Project Omega

About Project Omega

A relatively long-lived publication as STF news media go, Project Omega ran from 2001-2002 under the leadership of Mike Rouse-Deane. Beginning life as a semi-serious news and editorial source, Project Omega followed in the footsteps of Galactic Independent News by breaking content out in to multiple pages per issue. It also featured STF's first and so far only comic strip featuring charicatures of STF members. It would feature several writers both regular and guest during its run, including Chris Healey, Alex Verdusco, Eddie Lawson, and others.

Unfortunately, Project Omega quickly ran into controversy. While mixing news and editorial content is hardly new in STF media history, it generally included a fair dose of humor and satire. It was also, usually, clear which was which. Project Omega lost that distinction, and many articles declined into editorials masquerading as news and personal attacks against other members. STF had also changed by this point, and had lost much of its playful whimsy. Many members took offense at articles appearing in Project Omega, both legitimately and not, and Rouse-Deane even received an official warning for harrassment in Edict Robison #9.

The final straw came during the summer 2002 elections. Eddie Lawson, then a columnist for Project Omega, had a running blog-like column entitled "Eddie's Election Diary". However, he quickly used it to make inappropriate comments about Election Coordinator Deanne Ashton and lame duck President Larry Garfield, likening them to Hitler, Goebels, and other leaders of the Nazi Party for the unusually strict enforcement of election rules during that Election Season. Garfield ruled such behavior to be in violation of STF's Terms of Service and unable to use Freedom of the Press as protection, and ordered Project Omega banned from all STF advertising of any form in Edict Garfield #20, effectively killing the paper. An offer for the ban to be lifted in exchange for an apology was never taken by Rouse-Deane, and Project Omega quickly faded.

Project Omega was hosted off-site, and no copies are currently available.