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Presidential Edict Archive / Thomas Bates
Thomas Bates
Table of Contents
Edict #1 - Most of the cabinet appointed
Edict #2 - Three month ban for Ben Park for spamming advertisements of another roleplaying site
Edict #3 - Jeremy DeSpain appointed FComm-5
Edict #4 - Ty Napier appointed FComm-4
Edict #5 - Elliot Cooper appointed CO of USS Discovery
Edict #6 - Ray Branch promoted to Captain, appointed CO of USS Olympic
Edict #7 - Sidney Parked dismissed from FComm 1
Edict #8 - Crissy N appointed FComm 1
Edict #9 - Fleets formally recognised by their title.
Edict #10 - Joe P appointed as Librarian
Edict #11 - Amber Hagan appointed FComm 1
Edict #12 - USS Olympic rechristened as USS Olympic NCC-80000-B, Mythology class
Edict #13 - The USS Ogawa is decommissioned.|The USS Lexington is decommissioned.|The USS Polaris is decommissioned.|The USS Samurai is decommissioned.|Starbase 202 is decommissioned.|The USS Thor is decommissioned.|The USS Draco is decommissioned.
Edict #14 - The Great White and Forceful Fleets decommissioned|The Infinite Fleet commissioned
Edict #15 - USS Montgomery rechristened as USS Montgomery NCC-84704-A, Discovery-class.
Edict #16 - Bob Spicer named CO of USS Discovery
Edict #17 - Joe P reappointed Election Coordinator
Edict #18 - Luke Ronayne appointed Assistant Election Coordinator
Edict #19 - Outpost 45 rechristened as Starbase Magellan
Edict #20 - Amber DeSadier promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #21 - Jeremy DeSpain promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #22 - David Fergusson erroneously promoted to Fleet Captain (already held rank).
Edict #23 - Crissy N promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #24 - Joe P promoted to Commodore.
Edict #25 - Edict 22 corrected; David Fergusson promoted to Commodore.
Bill #1 - Commendations Bill - Vetoed by EGO
Bill #2 - Amends Governing Rules About Violations, Investigations, and Tier Sorting
Bill #3 - Fixes multiple unintended changes to EEEGO made by Dipper Bill #2.
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