Docking Bay

Posted Feb. 2, 2019, 12:28 a.m. by Iolaus Stavros (Prisoner) (Cass Young)

Posted by Major Kodek Vonn (Head Guard) in Docking Bay

Posted by Iolaus Stavros (Prisoner) in Docking Bay

Posted by Major Kodek Vonn (Head Guard) in Docking Bay
Posted by… suppressed (7) by the Post Ghost! 👻

Vonn held motionless. “Statement recorded. We will forward your request to the Warden, as we do with all such statements. And guilt or innocence is not a discussion for this place. This is a prison. It is full of beings who are innocent. Just ask them. Again, we are here to ensure you are held. Nothing more.” As he spoke, he tapped on a wrist computer for a moment. “I have sent your statement to the Warden. You will now be cleaned and dressed for movement to your cell.” and the helmet nodded once and the guards began maneuvering the prisoner to the cleaning room.

Vonn, Head Guard

“Yeah I thought so,” The prisoner shrugged, but there was something about the air that he carried that seemed a little more down trodden. The movement was slow, the bonds around the prisoners ankles making it hard to walk, despite his best efforst to keep up with the pace the guards set. If he moved too fast he triped over the shackles, something he focused very much on not doing. He was too sore from the fight on the shuttle to suffer the painful jolts it caused every time he stumbled. For the first neck of the journey to the decontamination room, he was silent, too focused on keeping a pace he could maintain. It wasn’t until they were deep inside the ship that he spoke again, “Do you guys need a list of my diatry requirments? Cause I don’t really eat Klingon food. Worms don’t really do it for me, I’m more of a red meat kind of guy. Actually speaking of food, we get five meals a day here right? Cause I’ve got to keep my strength up you know,”


There was no response from any of the guards, and not even a look from Vonn. The made their way into the Prison intake area. The passageways were glaring white; so much so that it was hard to differentiate the deck from the walls. Surveillance devices covered all angles and various sensors were embedded in the walls, floors, and ceilings. But most distressing, from a prisoner’s point of view, was the low tech measures. Gates manned with two guards each divided the passageway into sections. Each gate had at least one guard who would verify prisoner movement, escorting guards, and destination. They even verified Vonn was Vonn. After a few of these check points, they came to a door. It was opened from the inside and the prisoner was escorted inside, the door shutting behind him with a loud ‘clang’ of metal on metal. Inside the room was the same bright white. On the wall hung a single one-piece red jumpsuit with a number emblazoned on the back in bright yellow, under which sat plain red slip on shoes. The floor sloped slightly to the center of the room where a large metal drain cover sat. Overhead was a large nozzle. Vonn turned slightly to Stavros.

“Remove all clothing and jewelry. Stand in the center of the room on the metal drain cover. You will be scanned and then cleaned. You will then dress in the jumpsuit and footwear provided.”

Vonn, Head Guard.

“Tough crowd,” The prisoner muttered when all his comments went unanswered. He calmly took notice of all the security personal, beginning to keep a mental record of the staff on the ship. Ideally the perfect (at least from his perspective) would be more techinlogically inclined than this one. Technology could be manipulated and controlled… people not so much. It also meant less people to shoot at him. Less people trying to kill him would be nice.

“A onesie? Really?” The prisoner said as soon as he saw the red piece. “If that’s my night time piece, where’s my daytime piece? Please tell me it has red leather pants, I could rock some red leather pants. Also matching underwear? Is that a Star-fleet thing or were those other guards just pulling my legs?” For the most part he was just prattling on, filling the silence of the other guards around him. But his question about the underwear was almost genuine.

He moved gracefully over to the drain quickly and efficently taking off all his clothes kicking them roughly to the side, until all that remained was the amulet. Once it was the only item he had left to remove he slowly - almost lethargically - reached behind him and undid the knot at the back of his neck. For a long while it seemed that he wouldn’t give the necklace up. Clasping it so tightly that his knuckles went white and the stone itself left an imprant in his hand. He stared at it. The last time he’d had it off for a long period of time was when he was nine and had run away. The night he’d left, he’d limped outside Selene and Ira’s house, leaving it just outside the door. It had become a symbol of their love to him but in that moment, he’d felt undeserving of their love and so he’d left it behind. Something for them to remember him by. He hadn’t seen it again until he was 16 and being dragged away by the police when Selene had (with the police’s permission) pressed it into his hands whispering “Tonight you’ve become a hero,” he’d tried to tell her she was wrong that he was nothing but a petty theif, but the police had swept him away the amulet clasped tightly in his fist. Tonight you’ve become a hero, those words had played through his head over and over throughout the years and even now the words were like a comforting balm to him as he finally, finally, passed the amulet over to Vonn. “You’re personally responsible for the well being of that necklace,” He said softly to Vonn.

Vonn took the necklace and simply handed it to one of the guards. The Guard dropped it into a plastic bag and then handed it off to another guard who had retrieved the prisoner’s clothes. That guard put all the belongings into individual bags and then left the room without a word or a look, as if they had done so many times.

