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Presidential Edict Archive / Emma Rouse-Deane
Emma Rouse-Deane
Table of Contents
Edict #1 - President Rouse-Deane's Cabinet
Edict #2 - Mark Wilson is given command of the USS Constellation
Edict #3 - Barret Vogtman is appointed as FComm-4 | Owen Townes is appointed as EDir
Edict #4 - USS Coronado is decomissioned and replaced USS Agamemnon
Edict #5 - Joseph Spiros is banned from STF
Edict #6 - Stan Tomson is promoted to Captain
Edict #7 - Sarah Hemenway is promoted to Captain
Edict #8 - Mark Wilson is relieve him of command off the USS Constellation| Matt Evans is promoted to the rank of Captain and give command of the USS Constellation
Edict #9 - The USS Merrimack is commission as a permanent addition to Fleet 6
Edict #10 - Steve Ashton is relieved of command of the USS Victorious | Steve Ashton is assigned as CO of the USS Ogawa | Mike Seiler is promoted to Captain, and given command of the USS Victorious
Edict #11 - The USS Crusader is recommissioned the USS Maverick, NCC-68810
Edict #12 - New academy rules
Edict #13 - Mackael Stockhausen is appointed FComm-7| The USS Maverick is to be moved to Fleet 7
Edict #14 - Philip Robinson is promoted to the rank of Captain| Philip Robinson is assigned command of the USS Polaris
Edict #15 - Larry Garfield is appointed as GMDir
Edict #16 - Alex Verdusco is demoted to the rank of Captain for behaviour unbecoming a cabinet member and a Fleet Captain.
Edict #17 - Stan Tomson is hereby relieved as commanding officer of Starbase 202| Tara Manini is hereby promoted to the rank of Captain and assigning her as CO of SB202, Fleet 4.
Edict #18 - Peter Lyons is herby banned for a period of 45 days
Edict #19 - Scott Jones is relieved of command of the USS Agamemnon| Symon Silvester is promoted to the rank of Captain and given command of the USS Agamemnon
Edict #20 - Ralf Steen appointed Election Coordinator
Edict #21 - USS Endeavor, NCC-76801-A , is hereby recommissioned as the Pheonix class, USS Endeavor, NCC-76801-B
Edict #22 - Robert Gulley appointed as Challenger XO
Edict #23 - USS Columbia NCC-20103, Discovery class commissioned in Academy fleet
Edict #24 - Ralf Steen given command of the USS COlumbus, Fleet 4
Edict #25 - Stuart Coll is appointed XO of the USS Columbia, Academy Fleet
Edict #26 - New and improved revised OGRE
Edict #27 - Amanda Noon relieved of command of USS Hawking and reassigned as CO of USS Brandywine, Fleet 7| Stuart Coll appointed CO of the USS Hawking, Fleet 6
Edict #28 - Deanne Ashton promoted to Admiral
Edict #29 - Amanda Noon promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #30 - USS Hawking recommissioned USS Paladin, NCC-86272, Pendragon Class
Edict #31 - New Cabinet announced
Edict #32 - Mack Stockhausen and Simon Kelly banned
Edict #33 - Robert Gulley is appointed PDir
Edict #34 - Israel Harris promoted to Captain and Given command USS Atlantis, Fleet 3
Edict #35 - Robert Harvey is promoted to Captain and given command USS Maverick, Fleet 7
Edict #36 - Jonathan Houseweart is promoted to Captain and given command of the USS Trinitron, Fleet 2
Edict #37 - Katherine Dedul is promoted to Captain and given command of the USS Polaris, Fleet 7
Edict #38 - Deanne Ashton is appointed Governor of Oed V
Edict #39 - Gareth Gudger is promoted to Captain and given command of the USS Constellation, Fleet 2
Edict #40 - Scott Dale Robison is given command of the USS Nautilus, Fleet 2
Edict #41 - Steve Ashton is appointed as Internet Director
Edict #42 - Pamela Dugan is appointed XO of the USS Challenger.
Edict #43 - David Goldsberry is promoted to Captain and given command of the USS Endeavor, Fleet 5
Edict #44 - Mike Diamond is appointed Academy Commandant
Edict #45 - Janelle Kimber is promoted to Captain and given command of the USS Olympic, Fleet 6| Pamela Dugan is promoted to Captain and given command of the USS Pict, Fleet 6
Edict #46 - USS Pict decomissioned, replaced with USS Europa, Fleet 6
Edict #47 - Pamela Dugan is appointed Personnel Director
Edict #48 - John Robert Lucas promoted to Captain, given command of USS Lexington, Fleet 2
Edict #49 - Cherie Mayhew promoted to Captain, given command USS Brandywine, Fleet 7
Edict #50 - Scott Jones given command USS Ogawa, Fleet 1
Edict #51 - Matt Evans given command USS Kansas, Fleet 5
Edict #52 - Enterprise era USS Bonaventure created, given 90 day trial run in Fleet 1| Krys Bromilow given command of USS Bonaventure, Fleet 1
Edict #53 - Krys Bromilow appointed Election Coordinator
Edict #54 - Ryan Williams appointed XO of USS Columbia
Edict #55 - Robert Gulley appointed Governor of Oed V, Fleet 6
Edict #56 - Ryan Williams given command USS Draco, Fleet 5
Edict #57 - Butch Carter given command USS Nautilus, Fleet 2
Edict #58 - Maverick classed USS Ark Angel recommissioned Nimitz classed USS Ark Angel, Fleet 1
Edict #59 - Steve Ashton promoted to Commodore
Edict #60 - Steve Johnson promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #61 - Jody Romero promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #62 - Kenson Koh promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #63 - M. Bret Godfrey promoted to Fleet Captain
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