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Presidential Edict Archive / Bob Spurlin
Bob Spurlin
Table of Contents
Edict #1 - Cabinet announced
Edict #2 - NMC Edict amended slightly| Edict Bourdaa #32 on Academy ships amended
Edict #3 - USS Kestrel moves to Fleet 6| Jaret Hargreaves promoted to Captain and given command of USS Trinitron|Steve Ashton promoted to Captain and given command of USS Seraph
Edict #4 - GM regulations adopted
Edict #5 - Owen Ascroft appointed GMDir| Nikolle Burchett appointed FComm-5| Nikolle Burchett appointed CO of USS Genesis|Ginger Johnson promoted to captain and given command of USS Mongomery
Edict #6 - Deanne Morgan demoted to Captain and banned from serving in the Cabinet or Command and an IRC Operator
Edict #7 - Clause banning Deanne Morgan from Command or IRC Operator rescinded
Edict #8 - Greg Hertszch promoted to Commodore| Nikolle Burchett promoted to Captain| Alan Felts promoted to FLeet Captain| Seamus Hughes promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #9 - Bob Spurlin demoted to Ensign
Edict #10 - Alan Felts appointed Academy Commandant| Sinead Doyal appointed XO of USS Challenger
Edict #11 - Approval of STF-AT treaty
Edict #12 - USS Arleigh Burke commissioned and command given to Mike Bowman
Edict #13 - Jim Armstron removed from command of USS Olympic| Nathan Miller removed from command of USS Titania|Stuart Coll promoted to Captain and given command of USS Olympic| Mohammed Younis promoted to Captain and given command of USS Titania
Edict #14 - Jason Becker removed from command of USS Brandywine| John Anglin promoted to Captain and given command of USS Brandywine| Ammendment to edicts Bourdaa #31 and #32
Edict #15 - Randy McCullick appointed command of USS Ark Angel| Mark Wilson appointed FComm-1
Edict #16 - VP Wyers directed to assemble commitee to write Constitution for STF| Larry Garfield promoted to Commodore| James Speck promoted to Fleet Captain
Edict #17 - Edict 11 repealed| Sinead Dowle promoted to captain and given command of USS Apache
Edict #18 - Randy McCullick removed from command of USS Ark Angel| Greg Hertzsch transfered to USS Ark Angel| Adam StClair reinstated as CO of USS Dresden| Elana Rubin promoted to captain and given command of USS Pict
Edict #19 - USS Ogawa commissioned| Deanne Morgan Ashton appointed CO of USS Ogawa
Edict #20 - USS Aries commissioned| Cordell Garrett promoted to Captain and given command of USS Aries
Edict #21 - Colin Wyers promoted to Admiral| Nikolle Burchett promoted to Commodore
Edict #22 - Stuart Coll appointed GameMaster Director
Edict #23 - Nick Lackie promoted to captain and given command of USS Bradywine
Edict #24 - Bob Spurlin resigns and VP Colin Wyers suceedes to President
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