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Presidential Edict Archive / Jack Dipper Term 3
Jack Dipper Term 3
Table of Contents
Edict #1 - TJ Morgan promoted to Captain, appointed CO of USS Chernov.|Tom Hillman appointed CO of USS Montgomery.
Edict #2 - The cabinet is appointed
Edict #3 - Marthese Bugeja promoted to Captain, assigned to USS Crusader
Edict #4 - Bob Spicer appointed CO of USS Saracen.
Edict #5 - Terry Calvin appointed CO, USS Viking.
Edict #6 - Jody Romero appointed CO, USS Viking.
Edict #7 - Luke Ronayne promoted to Captain, appointed CO USS Dresden.
Edict #8 - Three veteran CO appointments for Fleet Six.
Edict #9 - Connie switches spec to Mythology class.
Edict #10 - Joana Ribero promoted to Captain, appointed CO USS Montgomery.
Edict #11 - Katherine Dedul appointed CO USS Challenger.
Edict #12 - USS Montgomery rechristened to USS Turing
Edict #13 - Steve Johnson appointed EC; Krys McLean appointed AEC
Edict #14 - Travis Good promoted to Captain, assigned CO USS Asimov. Catt Bennet assigned CO USS Crusader
Edict #15 - Edict establishing Commendations
Edict #16 - End of Term Commendations
Edict #17 - Jerome Davis promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #18 - Ty Napier promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #19 - Dan Lerner promoted to Commodore
Edict #20 - Rob Archer promoted to Rear Admiral
Edict #21 - Jen Herr promoted to Vice Admiral
Edict #22 - Joe Fahey promoted to Rear Admiral
Edict #23 - Thank yous
Bill #1 - Small change to BOXES eligibility section
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