USS Turing

The Cerberus is the Newest Hades Class Battlecruiser of the Terran Empire This is a Mirror Universe ship Please see the notice below before reading posts The MOTD IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION

Captain's Log

Captain's collar Captain Gunnar Kaldland played by Hjortur Ingi

Welcome to the Cerberus everyone, your first orders are to write your introduction posts, and prequels then join the ship. I Look forward to what you have in store for us.

XO's Log

Cmdr's collar Commander Astrid Sh'Ronahr played by Kirt Gartner

This is the Empire's Newest weapon I expect Loyalty and perfection so do not disappoint me!

GM and Sim Notes

GM's collar Sage Pennington

Name of Sim:

Start of sim

Away Team Beam down thread

Mission Packet

Important Info

This ship Is a Mirror universe Ship, Which means there are themes of Slavery, Hatred, Xenophobia, Cruelty, Torture, and other things that are deemed offensive material. This ship's Purpose is to explore the dark side of humanity in a safe way that will not cause actual harm. The players of the ISS Cerberus do not condone nor support such things in real life. Reader Discretion is advised!

Special Rules: Players will be encouraged when appropriate to set up Player vs Player situations Player character death follows the same rules only in the case of the player consent to the death of said character No advancement will be made through character death unless pre-arranged with the CO and XO and the former player agrees There is a Fighting ring on E Deck where characters can go to handle issues with each other leaving their dog tags and rank at the door

Thank you to the USS Chimera for allowing us to use thier MOTD as a template to get us off the ground :D

Department Orders

Gold Lt's collar


Commander Astrid Sh'Ronahr (Played by Kirt Gartner)

Everything had best remain perfect

White Ltjg collar


(Played by )

"CMO Orders here

Red Lt (JG)'s collar


Lieutenant Victoria Mendoza (Played by Sam Haynes)

Sam Your Orders here

Teal Lt's collar



Position is vacant, contact CO to apply.

Teal Lt's collar



Position is vacant, contact CO to apply.

Gold Lt's collar




AWOL Policy

  • Command Staff: 5 days
  • Department Heads: 7 days
  • Junior Officers and Swings: 10 days

If you ever need an LOA then please use the LOA setting in the profile page.

Useful Links/Info

Current Vacancies

  • JOs in all Departments, Grand Inquisitor Swing position,

MOTD designed by Sharon Miller. Last updated 17 April 2022.

Rank Character Position Species Age Height Weight User Status
Grand Inquisitor/XO
Chief of Security/Marine Lead
Chief Medical Officer
Chief Science Officer
Ensign Andromeda DeLion Doctor Human 40 4'11" 127 lbs Leonora V AWOL (848)
Ensign Astra Korray Security Human 20 5"6' 115 Christina Crafford AWOL (834*)

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