Naked as the day he was born, he withdrew from Vonn and returned to the drain in the middle of the room. His nakedness didn’t seem to bother the small man. Not once did he bother to cover himself, instead leaving everything including his scars on display. Most of them had been either shadowed or hidden by his clothes before, and without that layer they were now glaringly obvious. His body was covered in them. They were an impressive collection vasting in a various array of age and sizes, and enough to make even the most seasoned mercenary flinch. The worst, and most obvious one was the most recent one in the centre of his chest. It was still red, in the stages of healing. Only time would tell if it would perminantly scar or temporarily. Another more notable one was one that ran down the lower half of his ribcage to the bottom of his gut, and on his back were many overlapping scars resembling the shape of a strap or belt. Other knife, and burn marks scattered the rest of him, but none held a candle to the ones on his torso and back. The man had clearly not lived an easy life.


Vonn’s voice filled the near silent room. “Prisoner, close yours eyes. Keep them closed until told otherwise. Failure to do so will result in possible injury to your eyes.”

Obediently the prisoner closed his eyes bracing himself for what was to come next.

Once the prisoner closed his eyes, Vonn made single nod. A torrent of cold liquid cascaded down onto Stavros. It had a strong chemical smell, and it burned slightly on the healing scar. The cold lasted for several seconds, and then was suddenly replaced by a warmer liquid. Still smelling faintly of chemical, albeit a different one, this removed the burning sensation on his scar and then an even warmer liquid… probably plain water… cleansed the remnants of chemicals from the prisoner’s body before the torrents of liquid ceased.

The prisoner flinched when the first liquid hit his sensitive skin but other than that he didn’t move as he was hit by the torrents of chemicals on his skin. He longed to open his eyes so he could keep his eyes on the surrounding guards, but he was also very fond of those eyes and wasn’t particularly keen on losing them. He’d be no use to Ira blind, and he was already usless enough. Trapped in a prison Ira would never have made it to.

The electronic voice sounded out. “Prisoner. Open your eyes. Dry yourself. Dress.”

Vonn, Head Guard

Slowly the prisoner opened his eyes one at a time, blinking a little to shake the remaining chemical droplets from his face He reached out for the towel on hand so he could dry himself. Starting with his face, he made his way down drying everything as thouroughly as he could, being extra careful around the fresh scar. He appreciated the luxery they’d left him of allowing him to dry himself before he got dressed. Once he was completley dry he reached out to take the ‘Onesie’ prison jumpsuit and shoes and put them on. In no time at all all his scars were covered, but his neck felt very bare without the amulet around it and he automatically looked to where he’d last seen it disappear. His eyes remained fixed on that door while he waited for the guards to cuff him up again.


Once dressed, the guards restrained him again in the same fashion. Once completed, they formed around the prisoner and escorted him out of the room and further into the sterile depths of the prison itself. Vonn leading the way, they made their way through a series of turns and doors, each one manned and each one locked. After about ten minutes of walking in silence, they cam to a door labeled with a large red “D”. The door opened to reveal a long hallway. The right side was the same sterile white wall the rest of the prison seemed to be, but the left side was undoubtedly their destination.

Divided into ten by ten cells, the left side of the passageway was the holding cells. The cells were lit with the same bright light the rest of the prison was, and each was the same stark white. A single bed affixed to the cell wall was on one side, and as they moved past a few unoccupied cells, the prisoner could see that the walls alternated so no prisoner slept next to another… even with a wall between them. Gray blankets covered the bed, and each had a single white pillow. A table sat opposite each bed, and a stool was attached to one leg of the table, allowing it to be swung in and out but not picked up or moved away. A toilet was set against the far back wall of each, next to a sink.

The prisoner studied each cell as they passed them by. By the third cell he had a pretty decent idea of what his own cell would look like. He’d been any many cells over the years for mutiple reasons, some had beds, tables and toilets, some had a pile of dirty blankets and a bucket… some didn’t even have that. His first cell at age 12 had been nothing but stone and clay. The ones he was passing had more than that but they were still just cells. They were still minimalistic, still small, still a cell.”Creative,” he quipped sarcastically, “Where did your designer get the idea, cell decorating 101?”

They reached a cell in the middle of the block and the guards stopped the prisoner. Turning to face him, Vonn said “This is your cell. You will be housed here for 23 hours per day. You will eat here. You will sleep here. You will spend all but one hour per day here. That hour you are allowed out will spent in supervised recreation time. You will not be allowed interaction with other inmates. You will be brought food three times a day in your cell. If you do not eat, that is your choice. Once you become too weak, you will be fed intravenously. You will be screened by medical personnel once every thirty ship days. You will be given any medical attention that is deemed necessary by the Prison doctor.” and he paused.

