The Modern Navy Plan (MNP) is a standardization and categorization of the available primary equipment and machinery types that are attributed to starship and space frame construction. To that end, there are three axioms that designers and Department staff should follow while drafting or evaluating a new specification. These axioms can be readily found in the Milwaukee Plan.
Each of these axioms is further defined by the specific mission profile for which the ship is designed for. A Science Vessel will by definition have more scientific equipment then a Combat Vessel. A Combat Vessel, meanwhile, would by definition have more weaponry and shielding then an Exploration Vessel of the same size. The Light-Medium-Heavy classification is a further extension of the Science-Exploration-Combat trinity. It should also be noted that starship systems, ANY starship systems, take up valuable computer power, energy resources, and space frame volume. This is why there is a trade off between one ship’s systems for a more (or lesser) capable system. In general, the more powerful the system, the more resources and equipment allocated to operate that system.
Within the Ship Equipment Classification Charts below, there are usually three entries for a given equipment type. The “lighter” equipment may be used by a Light starship, while heavier equipment might be attributed to a heavier starship of a similar mission profile and specification. The only exceptions to this rule are the warp cores. A Light vessel which is built for speed may employ the larger warp core, only at the cost of lighter, less capable supporting systems. Interpretation of what equipment is appropriate for a given design is subject to the designer and the Engineering Department at time of certification.
For instance, a Light Observer might be able to employ a Type-X shield system (which is usually used in larger ship designs such as the Dreadnought), but ONLY after a severe reduction in warp core, sensors, phasers, and torpedo capabilities.
Ship Type | Sensors | Warp Core | Shields | Phasers | Torpedoes |
Observer | Type 6-8 | Class 3-7 | Type 5-7 | Type 4-8 | Type 4-5 |
Surveyor | Type 7-9 | Class 4-8 | Type 6-8 | Type 5-8 | Type 4-5 |
Researcher | Type 8-10 | Class 5-9 | Type 7-9 | Type 6-8 | Type 4-6 |
Ship Type | Sensors | Warp Core | Shields | Phasers | Torpedoes |
Frigate | Type 4-7 | Class 4-8 | Type 6-8 | Type 7-10 | Type 1-4 |
Cruiser | Type 5-8 | Class 5-9 | Type 7-9 | Type 7-10 | Type 2-5 |
Explorer | Type 6-10 | Class 6-10 | Type 8-11 | Type 7-10 | Type 2-6 |
Ship Type | Sensors | Warp Core | Shields | Phasers | Torpedoes |
Destroyer | Type 4-7 | Class 4-8 | Type 8-10 | Type 8-10 | Type 2-4 |
Battle Cruiser | Type 5-9 | Class 5-9 | Type 9-11 | Type 8-11 | Type 2-6 |
Dreadnaught | Type 6-10 | Class 6-10 | Type 10-12 | Type 8-12 | Type 3-7 |
Ship Type | Sensors | Warp Core | Shields | Phasers | Torpedoes |
Shuttlecraft | Type 1-2 | Class 1-5 (Aux Only) | Type 2-3 | Type 5 | Type 1 (Micro, If Any) |
General Purpose Starship / Runabout | Type 2-5 | Class 1-3 (Starship) | Type 2-4 | Type 5-6 | Type 1-3 (Micro) |
Fighter | Type 2-4 | Class 1-2 (Starship) | Type 3-4 | Type 5-6 | Type 1-2 (Micro) |
Bomber | Type 2-3 | Class 1-2 (Starship) | Type 3-4 | Type 5 | Type 2-3 (Micro) |
Below is a listing that better defines the capabilities and restrictions identified with a given equipment type and classification.
Sensors are equipment that allow a starship to ‘see’ around itself. They are often arranged in grouped palletes in strategic areas around a ship or installations exterior hull.
