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Presidential Edict Archive / Jen Herr
Jen Herr
Table of Contents
Edict #1 - New cabinet announced.| Katherine Dedul released from command of the USS Polaris and given command of the USS Constellation.
Edict #2 - Julia K promoted to Captain and assigned as CO USS Polaris.
Edict #3 - Stuart Coll appointed as Personnel Director| Andrew Robinson appointed as Fleet Commander 5
Edict #4 - Brian Olinski promoted to Captain and assigned as CO USS Kansas.
Edict #5 - Robert McGuffin promoted to Captain and assigned as CO USS Trinitron.
Edict #6 - USS Ogawa recommissioned as Alt RPG
Edict #7 - USS Constitution recommissioned as Alt RPG
Edict #8 - Scottie Training Centre recommissioned as Alt RPG and moved to Fleet 1
Edict #9 - Brian Olinski assigned as XO USS Columbia.
Edict #10 - Jud Bennett appointed Gamemaster Director| Bob Hillis appointed FComm-4| Emma Rouse-Deane appointed Internet Director
Edict #11 - Therle Dregansky appointed FComm-1
Edict #12 - Alisdair Jones promoted to Captain, appointed CO USS Paladin, Fleet 6.
Edict #13 - USS Kansas re-established as an Alternative RPG
Edict #14 - Christopher Jones promoted to Captain and assigned as CO USS Montgomery.
Edict #15 - USS Nautilus decommissioned.
Edict #16 - SS Bonaventure temporarily decommissioned.
Edict #17 - Starfleet Engineering Fleet is hereby decommissioned.| Research and Development Department moved Command fleet, under the name Engineering Department.
Edict #18 - ENERGIE (ENgineering Edict Regulating Goofy Inventions and Endeavours) v1.0
Edict #19 - Chris D. Taylor promoted to Captain and assigned as CO USS Athena.
Edict #20 - Sarah Hemenway appointed as GameMaster Director.
Edict #21 - USS Arleigh Burke decommissioned and replaced with Outpost 45, Fleet 2
Edict #22 - FCOMM revised
Edict #23 - Command Mailing list abolished.
Edict #24 - Edict 16 amended
Edict #25 - Cheryl Butler promoted to Captain, given command USS Vanguard, Fleet 6
Edict #26 - Emma Rouse-Deane appointed FComm-4| Robert Gulley appointed Internet Director
Edict #27 - Andrew Robinson appointed Engineering Director| Symon Silvester appointed FComm-6| Brian Olinski appointed FComm-5
Edict #28 - LEGOE establishing election rules
Edict #29 - Robert Gulley appointed Election Coordinator.
Edict #30 - M. Bret Godfrey demoted to Lt Junior Grade for conduct unbecomming.
Edict #31 - USS Paladin, Fleet 6 decommissioned.
Edict #32 - CADET revision 2.0
Edict #33 - Sarah Hemenway appointed CO, USS Challenger| Brian Olinski appointed CO, USS Columbia| Emma Rouse-Deane appointed CO, USS Discovery
Edict #34 - SS Bonaventure recommissioned in Fleet 1
Edict #35 - Andrew Robinson appointed Veep.
Edict #36 - Jack Dipper promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #37 - Therle Dregansky promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #38 - Katherine Dedul promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #39 - Jessica McClary promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #40 - Andrew Robinson promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #41 - Kenson Koh promoted to Commodore.
Edict #42 - Emma Rouse-Deane promoted to Admiral.
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