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Presidential Edict Archive
Presidential Edict Archive
Table of Contents
Jack Dipper Term 4
Edict #1 - Cabinet Appointments
Edict #2 - IRW Rovarran Decommissioned
Edict #3 - Clayton Strong promoted to Captain and assigned Commanding Officer, USS Ark Angel
Edict #4 - Task Force 1 Established - Captains' Handbook
Edict #5 - Kevin Sawyer temporarily assigned as acting Commanding Officer, USS Manhattan
Edict #6 - FComm Pioneer Fleet and EDir announced.
Edict #7 - Edict 5 is repealed
Edict #8 - Richard Gruby appointed as Commanding Officer, USS Memorial
Edict #9 - Brian Richards appointed as Commanding Officer, USS Leviathan
Sage Pennington
Edict #1 - Ray Branch assigned as CO of USS Wolverine.
Edict #2 - Lindsay Bayes assigned as CO of USS Ogawa.
Edict #3 - Cabinet appointments.
Edict #4 - James Gray permanently banned.
Edict #5 - USS Asimov class change.
Edict #6 - USS Europa decommissioned.
Edict #7 - Sidney Parker removed as CO of USS Brian A. Olinski.
Edict #8 - Kieron Hoult promoted to Captain and assigned as CO of USS Brian A. Olinski.
Edict #9 - Charter and commission of Romulan RP area IRW Rovarran.
Edict #10 - Katy Darrah assigned as CO of IRW Rovarran.
Edict #11 - USS Leviathan reassigned to Pioneer Fleet.
Edict #12 - Appointment of Election Coordinators.
Edict #13 - USS Brian A. Olinski is decommissioned.
Edict #14 - Jennifer Ward promoted to Commodore
Edict #15 - Presidential Commendation for TECH
Edict #16 - Rovarran trial period extended 90 days
Edict #17 - Matt Evans promoted to Commodore
Edict #18 - Presidential Commendation for GMD
Edict #19 - Presidential Commendation for Steve Johnson
Edict #20 - Presidential Commendation for Lucas Foxley
Edict #21 - Cabinet announcements
Edict #22 - BJ Janzen acting CO of IRW Rovarran
Edict #23 - Dave Shotton appointed CMM
Edict #24 - Hjortur Ingi appointed CO of IRW Rovarran
Edict #25 - Jack Dipper appointed interim CMM of the new CMMB
Edict #26 - Mike Montemayor banned from Discord for 90 days
Edict #27 - Jake Ridgely appointed CO of USS Memorial
Edict #28 - Terry Sullivan appointed CO USS Saracen
Edict #29 - Amdirgol S promoted to Commander and appointed CO of USS Wolverine
Edict #30 - Appointment of EC
Edict #31 - USS Wolverine rechristened as Brazen-class Mk II
Edict #32 - David Fergusson promoted to Rear Admiral
Edict #33 - Presidential Commendation for TECH
Edict #34 - Presidential Commendation for Jack Dipper
Edict #35 - Cabinet-Level Commendation for Lucas Foxley
Edict #36 - Lindsay B Promoted to Admiral
Bill #1 - COMMUnity
Bill #2: The Technical Board
Joe P Term 2
Edict #1 - Cabinet appointments.
Edict #2 - Sage Pennington promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #3 - USS Odin decommissioned.
Edict #4 - Oed V charter updates.
Edict #5 - Katy Darrah appointed Community Marketing Manager.
Edict #6 - Mika Jackson promoted to Captain and assigned as CO of USS Leviathan.
Edict #7 - Sam Haynes appointed Fleet Commander, Foremost Fleet.
Edict #8 - Joe P appointed Election Coordinator, and Steve Johnson appointed Emergency Election Coordinator.
Edict #9 - Jennifer Ward assigned as CO of USS Sentinel.
Edict #10 - Sam Haynes promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #11 - Melissa Aragon promoted to Commodore.
Edict #12 - Nathan Miller promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #13 - Presidential-Level Commendation for entire Oed V crew.
Edict #14 - Presidential thanks.
Robert Archer Term 2
Edict #1 - President Archer's Cabinet is announced.
Edict #2 - Amber DeSadier appointed as Fleet Commander, Black Fleet.
Edict #3 - AJ Paulson promoted to Commander.
Edict #4 - AJ Paulson promoted to Captain and assigned as CO of Outpost 42.
Edict #5 - David Shotton assigned as CO of USS Challenger.
Edict #6 - Daniel Lerner appointed Academy Commandant.
Edict #7 - USS Constellation decommissioned.
Edict #8 - Matt Bongiorno appointed as Fleet Commander, Pioneer Fleet.
Edict #9 - Katy Darrah appointed Engineering Director.
Edict #10 - Outpost 42 decommissioned.
Edict #11 - USS Viking decommissioned.
Edict #12 - Calé Reilly appointed Fleet Commander, Foremost Fleet.
Edict #13 - Kat Dedul appointed Academy Commandant.
Edict #14 - Sharon Miller assigned as CO of USS Leviathan.
Edict #15 - Steve Johnson assigned as CO of USS Challenger.
Edict #16 - Travis Good appointed Supervisor of Experiments.
Edict #17 - Geoff Joosten appointed as Election Coordinator and James Sinclair as Emergency Election Coordinator.
Edict #18 - Tony Findora assigned as CO of USS Athena.
Edict #19 - Nicole Cline promoted to Captain and assigned as CO of USS Bonaventure.
Edict #20 - Presidential- and Cabinet-Level Commendations.
Edict #21 - Steven Sigle posthumously promoted to Rear Admiral.
Edict #22 - James Sinclair promoted to Commodore.
Edict #23 - USS Bonaventure recommissioned as USS Sojourner, and other changes the ship charter.
Daniel Lerner Term 3
Edict #1 - President Lerner's Cabinet is announced.
Edict #2 - Steven Sigle, Lindsay Bayes, and Sarah Hemenway commended.
Edict #3 - Miriam W. promoted to Captain and assigned as Commanding Officer as the USS Athena.
Edict #4 - Ben Simons relieved as Commanding Officer of the USS Asimov. Sam Pennington promoted to Captain and assigned as Commanding Officer of the USS Asimov.
Edict #5 - Jennifer Ward assigned as Commanding Officer of the USS Viking.
Edict #6 - Amber DeSadier appointed as Fleet Commander for the Pioneer Fleet.
Edict #7 - Steve Johnson appointed as Vice President.
Edict #8 - Jerome Davis assigned as Commanding Officer of the USS Odin.
Edict #9 - Matt Bongiorno promoted to Captain and assigned as Commanding Officer of the USS Sentinel.
Edict #10 - USS Dresden decommissioned.
Edict #11 - Silke Fahl appointed as Academy Commandant.
Edict #12 - Geoff Joosten appointed as Election Coordinator. Sarah M appointed as Emergency Election Coordinator.
Edict #13 - Daniel Lerner appointed as Supervisor of Experiments.
Edict #14 - Alex Lorien permanently banned from STF.
Edict #15 - Matt Evans assigned as Commanding Officer of the USS Leviathan.
Edict #16 - Brian Richards and Jennifer Ward promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #17 - Melissa Aragon awarded Presidential Commendation for work as Fleet Commander for the Foremost Fleet.
Edict #18 - Fish budget restored.
Edict #19 - President Lerner offers his thanks and farewell.
Bill #1 - Amendment to FCOMM (Fleet Command and Other Mundane Matters)
Bill #2 - Amendment to MOO (Member Order and Organization)
Sarah Hemenway Term 2
Edict #1 - President Sarah's Cabinet appointed.
Edict #2 - USS Leviathan chartered as an Alternate Roleplaying Environment.
Edict #3 - Sharon Miller appointed as Commanding Officer of the USS Leviathan.
Edict #4 - Ben Simons promoted to Captain and appointed as Commanding Officer of the USS Asimov.
Edict #5 - USS Chimera relocated from Infinite Fleet to Pioneer Fleet. USS Viking relocated from Infinite Fleet to Meridian Fleet. USS Constellation relocated from Infinite Fleet to Black Fleet. Infinite Fleet decommissioned.
Edict #6 - Matt Evans promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #7 - Sharon Miller appointed as Supervisor of Experiments.
Edict #8 - Katy Darrah removed as Commanding Officer of the USS Constellation. Brian Richards assigned as Commanding Officer of the USS Constellation.
Edict #9 - Amanda Mercer removed as Commanding Officer of the USS Viking. James Harrison assigned as Commanding Officer of the USS Viking.
Edict #10 - USS Constellation charter updated.
Edict #11 - USS Sentinel charter updated.
Edict #12 - Hemenway-2 Edict #10 corrected.
Edict #13 - Matt Evans appointed as Fleet Commander of the Pioneer Fleet.
Edict #14 - Melissa Aragon appointed as Fleet Commander of the Foremost Fleet.
Edict #15 - Calé Reilly appointed as Academy Commandant.
Edict #16 - USS Ogawa charter updated.
Edict #17 - Daniel Lerner appointed as Vice President.
Edict #18 - Sarah Hemenway appointed as Election Coordinator. Steve Johnson appointed as Assistant Election Coordinator.
Edict #19 - J Ridgley promoted to Captain and assigned as Commanding Officer of the USS Sentinel.
Edict #20 - J Ridgley appointed as Community and Marketing Manager.
Edict #21 - Oed V charter updated.
Edict #22 - James Sinclair appointed as Governor of Oed V.
Edict #23 - Melissa Aragon promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #24 - Russell Watt promoted to Commodore.
Edict #25 - Sharon Miller promoted to Commodore.
Edict #26 - Joe P, Sidney Parker, and Joe P awarded Presidential Commendations.
Bill #1 - Update to BOXES
Bill #2 - Update to EEEGO
Bill #3 - Update to FCOMM
Bill #4 - Update to LEGOE
Steve Johnson Term 2
Edict #1 - Cabinet Promotions
Edict #2 - James Sinclair as Supervisor of Experiments (SOX)
Edict #3 - Appoint Captain James Sinclair as Fleet Commander of the Pioneer Fleet
Edict #4 - Appoint Russell Watt as Governor, Oed V
Edict #5 - Promote Steve Johnson to Vice Admiral
Edict #6 - Katy Darrah promoted and appointed as the CO of the USS Constellation
Edict #7 - April Fools Joke
Edict #8 - Promote Geoff Joosten to Commodore
Edict #9 - USS Sentinel is commissioned as a 'Star Trek: The Original Series' ('TOS')-era Alternate-RPG
Edict #10 - Starbase Magellan is decommissioned
Edict #11 - Appoint Kat Dedul as CO of the USS Chimera
Edict #12 - Decommission the USS Endeavour.
Edict #13 - Cale Reilly is Election Coordinator
Edict #14 - USS Olympic is decommissioned
Edict #15 - Appoint Joana Ribeiro as Commanding Officer of the USS Dresden
Edict #16 - Promote Ben Simons to the rank of Captain
Edict #17 - Promote James Sinclair, Dave Eads, and Silke Fahl to the rank of Fleet Captain.
Edict #18 - Promote Cale Reilly to the rank of Rear Admiral.
Edict #19 - Promote Rob Archer to the rank of Vice Admiral
Edict #20 - Promote Sarah Hemenway to the rank of Vice Admiral
Edict #21 - Thank you's
Bill #1 - modifications to Club Rank Structure
Bill #2 - Modernizing Species Requirements and removing outdated elements
Bill #3 - GM Qualifications and Training updates
James Sinclair
Edict #1 - Steve Johnson appointed as VP
Edict #2 - Promote Trinity Fister to FComm of Foremost Fleet
Edict #3 - Promote D Grisham to be Commanding Officer of the USS Chimera
Edict #4 - Appointing Sarah Hemenway as EDept Director
Edict #5 - Appointing Sarah Hemenway as the CO of the USS Challenger
Edict #6 - Daniel Lerner appointed Election Coordinator
Edict #7 - Lindsay Bayes appointed CMM
Edict #8 - Promote Krys McLean to Vice Admiral
Edict #9 - Sarah Hemenway promoted to Rear Admiral
Edict #10 - Promote David Shotton to the rank of Commodore
Edict #11 - USS Asimov is recommissioned as Brazen Class
Edict #12 - Sarah Hemenway is appointed CO of the USS Chimera
Edict #13 - Promote Kate O'Neill to the rank of Fleet Captain
Edict #14 - Promote Daniel Lerner to the rank of Vice Admiral
Edict #15 - USS Atlantis is recommissioned to Mythology Class
Edict #16 - Final Commendations
Bill #1 - Update to FCOMM restrictions
David Shotton
Edict #1 - James Sinclair appointed Fleet Commander of the Foremost Fleet
Edict #2 - New Cabinet Announced
Edict #3 - Appointing Louis Harvatt to the role of Supervisor of Experiments
Edict #4 - Appointing Krys McLean as our new Community Marketing Manager
Edict #5 - U.S.S. Chimera will be changed from a Mythology Class, to the Mjolnir Class
Edict #6 - Appointed Jim Watkin as Commanding Officer of Starbase Magellan
Adam W
Edict #1 - Brady McGuinn banned from Star-Fleet.
Edict #2 - Cabinet Announced.