Sensor Type | Range Hi-Resolution (ly) | Range Low-Resolution (ly) | Designation |
Type-XIII | 11.325 | 45.3 | Starbase |
Type-XII | 10.55 | 35.0 | Outpost / Starbase |
Type-XI | 9.34 | 25.0 | Outpost / Starbase |
Type-X | 5 | 17.0 | Outpost / Starship |
Type-IX | 4.34 | 15.0 | Starship |
Type-VIII | 3.72 | 13.0 | Starship |
Type-VII | 3.11 | 11.0 | Starship |
Type-VI | 2.6 | 8.4 | Starship |
Type-V | 2.14 | 7.0 | Starship |
Type-IV | 1.53 | 5.0 | Starship |
Type-III | 1.0 | 2.4 | Auxiliary |
Type-II | 0.7 | 1.2 | Auxiliary |
Type-I | 0.5 | 1.0 | Auxiliary |
These are your standard starship grade warp cores, they provide long term power supply and faster then light travel for all starships.
Warp Core Type | Cochrane Rating | Cruising Speed | Max Sustainable |
Max Velocity (12 hours) |
Emergency Speed | Classification |
Class-10 | 7,912+ | Warp 7.0 | Warp 9.9 | Warp 9.99 | Warp 9.995 | Starship |
Class-9 | 3,053+ | Warp 7.0 | Warp 9.6 | Warp 9.975 | Warp 9.985 | Starship |
Class-8 | 1,909+ | Warp 6.0 | Warp 9.2 | Warp 9.6 | Warp 9.8 | Starship |
Class-7 | 1,649+ | Warp 6.0 | Warp 9.0 | Warp 9.2 | Warp 9.5 | Starship |
Class-6 | 1,516+ | Warp 6.0 | Warp 8.0 | Warp 9.0 | Warp 9.4 | Starship |
Class-5 | 1,024+ | Warp 5.0 | Warp 7.0 | Warp 8.0 | Warp 8.5 | Starship |
Class-4 | 656+ | Warp 4.0 | Warp 6.0 | Warp 7.0 | Warp 7.6 | Starship |
Class-3 | 392+ | Warp 3.0 | Warp 5.0 | Warp 6.0 | Warp 6.7 | Starship |
Class-2 | 215+ | Warp 2.0 | Warp 4.0 | Warp 5.0 | Warp 5.8 | Starship |
Class-1 | 102+ | Warp 1.0 | Warp 3.0 | Warp 4.0 | Warp 4.9 | Starship |
These warp cores are optional additions for shuttlecraft that need to make use of short term missions that require faster then light movement.
Warp Core Type | Milli-Cochrane Rating | Cruising Speed (48 Hours) | Max Sustainable (48 Hours) |
Class-5 | 20,000+ | Warp 2.45 | Warp 3.0 |
Class-4 | 10,000+ | Warp 2.0 | Warp 2.45 |
Class-3 | 5,000+ | Warp 1.6 | Warp 2.0 |
Class-2 | 2,500+ | Warp 1.3 | Warp 1.6 |
Class-1 | 1,250+ | Warp 1.0 | Warp 1.3 |
Shields are a protective bubble or layering across a hull that protect the ship from physical or energy based impacts. Their emitters are usually arranged in a cluster group along the ship or installations external hull.
Shield Type | Max Graviton Load (MW) | Max Dissipation Rate (kW) | Designation |
Type-16 | 8,064 | 2.2 x 10^6 | Starbase |
Type-15 | 6,048 | 1.64 x 10^6 | Outpost / Starbase |
Type-14 | 4,704 | 1.3 x 10^6 | Outpost / Starbase |
Type-13 | 3,360 | 9.13 x 10^5 | Outpost / Starbase |
Type-12 | 2,688 | 7.3 x 10^5 | Outpost / Starship |
Type-11 | 2,419 | 6.57 x 10^5 | Starship |
Type-10 | 2,150 | 5.84 x 10^5 | Starship |
Type-9 | 1,881 | 5.11 x 10^5 | Starship |
Type-8 | 1,612 | 4.38 x 10^5 | Starship |
Type-7 | 1,344 | 3.65 x 10^5 | Starship |
Type-6 | 1,075 | 2.92 x 10^5 | Starship |
Type-5 | 806 | 2.19 x 10^5 | Starship |
Type-4 | 537 | 1.46 x 10^5 | Auxiliary |
Type-3 | 268 | 7.3 x 10^4 | Auxiliary |
Type-2 | 134 | 3.6 x 10^4 | Auxiliary |
Type-1 | 80 | 2.2 x 10^4 | Containment Field (personal) |
Hull armor are optional additions to certain designs to add an extra layer of protection to a ship against weapons fire and other forms of physical impact.
