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Presidential Edict Archive / Lindsay Bayes
Lindsay Bayes
Table of Contents
Edict #1 - The cabinet is announced.
Edict #2 - Jim Merrett is appointed CO of USS Atlantis.
Edict #3 - Jacob Seime is appointed EDir, Lloyd Hibdon is appointed MAC
Edict #4 - Peter McGarvey promoted to Captain, assigned as CO of USS Chernov.
Edict #5 - Tyra Schroll named CO of USS Challenger.
Edict #6 - Clint Green promoted to Captain, assigned as CO of USS Saracen.
Edict #7 - Harley Cartee removed as CO of Montgomery for AWOL.
Edict #8 - Elliot Cooper promoted to Captain and assigned as CO of Starbase 202.
Edict #9 - Thomas Bates promoted to Captain and assigned as CO of USS Montgomery.
Edict #10 - Helen Hosick appointed CO of USS Chernov.
Edict #11 - Nick Villareal is removed as CO of USS Ark Angel for AWOL.
Edict #12 - Joshua Ezell appointed MAC.
Edict #13 - Steve Johnson appointed Personnel Director.
Edict #14 - Kendra Kerr appointed Governor of Oed V.
Edict #15 - Kevin Sawyer appointed GMDir.
Edict #16 - Joshua Ezell appointed CO of USS Ogawa.
Edict #17 - Elliot Cooper appointed CO of USS Discovery.
Edict #18 - Joe Lighter promoted to the rank of Captain and appointed CO of USS Bonaventure
Edict #19 - Matt Bernadin is promoted to the rank of Captain and appointed CO of USS Polaris
Edict #20 - USS Valkyrie decommissioned
Edict #21 - Robert Archer appointed CO of USS Ark Angel
Edict #22 - Harley Cartee appointed CO of USS Resolution
Edict #23 - Sidney Parker appointed Fleet Commander-1
Edict #24 - RJ Empson appointed CO of USS Saracen
Edict #25 - Steve Johnson appointed Election Coordinator and Harry Shires appointed Assistant Election Coordinator
Edict #26 - Julia Konig appointed CO of USS Vanguard
Edict #27 - Brandon Irvine Appointed EDir
Edict #28 - Julia K?nig Appointed Fleet Commander-6
Edict #29 - Jen Herr Appointed Commanding Officer of the USS Discovery
Edict #31 - Anthony Findora Promoted to the rank of Fleet Captain assigned FComm 3
Edict #32 - Sidney Parker Promoted to the rank of Fleet Captain
Edict #33 - Brandon Irvine Promoted to the rank of Fleet Captain
Edict #34 - Robert Spicer Promoted to the rank of Fleet Captain
Edict #35 - Julia K?nig Promoted to the rank of Fleet Captain
Edict #36 - Robert Archer promoted to the rank of Fleet Captain
Edict #37 - Joe P promoted to the rank of Fleet Captain
Edict #38 - Kendra Kerr Promoted to the rank of Commodore
Edict #39 - Gene Gibbs Promoted to the rank of Commodore
Edict #40 - Farewell and thanks
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