Radio Free STF

About Radio Free STF

Founded by future president Scott Robison in mid-2000, Radio Free Star-Fleet or RF-STF was STF's first and so far only audio media publication. It did not include news coverage or commentary, but rather Star Trek and Star Wars music and soundtracks streamed via MP3. (The legality of such broadcasts was never firmly established, but fortunately neither Paramount nor George Lucas ever found out.) RF-STF's only notable participation in news or commentary was during the summer 2000 presidential election. RF-STF began airing campaign commercials for candidate Nick Lackie, a friend and political ally of Robison, early in the campaign despite a tradition of news outlets remaining officially impartial in elections. Robison resonded that the opposing candidates were welcome to send in ads as well, despite not having been told about that in advance. As Election Season was half over at that point, neither of Lackie's opponents, Krystelle Bromilow and Philip Hobday, did so. Lackie later went on to win the election.

As Radio Free STF was a streaming audio broadcast, it has no archives to speak of.