Edict #2 - New Cabinet Announced

David Shotton

Part of: Presidential Edict Archive / David Shotton

“Ladies and menfolk…[holds out a slip of paper]…we have ourselves a job. Take us out of the world, Wash. Got us some crime to be done.”
*Malcolm Reynolds

After a lot of coffee and a few eager discussions, I am pleased to announce the new crew..err.. Cabinet for this Term.

Foremost Fleet - James Sinclair (retained)
Pioneer Fleet - Kate O’Neill (retained)
Meridian Fleet - Steven Sigle (retained)
Black Fleet - Christopher Bennett (appointed)
Infinite Fleet - Krys McLean (retained)

Academy Commandant - Kat Dedul (retained)
Personnel Director - Daniel Lerner (retained)
Engineering Director - Philip Graham (retained)
Gamemaster Director - Geoffrey Joosten (appointed)

Thank you to those that are no longer serving in this Cabinet, your contribution is greatly appreciated and all of us who have held these roles know how much time it can take and how it can often be a thankless task. Thank you for your time and skill, and dedication to contributing to this club.

Congratulations to those that have been selected to take on these roles, and thank you to all who applied for taking the time to volunteer to work alongside us this Term. I am excited to have some new people take on FComm roles and I am pleased we have a good grounding of experience throughout.

Members of the new Cabinet, please announce your assistants in the next two weeks.

Fleet Admiral David Shotton
14th April 2019

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