Jayne: Testing. Testing, Captain, can you hear me?
Mal: I’m standing right here.
Jayne: You’re coming through good and loud.
Mal: ‘Cause I’m standing right here.
With Taz stepping down from the position of Commanding Officer of Starbase Magellan, that has left a large hole to fill. After a bit of a search and the recommendation of the Fleet Commander, Infinite Fleet, I happily appoint Jim Watkin as her new Commanding Officer. As a former two term aFcomm of the Infinite Fleet, Jim has some knowledge of the Magellan.
Jim has previously been the CO of the Asimov and the Atlantis, so no promotion is needed. Congratulations Jim! It’s about time you made your way back to the centre seat!
Fleet Admiral David Shotton
12th June 2019
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