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Presidential Edict Archive / Nick Lackie
Nick Lackie
Table of Contents
Edict #1 - President Lackie's cabinet
Edict #2 - Authority to hire/fire GMs from ships devolved from GMDir to FComms
Edict #3 - Independence recommissioned as Coronado| Eric Potter promoted to Captain and given command
Edict #4 - Colleen Stevens appointed XO of Challenger
Edict #5 - Hughes Edict #21 amendment, clarifying grandfathered GM status
Edict #6 - USS Kansas upgraded from experimental to permanent
Edict #7 - Deanne Ashton appointed CO of USS Curie| Edict Spurlin #6 repealed, Deanne Ashton reinstated as FCapt
Edict #8 - Jaret Hargreaves appointed FComm-2
Edict #9 - Philip Hobday promoted to Captain and given command of SB202
Edict #10 - Hubert Bonis appointed to NMC Chairman
Edict #11 - Butch Carter promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #12 - Mackael Stockhausen promoted to Captain and CO Apache
Edict #13 - Ralf Steen promoted to Captain and CO Columbus
Edict #14 - Rules and guidelines concerning diplomatic relations with groups outside STF
Edict #15 - Dustin Bukowski appointed FComm-5
Edict #16 - M. Bret Godfrey promoted to Captain and assigned CO Seraph
Edict #17 - Scott Dale Robison appointed Vice President
Edict #18 - Scott Dale Robison relieved as CO Atlantis, appointed CO Titania| Sherrie Campbell appointed CO Atlantis
Edict #19 - Adam St. Clair promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #20 - Codification of precedent establishing formal limitations on cabinet positions for president and members
Edict #21 - Lou Gasco appointed to GMDir
Edict #22 - CO rights to dismiss crew members and appellate process
Edict #23 - Colleen Stevens promoted to Captain & CO Ogawa| Lou Gasco promoted to Captain & CO Curie| Asimov recommissioned as Discovery Class, NCC-74304-A
Edict #24 - Aries recommissioned as Athens Class: Sydney, NCC-80019
Edict #25 - Barret Vogtman promoted to Captain and CO Outpost 45
Edict #26 - Brandon Stoll appointed Challenger XO
Edict #27 - Daniel Weighman banned from STF
Edict #28 - TOS (Terms Of Service) Adopted for STF
Edict #29 - Emma Rouse-Deane promoted to Fleet Captain| Ralf Steen released as CO of USS Columbus| Johnathan Hughes promoted to Capt.| Johnathan Hughes appointed as CO of USS Columbus
Edict #30 - Hughes Edict #21, GMT Regulations, amended.
Edict #31 - Lou Gasco released as GMDir| Jeremy Friedman appointed as GMDir
Edict #32 - Hubert Bonis released as NMC Chairman| Simon Kelly apointed as NMC Chairman
Edict #33 - Election Dates Set| Larry Garfield appointed as Election Coordinator| Chris Healy no longer banned
Edict #34 - Barry Vogtman demoted to Commander| Paula Kirk demoted to Commander| Paula Kirk released as CO of OP42
Edict #35 - Jennifer Bowman promoted to Captain & appointed as CO of OP42
Edict #36 - Mike Bourdaa appointed as CO of USS Nautilus
Edict #37 - GMT Program replaced.| GM Apprentice Program initiated.
Edict #38 - Eric Potter removed as CO of USS Coronado for being AWOL| Brandon Stoll promoted to Captain| Brandon Stoll given command of USS Coronado
Edict #39 - Tamzin Griffiths appointed as USS Challenger XO
Edict #40 - Mark Wilson promoted to Commodore| James Speck promoted to Commodore| Jeremy Friedman promoted to Fleet Captain
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