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Presidential Edict Archive / Daniel Lerner Term 2
Daniel Lerner Term 2
Table of Contents
Edict #1 - New cabinet announced.
Edict #2 - Melissa Aragon promoted to Captain and assigned SS Bonaventure.
Edict #3 - D Grimsham appointed as Fleet Commander of the Pioneer Fleet.
Edict #4 - Kenson Koth promoted to Rear Admiral, USS Aztec rechristened as the USS Memorial, NCC-98800 and Kirt promoted to Captain and assigned USS Memorial.
Edict #5 - Jeremy DeSpain appointed Commanding Officer of the USS Manhattan.
Edict #6 - Lindsay Bayes appointed as the Marketing and Advertising Coordinator.
Edict #7 - Krys McLean appointed as Commanding Officer of the USS Chernov.
Edict #8 - Krys McLean appointed Fleet Commander for the Foremost Fleet
Edict #9 - Cale Reilly appointed Vice President.
Edict #10 - Brian Richards is appointed Commanding Officer of the USS Constellation
Edict #11 - Joe P. appointed as Election Coordinator and Jeremy DeSpain as Assistant Election Coordinator.
Edict #12 - Steven Sigle promoted to Commodore and appointed Fleet Commander of the Meridian Fleet.
Edict #13 - Commendations
Edict #14 - Adam W. promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #15 - Matthew Bernardin promoted to Commodore
Edict #16 - Thomas Bates promoted to Vice Admiral
Edict #17 - Lindsay Bayes promoted to Vice Admiral
Edict #18 - Joe P. commended for launch of Exodus
Edict #19 - Acknowledgement of key players
Bill #1 - Ammendment to the Mentoring Program - Vetoed by EGO
Bill #2 - Further ammendment to the Mentoring Program
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