Main Sim - Marshland & Weather Station 4 (Hellsing)

Posted Aug. 19, 2019, 10:59 a.m. by Gamemaster Maniacal Mother Hen (GM) (Emily S.)

Lance was in the shuttle going over preflight checks soon the extra supplies were loaded and the shuttle had a green light. Everything was going smoothly until Lance entered the atmosphere. It felt like a storm after storm front was hitting the shuttle rocking it back-and-forth =^= Lance tO AwaY TEaM€££¥£€£¥ =^= the link was lost only a few May days were heard.

=^= ¥€£¥€£ MAydAy maYDaY SHuTtLe 04 gOiNg DOwN £€¥€£¥£€¥ =^=

Ensign Lance Von Hellsing (Helm/Wolf)

As the storm buffeted the shuttle back and forth, Lance was thrown around like a rag doll inside as the inertial dampeners failed and the shuttle careened out of control towards the surface. About 2km outside of the colony close to the weather station was an area of dense marshland. If Lance could get the shuttle there, he would at least survive the impact.

Mother Hen

Lance was already aiming for the marshland when the wolf started to talk(let me take over my body can take the impact) “No the last time I was lucky that no one got hurt”. The Wolf didn’t care he was already changing. The wolf braces for impact and the shuttle in the ground hard as in cane to a stop the wolf ran from the crash went to a hill and let out a loud howl.

Ensign Lance Von Hellsing (Wolf/Helm)

Lt Lopez cursed again as she kicked the console for a third time and ran her fingers through her hair. “What is wrong with you moronic machine!” she growled as she began to run her 5th diagnostic on the malfunctioning weather control system. With an exasperated sigh, she tapped her comm badge yet again.

=/\= Lopez to T’Pris, where the hell is your team? We’ve got a storm about to hit the colony and I can’t get this bloody thing to work! =/\= she spat down the comm line. She knew she was losing her cool but she had been trying to fix the problem for 2 hours with little success and the stress was beginning to show. She muttered something under her breath as she crawled back under the console.

=/\= T’Pris here, we are leaving now. Perhaps you should try a more methodical approach rather than berating the computer? =/\= T’Pris’ voice came back through the comm channel. Lopez screwed her face up in contempt as she sat up and whacked her head on the edge of the console. “Son of a…” she cursed again as she slapped her comm badge with venom.

=/\= Listen here you green blooded, up tight… =/\= she began as the comm channel cut out and she threw her hands up in the air. Rubbing the sore spot on her head, she ducked down under the console and started fiddling with the isolinear chips. As she did so, she became aware of a presence in the room with her and breathed a sigh of relief that there was finally someone here to help. As she crawled back out and stood up, she said with a sigh. “About bloody time, I’ve…” she started as she looked around the empty room with confusion.

“Hello…?” she called out tentatively, peering around the room. Seeing there was no one there she sighed and rubbed her weary eyes as she rifled through her engineering kit and pulled out a hyperspanner. With a groan she crouched back down, ignoring the soreness in her back and legs from crawling around under consoles for the last 2 hours. As she reluctantly crawled back under the console, she heard a voice behind her.

“Why are you here?” the voice asked her.

With an irritated growl, Lopez replied. “To fix the bloody computer, why are you here?!” she grumbled as she crawled back out and turned to face the newcomer. As she stared at the empty room again, she got a cold shiver down her spine as she cautiously set the spanner down and instinctively rested a hand on her phaser. She didn’t recognise the voice and had assumed it had been one of the Viking crew but as she surveyed the empty room her jaw clenched as she pulled her phaser out, not that she had anything to aim it at. Taking a cautious few steps around the room, she anxiously spoke to the mystery voice.

“Who are you?” she asked nervously. “Show yourself…” she added with a sense of fear.

The disembodied voice replied. “That is of no consequence…you are not welcome here…” the voice added with an overtone of malice. Lopez felt beads of sweat forming on her forehead as she raised a quivering arm up and pointed her phaser towards the sound.

“I am just here to fix the computer, then I’ll leave…” she replied softly as a tear trickled down her cheek. A gust of wind blew threw the engineer’s hair, causing her to jump.

“You will leave now…” the voice replied as the young engineer felt something slice through the skin on her arm, causing her to drop her phaser. Fuelled by terror, Lopez sprinted out of the weather station as fast as her legs could take her, clutching her arm as she felt the warmth of her blood trickle from the wound. As she stumbled out into the storm, she fumbled for her communicator which let out a disgruntled bleep from the storm interference. As tears poured down her cheeks she looked back frantically in case someone was following her. It was a fair walk back to the colony and she was starting to feel a little faint. As she trudged against the rain, she noticed a figure on top of a nearby hill. She couldn’t quite make out who it was through the rain but it had to be better than what was behind her. Shielding her eyes from the growing storm, she called up to Hellsing as loud as she could.

“Excuse me! Please help me!” she pleaded, desperately longing to get back to the comfort of the colony.

Mother Hen

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