Edict #3 - Russell Watt appointed Commanding Officer of the USS Constellation
Edict #4 - David Eads relieved and David Shotton announced Fleet Commander Foremost Fleet
Edict #5 - David Shotton appointed Commanding Officer of the USS Challenger
Edict #6 - Philip Graham appointed Engineering Director
Edict #7 - Philip Graham appointed Commanding Officer of the USS Chimera
Edict #8 - Mike Montemayor pardoned.
Edict #9 - Hemenway Edict #18 amended.
Edict #10 - Lindsay Bayes appointed Community & Marketing Manager.
Edict #11 - James Sinclair promoted to Captain & appointed Commanding Officer of the USS Manhattan
Edict #12 - Louis Harvatt promoted to Captain & appointed Commanding Officer of the USS Constellation
Edict #13 - Luke Hung appointed Commanding Officer of the USS Genesis
Edict #14 - Christopher Bennett promoted to Captain & appointed Commanding Officer of the USS Olympic
Edict #15 - Travis Good appointed Commanding Officer of the USS Chernov
Edict #16 - Katherine Dedul appointed Commanding Officer of the USS Endeavour
Edict #17 - Joe P. appointed as Election Coordinator and Katherine Dedul as Assistant Election Coordinator.
Edict #18 - Adam W. Declared as Dictator
Edict #19 - Denied existence of the book of secrets.
Edict #20 - Terry Sullivan is unrechristened as the USS Wolverine NCC 99199
Edict #21 - Friday is declared cookie day.
Edict #22 - Fake bacon now known as facon.
Edict #23 - Lindsay Bayes awarded Presidential Commendation.
Edict #24 - Daniel Lerner awarded Presidential Commendation.
Edict #25 - Owen Morgan promoted to Captain.
Edict #26 - Cale Reilly promoted to Commodore.
Edict #27 - Members officially thanked & Jeremy DeSpain remembered.
Bill #1 - Establishment of CMM
Bill #2 - Removal of Yearbook - VETOED
Bill #3 - Removal of Yearbook
Daniel Lerner Term 2
Edict #1 - New cabinet announced.
Edict #2 - Melissa Aragon promoted to Captain and assigned SS Bonaventure.
Edict #3 - D Grimsham appointed as Fleet Commander of the Pioneer Fleet.
Edict #4 - Kenson Koth promoted to Rear Admiral, USS Aztec rechristened as the USS Memorial, NCC-98800 and Kirt promoted to Captain and assigned USS Memorial.
Edict #5 - Jeremy DeSpain appointed Commanding Officer of the USS Manhattan.
Edict #6 - Lindsay Bayes appointed as the Marketing and Advertising Coordinator.
Edict #7 - Krys McLean appointed as Commanding Officer of the USS Chernov.
Edict #8 - Krys McLean appointed Fleet Commander for the Foremost Fleet
Edict #9 - Cale Reilly appointed Vice President.
Edict #10 - Brian Richards is appointed Commanding Officer of the USS Constellation
Edict #11 - Joe P. appointed as Election Coordinator and Jeremy DeSpain as Assistant Election Coordinator.
Edict #12 - Steven Sigle promoted to Commodore and appointed Fleet Commander of the Meridian Fleet.
Edict #13 - Commendations
Edict #14 - Adam W. promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #15 - Matthew Bernardin promoted to Commodore
Edict #16 - Thomas Bates promoted to Vice Admiral
Edict #17 - Lindsay Bayes promoted to Vice Admiral
Edict #18 - Joe P. commended for launch of Exodus
Edict #19 - Acknowledgement of key players
Bill #1 - Ammendment to the Mentoring Program - Vetoed by EGO
Bill #2 - Further ammendment to the Mentoring Program
Jeremy DeSpain
Edict #1 - Lindsay Bayes promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral
Edict #2 - Adam W. assigned as Captain of OP 42
Edict #3 - USS Asimov - Fleet One changed to Chandley Class
Edict #4 - New cabinet announced
Edict #5 - Tyra Schroll appointed CO of USS Asimov
Edict #6 - David Eads promoted to Captain and assigned USS Manhattan
Edict #7 - Natt Wisemann promoted to Captain and assigned command of SS Bonnaventure
Edict #8 - R. Adm Dan Lerner assigned Command of USS Endeavour
Edict #9 - TJ Morgan is expelled as GMD
Edict #10 - Edict 9 is repealed
Edict #11 - Capt. AdamW appointed FComm - Pioneer Fleet
Edict #12 - Kate O'Neil promoted to Captain and assigned command of USS Atlantis
Edict #13 - Nate Evans asked to step down, TJ Morgan appointed CO USS Chernov
Edict #14 - Kate O'Neill, Sharon Miller, Jerome Davis all banned from posting in command for 3 months.
Edict #15 - Non official discord chats bearing STF Intellectual property migrated to offical discord server.
Edict #16 - Kate O'Neill steps down as CO of USS Chernov, Thomas Bates appointed as replacement.
Edict #17 - Amanda Mercer appointed CO of USS Viking
Edict #18 - Phillip Graham appointed CO of USS Manhattan.
Edict #19 - Elliot Cooper and Lola McLeod banned from STF
Edict #20 - David Shotton appointed FComm 1
Edict #21 - Amber Desadier appointed CO of Starbase Magellan
Edict #23 - Matt Bernardin appointed Election Co-Ordinator
Edict #24 - USS Columbia decommissioned
Edict #25 - Ray Branch appointed CO of USS Challenger
Edict #26 - Emma Buress promoted to Captain and assigned command of USS Chernov
Edict #27 - Cabinet thanked for service
Edict #28 - GM Archives renamed 'The Amanda Noon Archives'
Edict #29 - David Shotton promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #30 - Commodore Matthew Kleinmann promoted to Rear Admiral
Edict #31 - Thomas Bates promoted to Rear Admiral, Matthew Bernadin promoted to Fleet Captain, Amber DeSadier promoted to Commodore, Owen Morgan promoted to Commander
Edict #32 - Tyra Schroll promoted to Rear Admiral
Edict #33 - Joe P promoted to Full Admiral
Bill #1 - CADET amended to allow transfers to mainfleet without penalty
Lindsay Bayes
Edict #1 - Hjortur Ingi assigned Governor of Oed V
Edict #2 - * Rescind previous specification change for Asimov under Archer administration|* Change Asimov spec to Brazen-class
Edict #3 - Cabinet Announced
Edict #4 - Sharon Miller appointed CO of USS Viking
Edict #5 - Rob Jones appointed MAC
Edict #6 - USS Genesis changed to Manhattan class and rechristened USS Genesis-B
Edict #7 - Jerome Davis appointed CO of USS Dresden
Edict #8 - Phillip Graham appointed CO of USS Saracen
Edict #9 - Ray Branch appointed as MAC
Edict #10 - T. Morgan appointed as GM Director
Edict #11 - Anthony Findora appointed as CO of OED V
Edict #12 - Daniel Lerner appointed as Election Co-ordinator
Edict #13 - Kat Dedul released as FCOMM 8|Steve Johnson appointed as FCOMM 8|Kat Dedul appointed as Academy Commandant
Edict #14 - Ray Branch appointed as CO of USS Discovery
Edict #15 - USS Ogawa recommissioned and assigned to The Pioneer Fleet
Edict #16 - Cale Reilly appointed CO of USS Ogawa
Edict #17 - David Shotton promoted to rank of Captain and assigned CO USS Saracen
Edict #18 - The Beaver is given access to the liquor cabinet and awarded a stocking budget
Edict #19 - End of term commendations
Edict #20 - Adam W. promoted to the Rank of Captain
Edict #21 - Ray Branch Promoted to the rank of Fleet Captain
Edict #22 - Sharon Miller promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #23 - Joe P promoted to the rank of Vice Admiral
Edict #24 - Kat Dedul promoted to the rank of Admiral
Edict #25 - Thanks given to Exodus Alpha Testers
Edict #26 - Close of Term remarks
Bill #1 - Language and Licensing revisions to OGRE
Bill #2 - TECH bylaw amended to include recommendations from review
Robert Archer
Edict #1 - Cabinet appointments.
Edict #2 - Joe P promoted to Rear Admiral
Edict #3 - Cale Reilly appointed FComm-1
Edict #4 - Emily England promoted to Captain and assigned CO of USS Chernov
Edict #5 - Joana Ribeiro removed as CO of USS Turing
Edict #6 - Steve Johnson appointed CO of USS Turing
Edict #7 - Samantha Haynes appointed CO USS Viking.
Edict #8 - USS Vanguard rechristened as USS Wolverine, Brazen-class.
Edict #9 - Ray Branch appointed as SOX
Edict #10 - USS Ulysees renamed USS Manhattan| Brady McGuinn named CO of Manhattan| Manhattan moved from Fleet 5 to Fleet 1
Edict #11 - USS Turing renamed USS Chimera, class changed to Mythology
Edict #12 - D Grisham appointed CO USS Olympic
Edict #13 - Matt Bernadin appointed FComm-8
Edict #14 - Silke Fahl promoted to Captain, appointed CO of Outpost 42
Edict #15 - Daniel Lerner appointed EC|Brady McGuinn appointed AEC
Edict #16 - Scarlet Olivia promoted to Captain, named CO of USS Turing
Edict #17 - Lindsay Bayes appointed MAC
Edict #18 - Nate Evan promoted to Captain, appointed CO of USS Asimov
Edict #19 - Ray Branch appointed CO USS Asimov
Edict #20 - Marcelo Paschoalin promoted to Captain, appointed CO USS Atlantis
Edict #21 - Many Commendations for work done during the term.
Bill #1 - Undo Dipper-3 Bill #1 changes to BOXES
Bill #2 - Fix mistakes added to BOXES by Archer Bill #1| Remove Trial Period from BOXES in celebration of X-Fleet passing its final review
Kat Dedul
Edict #1 - Cabinet appointments.
Edict #2 - Rechristening of the USS Ark Angel.
Edict #3 - Sam Bibb appointed Personnel Director
Edict #4 - Rob Jones promoted to Captain and assigned CO of USS Viking
Edict #5 - USS Chernov charter
Edict #6 - Krys McLean assigned CO of SS Bonaventure
Edict #7 - SS Bonaventure charter changed.
Edict #8 - Jack Dipper released as Coder, Joe P appointed.
Edict #9 - Steve Johnson appointed Infinite Fleet Commander
Edict #10 - Sam Bibb appointed CO of USS Asimov.
Edict #11 - TECH Established.
Edict #12 - Charles Gilmore promoted to Captain, assined CO USS Olympic.
Edict #13 - Steve Sigle appointed FComm-5
Edict #14 - Julia K assigned CO USS Endeavour
Edict #15 - Odin changed spec to Mythology Class
Edict #16 - Terry Sullivan promoted to Captain, assigned CO USS Vanguard
Edict #17 - Thomas Bates assigned CO USS Crusader
Edict #18 - USS Crusader rechristened USS Ulysses
Edict #19 - Daniel Lerner appointed EC, Gene Gibbs appointed AEC
Edict #20 - Adam W appointed Vice President
Edict #21 - Harry Shires promoted to Captain
Edict #22 - Thomas Bates promoted to Commodore
Edict #23 - Julia K. promoted to Commodore
Edict #24 - Lindsay Bayes commended for work in Academy and GMD
Edict #25 - Emily England commended for work as XO Bonniventure
Edict #26 - Samuel Bibb commended for work in PDept
Edict #27 - Matthew Kleinman commended for work in PDept
Edict #28 - Daniel Lerner promoted to Rear Admiral
Edict #29 - Steve Johnson promoted to Rear Admiral
Edict #30 - Thank you edict
Bill #1 - Amendment to CADET - Vetoed by EGO
Bill #2 - Amendment to CADET
Bill #3 - The Technical Board, replaces SCSI and CODE
Bill #4 - Amendment to LEGOE to account for TECH
Jack Dipper Term 3
Edict #1 - TJ Morgan promoted to Captain, appointed CO of USS Chernov.|Tom Hillman appointed CO of USS Montgomery.
Edict #2 - The cabinet is appointed
Edict #3 - Marthese Bugeja promoted to Captain, assigned to USS Crusader
Edict #4 - Bob Spicer appointed CO of USS Saracen.
Edict #5 - Terry Calvin appointed CO, USS Viking.
Edict #6 - Jody Romero appointed CO, USS Viking.
Edict #7 - Luke Ronayne promoted to Captain, appointed CO USS Dresden.
Edict #8 - Three veteran CO appointments for Fleet Six.
Edict #9 - Connie switches spec to Mythology class.
Edict #10 - Joana Ribero promoted to Captain, appointed CO USS Montgomery.
Edict #11 - Katherine Dedul appointed CO USS Challenger.
