Edict #4 - Appointing Krys McLean as our new Community Marketing Manager

David Shotton

Part of: Presidential Edict Archive / David Shotton

“What you plan and what takes place ain’t ever exactly been similar.”
*Jayne Cobb

Recently Linds stepped down from her very active role as Community Marketing Manager, and one of the things that I have perhaps been discussing the most so far during this early stage of my Term is who is going to replace her and carry on the vast amount of work she has done. Thank you Linds for your work as CMM.

Very happily I have found that the enthusiasm for this role and the possibilities it brings to the Club have been picked up by a number of people, if not in terms of wanting to step in, take it by the horns and ride it rodeo-style then as very energetic hat wavers from the side lines. Clown makeup optional.

One person stood out as having an undeniable excitement and passion for this task. I have spent a long time in discussions with that person going back and forth with what exactly we want to achieve as a Team and as a Club, and how we are going to make those goals get shiny.

I am appointing Krys McLean as our new Community Marketing Manager, and presenting her with her own set of rodeo gloves, just in case. Well okay, they are just gardening gloves I found in the back shed as Adam has yet to return the key to the STF petty cash tin. He did leave me a signed copy of his Autobiography “How to Become Dictator For Life,” though, you can have that too!

Fleet Admiral David Shotton
14th April 2019

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