The bylaw known as CMM (Community and Marketing Manager) is hereby rescinded and replaced by this bill.
A body is hereby established, known as the Community and Marketing Management Board (CMMB).
The CMMB is responsible for the internal and external management of advertising, marketing, and community organization. These include:
The CMMB shall be constructed of at least two members at all times. The CMMB may choose to expand its number of members by internal vote, with the approval of the President. New members shall be selected from an open application to the existing members of the CMMB. The CMMB may choose its requirements for new members. All new members of the CMMB are subject to Presidential consent.
The Community and Marketing Manager is responsible for the CMMB’s administrative tasks, including delivering reports to the President, at least one major report per year to the membership on marketing activity, and regulating social media account access.
The CMM shall be put to an internal vote every six months. Every member of the CMMB shall vote among the body to select a CMM to serve the next six months. If for any reason a consensus cannot be reached, the President shall select a member of the CMMB to carry the role for the term, or remainder of the term as the case may be.
In the event that the CMM is AWOL or otherwise not performing the duties of the position, the CMMB may vote to remove them and will immediately vote upon a replacement.
The CMMB is responsible for creating, maintaining, and updating accounts for STF’s social media presence. At present, these include Facebook, X/Twitter, Reddit, Goodreads, and may expand to include others as the CMMB sees fit. The CMMB shall have exclusive authority over these venues and may establish rules of operation and moderation for these venues. These venues, unless otherwise stated, are considered public and open to all STF members who have not been banned from them specifically. Any and all STF Terms of Service shall apply to these venues, in addition to any additional rules published by the CMMB.
Passwords for all STF social media accounts must be held at all times by at least the CMM and one other member of the CMMB; the other individual need not be the same for all passwords. Passwords to these accounts are also covered under the Administrative Access section of the TECH Bylaw.
Other government officers may request administrative access to various STF social accounts if they can show that it is necessary for the performance of their duties. These requests may be rejected if the CMM is not confident in the requestor’s ability to maintain the security of the resource.
The CMM is the final authority on who may or may not have administrative access.
Should a member of the CMMB resign, the CMM - or in the case of the CMM’s resignation, any other member of the CMM - shall post an open call for applications. Applicants chosen as candidates for the position will go through the same process as described in Composition. When an applicant is selected, they will be given all appropriate flags and access required.
In the event of multiple resignations or any event in which the CMMB is reduced to fewer than two members, the CMM may directly install a member with the authorization of the President. Past members of the CMMB should be considered before the Chairman may install new members to the CMMB, but they are not required to be selected. In the event that the CMMB cannot come to a consensus on a new Chairman, the President may directly select one.
The CMMB may not operate at less than two members for any longer than 45 days. At the end of 45 days, if the CMMB has not returned to its required two person quota, the President will directly appoint, using whatever criteria they may, the number of members required to fill the CMMB.
If a member of the CMMB violates the Terms of Service or any other STF edict or bylaw while performing their duties as a CMMB member, the CMM will refer the issue to the President and offer a complete report on the incident. The CMM will also remove any access from the violator until the situation is resolved.
The President has investigative authority over the CMMB when ToS and STF edict or bylaw violations arise, and may enlist the help of other members of the CMMB as necessary to complete the investigation in an educated way. If the investigation can demonstrate negligence or malicious activity, only then may the President directly remove someone from the CMMB.
In the event that the CMM is the perpetrator, the CMM shall have all administrative access revoked and the title removed and given to an interim CMM selected by the President.
Violations punishable by a temporary or permanent ban result in an immediate removal from the CMMB and a revocation of all administrative access.
The CMMB may not enter into any formal agreements with another club or organization. Any agreements with other clubs or organizations must be entered into edict by the President.
Upon this bill’s enactment the President shall appoint a member to the CMMB as interim Community and Marketing Manager, who shall immediately open applications for additional spaces on the CMMB. Once selected, the newly selected board shall vote on its first CMM, and then announce the members of the board.
The CMMB shall be reviewed thirteen months after the date of this bill’s passing. The review will take the form of a public discussion held within Command, with the President having the final ruling on whether or not the CMMB has been operating in a successful manner. The discussion must run for a minimum of two weeks. The review criteria is to include:
Has the CMMB been operating according to its structure?
Has the CMMB succeeded in providing timely, accurate reports?
What has the CMMB accomplished in its founding year?
Is the state of the club’s marketing in significantly better or worse shape than the year before the bill’s passing? Has it remained the same?
Should the CMMB be found to be failing any of these criteria, the President will then decide to amend the bill to address the issues raised, or if the issues are so numerous and large, discuss an all out replacement to the CMMB.
Should the CMMB be found to operate as expected and planned, it shall be considered a facet of the club and will continue operating indefinitely.
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