The prisoner smirked. As if he would ever refuse food. He knew all too well it’s importance. He’d never had enough as a child always scurraging for more whether he took it from Irakli or from the nearest food cart in the marketplace, it hadn’t mattered which, the hunger had driven him to take what he could and eat it before his father or mother would take it away. It had been a sad pathetic life, and he never wanted to go back there again.

“Behave, and you earn privileges. Do not behave, and you will be reprimanded.” and the helmet seemed to focus on the scarred and thin figure. “Any interaction you have with guards is recorded. Anything you say or do in your cell recorded. You are always watched. Please keep that in mind. I will reiterate one last time. We are not here to punish. We are not here to interrogate. We are not here to talk. We are not here to negotiate. We are simply here to keep you incarcerated for a predetermined length of time. That is all. Obey the rules and do as you are instructed, and you will leave here in the same physical and mental condition as you arrived… a situation that you do not get in most other prisons. Disobey, cause trouble, try to test us… and that situation can change. If you stray outside the designated parameters of where you should be and when, the systems in place to enforce compliance do not analyze intent. They simply react. They react the same way to an inmate trying to escape as they do to an inmate getting confused and making a wrong turn at the wrong time. I strongly suggest you listen closely to all instructions given to you and obey them implicitly. Do so, I guarantee your safety. Do not, and I cannot. Do you understand, Prisoner? Respond with either yes or no. I will answer questions momentarily.”

Vonn, Head Guard

OOC; Fixing grammatical errors.

IC: “I understand,” The prisoner said, “I’m the prisoner I do what you say or else… This isn’t my first rodeo.” He shook his head, “You guards are all the same, Obey me or I will beat you until you submit,” the last statement mocking deeper voice then he laughed mirthlessly, “But you understand this guard, Beatings don’t scare me, death doesn’t scare me, I will follow your orders, but if you ask me to do something that I don’t believe is right, or you try to harm a weaker or innocent party without justification than we will have a problem.” He was tempted to try and make a scene. He had no idea if he could make one, but was willing to try. But he sensed it wouldn’t have the desired effect and been seen (and treated) as an act of hostility rather than point he was trying to make. He might be weaker than he was thanks to his latest scar, but he wasn’t to be cowed, and he wouldn’t be controlled. “You’ll only have a problem with me if you make one, understood?” And boy didn’t he sound like Ira, it was probably a good thing they were spending some time apart.

Vonn didn’t move at the confrontational outburst. He didn’t react. Neither did the guards. When the prisoner paused. Vonn said “Mr. Burke.” and a guard standing at the entrance to the cell block snapped to attention. “Yessir, Major!” Without moving, Vonn said “What is my policy on abuse or prisoners?” and the guard responded immediately “Zero tolerance, Major.” Vonn paused and then said “What is the outcome if I find a guard to have been abusing their authority and position within the prison?” and there the guard paused. A bit of confusion crept into his voice as he said “Major? I mean… I don’t know. You have never disciplined anyone for that since I arrived, Major.” and Vonn said “Resume your duties.” and he turned slightly to Stavros. “Any guard found to by me to be abusive deals with me. It would not b e a pleasant experience.”

“Well now that we’re all on the same page-” His arms suddenly jerked, he’d been tyring to clap, but he’d forgotten that he had the restraints on so all it ended up being was an uncomfortable jerk, “Ow! Forgot about that. But you mentioned questions. I have a few… When do I get my weekly call? When does my lawyer get here? Can I do some redecorating? I wasn’t kidding when I said the deco was mediocre. Also if I want to file complaints how do I go about doing that?”


“No calls. No attorney visits unless approved by both the Warden and the Captain and myself. You will keep your cell exactly as it is and in a clean and functional state at all times. If you have complaints about your environment or the staff, you will request to speak to me. If you have a complaint about me, you will request to speak to the Warden.” and he paused.

No calls wasn’t good, and the prisoner knew the odds of him actually being able to speak to an attorney was was just as slim. “How am I suppose to let my girlfriend know that I’m okay? Or my partner for that matter? Last time they saw me I was dying. Which speaking of… how do I file off ship complaints? That doctor didn’t exactly have great bedside manner,”

“You are operating under the false assumption that this is simply yet another prison in a long line of prisons. It is not. Do not think that the standards and rules for other prisons you have experienced apply here. They do not. Keep that in mind.” and he waved and the force field dropped. “Step inside, and your restraints will be removed. “

Vonn, Head Guard

A long line of prisons you make it sound as if I’m a petty criminal who has nothing else to do with his life but get into prison,” He paused wondering if the analogy wasn’t that bad at all although a little crude. They weren’t criminals per say but they weren’t exactly law abiding citizens either. But everything they’d done, they’d done with good intentions, even if sometimes those intentions had landed either one or both (but usually the prisoner for some obscure reason) captured once or twice well it was all part of the job.

He waddled over the threshold the force field held and stood still for the guards to unrestrain him. This might not be a typical prison but it was still a prison, and he might be a trophy for Intelligence to keep on the cabinet, but he was still a prisoner.


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