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Presidential Edict Archive / Andrew Robinson
Andrew Robinson
Table of Contents
Edict #1 - Andrew Robinson's cabinet.
Edict #2 - MAC ship created in command fleet.
Edict #3 - Robert Thompson appointed MAC.
Edict #4 - Kendra Abbott retained as FComm-3.
Edict #5 - Katherine Dedul appointed CO - USS Columbia; Academy.
Edict #6 - Wail Qasim promoted to Captain and appointed CO - USS Lexington, Fleet 2.
Edict #7 - D Grisham appointed CO - USS Europa, Fleet 6.
Edict #8 - William Kappler removed as Internet Director.
Edict #9 - Russell Watt appointed Internet Director.
Edict #10 - Krystelle Bromilow appointed Fleet Commander, Fleet 4.
Edict #11 - Robin Bird promoted to Captain and assigned CO - USS Columbus, Fleet 4.
Edict #12 - Cale Reilly assigned CO - USS Brandywine, Fleet 3.
Edict #13 - Anthony Martin assigned CO - Outpost 45, Fleet 3.
Edict #14 - Jon Page officially warned for recruiting members for another club.
Edict #15 - Crell decommissioned.
Edict #16 - Wail Qasim released from position of Engineering Director and from CO - USS Lexington, Fleet 2.
Edict #17 - Jim Hosick appointed acting Fleet 5 Commander, replacing the resigning Gene Gibbs.
Edict #18 - Sam Bibb promoted to Captain and assigned CO - USS Lexington, Fleet 2.
Edict #19 - Edward Brough promoted to Captain and assigned CO - USS Dresden, Fleet 3.
Edict #20 - Jen Herr appointed Engineering Director.
Edict #21 - Jim Hosick appointed FComm-5.
Edict #22 - Ryan (RJ) Empson promoted to Captain and assigned CO - USS Entente, Fleet 5.
Edict #23 - Elizabeth Caro promoted to Captain and assigned CO - OP 45, Fleet 2.
Edict #24 - David Wonderly appointed FComm-1, replacing the resigning Joseph Bradley.
Edict #25 - STF Q&A Ship decommissioned.
Edict #26 - Personnel Department edICT (PDICT).
Edict #27 - Motd Instituted Restrictions And Governance Edict (MIRAGE).
Edict #28 - Alastair Sutherland promoted to Captain and assigned CO - USS Vanguard, Fleet 6.
Edict #29 - USS Brandywine, NCC 84707-A, is rechristened as the Pendragon Class USS Saracen, NCC 86205.
Edict #30 - Marketting ship trial period extended.
Edict #31 - John Robert Lucas promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #32 - State Of The Onion.
Edict #33 - Edict number system for acting presidents defined.
Edict #34 - Cheryl Butler banned from Star-Fleet.
Edict #35 - Therle Dregansky banned from Star-Fleet.
Edict #36 - Brian Olinski appointed CO - USS Apollo, Academy Fleet.
Edict #37 - Jack Dipper appointed CO - USS Seraph, Fleet 5.
Edict #38 - Therle Dregansky permanently banned.
Edict #39 - Jen Herr appointed CO - USS Genesis, Fleet 6.
Edict #40 - Edict Hemenway #23 rescinded - Aaron Carroll permitted to return to the club.
Edict #41 - Jerome Davis appointed as MAC.
Edict #42 - Larry Garfield appointed as EC.|Gene Giibs appointed as AEC.
Edict #43 - The Viking Class USS Endeavor, NCC-76801-B, rechristened as the Maverick Class USS Endeavor, NCC-76801-C.
Edict #44 - Jody Romero appointed as FComm-1.
Edict #45 - STF Terms of Service updated.
Edict #46 - Robert Archer promoted to Captain and appointed CO - USS Rogue, Fleet 2
Edict #47 - Symon Silvester appointed CO - USS Olympic, Fleet 6.
Edict #48 - Jimmy Merrett promoted to Captain and appointed CO - USS Asimov, Fleet 4.
Edict #49 - Member Order and Organisation revised.
Edict #50 - Redistribution of the Admirals.
Edict #51 - Jack Dipper promoted to Vice Admiral.
Edict #52 - Joe Fahey promoted to Commodore.
Edict #53 - Brian Olinski promoted to Commodore.
