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Presidential Edict Archive / Lindsay Bayes
Lindsay Bayes
Table of Contents
Edict #1 - Hjortur Ingi assigned Governor of Oed V
Edict #2 - * Rescind previous specification change for Asimov under Archer administration|* Change Asimov spec to Brazen-class
Edict #3 - Cabinet Announced
Edict #4 - Sharon Miller appointed CO of USS Viking
Edict #5 - Rob Jones appointed MAC
Edict #6 - USS Genesis changed to Manhattan class and rechristened USS Genesis-B
Edict #7 - Jerome Davis appointed CO of USS Dresden
Edict #8 - Phillip Graham appointed CO of USS Saracen
Edict #9 - Ray Branch appointed as MAC
Edict #10 - T. Morgan appointed as GM Director
Edict #11 - Anthony Findora appointed as CO of OED V
Edict #12 - Daniel Lerner appointed as Election Co-ordinator
Edict #13 - Kat Dedul released as FCOMM 8|Steve Johnson appointed as FCOMM 8|Kat Dedul appointed as Academy Commandant
Edict #14 - Ray Branch appointed as CO of USS Discovery
Edict #15 - USS Ogawa recommissioned and assigned to The Pioneer Fleet
Edict #16 - Cale Reilly appointed CO of USS Ogawa
Edict #17 - David Shotton promoted to rank of Captain and assigned CO USS Saracen
Edict #18 - The Beaver is given access to the liquor cabinet and awarded a stocking budget
Edict #19 - End of term commendations
Edict #20 - Adam W. promoted to the Rank of Captain
Edict #21 - Ray Branch Promoted to the rank of Fleet Captain
Edict #22 - Sharon Miller promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #23 - Joe P promoted to the rank of Vice Admiral
Edict #24 - Kat Dedul promoted to the rank of Admiral
Edict #25 - Thanks given to Exodus Alpha Testers
Edict #26 - Close of Term remarks
Bill #1 - Language and Licensing revisions to OGRE
Bill #2 - TECH bylaw amended to include recommendations from review
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