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Presidential Edict Archive / Sarah Hemenway
Sarah Hemenway
Table of Contents
Edict #1 - President Hemenway's cabinet.
Edict #2 - Oed V rechartered as an Alternative Roleplaying Area.
Edict #3 - Katz Heitmann demoted to Ensign and banned from STF for 60 days.
Edict #4 - Katz Heitmann permanently banned from STF.
Edict #5 - USS Genesis Relocated to Fleet 6.| USS Kansas Decommissioned.| USS Entente Commissioned.| Brian Olinski Appointed CO of the USS Entente.
Edict #6 - Edgar Cramer Promoted to Captain and Assigned USS Maverick.
Edict #7 - Cale Reilly Promoted to Captain and Assigned USS Ogawa.
Edict #8 - M. Bret Godfrey promoted to Captain and assigned SS Bonaventure.
Edict #9 - John Robert Lucas is assigned the USS Trinitron.
Edict #10 - New FCOMM edict.
Edict #11 - Jody Romero assigned USS Challenger, Academy Fleet.
Edict #12 - Lou Gasco assigned USS Olympic, Fleet 6.
Edict #13 - Chris Grinder promoted to captain and assigned USS Polaris, Fleet 7.| USS Polaris, Andromeda-Class (NCC-76801) rechristened as USS Polaris, Viking-Class (NCC-76801-A).| Ton Geurts assigned USS Maverick, Fleet 7.| USS Maverick, Maverick-Class
Edict #14 - Russell Watt promoted to captain and assigned USS Draco, Fleet 5.| Geoff Jooston appointed Acting FComm Fleet 5.
Edict #15 - Daniel Dabrowski promoted to Captain and assigned Outpost 45, Fleet 2.
Edict #16 - Legislative Edict Governing Official Elections 2.0
Edict #17 - Jen Herr released as Personnel Director.| Russell Watt appointed as Personnel Director.
Edict #18 - Edict for STF Awards
Edict #19 - Joe Fahey is promoted to rank of Fleet Captain| Joe Fahey released as FComm-7| Joe Fahey appointment as FComm-5| USS Brandywine is relocated to Fleet 3| USS Curie is relocated to Fleet 5| USS Polaris relocated to Fleet 2| USS Rogue is relocat
Edict #20 - Anthony Martin promoted to Captain and given Command of USS Montgomery.| Anthony Martin is appointed Fleet Commander - Fleet 4.
Edict #21 - Aaron Carroll banned from STF for 60 days.
Edict #22 - Tim Martin promoted to Captain and given Command of USS Dresden.
Edict #23 - Aaron Carroll permanently banned from STF.
Edict #24 - Anthony Martin appointed Election Coordinator.
Edict #25 - USS Merlin, Andromeda-Class (NCC-65440) rechristened as USS Odin, Viking-Class (NCC 88752).
Edict #26 - Coding Organization, Development, and Enhancement (CODE)
Edict #27 - Larry Garfield appointed Coder
Edict #28 - Promotion of Daniel Lerner to Captain
Edict #29 - Promotion of Lee Bridgeford to Fleet Captain
Edict #30 - Promotion of Brian Olinski to Fleet Captain
Edict #31 - Promotion of Symon Silvester to Commodore
Edict #32 - Russell Watt, Anthony Martin, David Ferguson and Jack Dipper commended for services to the club.
Edict #33 - Governmental Organization (GO)
Edict #34 - Member Order and Organization (MOO)
Edict #35 - Daniel Lerner appointed Captain USS Entente, Fleet 5
Edict #36 - President Hemenway's Cabinet
Edict #37 - Symon silvester appointed CO USS Discovery, Academy Fleet
Edict #38 - Emma Rouse-Deane removed from Command, USS Asimov, and demoted to Commodore|Brady McGuinn appointed CO, USS Asimov
Edict #39 - FCOMM updated.
Edict #40 - Jim Hosick promoted to Captain and appointed as CO, USS Athena
Edict #41 - USS Trinitron, Fleet 2, rechristened USS Samurai
Edict #42 - Jared Kowalewski promoted to Captain and given command of Scottie Testing Centre, Fleet 1
Edict #43 - Position of Marketing and Advertising Coordinator created
Edict #44 - Jim Hosick appointed as Marketing and Advertising Coordinator
Edict #45 - Jamie Lee banned from STF
Edict #46 - Chris Thomas promoted to Captain and assigned CO USS Curie
Edict #47 - Phillip Stonness promoted to Captain and assigned CO USS Valkyrie
Edict #48 - Brady McGuinn released as FComm-4 and CO USS Asimov.|John Robert Lucas appointed as FComm-4.|Brian Moss assigned as CO USS Asimov.|Anthony Martin released as CO USS Montgomery.| Steven Schneckenburger promoted to Captain and assigned as CO US
Edict #49 - Lou Gasco released as CO USS Olympic.| Joe Bradley promoted to Captain and assigned as CO USS Olympic.
Edict #50 - USS Olympic NCC 80000 is rechristened as USS Olympic, Viking-class, NCC 80000-A.
Edict #51 - Legislative Edict Governing Official Elections 3.0
Edict #52 - Sarah Hemenway assigned as CO USS Challenger.| Daniel Lerner appointed as FComm-6 and promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #53 - Robert Spicer promoted to Captain and assigned as CO USS Europa.
Edict #54 - David Wonderly assigned CO USS Asimov, Fleet 4.
Edict #55 - Jim Hosick appointed Personnel Director.
Edict #56 - Phillip Stonness appointed Election Coordinator.|Ryan Empson appointed Assistant Election Coordinator.
Edict #57 - Joe Fahey assigned as CO Starbase 202
Edict #58 - Gene Gibbs promoted to Captain and assigned CO, USS Draco
Edict #59 - Phillip Stonness appointed Academy Commandant.|Gene Gibbs appointed Fleet Commander, Fleet 1.
Edict #60 - Jack Dipper promoted to Commodore.
Edict #61 - Russell Watt assgned CO, USS Columbia.
Edict #62 - TJ Morgan banned from STF for 30 days for legal misrepresentation.
Edict #63 - Russell Watt appointed FComm-5.
Edict #64 - Scottie Testing Centre decomissioned.|Joseph Bradley assigned CO, SS Bonaventure.|Melissa Bradley assigned CO, USS Olympic.
Edict #65 - New cabinet appointed.
Edict #66 - Lee Bridgeford appointed CO, USS Genesis|Brian Olinski appointed CO, USS Challenger.|USS Genesis rechristened as USS Genesis, NCC-85100-A, Victoria-class.
Edict #67 - New TOS adopted.
Edict #68 - Jon Hayes banned from STF for multiple offensive and threatening emails to members.
Edict #69 - Robert Thompson promoted to Captain.|Phillip Stonness reassigned as GMDir from ACmdt.|Jack Dipper appointed as ACmdt.|TOS amended for technical reasons.
Edict #70 - Gene Gibbs assigned CO, USS Discovery.
Edict #71 - Rick Gruby promoted to Captain, assigned CO, USS Columbus.|Columbus recommissioned to Viking-class.|Krystelle Bromilow assigned CO, USS Challenger.
Edict #72 - Sarah Hemenway resigns as President, Daniel Lerner succeeds as President.
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