Non Player Characters

Part of: STF Academy Textbook / Medical Course

Non-Players Characters, or NPCs as they are referred to in STF (also referred to as NEs [Nameless Ensigns]) are probably as important to a medical character as the equipment and medicine they use. How do they work? You ask.

If you look at Star Trek, there are more people on the ship/station than the six or so main characters. What you’re doing by creating a NPC is making a character that only has a bit part in the sim, like the extras on the set.

You don’t create the character as a 2nd character on a ship; you create it to interact with your character or somebody else character who needs the medical department. For example, if the ship you are on is a bit lacking in the med dept (a CMO and a Med-1 only), and both of these are on an away mission, that leaves the sickbay unattended should people need it. What you or the CMO should do is have a NPC tending sickbay till one of you returns.

As another example you have been given a task to do, but you, as most Doctors in hospitals would, have a nurse or medic assist you. Yes, you could have the med-2 assist, but that would slow the R-P down waiting for the posts. An alternative is to create a NPC Nurse or Medic to assist, and you R-P the character.

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