Sickbay - Nakuto seeks medical assistance

Posted Aug. 26, 2018, 11:21 p.m. by Lieutenant SEAI (Chief Medical Officer) (Liam Schoepp)

Posted by Captain Kara Nakuto (Civilian, Former CO) in Sickbay - Nakuto seeks medical assistance

Posted by Ensign SEAI (Chief Medical Officer) in Sickbay - Nakuto seeks medical assistance

Posted by Captain Kara Nakuto (Civilian, Former CO) in Sickbay - Nakuto seeks medical assistance
She was broken. Physically, mentally and spiritually. But while her ravaged mind might never fully recover from the horrors she had been subjected to, Nakuto clung to the knowledge that her body, at least, could be healed. Her once proud and noble stride had been contorted into a pathetic shuffle, every step causing her a measure of pain as she fixed her eyes on the corridor ahead and attempted to block out the whispers from all around. The rumour of her return had spread throughout the ship with customary lightning speed. And yet for those unfortunate enough to lay eyes on her, they could be forgiven for mistaking their once-valiant former Captain for nothing more than a shadow-wraith.

Her last appearance in the understocked and understaffed sickbay of the USS Viking had heralded an incident of mass hysteria that almost descended into all-out war. But this time there was no commotion to precede her arrival. She was just one more invalid, desperately seeking a miracle.

Moving over to an empty biobed, its half-illuminated control panel indicating that it was at least somewhat functional, the half-Klingon collapsed onto its cushion-like surface and wrapped the thin blanket around her in the manner of a small and frightened child. Here she would wait for assistance. And until it came, perhaps, she could risk an attempt at sleep.

  • Kara Nakuto

The door to the CMO’s office slowly opened, and SEAI strode out, having been notified of the latest arrival. Her eyes widened slightly at the sight of the former Captain, but she quickly set herself to calculating the square root of Pi. After all, it would not do to let her emotions get out of hand in a situation such as this. She set out her medical tools with a practiced precision while her internal tricorder and other sensors started to scan the Captain. While the scans were happening, she decided to see how conscious her patient was, “You know, since the ‘incident’ that occurred, there have been over 342 sightings of your form. Most have turned out to be hallucinations, others have turned out to be practical jokes by those who really wanted some quality time with our favourite security officer. However, I do believe that I cannot have hallucinations, and no one would dare to try and play a joke on me, therefore, you are either real, or think that you are real.”


OOC: “quickly set herself to calculating the square root of Pi” haha! I love it! It’s good to see my favourite creepy AI again :P

IC: “Real?” Nakuto responded, her eyes still directed down at her own pathetic frame. “I…I am not entirely sure. I was hoping that a doctor could make that determination for me.”

Her gaze finally rising, Nakuto took in the always-unsettling vision of the Viking’s android doctor. Right now her synthetic form was a far better approximation of ‘normal’ than Kara’s own mangled limbs. And yet still there remained that indefinable something, that fleeting dip into the uncanny valley when one studied SEAI too closely. But the medic had become intrinsically linked to the Viking’s sickbay in the mind of her former Captain. And right now, the familiarity of her presence was the foundation Kara needed more than anything.

“I will require a lot of work, Doctor,” Nakuto apologised. “A lot of healing.” She knew that the medical department was low on resources and felt a good deal of guilt for preparing to consume so many of them. And yet, if she truly had survived then SEAI was the only person who could rebuild her.

OOC: So Kara’s readouts will show several things. She is emaciated and massively dehydrated. There is evidence of numerous breaks and fractures over her entire body, most of which have healed or at least begun to heal now, although two fingers on her left hand have taken on a somewhat crooked alignment. Although her condition is not critical, it’s clear she has suffered a massive and prolonged trauma that has left her in a weakened state. Oh and she’s not had a drop of bloodwine for about a year!

But, what SEAI might find the most interesting is that her brain activity appears to have changed from what was recorded on her last physical, particularly around her dopaminergic pathways.

IC: Nakuto laid back and watched the Doctor at her work. “It is…good to see you again, SEAI,” she finally admitted. “It is good to know that you survived. I know a significant number of the medical crew did not.”

So much had happened in her final weeks onboard the Viking. And doubtless this unrelenting onslaught of chaos and tragedy had continued to batter the crew in the year she had been away. There was a great deal Nakuto needed to learn on the current state of her former vessel, a great deal she needed to discover from the men and women still onboard.

But first a more pressing issue demanded attention. An issue already casting a trail of unease throughout her entire being.
“SEAI,” she began, “you said that I had been…seen on the Viking numerous times over the past year. Was I always a hallucination or…was there even a moment when I had substance? Have I truly been away for so long or was I merely on a different plane, walking the same space and breathing the same air…only from a different world?”

Kara Nakuto

At first, the android did not answer, as she was analyzing the results. However, as soon as she finished, she picked up a laser scalpel and started to cut along areas that needed some more close attention, “If I were organic, I would probably give a handful of excuses about what could have happened. However, that is a fools errand, as I am not a scientist, and cannot make a conclusion based on data that I do not have. What I do know is that these injuries are real,” without pausing, she dislocated the ex-captain’s fingers, and started to realign them, “and that many of the crew that I treated for possible hallucinations had no medical issues that could cause them. At least from a medical point of view, they did see you, or at least, something that looked just like you.” After the fingers, she started to reconstruct damaged muscle tissue, “If you want something more concrete, I would speak to the science department, they need something intelligent to do anyways.”


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