“Leaders are problem solvers by talent and temperament, and by choice.”
Harlan Cleveland
Real life happens to us all. Some times we all need to take a LOA or a CO might go AWOL. What happens then?
In a LOA situation you should be able to discuss that with your CO in advance. Discuss what their expectations are…what they want to achieve…and how they want their character handled in their absence. Make sure you are clear as to the limits of your own authority. The CO will have to ratify these decisions when they return. Keep in contact with your CO.
In an AWOL situation you must report the CO to the Fleet Commander (FComm). It will be the FComm’s decision on how to proceed from that point. Discuss the situation with them and their expectations. Once more, make sure that you are clear as to the limit of your authority. You may well be appointed acting CO. Be prepared for command!
In all situations don’t feel cast adrift! The Fleet Commander and the Assistant Fleet Commander (AFComm) are available to discuss any situations or problems. It is better to seek advice than commit to a situation you are not sure of. Follow the chain of command. It is there to protect you and help you.
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