Edict #12 - USS Montgomery rechristened to USS Turing
Edict #13 - Steve Johnson appointed EC; Krys McLean appointed AEC
Edict #14 - Travis Good promoted to Captain, assigned CO USS Asimov. Catt Bennet assigned CO USS Crusader
Edict #15 - Edict establishing Commendations
Edict #16 - End of Term Commendations
Edict #17 - Jerome Davis promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #18 - Ty Napier promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #19 - Dan Lerner promoted to Commodore
Edict #20 - Rob Archer promoted to Rear Admiral
Edict #21 - Jen Herr promoted to Vice Admiral
Edict #22 - Joe Fahey promoted to Rear Admiral
Edict #23 - Thank yous
Bill #1 - Small change to BOXES eligibility section
Thomas Bates
Edict #1 - Most of the cabinet appointed
Edict #2 - Three month ban for Ben Park for spamming advertisements of another roleplaying site
Edict #3 - Jeremy DeSpain appointed FComm-5
Edict #4 - Ty Napier appointed FComm-4
Edict #5 - Elliot Cooper appointed CO of USS Discovery
Edict #6 - Ray Branch promoted to Captain, appointed CO of USS Olympic
Edict #7 - Sidney Parked dismissed from FComm 1
Edict #8 - Crissy N appointed FComm 1
Edict #9 - Fleets formally recognised by their title.
Edict #10 - Joe P appointed as Librarian
Edict #11 - Amber Hagan appointed FComm 1
Edict #12 - USS Olympic rechristened as USS Olympic NCC-80000-B, Mythology class
Edict #13 - The USS Ogawa is decommissioned.|The USS Lexington is decommissioned.|The USS Polaris is decommissioned.|The USS Samurai is decommissioned.|Starbase 202 is decommissioned.|The USS Thor is decommissioned.|The USS Draco is decommissioned.
Edict #14 - The Great White and Forceful Fleets decommissioned|The Infinite Fleet commissioned
Edict #15 - USS Montgomery rechristened as USS Montgomery NCC-84704-A, Discovery-class.
Edict #16 - Bob Spicer named CO of USS Discovery
Edict #17 - Joe P reappointed Election Coordinator
Edict #18 - Luke Ronayne appointed Assistant Election Coordinator
Edict #19 - Outpost 45 rechristened as Starbase Magellan
Edict #20 - Amber DeSadier promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #21 - Jeremy DeSpain promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #22 - David Fergusson erroneously promoted to Fleet Captain (already held rank).
Edict #23 - Crissy N promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #24 - Joe P promoted to Commodore.
Edict #25 - Edict 22 corrected; David Fergusson promoted to Commodore.
Bill #1 - Commendations Bill - Vetoed by EGO
Bill #2 - Amends Governing Rules About Violations, Investigations, and Tier Sorting
Bill #3 - Fixes multiple unintended changes to EEEGO made by Dipper Bill #2.
Steve Johnson
Edict #1 - Steve Johnson assumes Presidency from Drew Diamond.
Edict #2 - Dave Wonderly named Veep.
Edict #3 - Thomas Bates named FComm-4
Edict #4 - TJ Morgan named MAC
Edict #5 - Tom Hillman appointed CO of USS Polaris
Edict #6 - James Harrison appointed CO of USS Dresden
Edict #7 - Drew Diamond demoted to Ensign for falsifying evidence during an investigation.|K.L. Harvey officially warned for falsifying evidence during an investigation.|Drew Diamond permanently banned from STF For attempting to hack into another user's
Edict #8 - Anthony Martin named CO of Outpost 42
Edict #9 - USS Athena changes specification to Mythology-class.
Edict #10 - USS Ark Angel changes specification to Mythology-class.
Edict #11 - Sam Waters promoted to Captain, appointed CO of USS Viking
Edict #12 - Sam Bibb appointed Academy Commandant
Edict #13 - Joe P appointed Election Coordinator|Anthony Martin appointed Assistant Election Coordinator
Edict #14 - Sam Waters named FComm-1
Edict #15 - Joe P named Supervisor of Experiments
Edict #16 - Amber Hagan named CO of Viking
Edict #17 - Paul Bartram banned from IRC for 4 months
Edict #18 - Robert Archer promoted to Commodore
Edict #19 - Final Thank You Edict
Bill #1 - Ammendments to BOXES|Rank and main fleet character requirements replaced with \active member\|Termination rules changed to 14 days, with a 7 day probation period.|Added an Engineering Department example under exemptions.|Trial period extended a
Drew Z. Diamond
Edict #1 - The USS Asimov, Fleet 4, moved to Fleet 1.|The USS Saracen, Fleet 3, moved to Fleet 5.
Edict #2 - President Diamond's cabinet announced.
Edict #3 - Fran B promoted to Captain and assigned as CO, USS Atlantis
Edict #4 - Jeremy DeSpain promoted to Captain and assigned as CO, USS Crusader.
Edict #5 - BJ Janzen promoted to Captain, assigned CO of Outpost-45
Edict #6 - Terry Calvin appointed FComm-6
Edict #7 - Tyra Schroll appointed MAC
Edict #8 - Appointment of Steve Johnson as the second VP of the Diamond Administration.
Edict #9 - Kevin Sawyer appointed Gamemaster Director.
Edict #10 - Sam Bibb appointed CO of USS Discovery
Edict #11 - Sam Bibb promoted to Captain
Edict #12 - Crissy Nessing appointed CO USS Ogawa.
Edict #13 - Sam Bibb appointed FComm-4
Edict #14 - Elizabeth Rahuba promoted to Captain, appointed CO of Starbase 202.
Edict #15 - Jeremy DeSpain appointed FComm-5
Edict #16 - Jack Dipper released as FComm-1, appoined IDir.
Edict #17 - Amber DeSadier promoted to Captain, appointed CO of USS Atlantis
Edict #18 - Aaron Calhoun promoted to Captain, named CO of USS Saracen
Edict #19 - Jerome Davis named SOX.
Edict #20 - Dave Wonderly appointed FComm-1
Edict #21 - Tyra Schroll released as MAC, appointed PDir
Edict #22 - Sam Bibb appointed MAC
Bill #1 - Change to PDept bylaw to allow new members to request non-standard ships.
Bill #2 - One word change to FCOMM
Joe P
Edict #1 - Joe P's Cabinet Announced
Edict #2 - Lindsay Bayes Promoted to the rank of Commodore
Edict #3 - Erin Green Promoted to the rank of Captain and assigned as Commanding Officer of USS Polaris
Edict #4 - Symon Silvester Appointed as Governor of OED V
Edict #5 - Bryant Pappas Appointed Commanding Officer of the USS Draco.
Edict #6 - Samantha Haynes Promoted to the rank of Captain and Assigned Commanding Officer of USS Saracen
Edict #8 - Chris Taylor Promoted to the rank of Captain and appointed CO of the SS Bonaventure
Edict #9 - Jack Dipper Appointed Commanding Officer of USS Asimov
Edict #10 - Hjortur Ingi Promoted to Captain and appointed CO of USS Ogawa
Edict #11 - Parisa Footohi Promoted to the rank of Captain and appointed CO of the USS Chernov
Edict #12 - Emily Stephenson appointed Gamemaster Director.
Edict #13 - Richard Gruby appointed CO, USS Resolution.
Edict #14 - Amber appointed as Supervisor of eXperiments.
Edict #15 - Jack Dipper appointed as Coder
Edict #16 - Chris Grinder appointed CO, USS Saracen.
Edict #17 - Justin Wood promoted to Captain and assigned as CO, USS Ogawa.
Edict #18 - USS Resolution decommissioned.
Edict #19 - Matthew Kleinman appointed as Fleet Commander 3.
Edict #20 - Steve Johnson and Harry Shires appointed as EC and AEC.
Edict #21 - Jody Romero assigned as CO, USS Thor.
Edict #22 - Lindsay Bayes appointed as AEC.
Edict #23 - Ty Napier assigned as CO, USS Atlantis.
Edict #24 - Lloyd Hibdon appointed CO, USS Discovery.
Edict #25 - Julia Konig is appointed Governor, OED V.|D Grisham is appointed CO, USS Vanguard.
Edict #26 - Sidney Parker promoted to Commodore.
Edict #27 - Matthew Kleinman promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #28 - Thomas Bates promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #29 - Katherine Dedul promoted to Vice Admiral.
Edict #30 - No edict #30.
Edict #31 - Amber Hagen promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #32 - Tyra Schroll promoted to Commodore.
Edict #33 - Drew Z. Diamond promoted to Captain.
Edict #34 - The edict of thanks, from Joe.
Edict #35 - Edict Wonderly #23 rescinded. TJ Morgan allowed to return to the club.
Bill #1 - Bylaw On X-Fleet?s Establishment and Supervision
Lindsay Bayes
Edict #1 - The cabinet is announced.
Edict #2 - Jim Merrett is appointed CO of USS Atlantis.
Edict #3 - Jacob Seime is appointed EDir, Lloyd Hibdon is appointed MAC
Edict #4 - Peter McGarvey promoted to Captain, assigned as CO of USS Chernov.
Edict #5 - Tyra Schroll named CO of USS Challenger.
Edict #6 - Clint Green promoted to Captain, assigned as CO of USS Saracen.
Edict #7 - Harley Cartee removed as CO of Montgomery for AWOL.
Edict #8 - Elliot Cooper promoted to Captain and assigned as CO of Starbase 202.
Edict #9 - Thomas Bates promoted to Captain and assigned as CO of USS Montgomery.
Edict #10 - Helen Hosick appointed CO of USS Chernov.
Edict #11 - Nick Villareal is removed as CO of USS Ark Angel for AWOL.
Edict #12 - Joshua Ezell appointed MAC.
Edict #13 - Steve Johnson appointed Personnel Director.
Edict #14 - Kendra Kerr appointed Governor of Oed V.
Edict #15 - Kevin Sawyer appointed GMDir.
Edict #16 - Joshua Ezell appointed CO of USS Ogawa.
Edict #17 - Elliot Cooper appointed CO of USS Discovery.
Edict #18 - Joe Lighter promoted to the rank of Captain and appointed CO of USS Bonaventure
Edict #19 - Matt Bernadin is promoted to the rank of Captain and appointed CO of USS Polaris
Edict #20 - USS Valkyrie decommissioned
Edict #21 - Robert Archer appointed CO of USS Ark Angel
Edict #22 - Harley Cartee appointed CO of USS Resolution
Edict #23 - Sidney Parker appointed Fleet Commander-1
Edict #24 - RJ Empson appointed CO of USS Saracen
Edict #25 - Steve Johnson appointed Election Coordinator and Harry Shires appointed Assistant Election Coordinator
Edict #26 - Julia Konig appointed CO of USS Vanguard
Edict #27 - Brandon Irvine Appointed EDir
Edict #28 - Julia K?nig Appointed Fleet Commander-6
Edict #29 - Jen Herr Appointed Commanding Officer of the USS Discovery
Edict #31 - Anthony Findora Promoted to the rank of Fleet Captain assigned FComm 3
Edict #32 - Sidney Parker Promoted to the rank of Fleet Captain
Edict #33 - Brandon Irvine Promoted to the rank of Fleet Captain
Edict #34 - Robert Spicer Promoted to the rank of Fleet Captain
Edict #35 - Julia K?nig Promoted to the rank of Fleet Captain
Edict #36 - Robert Archer promoted to the rank of Fleet Captain
Edict #37 - Joe P promoted to the rank of Fleet Captain
Edict #38 - Kendra Kerr Promoted to the rank of Commodore
Edict #39 - Gene Gibbs Promoted to the rank of Commodore
Edict #40 - Farewell and thanks
Dave Wonderly
Edict #1 - Jack Dipper promoted to Vice Admiral
Edict #2 - President Wonderly announces his cabinet
Edict #3 - Amanda Noon banned from cabinet service during Wonderly administration|TJ Morgan demoted to Commander for 60 days
Edict #4 - Brian Richards appointed CO, USS Columbia
Edict #5 - Matthew Kleinman promoted to Captain and appointed CO, USS Lexington
Edict #6 - Joe P. promoted to Captain and appointed CO, USS Europa
Edict #7 - Jason Duncan promoted to Captain and appointed CO, USS Curie
Edict #8 - USS Apollo is hereby recommissioned as the USS Endeavour
Edict #9 - Lloyd Hibdon is assigned CO of the USS Discovery
Edict #10 - Kendra Kerr is appointed to CO of the USS Atlantis
Edict #11 - Brian Richards appointed as Commander, Fleet 6
Edict #12 - Lindsay Bayes is hereby appointed as Personnel Director
Edict #13 - TJ Morgan is hereby promoted back the rank of Captain and is retained as CO of the SS Bonaventure
Edict #14 - Larry Garfield is hereby appointed as Librarian.
Edict #15 - Matthew Kleinman appointer as Commander, Fleet 3
Edict #16 - William Kappler is banned from STF for a period of six months
Edict #17 - Ty Napier is appointed Commanding Officer CO of the USS Columbia.
Edict #18 - Harley Cartee is appointed as Commanding Officer of the USS Montgomery
Edict #19 - Mary Church promote to the rank of Captain and assigned to the USS Resolution
Edict #20 - ban liften on Amanda Noon
Edict #21 - Nick Villarreal is hereby promoted to the rank of Captain and assigned the USS Ark Angel.
Edict #22 - USS Ark Angel re-christened as Mjolnir class USS Ark Angel, NCC-2014-D
Edict #23 - TJ Morgan permanently banned from STF
Edict #24 - Sam Bibb demoted to the rank of Ensign
Edict #25 - Dean Inglis is hereby promoted to the rank of Captain and assigned the USS Rogue
Edict #26 - Lloyd Hibdon is hereby appointed as CO of the SS Bonaventure
Edict #27 - Sy Silvester is hereby appointed as Commander, Fleet 6
Edict #28 - Tom Hillman is hereby appointed as CO of the USS Asimov
Edict #29 - Joe P is hereby appointed CO of the USS Columbia
Edict #30 - Wail Qasim is hereby appointed Internet Director
Edict #31 - Rob Archer is hereby appointed Engineering Director
Edict #32 - Jen Herr is hereby appointed CO of the USS Challenger.
