This ship Is a Mirror universe Ship, Which means there are themes of Slavery, Hatred, Xenophobia, Cruelty, Torture, and other things that are deemed offensive material. This ship's Purpose is to explore the dark side of humanity in a safe way that will not cause actual harm. The players of the ISS Cerberus do not condone nor support such things in real life. Reader Discretion is advised!
Special Rules: Players will be encouraged when appropriate to set up Player vs Player situations Player character death follows the same rules only in the case of the player consent to the death of said character No advancement will be made through character death unless pre-arranged with the CO and XO and the former player agrees There is a Fighting ring on E Deck where characters can go to handle issues with each other leaving their dog tags and rank at the door
Thank you to the USS Chimera for allowing us to use thier MOTD as a template to get us off the ground :D