
Part of: STF Academy Textbook / Engineering Course

Submission Instructions

  1. Write out your answers to the questions below.
  2. E-mail them to the course proctor
  3. Be sure to include your full name at the top of the e-mail!
  4. Do not send the original question, just the answers.
  5. Do not send your answers as an attachment. Send them in the body of the e-mail.
  6. Do not use “HTML-enriched” e-mail. It makes it harder to grade.
  7. All answers must be original. Do not simply copy and paste from the lessons.

Modern Science

  1. Scientists generally agree that all matter is at its most fundamental level made up of ______.
    A. Quarks
    B. Energy
    C. Spaghetti with tomato sauce
    D. Protons, neutrons, and electrons
  2. What purpose do mediator particles serve and how do they acomplish it?
  3. If 2 grams of matter and 2 grams of antimatter came in contact, how much energy would be produced? (Calculators are allowed.)

Star Trek Science

  1. The most accurate description of how warp drive works is…
    A. It creates a subspace bubble that makes the ship move into another dimention where physics don’t apply.
    B. It manipulates particles that exist for a fraction of an instant to effectively “swim” through space.
    C. The energy is used to create a gravity well which pulls the ship along.
    D. Paramount says so.
  2. Describe in detail what happens to Riker when Chief O’Brian presses the right buttons.
  3. How are gravitons used to defend a ship?

Role Playing

  1. You are the CE. You have three junior officers. There is currently nothing going on that requires Engineering. What do you do and what do you tell your Engineering junior officers to do?
  2. You are an engineering junior officer, and are on an away mission to another ship. Half the ship isn’t working, and you have to get it working. What sort of things would you try to do, GM permitting?
  3. You look over the specs for your ship, and find that something the crew has done contradicts what the specs say is possible for that class. What do you do? Why?

Ship Design

  1. You have designed a new class of ship designed as a science vessel in uncharted but generally calm space. What is the most appropriate set of numbers for the ship?
    A. Max Warp 9.8, Max Impulse .34c, 14 phaser banks
    B. Max Warp 8.7, Max Impulse .28c, 5 phaser banks
    C. Max Warp 9.8, Max Impulse .19c, 7 phaser banks
    D. Max Warp 9.5, Max Impulse .26c, 2 phaser banks
  2. You are working on a new weapon. In the process, you find that it relies on several technologies that have been supplanted between now and the 24th century. These technologies are basic to the design. The other members of the ED have pointed out this flaw. What do you do? Why?
  3. You’ve examined the Tech Manual and modern physics and seen all the TV shows, and have figured out a way to build a ship that would defeat a Borg cube. Other people have looked at it, and determined that technologically it is fairly sound. Do you propose it in the ED? Why?


  1. You read in one of the novels about a certain technology. You think it is really cool, and integrate it into a design or RPG. Someone complains, stating that something the TNG Tech Manual says makes it invalid. Can you still use the technology? Why?
  2. You have a technology in a design. You do some additional research, and find that the DS9 Tech Manual states that it is impossible. What do you do? Why?
  3. Digging through one of the Tech Manuals, you notice something about some technology that gives you a way out of your current problem in an RPG. You take advantage of it, planning for the ship to be able to use it to win the day. Someone else disagrees with you, stating that they’ve never heard of such a feature in the technology. Are you in the right? Why? If the GM is the person you are arguing against, how do you handle it?

Extra Credit

Design a workable miracle technology that you could “invent” in a few minutes on a ship that would work, be useful, not break any laws, and save the ship.

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