Edict #33 - Bob Spicer is hereby appointed as Commander, Fleet 4.
Edict #34 - Kendra Kerr is hereby appointed Commander, Fleet 6.
Edict #35 - D Grisham is hereby appointed CO of the USS Crusader.
Edict #36 - David Wonderly is appointed CO of Starbase 202.
Edict #37 - James Harrison is promoted to Captain and is appointed CO of USS Draco
Edict #38 - USS Columbia is decommissioned.
Edict #39 - Joe P is hereby appointed CO of the USS Challenger.
Edict #40 - Dean Inglis is apponted Commander, Fleet 1.
Edict #41 - David Wonderly is named Election Coordinator.
Edict #42 - USS Rogue is decommissioned, Dean Inglis is appointed CO Outpost 45.
Edict #43 - Rob Archer is appointed CO of USS Ogawa.
Edict #44 - Russell Watt is appointed Governor, Oed V.
Edict #45 - Krys McLean is appointed as Assistant Election Coordinator.
Edict #46 - Jacob Seime is promoted to Captain, appointed CO of USS Vanguard.
Edict #47 - Brian Richards is appointed CO of USS Resolution.
Edict #48 - USS Curie is decommissioned.
Edict #49 - Lindsay Bayes promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #50 - Steven Sigle promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #51 - Michelle Higdon promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #52 - Tyra Schroll promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #53 - Steve Johnson promoted to Commodore.
Edict #54 - Jen Herr promoted to Rear Admiral.
Edict #55 - Krys McLean promoted to Rear Admiral.
Edict #56 - Thanks to Matthew Kleinman, Kendra Kerr, Russ Watt, Rob Archer, and everybody.
Edict #57 - Special thanks to Larry Garfield
Bill #1 - Clarification of Powers of a Commanding Officer in FCOMM
Bill #2 - Governing Rules About Violations, Investigations, and Tier Sorting
Bill #3 - Decommissioning of the MAC Ship
Bill #4 - Changes to PDICT
Jack Dipper Term 2
Edict #1 - David Wonderly appointed as Vice President
Edict #2 - President Dipper's cabinet announced.
Edict #3 - Anthony Martin promoted to Commodore.
Edict #4 - Corvan V decommissioned.
Edict #5 - New IDir Appointed
Edict #6 - New CO Appointed for USS Apollo
Edict #7 - Cale Reilly appointed CO, USS Ogawa
Edict #8 - Bryant Pappas promoted to Captain and appointed CO, USS Valkyrie
Edict #9 - Deklitch Hardin appointed CO, USS Atlantis
Edict #10 - William Kappler banned from government ships for 14 days
Edict #11 - Jen Herr appointed EC|Jack Dipper appointed AEC
Edict #12 - Brian Richards promoted to Captain and appointed CO, USS Resolution
Edict #13 - USS Endeavour is decomissioned
Edict #14 - Spam-bot accounts banned from STF
Edict #15 - Joshua Ezell promoted to Captain and appointed CO, USS Montgomery
Edict #16 - Jeff Van Zilen promoted to Captain and appointed CO, USS Asimov
Edict #17 - USS Victorious is decommissioned and crew is merged with USS Aztec
Edict #19 - Jerome Davis promoted to Captain and appointed CO, Outpost 42
Edict #20 - Crissy Nessing is promoted to Captain and appointed CO, USS Chernov
Edict #21 - Cale Reilly promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #22 - Ed Brough is promoted to the rank of Fleet Captain
Edict #23 - Robin Bird is promoted to the rank of Fleet Captain
Edict #24 - Helen and Jim Hosick promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #25 - Terry Calvin is promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #26 - Amanda Noon is promoted to Commodore
Edict #27 - Dave Wonderly is promoted to the rank of Fleet Captain
Edict #28 - Jack Dipper thanks cabinet members and the club in his last Presidential edict
Bill #1 - Establishment of standardised ship speeds and AWOL limits
Bill #2 - Clarification of EGO election rules
Anthony Martin
Edict #1 - President Martin's Cabinet announced
Edict #2 - Edict Herr #39 rendered null and void
Edict #3 - Fleet Commanders 4, 5, and 6 announced
Edict #4 - Sharon Miller appointed Marketing and Advertising Coordinator
Edict #5 - Cale Reilly appointed FComm-2
Edict #6 - Lindsay Bayes promoted to Captain and appointed CO, USS Athena
Edict #7 - Michelle Higdon promoted to Captain and appointed CO, USS Polaris.
Edict #8 - David Wondley appointed as CO, USS Crusader
Edict #9 - John Robert Lucas assigned as CO, USS Apollo
Edict #10 - Fleet Captain Lee Bridgeford appointed Engineering Director
Edict #11 - Jacob Seime promoted to Captain and assigned as CO, USS Lexington
Edict #12 - Julia Kuhlemann appointed as CO, USS Rogue
Edict #13 - USS Columbus recommissioned as the USS Thor, NCC-88754, Viking Class
Edict #14 - Rear Admiral Katherine Dedul reprimanded|Rear Admiral Jack Dipper banned from Command for 7 days|Captain TJ Morgan banned from Command for 14 days
Edict #15 - Barret Vogtmans assigned as CO, USS Ark Angel
Edict #16 - Sharon Miller promoted to Captain and assigned as CO, USS Curie
Edict #17 - Anthony Martin stands down as President|Jack Dipper to succeed as President
Bill #1 - Clarification of promotion limits
Jen Herr Term 2
Edict #1 - Cabinet announced|Andrew Robinson appointed as Librarian.
Edict #2 - Amber Hagan appointed as MAC.
Edict #3 - Kat Dedul appointed as ACmdt|Andrew Robinson appointed as EDir.
Edict #4 - Sidney Parker promoted to Captain and appointed CO USS Entente, Fleet 5.
Edict #5 - Liz Caro appointed CO USS Apollo, Starfleet Academy.
Edict #6 - Sidney Parker appointed as FComm-1.
Edict #7 - M. Bret Godfrey's ban overturned and reinstated in the club
Edict #8 - Andrew Robinson promoted to Commodore.
Edict #9 - Helen Hosick promoted to Captain and assigned as Captain of Outpost 45.
Edict #10 - TJ Morgan promoted to Captain and assigned as Captain of the SS Bonaventure.
Edict #11 - Jim Hosick appointed as FComm-3.
Edict #12 - USS Seraph decommission and the Pendragon-class USS Crusader, NCC-86286-A commissioned in it's place.
Edict #13 - Russell Watt appointed Commanding Officer of the USS Apollo.
Edict #14 - Corvan V commissioned
Edict #15 - Cordell Garrett assigned as Commanding Officer of Corvan V
Edict #16 - USS Entente recommissioned the USS Brian A. Olinski NCC-92340, Olinski class
Edict #17 - USS Vanguard NCC-68818, Maverick class recommissioned the USS Vanguard NCC-68818-A, Concord Class
Edict #18 - USS Resolution, Discovery Class commission as an Alt RPG
Edict #19 - Harley Cartee promoted to Captain and assigned as CO of the USS Resolution
Edict #20 - USS Aztec transferred to Fleet One
Edict #21 - Geoff Joosten promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #22 - Steven Sigle promoted to Captain and assigned as CO, USS Odin
Edict #23 - Larry Garfield assigned as the Election Coordinator|Tom Hillman assigned as the Assistant Election Coordinator.
Edict #24 - EGO Report
Edict #25 - Ty Napier promoted to Captain and assigned as CO, USS Draco
Edict #26 - Joe Bradley assigned as CO, USS Apollo
Edict #27 - Jim Hosick assigned as CO, Starbase 202
Edict #28 - Sidney Parker assigned as CO, USS Challenger
Edict #29 - Symon Silvester assigned as Governor, Oed V
Edict #30 - Tyra Schroll promoted to Captain and assigned as CO, USS Samurai
Edict #31 - Terry Calvin promoted to Captain and assigned as CO, USS Olympic
Edict #32 - Rouse-Deane #5 amended to clarify Joseph Spiros' ban|Robison #34 rescinded|Herr-2 #7 rescinded
Edict #33 - USS Chernov, Kurtzman-class commissioned (Fleet 5)
Edict #34 - Tom Hillman promoted to Captain and assigned as CO, USS Chernov
Edict #35 - Marketing Ship decommissioned (Not effected - Requires bill to decommission Marketing Ship)
Edict #36 - Chris Grinder promoted to Fleet Captain (already promoted to edicted rank)|Kendra Kerr promoted to Fleet Captain|D Grisham promoted to Fleet Captain|David Fergusson promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #37 - Krystelle Bromilow promoted to Commodore
Edict #38 - Katherine Dedul promoted to Rear Admiral
Edict #39 - Sidney Parker promoted to Fleet Captain (declared null and void by Martin #2)
Edict #40 - Simon Silvester and Anthony Martin thanked
Bill #1 - Removal of MIRAGE as a bylaw
Bill #2 - Alteration to LEGOE.
Bill #3 - Addition of the Justice Bylaw - VETOED BY EGO
Andrew Robinson
Edict #1 - Andrew Robinson's cabinet.
Edict #2 - MAC ship created in command fleet.
Edict #3 - Robert Thompson appointed MAC.
Edict #4 - Kendra Abbott retained as FComm-3.
Edict #5 - Katherine Dedul appointed CO - USS Columbia; Academy.
Edict #6 - Wail Qasim promoted to Captain and appointed CO - USS Lexington, Fleet 2.
Edict #7 - D Grisham appointed CO - USS Europa, Fleet 6.
Edict #8 - William Kappler removed as Internet Director.
Edict #9 - Russell Watt appointed Internet Director.
Edict #10 - Krystelle Bromilow appointed Fleet Commander, Fleet 4.
Edict #11 - Robin Bird promoted to Captain and assigned CO - USS Columbus, Fleet 4.
Edict #12 - Cale Reilly assigned CO - USS Brandywine, Fleet 3.
Edict #13 - Anthony Martin assigned CO - Outpost 45, Fleet 3.
Edict #14 - Jon Page officially warned for recruiting members for another club.
Edict #15 - Crell decommissioned.
Edict #16 - Wail Qasim released from position of Engineering Director and from CO - USS Lexington, Fleet 2.
Edict #17 - Jim Hosick appointed acting Fleet 5 Commander, replacing the resigning Gene Gibbs.
Edict #18 - Sam Bibb promoted to Captain and assigned CO - USS Lexington, Fleet 2.
Edict #19 - Edward Brough promoted to Captain and assigned CO - USS Dresden, Fleet 3.
Edict #20 - Jen Herr appointed Engineering Director.
Edict #21 - Jim Hosick appointed FComm-5.
Edict #22 - Ryan (RJ) Empson promoted to Captain and assigned CO - USS Entente, Fleet 5.
Edict #23 - Elizabeth Caro promoted to Captain and assigned CO - OP 45, Fleet 2.
Edict #24 - David Wonderly appointed FComm-1, replacing the resigning Joseph Bradley.
Edict #25 - STF Q&A Ship decommissioned.
Edict #26 - Personnel Department edICT (PDICT).
Edict #27 - Motd Instituted Restrictions And Governance Edict (MIRAGE).
Edict #28 - Alastair Sutherland promoted to Captain and assigned CO - USS Vanguard, Fleet 6.
Edict #29 - USS Brandywine, NCC 84707-A, is rechristened as the Pendragon Class USS Saracen, NCC 86205.
Edict #30 - Marketting ship trial period extended.
Edict #31 - John Robert Lucas promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #32 - State Of The Onion.
Edict #33 - Edict number system for acting presidents defined.
Edict #34 - Cheryl Butler banned from Star-Fleet.
Edict #35 - Therle Dregansky banned from Star-Fleet.
Edict #36 - Brian Olinski appointed CO - USS Apollo, Academy Fleet.
Edict #37 - Jack Dipper appointed CO - USS Seraph, Fleet 5.
Edict #38 - Therle Dregansky permanently banned.
Edict #39 - Jen Herr appointed CO - USS Genesis, Fleet 6.
Edict #40 - Edict Hemenway #23 rescinded - Aaron Carroll permitted to return to the club.
Edict #41 - Jerome Davis appointed as MAC.
Edict #42 - Larry Garfield appointed as EC.|Gene Giibs appointed as AEC.
Edict #43 - The Viking Class USS Endeavor, NCC-76801-B, rechristened as the Maverick Class USS Endeavor, NCC-76801-C.
Edict #44 - Jody Romero appointed as FComm-1.
Edict #45 - STF Terms of Service updated.
Edict #46 - Robert Archer promoted to Captain and appointed CO - USS Rogue, Fleet 2
Edict #47 - Symon Silvester appointed CO - USS Olympic, Fleet 6.
Edict #48 - Jimmy Merrett promoted to Captain and appointed CO - USS Asimov, Fleet 4.
Edict #49 - Member Order and Organisation revised.
Edict #50 - Redistribution of the Admirals.
Edict #51 - Jack Dipper promoted to Vice Admiral.