Edict #54 - New Alt-RP, 403rd Platoon, created in Fleet 4. Jim Hosick appointed CO.
Edict #55 - Kevin Harbison (aka Phillip Stonness) promoted to Commodore.
Edict #56 - Edict #51 rescinded. Jack Dipper promoted to Rear Admiral.
Edict #57 - Gene Gibbs promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #58 - Acknowledgement of Individuals and groups who provided support to Andy during his term as President.
Edict #59 - President Robinson's Cabinet.
Edict #60 - Jim Hosick appointed CO - USS Challenger, Academy.
Edict #61 - David Wonderly appointed Gamemaster Director.
Edict #62 - Robert Thompson appointed CO - USS Columbus, Fleet 4.
Edict #63 - Amber Hagan promoted to Captain and appointed CO - USS Victorious, Fleet 1
Edict #64 - Member Order and Organisation revised
Edict #65 - 403rd Platoon granted 30 day extension
Edict #66 - David Wonderly released as GameMaster Director; Joseph Bradley appointed GameMaster Director
Edict #67 - Luke Hung promoted to Captain and appointed CO - USS Curie, Fleet 5
Edict #68 - Wail Qasim appointed as Internet Director
Edict #69 - John Robert Lucas released as FComm-2; Chris Grinder appointed as FComm-2
Edict #70 - Lloyd Hibdon promoted to Captain and appointed CO - USS Columbus, Fleet 4
Edict #71 - Geoff Joosten appointed FComm-5
Edict #72 - Derek O'Brien promoted to Captain and appointed CO - USS Samurai, Fleet 2
Edict #73 - Decommission order for 403rd Platoon, Fleet 4
Edict #74 - Liz Caro appointed Marketing and Advertising Coordinator
Edict #75 - Ryan Empson 're-appointed' CO - USS Entente, Fleet 5
Edict #76 - Jemma Farrugia promoted to Captain and appointed CO - USS Victorious, Fleet 1
Edict #77 - Linda Gray promoted to Captain and appointed CO - USS Saracen, Fleet 3
Edict #78 - Samuel Bibb transfered from CO - USS Lexington, Fleet 2 to CO - USS Boniventure, Fleet 1. Ian Kirby promoted to Captain and appointed CO - USS Lexington, Fleet 2.
Edict #79 - Jen Herr appointed CO - USS Challenger, Academy Fleet
Edict #80 - Robert Spicer appointed CO - USS Alliance, Fleet 4
Edict #81 - Establishment of club rank structure
Edict #82 - Anthony Findora promoted to Captain and appointed CO - USS Dresden, Fleet 3
Edict #83 - Amanda Noon appointed Gamemaster Director
Edict #84 - First of five edicts establishing the Prezolution, new organization for Government Organization (GO) established
Edict #85 - Establishment of Executive Governmental Oversight (EEEGO)
Edict #86 - Establishment of Bills And Bylaws
Edict #87 - Establishment of Prezolution Implementations to facilitate the process known as Prezolution
Edict #88 - Andrew Robinson and Helen Hosick appointed Election Coordinator and Assistant Election Coordinator respectively for the EGO election
Edict #89 - Viking Class U.S.S Alliance NCC 82369 - C rechristened the Viking Class U.S.S Viking NCC 88750
Edict #90 - Larry Garfield and Robert Burnham appointed Election Coordinator and Assistant Election Coordinator respectively for the presidential election
Edict #91 - Promotion of Mike Montemayor to Captain of the USS Columbus
Edict #92 - Robin Bird appointed command of the USS Discovery in the Academy
Edict #93 - State of the Onion
Edict #94 - Promotion of Anthony Cerberus Martin to the rank of Fleet Captain
Edict #95 - Promotion of Chris Dragon Grinder to the rank of Fleet Captain
Edict #96 - Promotion of Symon Bunny Silvester to the rank of Rear Admiral
Edict #97 - Promotion of Jen Sloth Herr to the rank of Commodore
Edict #98 - Permanent banning of Mackael Stockhausen and overturn of Simon Kelly?s ban
Edict #99 - Establishment Of The Vice Clarkson
Edict #100 - Acknowledgement of Individuals and groups who provided support to Andy during his term as President
Bill #1 - Change to the definition of yearbook maintenance
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