getting one. Please keep grain away from them and tribbles purring on the bridge, sickbay, main engineering and other key points in the ship will be big distractions. Please keep them to your quarters. Captain out. =/\=

“Commander Ezma, have you forgotten the way to transporter room 1? Don’t worry, I’ll help you out.” Rujo said to the XO. =/\= Rujo Kiwa to Transporter Room 1. Chief, please lock on to the combadge of First Officer Commander Amze Ezma and get ready to transport her to your current location on my instructions. =/\=

Rujo looked as his first officer with a smile, “your choice Commander, you can walk there, or you can be transported there.”

  • Rujo Kiwa (CO)

“Um… sir, can I request an… exemption from the free tribble offer? I mean, I’m not Klingon, of course, but… um… my daughter has been taking everything apart lately and I… well, I don’t necessarily think she would do that to an animal but do I really want to take that kind of chance? She might… shave it, sir. And there’s nothing sadder than a shaved tribble. Plus it might be considered obscene; if a tribble was shaved it would be naked wouldn’t it?”


“Good point, Lieutenant,” Rujo replied, “consider yourself exempted from having a free tribble. A shaved tribble … besides, we wouldn’t want the poor little thing to get a cold or something, now would we?”

Bo Bo Clapped wildly and began pushing buttons, “Of COURSE OF COURSE CAPTAIN!!!!! Im sending them NOW!!!!”

“Excellent, thank you Bo Bo,” Rujo said, smiling happily, “tribbles on the Constellation … at least now I won’t have to type in the ships log when I record a captain’s log.

Very quickly after that =/\= Transporter room to Bridge, sir the transport is beginning sir, im reading 900 tribbles in the transport stream =/\=


“Wonderful news, Chief,” Rujo said, “let’s put up a forcefield in sickbay over the transporter padd, wouldn’t want cuteness overlord to overwhelm us, would we?”

Cross looked on in horror at what was transpiring around him. Tribbles? Was the Captain insane? The ship would be overrun. And he would be one of the ones needed to help round up the miscreants. He was in hell…yes, he was still sleeping in his quarters and was dreaming all this. He had to be. Looking around he noted that though there were a few traded glances that none of the other bridge crew seemed to be having the same reaction as he.

Cross Sec

Jalel’s face lit up. He loves Tribbles. “Can I get one Tribble too Cappy?”

Davis, CTO

“Of course, there are enough for all crew members, Mr Davis,” Rujo replied, “would you like two, or perhaps three tribbles?”

  • CO

A ensign at one of the consoles pulled up the video feed from the transporter room, It was a blast of colors, there were tribbles of every color, multi colored tribbles, there were even fat tribbles.


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