Edict #52 - Joe Fahey promoted to Commodore.
Edict #53 - Brian Olinski promoted to Commodore.
Edict #54 - New Alt-RP, 403rd Platoon, created in Fleet 4. Jim Hosick appointed CO.
Edict #55 - Kevin Harbison (aka Phillip Stonness) promoted to Commodore.
Edict #56 - Edict #51 rescinded. Jack Dipper promoted to Rear Admiral.
Edict #57 - Gene Gibbs promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #58 - Acknowledgement of Individuals and groups who provided support to Andy during his term as President.
Edict #59 - President Robinson's Cabinet.
Edict #60 - Jim Hosick appointed CO - USS Challenger, Academy.
Edict #61 - David Wonderly appointed Gamemaster Director.
Edict #62 - Robert Thompson appointed CO - USS Columbus, Fleet 4.
Edict #63 - Amber Hagan promoted to Captain and appointed CO - USS Victorious, Fleet 1
Edict #64 - Member Order and Organisation revised
Edict #65 - 403rd Platoon granted 30 day extension
Edict #66 - David Wonderly released as GameMaster Director; Joseph Bradley appointed GameMaster Director
Edict #67 - Luke Hung promoted to Captain and appointed CO - USS Curie, Fleet 5
Edict #68 - Wail Qasim appointed as Internet Director
Edict #69 - John Robert Lucas released as FComm-2; Chris Grinder appointed as FComm-2
Edict #70 - Lloyd Hibdon promoted to Captain and appointed CO - USS Columbus, Fleet 4
Edict #71 - Geoff Joosten appointed FComm-5
Edict #72 - Derek O'Brien promoted to Captain and appointed CO - USS Samurai, Fleet 2
Edict #73 - Decommission order for 403rd Platoon, Fleet 4
Edict #74 - Liz Caro appointed Marketing and Advertising Coordinator
Edict #75 - Ryan Empson 're-appointed' CO - USS Entente, Fleet 5
Edict #76 - Jemma Farrugia promoted to Captain and appointed CO - USS Victorious, Fleet 1
Edict #77 - Linda Gray promoted to Captain and appointed CO - USS Saracen, Fleet 3
Edict #78 - Samuel Bibb transfered from CO - USS Lexington, Fleet 2 to CO - USS Boniventure, Fleet 1. Ian Kirby promoted to Captain and appointed CO - USS Lexington, Fleet 2.
Edict #79 - Jen Herr appointed CO - USS Challenger, Academy Fleet
Edict #80 - Robert Spicer appointed CO - USS Alliance, Fleet 4
Edict #81 - Establishment of club rank structure
Edict #82 - Anthony Findora promoted to Captain and appointed CO - USS Dresden, Fleet 3
Edict #83 - Amanda Noon appointed Gamemaster Director
Edict #84 - First of five edicts establishing the Prezolution, new organization for Government Organization (GO) established
Edict #85 - Establishment of Executive Governmental Oversight (EEEGO)
Edict #86 - Establishment of Bills And Bylaws
Edict #87 - Establishment of Prezolution Implementations to facilitate the process known as Prezolution
Edict #88 - Andrew Robinson and Helen Hosick appointed Election Coordinator and Assistant Election Coordinator respectively for the EGO election
Edict #89 - Viking Class U.S.S Alliance NCC 82369 - C rechristened the Viking Class U.S.S Viking NCC 88750
Edict #90 - Larry Garfield and Robert Burnham appointed Election Coordinator and Assistant Election Coordinator respectively for the presidential election
Edict #91 - Promotion of Mike Montemayor to Captain of the USS Columbus
Edict #92 - Robin Bird appointed command of the USS Discovery in the Academy
Edict #93 - State of the Onion
Edict #94 - Promotion of Anthony Cerberus Martin to the rank of Fleet Captain
Edict #95 - Promotion of Chris Dragon Grinder to the rank of Fleet Captain
Edict #96 - Promotion of Symon Bunny Silvester to the rank of Rear Admiral
Edict #97 - Promotion of Jen Sloth Herr to the rank of Commodore
Edict #98 - Permanent banning of Mackael Stockhausen and overturn of Simon Kelly?s ban
Edict #99 - Establishment Of The Vice Clarkson
Edict #100 - Acknowledgement of Individuals and groups who provided support to Andy during his term as President
Bill #1 - Change to the definition of yearbook maintenance
Daniel Lerner
Edict #1 - Jack Dipper appointed VP.|Andrew Robinson appointed PDir.
Edict #2 - Sarah Hemenway promoted to the rank of Commodore.
Edict #3 - Central Academy Directives for Education and Training (CADET) update -- Replaces Herr #32.
Edict #4 - USS Apollo commissioned in Academy Fleet.|Phillip Stonness appointed as USS Apollo's CO.
Edict #5 - Alex Lorien promoted to Captain and assigned to USS Ogawa.
Edict #6 - Andrew Adams restricted from posting in Starfleet Command for 30 days.
Edict #7 - Departmental budget increases for fish to the Prez.
Edict #8 - Russell Watt appointed as Marketing and Advertising Coordinator.
Edict #9 - Krys Bromilow appointed as USS Montgomery's CO.
Edict #10 - Michael Lee appointed as USS Curie's CO.
Edict #11 - A tribble (Russell Watt) is appointed as Governor of Oed V, and promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #12 - Kendra Abbott appointed as USS Atlantis's CO|Andrew Robinson appointed as USS Athena's CO.
Edict #13 - USS Athena rechristened as Trafalgar-class.
Edict #14 - Alexandra Bowley appointed as Outpost 42's CO.
Edict #15 - Larry Garfield appointed as Election Coordinator|Gene Gibbs appointed as Assistant Election Coordinator.
Edict #16 - Wail Qasim appointed Engineering Director.
Edict #17 - Jody Romero appointed CO USS Victorious.
Edict #18 - Legislative Edict Governing Official Elections 3.1.
Edict #19 - Phillip Stonness promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #20 - Katherine Dedul promoted to Commodore.
Edict #21 - Acknowledgement of Individuals and groups who provided support to Dan during his term as President.
Sarah Hemenway
Edict #1 - President Hemenway's cabinet.
Edict #2 - Oed V rechartered as an Alternative Roleplaying Area.
Edict #3 - Katz Heitmann demoted to Ensign and banned from STF for 60 days.
Edict #4 - Katz Heitmann permanently banned from STF.
Edict #5 - USS Genesis Relocated to Fleet 6.| USS Kansas Decommissioned.| USS Entente Commissioned.| Brian Olinski Appointed CO of the USS Entente.
Edict #6 - Edgar Cramer Promoted to Captain and Assigned USS Maverick.
Edict #7 - Cale Reilly Promoted to Captain and Assigned USS Ogawa.
Edict #8 - M. Bret Godfrey promoted to Captain and assigned SS Bonaventure.
Edict #9 - John Robert Lucas is assigned the USS Trinitron.
Edict #10 - New FCOMM edict.
Edict #11 - Jody Romero assigned USS Challenger, Academy Fleet.
Edict #12 - Lou Gasco assigned USS Olympic, Fleet 6.
Edict #13 - Chris Grinder promoted to captain and assigned USS Polaris, Fleet 7.| USS Polaris, Andromeda-Class (NCC-76801) rechristened as USS Polaris, Viking-Class (NCC-76801-A).| Ton Geurts assigned USS Maverick, Fleet 7.| USS Maverick, Maverick-Class
Edict #14 - Russell Watt promoted to captain and assigned USS Draco, Fleet 5.| Geoff Jooston appointed Acting FComm Fleet 5.
Edict #15 - Daniel Dabrowski promoted to Captain and assigned Outpost 45, Fleet 2.
Edict #16 - Legislative Edict Governing Official Elections 2.0
Edict #17 - Jen Herr released as Personnel Director.| Russell Watt appointed as Personnel Director.
Edict #18 - Edict for STF Awards
Edict #19 - Joe Fahey is promoted to rank of Fleet Captain| Joe Fahey released as FComm-7| Joe Fahey appointment as FComm-5| USS Brandywine is relocated to Fleet 3| USS Curie is relocated to Fleet 5| USS Polaris relocated to Fleet 2| USS Rogue is relocat
Edict #20 - Anthony Martin promoted to Captain and given Command of USS Montgomery.| Anthony Martin is appointed Fleet Commander - Fleet 4.
Edict #21 - Aaron Carroll banned from STF for 60 days.
Edict #22 - Tim Martin promoted to Captain and given Command of USS Dresden.
Edict #23 - Aaron Carroll permanently banned from STF.
Edict #24 - Anthony Martin appointed Election Coordinator.
Edict #25 - USS Merlin, Andromeda-Class (NCC-65440) rechristened as USS Odin, Viking-Class (NCC 88752).
Edict #26 - Coding Organization, Development, and Enhancement (CODE)
Edict #27 - Larry Garfield appointed Coder
Edict #28 - Promotion of Daniel Lerner to Captain
Edict #29 - Promotion of Lee Bridgeford to Fleet Captain
Edict #30 - Promotion of Brian Olinski to Fleet Captain
Edict #31 - Promotion of Symon Silvester to Commodore
Edict #32 - Russell Watt, Anthony Martin, David Ferguson and Jack Dipper commended for services to the club.
Edict #33 - Governmental Organization (GO)
Edict #34 - Member Order and Organization (MOO)
Edict #35 - Daniel Lerner appointed Captain USS Entente, Fleet 5
Edict #36 - President Hemenway's Cabinet
Edict #37 - Symon silvester appointed CO USS Discovery, Academy Fleet
Edict #38 - Emma Rouse-Deane removed from Command, USS Asimov, and demoted to Commodore|Brady McGuinn appointed CO, USS Asimov
Edict #39 - FCOMM updated.
Edict #40 - Jim Hosick promoted to Captain and appointed as CO, USS Athena
Edict #41 - USS Trinitron, Fleet 2, rechristened USS Samurai
Edict #42 - Jared Kowalewski promoted to Captain and given command of Scottie Testing Centre, Fleet 1
Edict #43 - Position of Marketing and Advertising Coordinator created
Edict #44 - Jim Hosick appointed as Marketing and Advertising Coordinator
Edict #45 - Jamie Lee banned from STF
Edict #46 - Chris Thomas promoted to Captain and assigned CO USS Curie
Edict #47 - Phillip Stonness promoted to Captain and assigned CO USS Valkyrie
Edict #48 - Brady McGuinn released as FComm-4 and CO USS Asimov.|John Robert Lucas appointed as FComm-4.|Brian Moss assigned as CO USS Asimov.|Anthony Martin released as CO USS Montgomery.| Steven Schneckenburger promoted to Captain and assigned as CO US
Edict #49 - Lou Gasco released as CO USS Olympic.| Joe Bradley promoted to Captain and assigned as CO USS Olympic.
Edict #50 - USS Olympic NCC 80000 is rechristened as USS Olympic, Viking-class, NCC 80000-A.
Edict #51 - Legislative Edict Governing Official Elections 3.0
Edict #52 - Sarah Hemenway assigned as CO USS Challenger.| Daniel Lerner appointed as FComm-6 and promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #53 - Robert Spicer promoted to Captain and assigned as CO USS Europa.
Edict #54 - David Wonderly assigned CO USS Asimov, Fleet 4.
Edict #55 - Jim Hosick appointed Personnel Director.
Edict #56 - Phillip Stonness appointed Election Coordinator.|Ryan Empson appointed Assistant Election Coordinator.
Edict #57 - Joe Fahey assigned as CO Starbase 202
Edict #58 - Gene Gibbs promoted to Captain and assigned CO, USS Draco
Edict #59 - Phillip Stonness appointed Academy Commandant.|Gene Gibbs appointed Fleet Commander, Fleet 1.
Edict #60 - Jack Dipper promoted to Commodore.
Edict #61 - Russell Watt assgned CO, USS Columbia.
Edict #62 - TJ Morgan banned from STF for 30 days for legal misrepresentation.
Edict #63 - Russell Watt appointed FComm-5.
Edict #64 - Scottie Testing Centre decomissioned.|Joseph Bradley assigned CO, SS Bonaventure.|Melissa Bradley assigned CO, USS Olympic.
Edict #65 - New cabinet appointed.
Edict #66 - Lee Bridgeford appointed CO, USS Genesis|Brian Olinski appointed CO, USS Challenger.|USS Genesis rechristened as USS Genesis, NCC-85100-A, Victoria-class.
Edict #67 - New TOS adopted.
Edict #68 - Jon Hayes banned from STF for multiple offensive and threatening emails to members.
Edict #69 - Robert Thompson promoted to Captain.|Phillip Stonness reassigned as GMDir from ACmdt.|Jack Dipper appointed as ACmdt.|TOS amended for technical reasons.
Edict #70 - Gene Gibbs assigned CO, USS Discovery.
Edict #71 - Rick Gruby promoted to Captain, assigned CO, USS Columbus.|Columbus recommissioned to Viking-class.|Krystelle Bromilow assigned CO, USS Challenger.
Edict #72 - Sarah Hemenway resigns as President, Daniel Lerner succeeds as President.
Jen Herr
Edict #1 - New cabinet announced.| Katherine Dedul released from command of the USS Polaris and given command of the USS Constellation.
Edict #2 - Julia K promoted to Captain and assigned as CO USS Polaris.