Ship Type | Armor Type | Max Density |
Science | Duranium sheet with ceramic plastics | 2.5cm |
Exploration | High density Duranium alloy and plastics with composite plastic sheets | 5.0cm |
Combat | Ablative armor with structural alloys | 10.0cm |
Phaser Type | Max Energy Output (MW) | Effective Range (km) | Designation |
Type-13 | 10.3 | 375,000 | Starbase |
Type-12 | 7.7 | 350,000 | Starbase/Outpost/Starship |
Type-11 | 6.4 | 325,000 | Outpost/Starship |
Type-10 | 5.1 | 300,000 | Starship |
Type-9 | 3.8 | 225,000 | Starship |
Type-8 | 2.6 | 150,000 | Starship |
Type-7 | 1.3 | 75,000 | Starship |
Type-6 | 0.6 | 35,000 | Starship/Auxiliary |
Type-5 | 0.3 | 18,750 | Auxiliary |
Science Ship Type | Max Arrays/Banks |
Observer | 8 |
Surveyor | 10 |
Researcher | 12 |
Note: Each array is limited to no more then 150 emitters per array or two per bank
Exploration Ship Type | Max Arrays/Banks |
Frigate | 10 |
Cruiser | 12 |
Explorer | 14 |
Note: Each array is limited to no more then 200 emitters per array or three per bank
Combat Ship Type | Max Arrays/Banks |
Destroyer | 12 |
Battle Cruiser | 16 |
Dreadnought | 20 |
Note: Each array is limited to no more then 250 emitters per array or four per bank
Note: Only combat craft can use pulse phaser cannons for starships.
Auxilary Craft Type | Max Arrays/Banks |
Shuttlecraft | 2 |
General Purpose Starship / Runabout | 6 |
Fighters/Bombers | 4 |
Note: Each array is limited to no more then 25 emitters per array or one per bank
Note: Only fighters/bombers can make use of the pulse phaser cannon for Aux ships.
Outpost/Starbase Type | Max Arrays/Banks |
Outpost | 12 |
Medium Starbase | 30 |
Large Starbase | 50 |
Note: Each array is limited to no more then 300 emitters per array or five per bank
Note: A Medium starbase would be for example like Deep Space Nine; a large starbase would be like Earth Spacedock.
There are two basic type of ship born phaser weapons systems. One is the older, yet still prevalent phaser bank, the other is the modern phaser array.
A phaser bank is usualy a group of from one to five phaser emitters housed in a hull mounted barbette. The emitters are mounted in such a way as to provide a wide field of fire. Often times, this weapon system employs a dual power source. One is stored energy with a fusion generator for recharging, the other source is tied directly into the ship’s impulse and warp drive systems. Although this arrangement is limiting in power and over all weapons coverage, it is simpler to maintain and operate. To increase the over all weapons coverage, several phaser banks can be mounted in key places along the hull. Another drawback to the older phaser bank design is the extended time sequence for targeting and aquisition. Each phaser bank has machinery that physically positions the emitters with in the bank to fire in the desired direction. Because of the laws of physics, the machinery with in the phaser bank mount is incapable of successfully tracking and aquiring targets that are traveling at near relativistic speeds in relation to the ship. It should also be noted that the machinery needed to position and focus the phaser emitter is bulky and can take up quite a lot of internal volume inside the space frame.
A phaser array, also called an emitter strip is a combination of multitudes of phaser emitters aranged in a single “strip” By itself, a single emitter has a severely limited field of fire. But by combining the emitters in a linear “strip” along the hull, it becomes part of a very capable and powerful weapons system. As the target passes the ship, the ship’s computer automatically assigns the appropriate emitter to fire when the command to engage is given. Although this arrangement can take up an inordinate amount of surface area along the ship’s hull, it severely decreases the time interval for a ship to acquire and lock it’s weapons onto the target. Because modern starships have several redundant power generation and storage systems, energy for the phaser weapons can be transferred from any available system, thus reducing the need for specialized energy generation and storage equipment specifically detailed to the normal operation of the phaser weapons system. In layman’s terms, the more emitters built into a given phaser strip, the quicker the firing rate, the more accurate the shot, and the wider the range of fire. Keeping this in mind, it should be noted that the more powerful the phaser system, the larger and more complex the design of the emitter used. Although this system lacks the bulky machinery that the phaser bank employs, it should be noted that the array has an increased need for computer and power support.
