If you click on the name of a Fleet in the Fleets menu, a new page will appear. We call this page the Fleet MOTD or Message Of The Day. It contains a myriad of information on the fleet in question, including individual fleet policies and information on the fleet command staff.
To navigate to an individual ship, hover over the appropriate Fleet and click or tap the name of the ship. This will then load the Ship MOTD. Each ship’s MOTD is unique and customized by that ship’s command staff, but each will contain information about the crew, the current sim, ship news like promotions and new crew members, and more. Below the MOTD is the ship’s crew roster.
Within the crew roster, Character and user names are highlighted to allow you to access information that may be available for that character and user.
Directly above the crew roster are the buttons with actions you can take: Read Posts, Start New Thread, and RSS Feed.
Fig. 1: Ship Crew Roster
Clicking Start New Thread will bring you to the New Post screen, where you can write a new post starting a brand new thread. At the top is the Topic field - it is usually a good idea to start your topic with whether this is a Main Sim thread or a Side Sim, followed by a location and a subject. A good example might be “Main Sim - Shuttle Bay: Investigating the Plasma Marks.” Sometimes a location isn’t necessary, but it helps to keep everyone informed.
Fig. 2: New Post Screen
The Character dropdown lets you select which character you want to submit this post as - in most circumstances you will only have one character in this list, and it will default to that character.
The Content box is where you write your post. Separate paragraphs with a space between each one. You can use limited Markdown and HTML tags, available using the link below the Content box. You may use the Preview button to see what your post will look like, and continue editing. The Submit button will submit your post to the ship, and it will show up on the list of posts.
The edit toolbar across the top of the Content box will help with Markdown and HTML. Left to right, the buttons are:
Button | Description |
B | Bold |
I | Italics |
U | Underline |
S | Strikethrough |
Unordered list | A bulleted list |
Ordered list | A numbered list |
Link | A hypertext link to another page or site |
Blockquote | A section of blockquoted text |
Table | A table with headers |
Preview | A live as-you-type-preview |
On the ship MOTD, clicking Read Posts will bring you to a list of all posts to the ship in the last 7 days. New posts you have not read will be listed with a red New next to them. If you wish to search in specific topics rather than trolling through an entire page of alternate topics, the “In Topic” section can be used to enter a specific topic title. It will thus display only messages within the specified timeframe under that topic.
On mobile, the post list only nests one level deep. You may see a green icon with arrows - this indicates posts that may be part of a “split thread,” that are child posts of the same post instead of one another. These are usually combined into one thread by later posters by copying and pasting one of the “split” posts.
Fig. 3: Ship Post List
When you select a post, it will appear at the top of the list with a number of options beneath it:
Fig. 4: Post Options
You’ll notice the text in any given post utilises several different colours. This is to distinguish each reply given. To provide these colours, the system automatically generates a series of greater-than signs in each reply to any given post. You should never edit these signs, nor preface a reply with them as it makes the post more difficult to interpret.
To reply to a message, simply click Reply. You will be brought to the same screen as when creating a new post, with the body of the previous messages in the thread in the Content box. You will notice that older messages have the greater-than signs at the start of each line, as mentioned above.
Once you’ve written your post, you have the same preview and submit options available to you.
You have now mastered the basics of posting.
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