Edict #3 - Stuart Coll appointed as Personnel Director| Andrew Robinson appointed as Fleet Commander 5
Edict #4 - Brian Olinski promoted to Captain and assigned as CO USS Kansas.
Edict #5 - Robert McGuffin promoted to Captain and assigned as CO USS Trinitron.
Edict #6 - USS Ogawa recommissioned as Alt RPG
Edict #7 - USS Constitution recommissioned as Alt RPG
Edict #8 - Scottie Training Centre recommissioned as Alt RPG and moved to Fleet 1
Edict #9 - Brian Olinski assigned as XO USS Columbia.
Edict #10 - Jud Bennett appointed Gamemaster Director| Bob Hillis appointed FComm-4| Emma Rouse-Deane appointed Internet Director
Edict #11 - Therle Dregansky appointed FComm-1
Edict #12 - Alisdair Jones promoted to Captain, appointed CO USS Paladin, Fleet 6.
Edict #13 - USS Kansas re-established as an Alternative RPG
Edict #14 - Christopher Jones promoted to Captain and assigned as CO USS Montgomery.
Edict #15 - USS Nautilus decommissioned.
Edict #16 - SS Bonaventure temporarily decommissioned.
Edict #17 - Starfleet Engineering Fleet is hereby decommissioned.| Research and Development Department moved Command fleet, under the name Engineering Department.
Edict #18 - ENERGIE (ENgineering Edict Regulating Goofy Inventions and Endeavours) v1.0
Edict #19 - Chris D. Taylor promoted to Captain and assigned as CO USS Athena.
Edict #20 - Sarah Hemenway appointed as GameMaster Director.
Edict #21 - USS Arleigh Burke decommissioned and replaced with Outpost 45, Fleet 2
Edict #22 - FCOMM revised
Edict #23 - Command Mailing list abolished.
Edict #24 - Edict 16 amended
Edict #25 - Cheryl Butler promoted to Captain, given command USS Vanguard, Fleet 6
Edict #26 - Emma Rouse-Deane appointed FComm-4| Robert Gulley appointed Internet Director
Edict #27 - Andrew Robinson appointed Engineering Director| Symon Silvester appointed FComm-6| Brian Olinski appointed FComm-5
Edict #28 - LEGOE establishing election rules
Edict #29 - Robert Gulley appointed Election Coordinator.
Edict #30 - M. Bret Godfrey demoted to Lt Junior Grade for conduct unbecomming.
Edict #31 - USS Paladin, Fleet 6 decommissioned.
Edict #32 - CADET revision 2.0
Edict #33 - Sarah Hemenway appointed CO, USS Challenger| Brian Olinski appointed CO, USS Columbia| Emma Rouse-Deane appointed CO, USS Discovery
Edict #34 - SS Bonaventure recommissioned in Fleet 1
Edict #35 - Andrew Robinson appointed Veep.
Edict #36 - Jack Dipper promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #37 - Therle Dregansky promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #38 - Katherine Dedul promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #39 - Jessica McClary promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #40 - Andrew Robinson promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #41 - Kenson Koh promoted to Commodore.
Edict #42 - Emma Rouse-Deane promoted to Admiral.
Jack Dipper
Edict #1 - Cabinet announced.
Edict #2 - Allison Ruffner banned from STF.
Edict #3 - Larry Garfield promoted to Admiral.
Edict #4 - Sarah Hemmenway given command of the USS Atlantis, Fleet 3.
Edict #5 - Douglas Van Ness appointed R&DDir.
Edict #6 - Andrew Marshall promoted to Captain of USS Europa, Fleet 6.
Edict #7 - Establishment of Executive Departments and Executive Assistants.
Edict #8 - STF Library.
Edict #9 - Larry Garfield appointed Librarian.
Edict #10 - R&D Department recognized as an Executive Department.
Edict #11 - Troy Martin promoted to Captain of USS Montgomery, Fleet 4.
Edict #12 - Christa Backman is banned from STF.
Edict #13 - Amanda Noon is appointed CO of the STC, R&D Fleet.
Edict #14 - Joe Fahey promoted to Captain of the USS Curie, Fleet 7.
Edict #15 - Trial period for Q&A ship extended.
Edict #16 - Personnel Department Edict.
Edict #17 - Edgar Cramer banned from STF for three months.
Edict #18 - Edict 17 rescinded.
Edict #19 - Therle Dregansky promoted to Captain of USS Ogawa.
Edict #20 - Geoff Joosten promoted to Captain of the USS Endeavor, Fleet 5.
Edict #21 - Andrew Robinson promoted to Captain of the USS Drace, Fleet 5| Ryan Williams appointed FComm-5.
Edict #22 - New Academy Rules revision.
Edict #23 - Sarah Hemmenway appointed XO USS Columbia.
Edict #24 - Repeals Edict Dipper 23| Sarah Hemenway appointed XO USS Challenger| Joe Fahey remains as XO USS Columbia.
Edict #25 - Larry Garfield appointed IDir.
Edict #26 - Q&A ship retained indefinitely.
Edict #27 - Colin Wyers appointed Election Coordinator.
Edict #28 - Stuart Coll appointed CO USS Europa, Fleet 6.
Edict #29 - Symon Silvester appointed FComm-1.
Edict #30 - Stephanie Lowe appointed CO, USS Victorious, Fleet 1.
Edict #31 - Single Charter for a Streamlined IDept (SCSI).
Edict #32 - Symon Silvester promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #33 - Bob Hillis promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #34 - Jen Herr promoted to Fleet Captain.
Emma Rouse-Deane Term 2
Edict #1 - Jen Herr appointed Vice-President.
Edict #2 - Tara Manini appointed Fcomm-4.
Edict #3 - Jen Herr appointed Personnel Director.
Edict #4 - Randy Voet promoted to Captain of USS Dresden, Fleet 3.
Edict #5 - Bradley Joy appointed R&D Director.
Edict #6 - Sarah Hemenway appointed Election Coordinator.
Edict #7 - new OGRE revision
Edict #8 - STF Q&A ship commissioned on 90 day trial
Edict #9 - Joe Fahey appointed Columbia XO.
Edict #10 - D. Grisham promoted to Captain of USS Paladin, Fleet 6
Edict #11 - Jen Herr promoted to Captain of USS Genesis, Fleet 7
Edict #12 - Edgar Cramer demoted to Lt. Commander for behaviour unbecoming.
Edict #13 - Sarah Hemenway promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #14 - Robert Gulley promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edgar Cramer
Edict #1 - New cabinet announced.
Edict #2 - Gudger appointed Command Janitor.
Edict #3 - Irvine appointed Command Cakemeister.
Edict #4 - Rules about posting edicts.
Edict #5 - Hemenway appointed GMDir.
Edict #6 - McClary promoted to Captain and appointed CO USS Maverick.
Edict #7 - Graduation and promotion rules for Academy cadets.
Edict #8 - Ammendment of edict Cramer #7.
Edict #9 - Complete rewrite of the Academy Rules.
Edict #10 - Koh appointed Fcomm-3.
Edict #11 - Symon Silvester appointed Governor of Oed V.
Edict #12 - Irvine appointed CO Outpost 42 and promoted to captain.
Edict #13 - Ryan Williams appointed CO USS Kansas.
Edict #14 - Cramer appointed XO USS Columbia.
Edict #15 - McClary appointed FComm7.
Edict #16 - Pamela Dugan named Personnel Director.
Edict #17 - Drew McLoughlin banned 45 days for having two user accounts.
Edict #18 - Aaron Bruno promoted to Captain, named CO USS Montgomery, Fleet 4.
Edict #19 - After 9 month trial period, Death Terms on USS Athena deemed a failure.
Edict #20 - Jack Dipper promoted to Captain, named CO USS Valkyrie, Fleet 1.
Edict #21 - Brandon Stoll removed as Academy Commandant due to eLOA.
Edict #22 - Jack Dipper named Academy Commandant.
Edict #23 - Claudette Drake named CO USS Athena, Fleet 3.
Edict #24 - Steve Johnson named XO of USS Challenger, Academy Fleet.
Edict #25 - Claudette Drake-Holder named Personnel Director.
Edict #26 - Symon Silvester named CO SS Bonaventure, Fleet One.
Edict #27 - Jason Y. Lee named CO USS Lexington, Fleet Two.
Edict #28 - Eddie Cramer resigns as President of STF. Names Emma Rouse-Deane President.
Pamela Dugan
Edict #1 - New Cabinet announced
Edict #2 - New Academy position - repealed
Edict #3 - Jennifer Bowman appointed FComm-3| Dugan Edict #2 repealed
Edict #4 - USS Agamemnon is decomissioned and replaced with USS Vanguard, Fleet 6
Edict #5 - Sarah Hemenway is given command of OP42, Fleet 3
Edict #6 - Mike Diamond appointed XO USS Columbia
Edict #7 - Tim Martin is banned from STF
Edict #8 - Mike Diamond appointed CO of Draco, Fleet 5
Edict #9 - Bret Godfrey is appointed FComm-5
Edict #10 - USS Bonaventure made permanent in Fleet 1
Edict #11 - USS Athena granted a 'Death Terms' trial
Edict #12 - Revised OGRE
Edict #13 - Bob Hillis promoted to Captain, USS Columbus, Fleet 4
Edict #14 - Christa Backman given command of USS Columbus, Fleet 2
Edict #15 - Matt Evans appointed to GMDir.
Edict #16 - Douglas VanNess given command of USS Kearsage, Fleet 5
Edict #17 - Randy McCullick appointed IDir.
Edict #18 - David Fergusson promoted to Captain, and appointed CO USS Merrimack.
Edict #19 - Stuart Coll Appointed FComm-5, USS Paladin moves from F6 to F5, USS Draco moves from F5 to F6.
Edict #20 - Jud Bennett promoted to Captain, and CO USS Vanguard.
Edict #21 - Robert Gulley appointed Academy Commandant| Edgar Cramer appointed Personnel Director.
Edict #22 - Robert Gulley promoted to Captain, Appointed CO OP42.
Edict #23 - Engineering Department Reform #1, ED Policy Changes.
Edict #24 - Engineering Department Reform #2, ED now called Starflett R&D and given own fleet.
Edict #25 - Engineering Department Reform #3| Arbuckle Ship Yards created as RP Environment in Starfleet R&D| Ton Geurts promoted to Captain, appointed CO of ASY.
Edict #26 - Alex Verdusco appointed CO USS Endeavor.
Edict #27 - Jeremy Cobain promoted to Captain, appointed CO USS Valkyrie.
Edict #28 - Mike Seiler appointed FComm-1.
Edict #29 - Edgar Cramer promoted to Captain| appointed CO USS Paladin.
Edict #30 - The USS Draco moved from F6 to F5| USS Paladin moved from F5 to F6 residing in Fleet 6| Mike Diamond appointed FComm-5.
Edict #31 - Amendment to Edict #25 Arbuckle Ship Yards renamed to Scottie Testing Centre
Edict #32 - Academy Rules and Regulations
Edict #33 - Levi Fraser aka James Carter banned for 60 days
Edict #34 - Jason Lee promoted to Captain, given command of USS Kansas, Fleet 5
Edict #35 - Robert Harvey appointed GMDir
Edict #36 - Harold Wolfe banned for 90 days
Edict #37 - Lee Bridgeford promoted to Captain, given command USS Genesis, Fleet 7
Edict #38 - Catt Bennett promoted to Captain, given command USS Brandywine, Fleet 7
Edict #39 - Robert Gulley appointed election coordinator.
Edict #40 - Rex Linnenkohl promoted to Captain, and appointed CO USS Nautilus.
Edict #41 - New regulations for Star-fleet Academy.
Edict #42 - Robert Harvey promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #43 - USS Kearsarge recommissioned as USS Seraph.
Edict #44 - Mike Seiler promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #45 - Krystelle Bromilow promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #46 - Tara Manini promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #47 - Decommissioning Fleet 8.
Edict #48 - Mike Diamond promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #49 - Jaret Hargreaves given command of the USS Constitution.
Edict #50 - Gareth Gudger appointed CO USS Lexington.
Edict #51 - Jaret Gargreaves appointed CO USS Constellation.
Edict #52 - Shalon Hurlbert appionted CO USS Valkyrie.
Edict #53 - Cat George appointed vice-president.
Emma Rouse-Deane
Edict #1 - President Rouse-Deane's Cabinet
Edict #2 - Mark Wilson is given command of the USS Constellation
Edict #3 - Barret Vogtman is appointed as FComm-4 | Owen Townes is appointed as EDir
Edict #4 - USS Coronado is decomissioned and replaced USS Agamemnon
Edict #5 - Joseph Spiros is banned from STF
Edict #6 - Stan Tomson is promoted to Captain
Edict #7 - Sarah Hemenway is promoted to Captain
Edict #8 - Mark Wilson is relieve him of command off the USS Constellation| Matt Evans is promoted to the rank of Captain and give command of the USS Constellation
Edict #9 - The USS Merrimack is commission as a permanent addition to Fleet 6
Edict #10 - Steve Ashton is relieved of command of the USS Victorious | Steve Ashton is assigned as CO of the USS Ogawa | Mike Seiler is promoted to Captain, and given command of the USS Victorious
Edict #11 - The USS Crusader is recommissioned the USS Maverick, NCC-68810
Edict #12 - New academy rules
Edict #13 - Mackael Stockhausen is appointed FComm-7| The USS Maverick is to be moved to Fleet 7
Edict #14 - Philip Robinson is promoted to the rank of Captain| Philip Robinson is assigned command of the USS Polaris
Edict #15 - Larry Garfield is appointed as GMDir
Edict #16 - Alex Verdusco is demoted to the rank of Captain for behaviour unbecoming a cabinet member and a Fleet Captain.
