Edict #2 - President Garfield announces FComm 2 | Assigns new Captains to Fleet 2 ships

Larry Garfield

Part of: Presidential Edict Archive / Larry Garfield

Message posted on Stardate 01121.1 at 1740 hours

Posted by Larry Garfield (President).

Edict #2: The Great White Edict

The Office of the Executive Washroom apologizes to Mike Bourdaa for the mixup over the FComm-2 position. Mike, can you ever forgive us? :-)

Chris Ashley is hereby appointed Fleet Commander of Fleet Two.

After consulting with both the outgoing and incoming Fleet Cmmanders of Fleet Two…

Jeff Field is released as CO of Outpost 45, Fleet Two.

Jaret Hargreaves is released as Co of the USS Trinitron, Fleet Two.

Steve Johnson is hereby promoted to Captain and assigned CO of Outpost 45.

Simon Kelly is hereby promoted to Captain and assigned CO of the USS Trinitron.

In other news, Alex Verdusco has also resigned as XO of the Academy Ship, USS Challenger. After consulting with the Academy Commandant, Deanne Ashton is hereby assigned XO of the USS Challenger.

And finally, Edict #1 is hereby named “Edict #1: The Motion Edict”.

Larry Garfield
STF President
11 December 2001

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