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Presidential Edict Archive / Dave Wonderly
Dave Wonderly
Table of Contents
Edict #1 - Jack Dipper promoted to Vice Admiral
Edict #2 - President Wonderly announces his cabinet
Edict #3 - Amanda Noon banned from cabinet service during Wonderly administration|TJ Morgan demoted to Commander for 60 days
Edict #4 - Brian Richards appointed CO, USS Columbia
Edict #5 - Matthew Kleinman promoted to Captain and appointed CO, USS Lexington
Edict #6 - Joe P. promoted to Captain and appointed CO, USS Europa
Edict #7 - Jason Duncan promoted to Captain and appointed CO, USS Curie
Edict #8 - USS Apollo is hereby recommissioned as the USS Endeavour
Edict #9 - Lloyd Hibdon is assigned CO of the USS Discovery
Edict #10 - Kendra Kerr is appointed to CO of the USS Atlantis
Edict #11 - Brian Richards appointed as Commander, Fleet 6
Edict #12 - Lindsay Bayes is hereby appointed as Personnel Director
Edict #13 - TJ Morgan is hereby promoted back the rank of Captain and is retained as CO of the SS Bonaventure
Edict #14 - Larry Garfield is hereby appointed as Librarian.
Edict #15 - Matthew Kleinman appointer as Commander, Fleet 3
Edict #16 - William Kappler is banned from STF for a period of six months
Edict #17 - Ty Napier is appointed Commanding Officer CO of the USS Columbia.
Edict #18 - Harley Cartee is appointed as Commanding Officer of the USS Montgomery
Edict #19 - Mary Church promote to the rank of Captain and assigned to the USS Resolution
Edict #20 - ban liften on Amanda Noon
Edict #21 - Nick Villarreal is hereby promoted to the rank of Captain and assigned the USS Ark Angel.
Edict #22 - USS Ark Angel re-christened as Mjolnir class USS Ark Angel, NCC-2014-D
Edict #23 - TJ Morgan permanently banned from STF
Edict #24 - Sam Bibb demoted to the rank of Ensign
Edict #25 - Dean Inglis is hereby promoted to the rank of Captain and assigned the USS Rogue
Edict #26 - Lloyd Hibdon is hereby appointed as CO of the SS Bonaventure
Edict #27 - Sy Silvester is hereby appointed as Commander, Fleet 6
Edict #28 - Tom Hillman is hereby appointed as CO of the USS Asimov
Edict #29 - Joe P is hereby appointed CO of the USS Columbia
Edict #30 - Wail Qasim is hereby appointed Internet Director
Edict #31 - Rob Archer is hereby appointed Engineering Director
Edict #32 - Jen Herr is hereby appointed CO of the USS Challenger.
Edict #33 - Bob Spicer is hereby appointed as Commander, Fleet 4.
Edict #34 - Kendra Kerr is hereby appointed Commander, Fleet 6.
Edict #35 - D Grisham is hereby appointed CO of the USS Crusader.
Edict #36 - David Wonderly is appointed CO of Starbase 202.
Edict #37 - James Harrison is promoted to Captain and is appointed CO of USS Draco
Edict #38 - USS Columbia is decommissioned.
Edict #39 - Joe P is hereby appointed CO of the USS Challenger.
Edict #40 - Dean Inglis is apponted Commander, Fleet 1.
Edict #41 - David Wonderly is named Election Coordinator.
Edict #42 - USS Rogue is decommissioned, Dean Inglis is appointed CO Outpost 45.
Edict #43 - Rob Archer is appointed CO of USS Ogawa.
Edict #44 - Russell Watt is appointed Governor, Oed V.
Edict #45 - Krys McLean is appointed as Assistant Election Coordinator.
Edict #46 - Jacob Seime is promoted to Captain, appointed CO of USS Vanguard.
Edict #47 - Brian Richards is appointed CO of USS Resolution.
Edict #48 - USS Curie is decommissioned.
Edict #49 - Lindsay Bayes promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #50 - Steven Sigle promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #51 - Michelle Higdon promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #52 - Tyra Schroll promoted to Fleet Captain.
Edict #53 - Steve Johnson promoted to Commodore.
Edict #54 - Jen Herr promoted to Rear Admiral.
Edict #55 - Krys McLean promoted to Rear Admiral.
Edict #56 - Thanks to Matthew Kleinman, Kendra Kerr, Russ Watt, Rob Archer, and everybody.
Edict #57 - Special thanks to Larry Garfield
Bill #1 - Clarification of Powers of a Commanding Officer in FCOMM
Bill #2 - Governing Rules About Violations, Investigations, and Tier Sorting
Bill #3 - Decommissioning of the MAC Ship
Bill #4 - Changes to PDICT
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