Edict #17 - Stan Tomson is hereby relieved as commanding officer of Starbase 202| Tara Manini is hereby promoted to the rank of Captain and assigning her as CO of SB202, Fleet 4.
Edict #18 - Peter Lyons is herby banned for a period of 45 days
Edict #19 - Scott Jones is relieved of command of the USS Agamemnon| Symon Silvester is promoted to the rank of Captain and given command of the USS Agamemnon
Edict #20 - Ralf Steen appointed Election Coordinator
Edict #21 - USS Endeavor, NCC-76801-A , is hereby recommissioned as the Pheonix class, USS Endeavor, NCC-76801-B
Edict #22 - Robert Gulley appointed as Challenger XO
Edict #23 - USS Columbia NCC-20103, Discovery class commissioned in Academy fleet
Edict #24 - Ralf Steen given command of the USS COlumbus, Fleet 4
Edict #25 - Stuart Coll is appointed XO of the USS Columbia, Academy Fleet
Edict #26 - New and improved revised OGRE
Edict #27 - Amanda Noon relieved of command of USS Hawking and reassigned as CO of USS Brandywine, Fleet 7| Stuart Coll appointed CO of the USS Hawking, Fleet 6
Edict #28 - Deanne Ashton promoted to Admiral
Edict #29 - Amanda Noon promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #30 - USS Hawking recommissioned USS Paladin, NCC-86272, Pendragon Class
Edict #31 - New Cabinet announced
Edict #32 - Mack Stockhausen and Simon Kelly banned
Edict #33 - Robert Gulley is appointed PDir
Edict #34 - Israel Harris promoted to Captain and Given command USS Atlantis, Fleet 3
Edict #35 - Robert Harvey is promoted to Captain and given command USS Maverick, Fleet 7
Edict #36 - Jonathan Houseweart is promoted to Captain and given command of the USS Trinitron, Fleet 2
Edict #37 - Katherine Dedul is promoted to Captain and given command of the USS Polaris, Fleet 7
Edict #38 - Deanne Ashton is appointed Governor of Oed V
Edict #39 - Gareth Gudger is promoted to Captain and given command of the USS Constellation, Fleet 2
Edict #40 - Scott Dale Robison is given command of the USS Nautilus, Fleet 2
Edict #41 - Steve Ashton is appointed as Internet Director
Edict #42 - Pamela Dugan is appointed XO of the USS Challenger.
Edict #43 - David Goldsberry is promoted to Captain and given command of the USS Endeavor, Fleet 5
Edict #44 - Mike Diamond is appointed Academy Commandant
Edict #45 - Janelle Kimber is promoted to Captain and given command of the USS Olympic, Fleet 6| Pamela Dugan is promoted to Captain and given command of the USS Pict, Fleet 6
Edict #46 - USS Pict decomissioned, replaced with USS Europa, Fleet 6
Edict #47 - Pamela Dugan is appointed Personnel Director
Edict #48 - John Robert Lucas promoted to Captain, given command of USS Lexington, Fleet 2
Edict #49 - Cherie Mayhew promoted to Captain, given command USS Brandywine, Fleet 7
Edict #50 - Scott Jones given command USS Ogawa, Fleet 1
Edict #51 - Matt Evans given command USS Kansas, Fleet 5
Edict #52 - Enterprise era USS Bonaventure created, given 90 day trial run in Fleet 1| Krys Bromilow given command of USS Bonaventure, Fleet 1
Edict #53 - Krys Bromilow appointed Election Coordinator
Edict #54 - Ryan Williams appointed XO of USS Columbia
Edict #55 - Robert Gulley appointed Governor of Oed V, Fleet 6
Edict #56 - Ryan Williams given command USS Draco, Fleet 5
Edict #57 - Butch Carter given command USS Nautilus, Fleet 2
Edict #58 - Maverick classed USS Ark Angel recommissioned Nimitz classed USS Ark Angel, Fleet 1
Edict #59 - Steve Ashton promoted to Commodore
Edict #60 - Steve Johnson promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #61 - Jody Romero promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #62 - Kenson Koh promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #63 - M. Bret Godfrey promoted to Fleet Captain
Larry Garfield
Edict #1 - President Garfield's Cabinet
Edict #2 - President Garfield announces FComm 2 | Assigns new Captains to Fleet 2 ships
Edict #3 - President Garfield announces EDir| Assigns Alex Verdusco as Polaris CO
Edict #4 - Claudette Drake promoted to the rank of Captain and appointed CO of the USS Brandywine| Scott Dale Robison is appointed CO of the USS Revelation| Scott Dale Robison be promoted to the rank of Fleet Captain
Edict #5 - New academy fleet established| New academy ship commissioned| Challenger to be relocated to new fleet| Starfleet Academy ship to be relocated to new fleet and renamed Academy Headquarters
Edict #6 - Mackael Stockhausen appointed CO of the USS Crusader| The USS Revelation is renamed the USS Hawking
Edict #7 - David Yim is promoted to Captain and assigned CO of the USS Draco| Dustin Bukowski is retained as Fleet Commandeer of Fleet Five
Edict #8 - USS Aztec, Visigoth-class, NCC-89725, is rechristened the USS Aztec, Phoenix-class, NCC-89725-A
Edict #9 - Cabinet reshuffle announced
Edict #10 - Daniel Petrulionis given command of the USS Merlin| Shalon Hurlbert promoted to Captain and assigned CO of the USS Resolution
Edict #11 - Linus Lindblad promoted to Captain and assigned CO of the USS Atlantis| USS Atlantis, Columbus-class, NCC-97022, Fleet Three is hereby rechristened the USS Atlantis, Pendragon-class, NCC-97022-A.
Edict #12 - Ralf Steen has offered his resignation as XO of the USS Discovery | Emma Rouse-Deane is hereby appointed XO of the USS Discovery
Edict #13 - A new rank shall be added to the WeBB system
Edict #14 - 3 new captains announced| The USS Dresden, Nimitz-class, NCC-1837-C, Fleet Three is hereby rechristened the USS Dresden, Maverick-class, NCC-1837-D| The USS Seraph, Columbus-class, NCC-97007, Fleet Five, is hereby rechristened the USS Kearsar
Edict #15 - The USS Challenger, Columbus-class, NCC-97010, is rechristened the USS Challenger, Discovery-class, NCC-97010-A.| The USS Alliance, Andromeda-class, NCC-82369-B, is rechristened the USS Alliance, Viking-class, NCC-82369-B| The USS Athena, And
Edict #16 - Election Season announced| Deanne Ashton appointed Election Coordinator | Restrictions to shell access for duration of the election season
Edict #17 - TOS Movie Era RPG Ship is commissioned | Commodore Deanne Ashton is hereby appointed CO of the USS Merrimack
Edict #18 - Barry Vogtman is promoted to the rank of Fleet Captain| Steve Ashton is promoted to the rank of Fleet Captain| Alex Verdusco is promoted to the rank of Fleet Captain| Emma Rouse-Deane is promoted to the rank of Commodore
Edict #19 - Stuart Coll resigned as FComm-6| Deanne Ashton appointed FComm-6
Edict #20 - Eddie Lawson is demoted to the rank of Lieutenant, junior grade| Israel Harris is demoted to the rank of Lieutenant| Project Omega is hereby banned from the Media MOTD
Edict #21 - STF Server Security Clarification and Amendment
Edict #22 - New Fleet Structure and Command Structure announced
Edict #23 - An Alternative RPG Area is established in Fleet Four, named Crell.
Edict #24 - A new Alternative Roleplaying Area is established in Fleet Six, named Oed V.
Edict #25 - New ship classes announced
Scott Dale Robison
Edict #1 - President Robison's Cabinet
Edict #2 - President Robison rescinds Hughes Edict #2 and de-formalizes the New Members Council.
Edict #3 - Fleet 7 created| USS Curie to transfer to Fleet 7 from Fleet 2| USS Genesis to transfer to Fleet 7 from Fleet 5| USS Brandywine to transfer to Fleet 7 from Fleet 6| Nikolle Burchett appointed as FComm-7
Edict #4 - U.S.S. Titania replaced by U.S.S Endeavour, Discovery Class.
Edict #5 - President Robison promotes Kenson Koh to Captain and given the command of the USS Aztec, Fleet 3.| Conor Lloyd given command of the USS Atlantis, Fleet 3; replacing Sherrie Campbell
Edict #6 - USS Polaris Commissioned in Fleet 7| Chris Healey is (re)Promoted to Captain and given command
Edict #7 - "Terms of Service" ammended| Amnesty period for duplicate accounts set| No "Non-STF" pages to be hosted by Star-Fleet.Com| Existing "Non-STF" pages to be removed| Historical archives to be established
Edict #8 - Daniel Petrulionis is promoted to Captain and CO of Resolution
Edict #9 - Emily Stephenson officially warned| Brandon Stoll offically warned| Mike Rouse-Deane found derelict in duties
Edict #10 - Starbase DH postitions are standardized
Edict #11 - Jeff Field relieved as CO Montgomery, appointed CO OP45| Barret Vogtman relieved as CO OP45, appointed CO Montgomery
Edict #12 - Sam Moritz no longer banned
Edict #13 - Butch Carter resigns as IDir| Chris Healey appointed as IDir| Polaris JO restriction lifted
Edict #14 - Mike Rouse-Deane banned from STF
Edict #15 - Owen Townes given command of the USS Kansas, Fleet 5, replacing Butch Carter
Edict #16 - Ryan Williams promoted to Captain and assigned CO of the USS Endeavor, Fleet 5
Edict #17 - Ark Angel recommissioned as Maverick class, NCC-2014-A| Sydney recommissioned as Pendragon Class: Crusader, NCC-86286
Edict #18 - Jody Romero promoted to Captain and given command USS Curie.
Edict #19 - Greg Hertzsch appointed as FComm-1
Edict #20 - Steve Ashton appointed CO of the USS Victorious, Fleet 1.
Edict #21 - Brandon Stoll appointed as Academy Commandant
Edict #22 - Barry Vogtman promoted to Captain| Greg Hertzsch promoted to Admiral| Nick Lackie promoted to Commodore
Edict #23 - New GMD Regulations or OGRE
Edict #24 - David Wonderly promoted to Captain and given command of the USS Atlantis, Fleet 3| Mike Bourdaa appointed FComm-2
Edict #25 - Colin Wyers appointed Election Coordinator
Edict #26 - Christer B?ckman promoted to Captain and assigned CO of USS Lexington, F2
Edict #27 - Brian Smith promoted to Captain and appointed CO of SB202, F4
Edict #28 - Paul Jones appointed CO of the USS Dresden, F3
Edict #29 - Alex Verdusco appointed XO of the Challenger
Edict #30 - Guidelines concerning rank status after resignations or AWOLs
Edict #31 - Seamus Hughes is appointed CO of the USS Revelation, F6
Edict #32 - Deanne Ashton promoted to Commodore
Edict #33 - EDept regulations changed
Edict #34 - New TOS
Edict #35 - Dustin Bukowski promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #36 - Brandon Stoll banned from STF
Edict #37 - Election results over turned
Edict #38 - Edict 37 rescinded
Edict #39 - Larry Garfield relieved as FComm 4
Edict #40 - New personnel instructions
Edict #41 - Fleet 8 created
Nick Lackie
Edict #1 - President Lackie's cabinet
Edict #2 - Authority to hire/fire GMs from ships devolved from GMDir to FComms
Edict #3 - Independence recommissioned as Coronado| Eric Potter promoted to Captain and given command
Edict #4 - Colleen Stevens appointed XO of Challenger
Edict #5 - Hughes Edict #21 amendment, clarifying grandfathered GM status
Edict #6 - USS Kansas upgraded from experimental to permanent
Edict #7 - Deanne Ashton appointed CO of USS Curie| Edict Spurlin #6 repealed, Deanne Ashton reinstated as FCapt
Edict #8 - Jaret Hargreaves appointed FComm-2
Edict #9 - Philip Hobday promoted to Captain and given command of SB202
Edict #10 - Hubert Bonis appointed to NMC Chairman
Edict #11 - Butch Carter promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #12 - Mackael Stockhausen promoted to Captain and CO Apache
Edict #13 - Ralf Steen promoted to Captain and CO Columbus
Edict #14 - Rules and guidelines concerning diplomatic relations with groups outside STF
Edict #15 - Dustin Bukowski appointed FComm-5
Edict #16 - M. Bret Godfrey promoted to Captain and assigned CO Seraph
Edict #17 - Scott Dale Robison appointed Vice President
Edict #18 - Scott Dale Robison relieved as CO Atlantis, appointed CO Titania| Sherrie Campbell appointed CO Atlantis
Edict #19 - Adam St. Clair promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #20 - Codification of precedent establishing formal limitations on cabinet positions for president and members
Edict #21 - Lou Gasco appointed to GMDir
Edict #22 - CO rights to dismiss crew members and appellate process
Edict #23 - Colleen Stevens promoted to Captain & CO Ogawa| Lou Gasco promoted to Captain & CO Curie| Asimov recommissioned as Discovery Class, NCC-74304-A
Edict #24 - Aries recommissioned as Athens Class: Sydney, NCC-80019
Edict #25 - Barret Vogtman promoted to Captain and CO Outpost 45
Edict #26 - Brandon Stoll appointed Challenger XO
Edict #27 - Daniel Weighman banned from STF
Edict #28 - TOS (Terms Of Service) Adopted for STF
Edict #29 - Emma Rouse-Deane promoted to Fleet Captain| Ralf Steen released as CO of USS Columbus| Johnathan Hughes promoted to Capt.| Johnathan Hughes appointed as CO of USS Columbus
Edict #30 - Hughes Edict #21, GMT Regulations, amended.
