Welcome to X-Fleet

Have you ever imagined yourself as Captain of a Klingon warbird, charging heroically into battle with your valiant crew? Or as the DaiMon of a Ferengi scavenger crew on the hunt for your next profit? Perhaps you’d like to experience a semester of classes, and parties, at Starfleet Academy? Or maybe all you’ve ever wanted is your own fast food flythrough on the edges of the Romulan Neutral Zone?
Whatever your (PG-13) Star Trek roleplaying fantasies, the X-Fleet can help you to make them come true! All you need is a minimum club rank of Ensign, four other players and a concept that meets our criteria.
Read on to find out more about our active X-Fleet ships and any vacancies they currently have.
Or head to our Notice Board and check out the Classifieds section, where you can recruit players for your X-Fleet idea, or get involved with someone else's.

Useful Links:

Supervisor of Experiments:
Travis Good

X-Fleet Rules

Commissioning an X-Fleet Ship

1. Ship Criteria

All potential ship and sim ideas for X-Fleet must meet the following criteria to be approved:

  • The proposed X-Ship is set somewhere within the Star Trek universe.
  • Nothing about the proposed X-Ship violates the club's Terms of Service.
  • The proposed X-Ship is not a deliberate duplicate of any existing ship.
  • The Five members applying must be of club rank Ensign or above as defined by Fleet Command and Mundane Matters (FCOMM).

As long as you meet the above criteria, then you are free to let your imagination run wild!

2. Ship Application

To submit an application for an X-Ship, please contact the SOX and provide the following information:

  • The names of four other members, besides yourself, who endorse the X-Ship's establishment and intend to play on it.
  • Character ID's for your own, and the other four members, intended characters (these will need to be created in advance).
  • The name of the proposed X-Ship, which must be unique.
  • A description of the proposed X-Ship that does not exceed 250 words.
Running an X-Fleet Ship

Important things to remember:

  • The title or rank of Gamemaster may not be used in the X-Fleet. The custom position of "Storyteller" may be used instead.
  • Reaching out to Cadets will result in a Tier 8 punishment and/or loss of command.

Decomissioning an X-Fleet Ship

If an X-Ship ever has less than five members who have posted on it within the previous 21 days, it is to be decommissioned immediately by the SOX. An X-Ship may also be decommissioned by the SOX if that ship’s continued existence somehow violates the Terms of Service. Violations of the TOS by a member who happens to be on an X-Ship will not be grounds for decommissioning. Any decision to decommission an X-Ship by the SOX is final and may not be appealed. No one besides the SOX has the power to decommission an X-Ship.

Decommissioned X-Fleet Ships

Orion Syndicate Ship
Seek thrills and profit aboard STF’s one and only Orion Syndicate ship. Join the crew of the Pavlajia and live a life of adventure and crime. Take part in a myriad of crimes from piracy and smuggling to blackmail and extortion. No foul deeds are too great or too small in the search of profit. Come and explore the dark corners of the galaxy and see for yourself the danger that lurks between stars.
ISS Cerberus
Mirror Universe Ship
The Cerberus is the newest Hades-class battlecruiser of the Terran Empire. This ship's purpose is to explore the dark side of humanity in a safe way that will not cause actual harm.

MOTD designed by Sharon Miller

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Version 1.21.10