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Presidential Edict Archive / Daniel Lerner
Daniel Lerner
Table of Contents
Edict #1 - Jack Dipper appointed VP.|Andrew Robinson appointed PDir.
Edict #2 - Sarah Hemenway promoted to the rank of Commodore.
Edict #3 - Central Academy Directives for Education and Training (CADET) update -- Replaces Herr #32.
Edict #4 - USS Apollo commissioned in Academy Fleet.|Phillip Stonness appointed as USS Apollo's CO.
Edict #5 - Alex Lorien promoted to Captain and assigned to USS Ogawa.
Edict #6 - Andrew Adams restricted from posting in Starfleet Command for 30 days.
Edict #7 - Departmental budget increases for fish to the Prez.
Edict #8 - Russell Watt appointed as Marketing and Advertising Coordinator.
Edict #9 - Krys Bromilow appointed as USS Montgomery's CO.
Edict #10 - Michael Lee appointed as USS Curie's CO.
Edict #11 - A tribble (Russell Watt) is appointed as Governor of Oed V, and promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #12 - Kendra Abbott appointed as USS Atlantis's CO|Andrew Robinson appointed as USS Athena's CO.
Edict #13 - USS Athena rechristened as Trafalgar-class.
Edict #14 - Alexandra Bowley appointed as Outpost 42's CO.
Edict #15 - Larry Garfield appointed as Election Coordinator|Gene Gibbs appointed as Assistant Election Coordinator.
Edict #16 - Wail Qasim appointed Engineering Director.
Edict #17 - Jody Romero appointed CO USS Victorious.
Edict #18 - Legislative Edict Governing Official Elections 3.1.
Edict #19 - Phillip Stonness promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #20 - Katherine Dedul promoted to Commodore.
Edict #21 - Acknowledgement of Individuals and groups who provided support to Dan during his term as President.
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