Posted 2 August 2010 - 4:43pm by Anthony Martin
Edict #1
“Janie, make a note. We need to schedule more events where somebody gives me a really big fish.”
Well, folks, here it is! (My Cabinet. I’m talking about the Cabinet.)
Katherine Dedul is hereby retained as Academy Commandant;
Helen Hosick is hereby appointed as Personnel Director;
Jack Dipper is hereby retained as Internet Director;
Andrew Robinson is hereby retained as Engineering Director;
David Wonderly is hereby appointed as Gamemaster Director.
Sidney Parker is hereby retained as Commander, Fleet 1;
Chris Grinder is hereby retained as Commander, Fleet 2;
Jim Hosick is hereby retained as Commander, Fleet 3.
Despite repeated attempts to reduce this number over the last 48 hours, I am left with a probably-unprecedented three Cabinet openings. I plan to have new FComms-4, -5 and -6 by August 12, and to that end I will officially post the openings for application later today.
I sincerely thank Emily Stephenson, Kevin Harbison, Krystelle Bromilow, Geoff Joosten and Sy Silvester for the time which they so selflessly devoted to helping run the club.
In the case of the two departments that have changed, and the three Fleets that will be changing hands, the outgoing Staffs are charged with completing their respective July 2010 reports. I further request that they keep the lights on for the new folks, and also that they conduct a “hand-off” in the manner they see fit, to ensure the incoming Staffs are up to speed on Fleet/Department events.
All members responsible for July 2010’s Reports to Command are given a one-time, two-day extension, to August 12.
All Cabinet members named in this Edict are to name their staffs in Command by August 16.
The Internet Department is directed to make all changes made necessary by this Edict, by August 9.
Fleet Admiral Anthony “Cerberus” Martin
STF President
August 2, 2010
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