Torpedo Type | Max Range (km) | Designation |
Quantum Torpedo | 3,500,000 | Starship/Outpost/Starbase |
Standard Photon Torpedo | 3,500,000 | Starship/Outpost/Starbase |
Standard Probe | Varies With Equipment Payload | Starship/Outpost/Starbase |
Micro Quantum/Photon Torpedo and Micro Probe | 175,000 | Starship/All Auxilary Craft |
Mini Probe | 75,000 | Starship/All Auxilary Craft |
Casing Designation Notes
Quantum Torpedoes, Photon Torpedoes, and standard probes make use of the same casing and launching mechanisms, as such they do not require specalized launching devices.
Micro Torpedoes/Probes however make use of microized casings and launching systems, in these cases any starship that would support these would require specalized micro launching systems.
Mini probes also make use of a special mini casing and launching system, as such any starships would also need these same systems.
Launcher Type | Firing Rate (per torpedo) | Reload Time (in seconds) |
Standard Fire | ||
Type-1 | 1 | 8 |
Type-2 | 1 | 4 |
Type-3 | 2 | 4 |
Note: Standard Fire launchers fire torpedoes/probes in slow single or double shots. They are the the most simple designed and operated launching mechanisms in use around the Federation. | ||
Burst Fire | ||
Type-4 | 5 | 10 |
Type-5 | 10 | 10 |
Type-6 | 12 | 8 |
Note: Burst Fire launchers fire torpedoes/probes in cluster groups that then spread out, they allow a starship, outpost, or starbase to fire a large group of torpedoes/probes in one mighty burst. However, this design style means that they are vulnerable to damage during combat. They make use of a balanced mix of machinery between the Standard and Rapid fire launchers. | ||
Rapid Fire | ||
Type-7 | 4 | 4 |
Type-8 | 1 (per second) | Continuous (while fed) |
Note: Rapid Fire launchers fire torpedoes/probes at a high rate of speed, as such they require the most complicated machinery to use and function. As such they are only operable on Dreadnoughts that sacrifice other areas for the room, as well as Outposts and Starbases which have the space design needs to support their systems. |
Vessel Type | Max Launchers | Max Casings | Notes |
Shuttlecraft | 1 | 12 | Micro torpedoes/probes only |
General Purpose Starship / Runabout | 4 | 48 | Micro torpedoes/probes only, can mount 4 full sized photon/quantum torpedoes externally in special cases if design is allowed. |
Fighter/Bomber | 2 | 24 | Micro torpedoes/probes only, can mount 4 full sized photon/quantum torpedoes externally in special cases if design is allowed. |
Vessel Type | Max Launchers | Max Casings |
Observer | 2 | 50 |
Surveyor | 4 | 100 |
Researcher | 6 (or 2 burst fire) | 200 |
Note: 1/2 of all casings on science vessels are reserved for use as scientific probes. Science vessels may not make use of any turreted or quantum torpedo systems. |
Vessel Type | Max Launchers | Max Casings |
Frigate | 4 | 75 |
Cruiser | 6 | 150 |
Explorer | 6 (or 4 burst fire) | 350 |
Note: 1/4 of all casings on exploration vessels are reserved for use as scientific probes. Cruiser and Explorer types may make limited use of quantum torpedo systems. |
Vessel Type | Max Launchers | Max Casings |
Destroyer | 6 (or 2 burst fire) | 100 |
Battle Cruiser | 8 (or 4 burst fire) | 300 |
Dreadnought | 12 (or 6 burst fire) | 500 |
Note: 25 casings must be reserved for probe use. Combat ships may make general use of turreted and quantum torpedo systems. |
Base Type | Max Launchers | Max Casings |
Outpost | 6 (or 3 burst/rapid fire) | 2,500 |
Medium Starbase | 12 (or 6 burst/rapid fire) | 5,000 |
Large Starbase | 24 (or 12 burst/rapid fire) | 7,500 |
Note: 50 casings must be reserved for probe use. Outposts/Starbases may make general use of turreted and quantum torpedo systems. |
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