Edict #31 - Lou Gasco released as GMDir| Jeremy Friedman appointed as GMDir
Edict #32 - Hubert Bonis released as NMC Chairman| Simon Kelly apointed as NMC Chairman
Edict #33 - Election Dates Set| Larry Garfield appointed as Election Coordinator| Chris Healy no longer banned
Edict #34 - Barry Vogtman demoted to Commander| Paula Kirk demoted to Commander| Paula Kirk released as CO of OP42
Edict #35 - Jennifer Bowman promoted to Captain & appointed as CO of OP42
Edict #36 - Mike Bourdaa appointed as CO of USS Nautilus
Edict #37 - GMT Program replaced.| GM Apprentice Program initiated.
Edict #38 - Eric Potter removed as CO of USS Coronado for being AWOL| Brandon Stoll promoted to Captain| Brandon Stoll given command of USS Coronado
Edict #39 - Tamzin Griffiths appointed as USS Challenger XO
Edict #40 - Mark Wilson promoted to Commodore| James Speck promoted to Commodore| Jeremy Friedman promoted to Fleet Captain
Seamus Hughes
Edict #1 - Cabinet announced
Edict #2 - New Member Council formed
Edict #3 - Edict Bourdaa #32 ammended
Edict #4 - Brian Moss appointed FComm-5
Edict #5 - Todd White and Jose Caritatos banned from STF
Edict #6 - Lamar Daniel banned from STF
Edict #7 - Paula Kirk promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #8 - Ken Leigh-Smith promoted to captain and given command of Outpost 45| Krystelle Bromilow promoted to captain and given command of Starbase 202|Bill Gunty given command of USS Nautilus
Edict #9 - Brady McGuinn promoted to Captain and given command of USS Asimov
Edict #10 - Barret Vogtman appointed NMC Chairman
Edict #11 - Jeff Fields appointed Engineering Director
Edict #12 - Colin Wyers appointed GameMaster Director, Nick Lackie appointed FComm-6
Edict #13 - Scott Dale Robinson promoted to Captain and given command of USS Concorde
Edict #14 - Paula Kirk demoted
Edict #15 - Marine ship to be commissioned
Edict #16 - USS Concorde decommissioned| USS Atlantis commissioned
Edict #17 - Emma Rouse-Deane promoted to Captain and given command of USS Asimov
Edict #18 - Ralf Steen sppointed NMC Chairman| Coucil deadlines established
Edict #19 - STF constitution deadlines and ratification voting rules established| Jennifer Schubert promoted tyo Captain and given command of USS Nautilus
Edict #20 - Ammendment to Edict #19| Marine ship decommissioned
Edict #21 - Dustin Bukowski promoted to Captain and given command of USS Draco| GMT Regulations passed| Adam StClair allowed to GM his own ship
Edict #22 - Tim Stubinski promoted to Captain and given command of Outpost 45| Outpost 45 changed to regular posting speed ship
Edict #23 - Mike Ballaway released as FComm-2 and CO of USS Constellation| Christopher Ashley promoted to Captain and given command of USS Constellation|Mike Bourdaa appointed FComm-2| USS Brooklyn moved to Fleet 2 and recommissioned as USS Curie
Edict #24 - Steve Ashton promoted to Captain and given Command of USS Ogawa
Edict #25 - Jeff Fields dissmissed as Engineering director| Ralf Steen relased as NCM Chairman and appointed Engineering Director|Philip Hobday appointed NCM Chairman
Edict #26 - USS Aztec commissioned| Conor Lloyd promoted to captain and given command of USS Aztec| USS Merlin changed from Phoenix to Andromeda class
Edict #27 - USS LExington commissioned| Lexington put under slow ship speed| Robert Anderson promoted ot Captain and given command of USS Lexington
Edict #28 - Colin Wyers removed from GMDir because of eLOA| Chris Ashley appointed GMDir
Edict #29 - Bob Spurlin appointed to Captain ang given active command of USS Independance
Edict #30 - Hughes announces LOA| Leaves Mike Bourdaa as aPrez
Edict #31 - Edict #30-J repealed| Mike Bourdaa appointed Election Coordinator
Edict #32 - USS Kansas commissioned| Butch Carter transfered to USS Kansas| Douglas Van Ness promoted to Captain and given command of USS Seraph|Lynn Janeway promoted to Captain and given command of USS Aztec
Edict #33 - Mohammed Younis promoted to Captain and given command of USS Revelation
Edict #34 - Dash-x postitions eliminated
Edict #35 - Stuart Coll promoted to Fleet Captain| Jaret Hargreaves promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #36 - Mick Lackie promoted to Fleet Captain|19:32 14/04/2007 Brian Moss promoted to Fleet Captain
Colin Wyers
Edict #1 - Larry Garfield appointed VP
Edict #2 - Nathan miller appointed Engineering Director
Edict #3 - Mark Wilson promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #4 - Mike Bourdaa appointed EC| Nominations begin October 4th
Edict #5 - EC authorized to institute primary election
Edict #6 - Brian Moss promoted to Captain and given command of USS Titania
Edict #7 - Jeff Field reinstated as FLeet Captain and given Command of USS Montgomery
Edict #8 - Clarification on rules for AWOL COs and XOs
Bob Spurlin
Edict #1 - Cabinet announced
Edict #2 - NMC Edict amended slightly| Edict Bourdaa #32 on Academy ships amended
Edict #3 - USS Kestrel moves to Fleet 6| Jaret Hargreaves promoted to Captain and given command of USS Trinitron|Steve Ashton promoted to Captain and given command of USS Seraph
Edict #4 - GM regulations adopted
Edict #5 - Owen Ascroft appointed GMDir| Nikolle Burchett appointed FComm-5| Nikolle Burchett appointed CO of USS Genesis|Ginger Johnson promoted to captain and given command of USS Mongomery
Edict #6 - Deanne Morgan demoted to Captain and banned from serving in the Cabinet or Command and an IRC Operator
Edict #7 - Clause banning Deanne Morgan from Command or IRC Operator rescinded
Edict #8 - Greg Hertszch promoted to Commodore| Nikolle Burchett promoted to Captain| Alan Felts promoted to FLeet Captain| Seamus Hughes promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #9 - Bob Spurlin demoted to Ensign
Edict #10 - Alan Felts appointed Academy Commandant| Sinead Doyal appointed XO of USS Challenger
Edict #11 - Approval of STF-AT treaty
Edict #12 - USS Arleigh Burke commissioned and command given to Mike Bowman
Edict #13 - Jim Armstron removed from command of USS Olympic| Nathan Miller removed from command of USS Titania|Stuart Coll promoted to Captain and given command of USS Olympic| Mohammed Younis promoted to Captain and given command of USS Titania
Edict #14 - Jason Becker removed from command of USS Brandywine| John Anglin promoted to Captain and given command of USS Brandywine| Ammendment to edicts Bourdaa #31 and #32
Edict #15 - Randy McCullick appointed command of USS Ark Angel| Mark Wilson appointed FComm-1
Edict #16 - VP Wyers directed to assemble commitee to write Constitution for STF| Larry Garfield promoted to Commodore| James Speck promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #17 - Edict 11 repealed| Sinead Dowle promoted to captain and given command of USS Apache
Edict #18 - Randy McCullick removed from command of USS Ark Angel| Greg Hertzsch transfered to USS Ark Angel| Adam StClair reinstated as CO of USS Dresden| Elana Rubin promoted to captain and given command of USS Pict
Edict #19 - USS Ogawa commissioned| Deanne Morgan Ashton appointed CO of USS Ogawa
Edict #20 - USS Aries commissioned| Cordell Garrett promoted to Captain and given command of USS Aries
Edict #21 - Colin Wyers promoted to Admiral| Nikolle Burchett promoted to Commodore
Edict #22 - Stuart Coll appointed GameMaster Director
Edict #23 - Nick Lackie promoted to captain and given command of USS Bradywine
Edict #24 - Bob Spurlin resigns and VP Colin Wyers suceedes to President
Mike Bourdaa
Edict #0 - Cabinet announced
Edict #1 - Alteration of Edict procedure
Edict #2 - Mike Barclay returnes to STF at rank of Commadore| USS Harrier Commissioned|Frano Torres appointed FComm-3| Mike Ballaway appointed FComm-2| Den Hannigan appointed FComm-1|Adam StClair promoted to captain and given command of USS Futura| Elect
Edict #3 - Chris Healey promoted to captain and given command of USS Columbus
Edict #4 - Kevin Blomseth promoted to captain and given command of USS Aurora
Edict #5 - One week LOA for prez| John Stoner II appointed Academy Commadant| Greg Hertzsch promoted to Fleet Captain|Larry Garfield promoted to Fleet Captain| Franco Torres promoted to Fleet Captain| Fleet 6 commissioned on WeBB|Colin Wyers selected as
Edict #6 - Fleet 2 precommissioned on WeBB| Randy McCullick named EDir
Edict #7 - USS Constellation re-commissioned in Fleet 2| USS Trinitron re-commissioned ion Fleet 2| USS Nautilus commissioned in Fleet 2|Mike Ballaway given command of USS Constellation, Mike Barclay given command of USS Trinitron|Mark Loganbach promoted
Edict #8 - Determines who owns given shipclass in EDept| Grants Dockmaster authority over any specifications which has no owner in STF
Edict #9 - Eric Potras removed from STF
Edict #10 - Dennis Hannigan promoted to Commodore
Edict #11 - Star-fleet command mailing list opened
Edict #12 - BJ Phillips removed from post as FComm-5| Nathan Miller promoted to captain and given post as FComm-5|Experimental daily ship commissioned in Fleet 5 and command given to Captain Miller
Edict #13 - BJ Phillips dismissed as CO of USS Athena| James Speck transfers to USS Athena| Jim Armstrong promoted to captain and given command of USS Olympic|Franco Torres declared AWOL and dismissed from all posts| James Speck appointed FComm-3| Greg H
Edict #14 - USS Futura relocated to Fleet 6| IKC chunDab decommissioned and replaced with USS Brandywine
Edict #15 - Nick Oven dismissed as Internet Director| Chris Healey appointed Internet Director
Edict #16 - Nimitz and Aurora Classes partially exempt from Edict #8| Aurora class to be phased out by June 1, 1999| Fleet Captain Colin Wyers promoted to the rank of Commodore
Edict #17 - Seamus Hughes reinstated as captain and appointed CO of USS Trinitron| USS Asimov commissioned| Andrew Zbikowski reinstated as captain and appointed CO of USS Asimov|Bill Gunty promoted to Captain and given command of Starbase 202| Jim Armstr
Edict #18 - Michael Smith-Whiteside banned from STF
Edict #19 - Mandates Death Warnings
Edict #20 - Adam StClair exchanges command with Seamus Hughes
Edict #21 - Jason Becker appointed Internet Director| Deanne Morgan promoted to Fleet Captain| Owen Townes promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #22 - Kim Sandstrom banned from STF
Edict #23 - USS Aurora decommissioned
Edict #24 - Randy McCullick declared AWOL| Mike Ballaway named VP| Larry Garfield names Engineering Director|BJ Phillips reinstated as Captain and give command of USS Andorian| Colin Wyers named Gamemaster Director| USS Seraph commissioned| Bob Spurlin p
Edict #25 - Clairfication of rule of same ship multiple characters
Edict #26 - Seamus Hughes appointed Election Coordinator| Basic Election Calendar announced
Edict #27 - Revision of Edict 25
Edict #28 - Deanne Morgan appointed FComm-5| Jeremy Friedman pormoted to captain and given commanf of USS Titania
Edict #29 - Clairification of Edict 2
Edict #30 - Change of rules of ship design approval
Edict #32 - Authorizes creation and rules for Academy ships| USS Challenger assigned to Academy| Steve Ashton appointed XO of USS Challenger
Edict #33 - Nate Miller reinstated as CO of USS Titania| Jeremy Friedman transfered to USS Aanorian| BJ Phillips dismissed from USS Andorian command
Edict #34 - Mike Ballaway promoted to Admiral
Greg Hertzsch
Nick Oven
Randy McCullick
Mike Ballway
Ken Marklan
Den Hannigan
Mike Cathcart
Jim Midyette
Jerry Phelps
Jim Midyette
Julia Larsen
Jim Midyette
Franco Torres
Mike Bertsch
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