
Matt Evans

Part of: STF Academy Textbook / GM Course

You’re now armed with all the GM theory you’re going to need to get started as a GM, or improve upon your GMing skills. That doesn’t mean there isn’t any more to learn. Even the most experienced GM is still learning. Like life, GMing always changes.

If you’ve paid attention to what was said in this course and if you thought about the advice the other GMs provided, you’re building on a solid foundation. Enjoy the journey. Now go take the exam. The sooner you take it, the sooner you’ll be GMing. Good luck!


Past contributors: Deanne Ashton, Chris Ashley, Steve Ashton, Mike Bourdaa, Stuart Coll, Jeremy Friedman, Larry Garfield, Brian Moss, Sy Silvester, Owen Townes, Moe Younis, Colin Wyers, Sarah Hemenway, Alex Verdusco and Amanda Noon.

Current version rewritten by Krys McLean and Matthew Bernardin with contributions from Gene Gibbs and Lindsay Bayes.

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Version 1.21.10