Meeting with the Captain [Alternate Timeline]

Posted Jan. 6, 2019, 10:25 a.m. by Lieutenant Commander Richard Swift (Chief Science Officer) (Levon Johnson)

Having finished briefing and introducing himself to his new science officer underlings, laboratory staff, and administrative assistants, Swift was riffling through his PADDs and assorted documents strewn across his office desk. Though he certainly had filled out his fair share of paperwork through his numerous academic ventures, never had he expected this CSO position to take that to an entirely new level; acting as the CSO of an entire starbase was much more demanding a task than that of a starship, apparently. Still, he enjoyed the challenge, and the scientific rewards of serving on the Magellan were beyond immense. In a moment of clarity, the Trill found the stack of paper he was looking for, just as his communicator beeped with the computer’s voice.

“It is 0900 hours. This is a reminder for the event you have set: ‘Introductions with the Captain’.”

Picking up the PADD he’d left to the side of the his desk, the lieutenant commander somewhat absent-mindedly made his way out of the science lab, through the corridors, up the turbolift, and to the operations deck - all with very little active attention. The scientist’s mind was firmly stuck on the PADD at hand, laden with current scientific reports from all of the science sub-divisions - if the CO called upon him in a quickfire quiz on the CSO’s department’s activities, the captain would find the Magellan in perhaps the most productive shape it had been since its commissioning. Still, the scientist couldn’t shake the slight feeling of unease at meeting his new captain, at walking into a whole valley of unknowns.

What will she be like? Soft, and easy to get my own way? A charlatan, with a ‘penchant for the sciences’? Perhaps the most likely - harsh, but fair? These questions swirled about Swift’s head, as he pressed the chime on the CO’s door - taking a step back, and a final breath before he was let in to the den of the unknown.

Now now, let’s not go into into this with any unnecessary preconceptions. Time will tell, of course…

Lieutenant Commander Richard Swift,
Chief Science Officer

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